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Chapter 159

Chapter 159 It’s Over (5k)

"What do you mean, you're not going to play your little game of cultivating the next generation of Supreme Mage?"

Ash looked at Gu Yi in front of him. He did not directly agree or give any other promises, but asked and laughed at Gu Yi.

After all, Strange can see 140,000,605 endings of their duel with Thanos. The Time Stone is in the hands of the Ancient One, and even occasional observations are enough to calculate any changes in the trajectory of the world.

Didn’t you see that in Avengers 4, in just a few words, Ancient One agreed to Hulk Banner’s request.

If you compare this matter to someone coming to ask for your house's real estate certificate, saying that I can borrow it, stamp it, wipe it clean and return it after using it, no normal person should be allowed to jump around and curse.

However, in those few words, if Gu Yi really dared to agree, wouldn't she go and observe the future of this plot?

In response to Ash's taunt, Ancient One didn't say much. He condensed the seal with his hands and opened the Eye of Agamotto on his chest.

"King Xin, this is the time gem. It can be regarded as my certificate of submission."

Under the spell cast by Ancient One, the Time Stone slowly floated towards Ash.

Ash really couldn't understand this operation.

Ash did not understand the conversation between Obeck and the Ancient One, and did not know about the distortion of the Time Stone. And Obeck, a teacher who was quick in action but slow in speech, did not inform Ash of the matter.

So much so that Ash now has no idea what Ancient One meant.

The gem was floating in front of Ash, and Ash had no intention of taking it. What if Gu Yi solidified some strange spell on the gem?

Ash just stared at Gu Yi cautiously, and the dragon bell in his hand had already begun to condense the sunlight gun.

Seeing how careful Ash was, Gu Yi sighed and said, "In this case, I will find time to officially hand over the gem to you, under the witness of Obeck, how about that?"

Ash nodded and agreed to Ancient One's plan. When it comes to magic, Ash will always trust his teacher Obeck.

According to Ancient One's idea, give the gem to Ash, so that the responsibility of protecting the world will be transferred to Ash, and she can retire.

And according to Gu Yi's careful thinking, after joining the Black Soul World, he doesn't have to worry about Dormammu and other creditors collecting debts, and if he switches to other magics, he doesn't have to worry about Emperor Weishan's debts.

The original plan was to open a gap for Ash to agree. The king's response made other people under him hold their noses and admit it even if they disagreed.

But he didn't expect Obeck to care for his disciple so much. He didn't tell Ash about Ancient One's plan at all, and completely blocked it on his own.

And because Dragon Academy is now under the control of Obeck, there is no exchange plan with Kathmandu yet.

Gu Yi's plan completely failed due to Obeck's caution and Ash's vigilance.

After taking back the gem and sealing it again in the Eye of Agamotto, Ancient One said: "In this case, King Xin, I will try to discuss this matter with Obeck, and I hope you can agree."

"I will not hinder Mr. Obeck's ideas. You still need to discuss it with him yourself."

Who doesn't know how to kick the ball? Ash still gave Obeck the decision-making power on this matter, and considering that there are still sisters Yulia in the Dragon Academy, Gu Yi will not have any advantage in the negotiations.

"Then, I'll leave first. I wish you a happy day, King Xin."

The portal opened from behind Gu Yi, and Gu Yi turned around and entered the portal.

Ancient One left, the mirror space was lifted, and this matter was finally over. Ash lay on the recliner, reviewing the conversation just now.

Thinking about Gu Yi's constant rhetoric to get Ash to agree to her request, Ash felt more and more that something was wrong.

"Tell Teacher Obeck about this and ask him to be careful of Ancient One."

Ash spoke to the empty place next to him, and then the crows quacked.

Belja's followers are able to travel through time and space and bring information to Obeck.

Just as Ash put on his sunglasses again and was about to take advantage of the approaching sunset to enjoy the beautiful scenery, several helicopters crossed the skyline in the distance and flew towards here.

