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Chapter 165 Humanoid Greed

Chapter 165 The Greedy Man in Human Form

Stark, who was defeated by the man in black, was struggling to climb out of the wall.

The moment Stark was defeated, Ash concentrated his thunder gun and shot at the man in black.

The yellow thunder and lightning drew a bright trace in the air, directly penetrated the man in black and flew into the distance.

Holding another thunder gun in his hand, Ash defended himself against possible attacks and cautiously tested the man in black opposite him.

"Immune? Depleted? Or what?"

Stark, who broke free from the bricks, used observation equipment to scan the man in black at all times and gave the answer: "Ash, he used his speed to avoid the attack. He did not dare to touch your thunder gun."

"You're really naughty, Stark."

This time, the man in black appeared in front of Stark again, leaning against Stark's armor. He stretched out his hand and pinched Stark's visor. The crunching sound of metal foreshadowed Stark's head that was about to explode.

However, Ash's thunder gun followed the figure of the man in black. This time, the man in black still dodged the attack, and the thunder gun hit Stark.

"Sir, the energy supply has reached 300%."

Jarvis's words gave Stark confidence, and Ash's thunder gun actually overloaded the armor.

Stark quickly operated the armor and seized this excellent opportunity and said: "Jarvis, predict and simulate the opponent's actions and prepare to block his range of operations."

However, the man in black, who had attacked Stark twice, returned to the treasure chest in the center and sat down on it.

The two attacks that Stark suffered and Ash's two thunder guns, the attack and defense with the man in black started in an instant, and ended in an instant. When the man in black sat down, the armed men outside the vault raised their guns.

File in.

Instead of rashly surrounding the man in black, he built a defense line based on the door of the vault. The last person who came in took the multi-ton door of the vault with him.

In the vault at this moment, Ash, Stark, Hill and his armed men were in the same team, and the man in black sitting in the center of the room was in the same team.

Only then did he finally have the time to carefully observe the man in black who suddenly appeared.

I saw that he was wearing a black suit, accompanied by a black shirt, without the restraints of a tie, and the style button on the collar was unbuttoned, and the overall style looked a bit free and easy.

The appearance of the suit fit him perfectly, but because he was two meters tall, it did not appear slender, but instead made him look more well-dressed.

When everyone stood still, Ash took off Stark's distorted visor.

Hill stepped forward and tried to talk to the man in black.

"Sir, we are here to find Greedy. We have an unfinished deal with him."

The man in black patted the treasure chest under his butt and said, "Can't you see it?"

Hill did not answer rashly, although according to the hint of the man in black, he is the greedy person himself? But who can say for sure about this kind of thing.

Hill looked back at Ash, hoping to get a positive answer from Ash.

However, Ash shook his head and said: "The strength is too different, I can't be sure."

Hill, who had no hope of seeking help, could only say to the man in black: "Please prove your identity."

"Tsk, tsk, there's really nothing I can do against you."

The man in black sighed, stood up, picked up the treasure box on the ground and put it on his head.

After the treasure box was placed on the head of the man in black, his overall height was more than doubled, and his hands and feet also exceeded their limits and became the slender appearance in the record.

The greedy man opened the lid of the treasure chest with four fingers, revealing the countless sharp fangs and the scarlet tongue in the treasure chest.

Dragging his big tongue, the greedy man said: "Can you confirm it now?"

For such a professional matter, Hill was still waiting for Ash's confirmation. When Ash nodded, Hill was relieved.

If a demon stronger than the Greed appears, they will have no choice but to stay in this vault, and the militia missiles outside will transform this place into a new reservoir.

After proving his identity, Greedy took off the head of his treasure box, put the treasure box upright, shrank back to two meters, leaned against the treasure box and asked, "Is that all right? Prove that I am who I am."

Hill took two suitcases and placed them in front of Greedy.

"This is the doomsday database you want. It contains all the scientific and cultural knowledge that mankind has made public from the 16th century to the year 2000."

The content of the transaction was manipulated. Since the greedy people did not specify the time and content of the information, the people who compiled the information used humanistic knowledge to play a major role in it, and isolated high-tech technology.

This data is stored on silver-halide polyester film, and each frame of each image that can be observed with the naked eye is compressed into approximately 8.8 million microscopic pixels.

The information stored in pictures naturally requires special equipment to read, but this time Hill is only going to hand over to the greedy the films that store the information.

Kicking a suitcase at the greedy man's feet, Hill pretended to be relaxed and said: "Then, our deal is completed."

The greedy man didn't even check the suitcase at his feet. He stretched out his fingers and waved them in front of his face and said, "No, I haven't seen the dancing lady who promised me at the beginning. It's a pity that I specially replaced you humans.

I just want to avoid scaring those young ladies..."

Ever since the Greedy Ones made a deal with the representatives of the World Security Council, they have been looking forward to the arrival of performing artists with both virtue and skill.

But until now, I haven't seen anyone come to dance.

Hill tried to distance himself from the relationship and said: "That was Nick Fury's deal and has nothing to do with us."

The greedy man's eyes stared straight at Hill, without any emotion in them.

"Really? But how do I remember that it was Pierce who brought the people to make a deal with me? This debt is not on Nick Fury's head. Do you want me to go to Pierce to ask for the debt?"

The greedy man stared at what Hill said, which was transmitted to the representatives of the World Security Council via instant messaging. Pierce, who was qualified to watch the scene, was stared at curiously by the people around him.

Being stared at is nothing, Pierce is afraid that greedy people will be unhappy and expose his true identity.

Continuously wiping cold sweat, Pierce said to the five representatives in front: "Directors, my life is on a thin line, don't test it, right?"

Pierce's tense expression of trembling buttocks was not an act. He was really afraid that when he went back at night, a demon would lie on his bed, take off his head and play with it in his hands.

Even if Hydra has mastered advanced technology, no serious person can guarantee that technology can resist magic.

Pierce's embarrassment was clearly displayed among the five representatives. Except for Mao Xiong and Zheng Xian, the other three quickly reached an agreement.

"Trading can be limited, but the bottom line cannot be lost."

Hill listened to the request in the headset and let out a sigh of relief.

"So, Mr. Greedy, what do you want?"

(End of chapter)

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