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Chapter 174 Live {xml}amp; Vampires Without Misery

Chapter 174 Living mouth & Vampire has no misfortune

Logan put the vampire's head back where it should be, and saw that the flesh and blood on the neck began to fuse, and the flesh buds began to intertwine.

Just before he was completely healed, Ash took out a Dutch V40 grenade from the corner of his backpack, pulled out the safety, and stuffed it into the vampire's neck.

The Dutch V40 grenade is the world's smallest grenade explosive, even smaller than a golf ball. It has a 36g charge, a fuse delay of 4 seconds, and an explosion radius of 5 meters.

This grenade was a souvenir found on the battlefield a few years ago. I didn't expect to use it now.

When the vampire's wound was completely healed, a less obvious swelling appeared on his neck.

Stretching out his feet to lift the motionless vampire lying on the ground, Ash said with some dissatisfaction: "Get up, stop pretending to be dead!"

The vampire turned over, got up from the ground, reached out and pressed the bulge on his neck, not daring to make any big movements.

This group of people is obviously a military combat unit. They killed dozens of vampire ghost squads as soon as they met. Now a bomb with the safety removed is put into his neck, and there are soldiers guarding and infantry fighting vehicles beside him.

The muzzle of the gun was also pointed at this place. Even with my vampire physical abilities, I couldn't pretend to be seriously injured and fell to the ground. I could only obey.

"Whose subordinates are you? Didn't the big shots you took refuge in tell you whose territory NY is now!"

The vampire lowered his head knowingly and said angrily: "Our leader is Dickon Frost. He has been asking us to pay tribute during this period. We have no choice but to come out to find the target."

It was already night at this moment, and the lights on the chariot shone from behind Ash, making it difficult for the vampire to see Ash's face and expression clearly. He could only see the steel claws stretched out from the hands of the people next to him with his peripheral vision, and the cold light.

Making his head bow even deeper.

Ash didn't ask any more questions. He waved his hand and asked the soldiers to tie up the vampire and push him down.

Frank's post-mortem treatment over there is almost complete. Although there is no silverware to ignite these vampires, gasoline can be used.

Ever since Ash arrived to take control of the situation, Yiguo put away his weapons and returned to Irina's side.

Alex and Martha were already used to it after experiencing this kind of thing. Martha just lit a lady's cigarette and started puffing away, not knowing what she was thinking.

Alex, on the other hand, discovered Irina's ability and was pestering Irina to ask how to learn the Holy Scripture.

The fire-proof girl was at the center of everyone, but for some reason she was ignored by everyone. Only Ash gave a slight nod to the fire-proof girl.

On the way back, the fire prevention woman was also missing. No one knew when she left. Everyone else followed the convoy back to the control bureau base.

The captured vampire was tied to the hood of the car at the head of the convoy like a prey. In order to prevent a sneak attack by a vampire in the car, and with the bomb around his neck, this was the only way to do it.

On the road at night, only the control bureau's convoy was driving on the road, accompanied by the sound of engines, and only the wails of vampires who were constantly twisting their bodies because of the hood being burned as embellishments.

In the base, Stark looked through the glass at the vampires tied up in a large font in the interrogation room, observing with some confusion.

"Is this really a vampire? I have never seen such a thing before. Even though I have been exposed to a lot of special information recently, this is the first time I have seen a living one."

As he spoke, Stark seemed to have thought of something, turned around and left the observation room, and came back after a while with a military ultraviolet generator.

After playing with the detector, Stark adjusted the parameters of the equipment and then pointed the probe against the glass.

"If there is only one experimental parameter, then start testing from the lowest UV index.

Jarvis, record the experiment number vampire 1, UV index 25 milliwatts per square meter, UV index 1. Test begins."

Stark slowly turned the knob of the device, and the probe emitted ultraviolet microwaves that were invisible to the naked eye, shining on the vampire opposite.

However, the vampire showed no reaction as before.

"Increase intensity, UV index 2."

Turning the knob, Stark increased the intensity of the ultraviolet light. This time, the vampire on the opposite side seemed to feel something and began to twist his body, trying to break free.

"Jarvis, record the experimental data, the UV index is 2, and the experimental subject begins to have physiological reactions."

Although the vampire moved, it did not turn to gray under ultraviolet irradiation as Ash said, so Stark decided to continue testing.

"This time, the UV index is 4, the benchmark UV intensity is cloudy, and the test begins."

Directly skipping the index 3, Stark began to illuminate the vampire on the opposite side. Unexpectedly, as soon as he started, smoke began to rise from the entire vampire, and then the entire ghost immediately started to burn.

