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Chapter 162 Press Conference

Chapter 162 Press Conference

After a night, Ash stood up from the fire girl's side feeling refreshed.

Even though it was just a night spent sitting next to the campfire with the fireproof girl as usual, having the fireproof girl's ability to soothe the soul would only make people feel brand new.

When Ash found Stark again, he saw that Stark was still playing with his armor and adjusting the wiring on the mask.

Pepper, on the other hand, was beside Stark, constantly making and answering calls.

Judging from the exhausted looks of the two of them, it was obvious that they had not slept all night.

After forcing herself to open her eyes and yawning, Pepper hung up the phone. After saying hello to Ash, Pepper introduced the current situation to Stark.

"Stan should have gotten the news that we are not dead yet. After he first sent the message to reconvene the shareholders' meeting, he disappeared. No one knew where he went, and other directors were also asking about the reason.

I have temporarily stabilized them and asked you to convene the shareholders' meeting instead. Tony, we don't have much time and we must stabilize the Stark Group's stock price as soon as possible."

Stark held a screwdriver in his mouth and only focused on the work of his men. He put the armor's mask back into place, and looking at the eyes that lit up on the mask, Stark turned around and replied to Pepper.

"Don't worry about other people. The combined share price of Stan and I accounts for 52.8% of the entire Stark Group. I alone account for 47%. No one can take it without my permission."

Go to Stark Group."

"But if Stan draws the rest of the people over, you will lose your absolute controlling interest."

Pepper continued to persuade Stark, trying to make Stark understand the true meaning. However, Stark took Pepper's hands and came up with a brilliant idea.

"Now I want to appoint you as the new CEO of Stark Industries!"

"Wait, Tony...I..."

Pepper was a little speechless when he heard the news. He jumped from Stark's personal assistant to the CEO of Stark Industries. This is also a big surprise for Pepper now.

Stark held Pepper's arms with both hands, looked at her, then hugged Pepper into his arms and said, "You deserve this. Now you need to summon the reporters. I want to hold a press conference."

Pepper was still in a state of surprise, and went to summon reporters as requested by Stark in a daze.

Ash was holding a plate next to him and eating breakfast while looking at Stark and Pepper. It is worth mentioning that since Iris became the butler of the sacrificial site, the arrangements for the three meals a day have been really thoughtful.

Stark also came over and picked his favorite food from Ash's plate and ate it without any ceremony.

"Ash, I need some money."

"You'll need money?"

Ash was confused by Stark's words. The overall wealth of the Stark Group was in the hundreds of billions, and Tony Stark was worth tens of billions. How could he say such a thing?

"The press conference I am waiting for will make Stark Group's stock price drop crazily. I will force Stark's stock price to dive, and then acquire shares privately, at least to achieve absolute control."

Stark's explanation made Ash understand the reason. Stark's worth is determined based on the overall stock price of Stark Group, and his own liquidity only accounts for a small part.

If you want to artificially adjust the stock price, you need to sell the stocks in your hands, forcing the group's wealth to shrink, and then quietly recover it.

In this process, Stark Group's credit system was hit by Stark himself. In addition, cash flow was used to hedge and maintain stability, and there was almost no way to maintain the acquisition.

"How much do you want? What I want to explain is that all my hands are precious metals."

Stark wiped the grease on his hands on the blueprint on the workbench unceremoniously, wrote down a number and said: "I know that Stark Group's banks can borrow funds from financial groups such as Morgan with the help of precious metals. If there is no

For your financial support, I can only use Stark Group’s industrial assets to borrow from these vampires.”

After looking at the numbers on his hand and thinking about the inexhaustible money in Sin City, Ash nodded.

"When do you want it?"

"Before the press conference, I have to prepare the funds to prevent these vampires from raising prices."

"Give me a location, and a group of Lothric knights will escort the funds to the place you designate."

After receiving Ash's reply, Stark wanted to hug Ash, but because of his habit of never touching others, he stretched out his hand and stopped in the air.

Seeing Stark's awkward movements, Ash smiled and said, "Okay, I know your habits, and I don't want to hug other men."

After saying that, Ash turned around and went to arrange the precious metals needed for Stark, leaving Stark alone.


Stark looked at Ash's back and whispered two words, but he didn't know if Ash heard it.

Pepper acted quickly and efficiently, and it didn't take long to arrange everything needed. Someone had even set up a stage for the press conference outside the wall of the altar.

Stark held the phone and heard his bank supervisor reporting to him that there were suddenly too many gold objects in the emptied vault, and he became even more determined.