In order not to be disturbed by the noise of the helicopter, Ash even cast a soundproofing spell on himself.

But the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop. Under the leadership of Agave, Ginger quickly found Ash.

Handing the tablet to Ash, and seeing the helpless expression on Ash's face, Jiang Zhi could only say businesslikely: "Ash, someone claiming to be a ghost has sent a message to you, looking for you."

After connecting the communication on the tablet, Ash put on a poker face and said: "This is Ash's virtual image. If you need help, please press 1. If you need medical assistance, please dial 911. If you need to leave a message, please leave a message after the beep."

Talk. Di~"

As Ash said these words, one could feel the ghost's helplessness through the mask.

The ghost in the video covered his face and said: "Ash, what I connected to is the communication of the private defense network, not your private phone!"

"Really? I'm not here!"

"I've seen you on airborne radar!"

After Ghost finished speaking, the helicopter landed in front of Ash. A small group of armed men were about to get off the plane when they were stopped by Ghost.

Only Ghost got off the helicopter and came to Ash.

"Ash, we're in big trouble!"

Hearing what the ghost said, Ash took the drink next to him, took a sip and said, "You learned this tone from MacTavish, right? Why don't you learn something better!"

"It's true!"

The ghost kept emphasizing, but because there were tequila and ginger juice nearby, he didn't say much.

Looking at Ginger Juice and Tequila defensively, Ghost's hand never left the holster, always ready to kill the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Ash returned the tablet to Ginger and motioned for them to leave.

After the two left, the ghost couldn't wait to say: "The Pentagon Building is preparing to start screening the military, requiring everyone to take DNA samples. This order came too fast, and General Ross and Sheffield were completely

There is no preparation."

As soon as the ghost's words came out, Ash felt something was wrong. He hurriedly asked: "Wait a minute, what preparations do you want? What are you going to do?"

The ghost said in the lowest voice he could make: "General Sheffield has prepared a submarine carrying nuclear weapons and is leaving the port. General Ross also has all-weather combat aircraft taking off."

"Holy shit, are these two guys crazy? Trying to tease the Pentagon Building now?"

Ash hurriedly took out his phone and dialed Rose's channel. Seeing Ash's movements, the ghost also began to arrange people to take charge of the defense here. In order to protect Ash, several people even held bulletproof shields to block Ash's


As soon as the call came through, Ash couldn't wait to ask: "General, what do you want to do?"

"The Pentagon is starting to liquidate us, and we can't sit still and wait."

Rose's tone was very calm and low. It seemed that Rose was ready to fight to the death.

"But this matter has nothing to do with us?"

After hearing Ash's words, Ross lost his coldness and asked Ash: "What do you know?"

"I just came back from Switzerland, and it was all because of an alien guy..."

After explaining Valentine's matter to Rose, Ash also discovered that in the intelligence communication, Rose and his group were artificially isolated and became blind.

Perhaps it was the decision of the World Security Council. They wanted to solve all the hidden dangers around them before the intelligence was leaked on a large scale, but this rapid investigation work put Sheffield and Rose's tight strings on their backs.

stand up.

Ross and Sheffield saw this as a reckoning and now took preventive action.

"Ash, you should have said it earlier..."

Rose's tone was a bit resentful. Who could have imagined the reason for this, and Ash couldn't tell them right away.

"I have flown almost 20,000 kilometers in just a short period of time. Give me some time to myself, General."

After hearing Ash's complaint, Ross didn't say anything, nor did he have any objection to Ash not notifying them in advance.

Instead, Ross said with some gloating: "Then you won't have time to spare now!"

"How to say?"

"You have just become the chief officer of a new department. It happens that this department handles this kind of thing. It also happens that you are the person involved. No one is more suitable than you to investigate the whole story."

After hearing Rose's analysis, Ash, who had been lying down, sat up and said unwillingly: "But haven't I already solved it? The World Security Council didn't say anything?"

"That's because they haven't reacted yet. As soon as they think that there is a problem with their own SHIELD, the first task is to investigate the internal situation, but at the same time, they also need someone to assist from the outside.