Seeing that something was wrong, Stark hurriedly turned off the ultraviolet generator, but he was still a step too late. The entire vampire irradiated by the ultraviolet light turned into ashes, leaving only the pocket grenade in his neck.


The explosion sounded in the interrogation room, blowing out a cracked white film on the bulletproof glass between the interrogation room and the observation room.

Stark turned to look at Ash and asked with some confusion: "Didn't you tell me that vampires will explode after they die? Vampires are so dangerous, so they cannot be eliminated hastily."

Ash covered his face, watching the only survivor being killed by Stark, and said helplessly: "I planted a bomb in his body. Who would have thought that you would kill this guy directly."

Stark, who was a little embarrassed, said: "It doesn't matter, just ask another question. There are so many people out there, you can't possibly only catch one, right?"

"I'm sorry, the only living mouth, tongue, source of intelligence, just died in the hands of the great inventor Tony Stark! Stark, you have to pay me one!"

The bickering between the two made Frank, who was also in the interrogation room, unable to stand it.

"I may know someone who can know the intentions of these vampires, but his identity is somewhat special..."

Upon hearing this, Stark threw down the equipment in his hand and rushed out of the observation room first: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly!"

A warehouse disguised as an abandoned warehouse was directly surrounded by the Control Bureau's convoy.

The hidden cameras around the warehouse immediately noticed that something was wrong, and there was a continuous sound of locks locking in the warehouse.

The hydraulic lever began to creak, and two automatic turrets rose from the trash cans on the street and aimed at the convoy.

Stark, who was about to open the door and get out of the car, saw this situation and decisively closed the door again.

'I also need to prepare a set of portable armor for emergency use.'

The turret on the Bradley tank also turned its direction and aimed its muzzle at these two threatening weapons platforms.

Frank jumped out of the car, walked to the door of the warehouse, punched the steel door twice, and then looked at the monitor on the door.

Pointing to his face and then to the motorcade behind him, Frank stood in front of the warehouse door, waiting for the people inside to make a decision.


An observation window was opened from the iron door, and a double-barreled shotgun was pointed at Frank's head.

At the same time, the ultraviolet light swept across Frank's face.

Seeing no change at all, a slightly older face flashed past the observation window.

The man leaned against the side of the observation window to avoid exposing his front, and said in his deep voice: "You are not one of those rubbish, what do you want to do?"

Only Frank present could barely see a strand of the man's gray hair and his eyes that reflected light in the darkness, and then the muzzle of the gun that had not been moved away.

"I'm here to see Brooks. I have something very important."

Frank said this name, and the old man behind the door finally felt relieved.

After the continuous sound of the dragging of the iron chain and the sound of unlocking, the iron door finally opened.

However, the door was only opened halfway and was blocked by the obstacle behind the door.

Frank waved behind him, indicating that the matter was done. Only then did Ash and Stark get out of the car.

Just when everyone was about to go in, they were stopped by the old man. The old man pointed at the combat troops outside and said: "Only three can come in, and the others stay outside."

Stark subconsciously wanted to refute this request, but the words he was about to say were shot back by the old man with a shotgun.

Under the dim light, the old man finally saw Stark in a suit, and said with some ridicule: "I didn't expect that there would be a big shot here..."

The limping old man let go of the door handle, let the three Ashes in, and then closed the iron door again.

"You have to wait a moment now, Brooks is resting."

Under the leadership of the old man, everyone came to a glass house after twisting and turning among various mechanical parts.

On the bed in the center of the room, a cool black guy wearing sunglasses was lying, looking like he was trying hard to endure something.

After arranging everyone to sit down, the old man poured an unknown drink and placed it next to Ash.

This differential treatment made Stark a little dissatisfied.

"Maybe you need to pour Stark a glass of this... uh... liquid too?"

Unexpectedly, the old man looked at Stark contemptuously and said, "If you can confront those monsters in the dimensional invasion, maybe I will give you a drink."

Ash picked it up and took a sip, and the weird pungent irritation of garlic exploded in his mouth.

"Garlic juice?"

"It's garlic essence, garlic extract."

As the old man spoke, he finally put down the shotgun in his hand.

At the door, Frank was examined with ultraviolet light, and Ash was tested with garlic essence here. As for a big shot like Stark, if he was a member of the vampires, then there would be no hope for the entire Ami, and everyone should be destroyed.

After pouring a glass of water for each of the three people, the old man sat next to Brother Ku and kept waiting.

(End of chapter)

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