The grass outside the wall of the sacrificial site was low, and rows of chairs were arranged around the front desk. Gradually, reporters rushed to sit down, trying to grab a better seat.

There was no parking lot arranged. Due to the parking problem, several media outlets had already started physical friendly exchanges in advance. Until they were stopped by Leslie who also came in a hurry.

Within a few minutes, representatives from various media outlets were already seated. Those who could not make it could only say that they were not good enough.

Pepper first showed up as Stark's personal secretary, and then Tony Stark entered.

Everyone applauded to welcome the head of the Stark Group, who was mostly mentioned in the newspapers, to see what he could say.

"Everyone, please sit down so you can see me and I can see you..."

Stark held the host table with both hands, but felt that this was not good, so he turned around and pulled a chair from the side to sit down.

"Everyone, it's great to see you. There are two major announcements today. First, I appointed Pepper Potts as the new CEO of Stark Industries in Stark's name."

As soon as these words came out, they triggered frantic inquiries from reporters. Everyone knew that the current CEO was Obadiah Stane, who had worked for Stark Group for more than 30 years and was hired by Stark.

Personal assistant replaced.

Every reporter stretched out his hand and tried to pass the microphone to the front, but due to venue restrictions, he could only stretch out his hand, trying to get his own chance to ask questions, and some even started asking questions loudly.

'Mr. Stark, what prompted you to make this decision?'

'Mr. Stark, was it Pepper Potts who attracted you with her beauty? According to the data, she has been with you longer than all the cover girls combined.'

'Mr. Stark...'

The reporters' endless questions and flashing lights made it difficult for Stark to open his eyes.

Covering his eyes with one hand and pressing down with the other, Stark signaled the reporters to quiet down.

Stark saw a familiar reporter and gestured to him to ask: "Ben, what do you want to say?"

Ben, who was wearing a black suit and red tie at the front of the venue, asked: "Sir, what is the second decision?"

"It opened my eyes to the fact that I could be a better version of myself for the world and do more for the world and other people than just create explosions," Stark said as he walked back to the host's desk.

Therefore, effective immediately, I will close the weapons production department of Stark Industries until I decide on the future of the company and its direction."

Such a speech shocked the entire audience and made the killers who were originally acting as security guards to maintain order open their mouths.

The reporters were similarly detonated. Each one of them, regardless of the order of the venue, rushed forward and handed the microphone to Stark.

John Smith punched a disobedient guy, pressed his neck with one knee, locked his arms with his hands, and pushed him to the ground.

Hutch, on the other hand, maintained his usual style of not saying much when he could do something. Three or five people around him were already lying down.

Wick, on the other hand, escorted Pepper to the host table to replace Stark who had finished speaking.

With the help of the microphone, Pepper's voice overwhelmed the entire audience.

"We will conduct internal discussions to successfully complete the subsequent transformation of Stark Group, and then inform everyone..."

Stark finally calmed down after sneaking back into the wall. Ash was here watching the farce caused by Stark in the distance.

"What are you going to do now?"

Stark took out his cell phone and showed Ash his plan.

"I have written an algorithm. Jarvis controls all traffic cameras, ATM cameras and even some private cameras. As long as Stan dares to show up, I can find him."

Stark didn't say the next words, and Ash understood without asking what he would do if he found Stan. Naturally, he had to take revenge when he had a grudge, and when he had a grudge, it was his true temperament to be happy and grudge.

However, the two waited for a long time and did not see any reporter leave until Pepper announced the end of the press conference.

Those brave reporters even dared to climb the walls of the sacrificial site and try to climb over the walls to find new news.

It's just that these brave guys were pointed at gunpoint by Jane Smith, and then they were swarmed up by three little guys from Bob's family, tied up with zip ties, and put aside, while Bob was still taking the opportunity to tell the little guys how to deal with them.


These disobedient guys will naturally be dealt with by the police. As for what kind of punishment they will suffer, let them argue with Stark's legal department.

During the morning press conference, people outside did not disperse until noon, and even more people gathered together. Some people had even set up tents outside, preparing for a protracted battle.

Seeing this situation, Stark was also embarrassed. In the past, he would just leave as soon as he said it, and he would not be stained by these bullshit.

"Ash, I..."

"It's okay. Anyway, I have something to do today. If I can't get out, someone will take care of it for me."

Sorry for being so late today. I was really busy. I had an exploratory laparotomy at 2 o'clock. I spent more than four hours just stroking the intestines and cut out nearly 80 centimeters of necrotic intestine.

I hope everyone will pay attention to their health and refrain from retaliatory exercise at home due to the epidemic.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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