And you happened to appear in their field of vision, and it was you who found the problem and solved the crisis. Who can be more suitable than you?"

With no worries, Rose gave Ash a clear and logical analysis.

Ash murmured in a low voice: "But I just want to lie down..."

Perhaps after hearing what Ash said, Ross laughed and said, "The next step is up to you. I'll go tell that old guy in Sheffield first. This is also an opportunity..."

Without being able to ask Ross what opportunity he was talking about, Ash looked at the heavily armed personnel around him and could only sigh.

The sunset is finally setting, and the red sun is beginning to prepare for its end on the distant horizon.

Here, a team of elite armed personnel surrounded Ash to protect him. Three hundred meters away, Logan, who was trying to approach, was stopped by Swag holding his waist.

Logan dragged Swager closer to the bottom line of the warning range, getting closer and closer, and Swager's hand touched the weapon at his waist.

When the defender gently pressed his finger on the trigger, Ash finally woke up from his reverie.

Dismissing the defensive state, Ash sent them to the helicopter, leaving only Ghost beside him.

Before Logan arrived, Ash's phone rang again.

When the video was connected, it was the Security Council again. After Ross' prompt, Ash also understood the reason for looking for him.

Sure enough, the five people on the other side were still presiding, but there were a few more people behind them. Ash immediately saw Pierce who couldn't hold his head up after being scolded by the five people.

Who made Pierce the leader of Nick Fury? Since confirming what happened in the Alps, Pierce has fallen under endless scrutiny, scaring Pierce into thinking that Hydra's plan has been exposed.

But Pierce didn't expect that after simply checking whether he was an Earthling, he would be brought in for criticism.

As the five people criticized each other, Pierce also understood the reason for the matter.

'Well, Nick Fury, I was really blind. Why are you more Hydra than our Hydra, so you want to be the king of the world? You even talk to aliens


It is not that there is no information about aliens in Hydra. After all, the god of Hydra comes from the alien hive. In the first period, the branches and main branches of Hydra all sent talents to the hive through the black stone portal.

However, this behavior has been stopped in Hydra in recent years. After all, no one wants to have an extra emperor on their head.

But he didn't expect that Nick Fury would do such a thing and almost succeed. This made Pierce frightened and frightened, fearing that he would have some other relationship with Fury.

Seeing Ash joining the channel, the five people also stopped criticizing and educating Pierce. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Pierce hid in the corner of the conference room.

"Ash, this time I want you to investigate Nick Fury's private base..."

Before the representative finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ash. "I'm just a small department chief. How can I investigate the director of SHIELD? Isn't this the following crime?"

These words caused the five people to frown. After all, the boss gave the task, but the junior didn't take it and complained.

But at this moment, there is no better person to handle this matter. Everyone is anxiously checking whether there are any second or fifth boys in their team.


Just when the representative felt that he had been slighted and ridiculed, and was about to severely reprimand Ash, he was interrupted by five representatives.

"Okay, okay, don't be so angry, tell me Ash, what do you want?"

Representative Ami's friendly expression alleviated the situation just now, but Ash still looked like he was having sex. Maybe this person was just a supporter of the five representatives. Anyone can play the red-faced and white-faced game.

"Request? I just want to sit in the sun and have a good drink, and even have the opportunity to see the beautiful scenery on the beach. Instead of solving the world's crisis here."

Ash's words were the most genuine in the ears of the five people. Since they learned about Valentine, the five people began to review various documents of the participants.

Except for the information about Kingsman and the United States Liquor Industry's agents that was put in front of the five people through some secret channel, the most remaining information was the core of this incident - Ash's various information.

Comparing various previous information, in the opinion of the five people, if Rose and Sheffield hadn't pushed Ash forward behind him, Ash might have stayed in his sacrificial site until his death.

Even General Hawke's past and present reports indicate Ash's character and attitude. As long as it has nothing to do with him, he won't meddle in others' affairs at all.

As for the departmental negotiations in the Pentagon Building, only the negotiators within the military were taking care of it. Ash's greatest contribution was to find a thug. The rest of the time, he relied on

Chair for sleeping.

Such an attitude also makes Ash the most reassuring person in the World Security Council at this moment.

Not paying attention to Ash's complaints, ARMY's representative seemed not to have heard anything and just said to himself: "This is Maria Hill, the executive director of SHIELD, who is responsible for taking over everything Nick Fury does.

Matter. Now I need you to cooperate with her to meet a demon. After all, you are the only one who has the experience and ability in this area."

A capable woman with short brown hair and blue eyes, a fresh and handsome and neutral style, walked out from behind Representative ARMY. She saluted the five representatives with an expressionless face.

"Hill will pass the coordinates to you later, and you need to arrive as soon as possible to carry out the mission."

"Hey, wait, I haven't agreed yet..."

As soon as Representative Ami finished speaking, he canceled the communication with Ash, and did not pay attention to what Ash said after that. Now the five representatives have learned Ross's operation in the report, and they are just explaining their own tasks. Ash will always

Forced to participate.

After putting down the phone, the sunset in the distance also set on the horizon. There was only the lighting provided by the helicopter. Compared with the building lights of the United States Liquor Industry in the distance, it was just an inconspicuous flash among the glory.

Ash sighed and said to Ghost: "Ghost, we are leaving."

The ghost standing nearby naturally heard the World Security Council's mission. After responding to Ash, he went to arrange for the helicopter to warm up the engine.

After receiving the news of their departure, Logan and Swager were also ready.

Logan held a box of tequila stock in his hand, holding the box in one hand, and kept opening the wine with the other and started drinking.

The only representative of the United States Liquor Industry at the scene was Tequila, who came to the side of the house holding a certain cowboy hat and his usual rifle.

Handing the rifle and cowboy hat to Ash, Tequila said with some embarrassment: "Sir, this is for you."

From Tequila's point of view, this former idol saved her life in this operation, and she only had these things in her hand to thank Ash, which was a bit shabby.

However, Ash took it over happily, turned over the cowboy hat and put it on his head. If he added a mask, it would look like Lucatie's original style.

After thinking about his water-splashing shooting skills, Ash returned Tequila's gun.

"Tequila, do you remember what I said? The punishment for mistakes will not be offset by your good behavior. Once the wrong behavior occurs, it has been fixed and cannot be changed."

Ash tactfully told Tequila some truth, maybe only Tequila could understand this.

In the subsequent Golden Circle, Tequila was also hurt by trying bad things. Now Ash's reminder may be able to avoid what happened next.

After all, it's hard to persuade a damned person with good words. As for whether Tequila is willing to listen, it depends on him.

After saying goodbye, Ash, Logan and others boarded the ghost's helicopter.

Looking through the relevant documents sent by the World Security Council, Ash was about to sleep on his tablet when he received the coordinates from Maria Hill.

After dialing the communication channel with Hill, Ash said angrily: "Are you so anxious to prepare to negotiate with a demon at night? And I just saw that you made a deal with it before, has the deal been completed?


Although this is a play directed and performed by Ash, Hill doesn't know the reason for this.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Hill asked curiously.

"Demons are blessed by the environment at night. Who has ever seen a demon who dares to run around arrogantly during the day? They only work at night. As for transactions, for demons, any transaction that violates the deal or is not prepared to fulfill it is theirs.

Favorite, only in this way can they harvest more souls, so I suggest you prepare the content of the previous transaction first, and complete the previous transaction first."

Ash's suggestion is the only option at this moment. For the safety of himself and others, Hill would not force Ash to come over.

After thinking about it again and again, Hill ordered people to surround Fury's secret base that Pierce reported to the World Security Council. If anything happens, we can wait until Ash arrives tomorrow.

"Ghost, let's return to the fire sacrificial site. I want to see my fire prevention girl!"

(End of chapter)

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