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Chapter 184 It's time to find someone to take over

Chapter 184 It’s time to find someone to take over

Geralt was teaching his apprentice. On the other side, Sterk had to avoid the anti-aircraft fire on the roof and move between buildings.

"Ash, they have anti-aircraft fire arrangements on almost all the rooftops. I even saw anti-aircraft missiles on some of the buildings. Damn it, I'm locked..."

Infrared decoys and aluminum chaff were released from Stark's suit, and he made a sharp 90-degree turn against the building.

The turning radius of the anti-aircraft missile following Stark was not as small as that of the armor. The missile that could not be deflected hit the building, and a large number of broken glass fell from the sky.

"Ash, we need heavy fire support."

Stark, who made an emergency landing from the sky, stopped next to Ash. The density of firepower was too strong, making him a target when he launched into the air.

"Don't worry, we're already here."

In the sky, the blue flame rocket engine of the AGM air-to-surface missile split the clouds, dragging long white air waves. Under the guidance of Frank in the distance, it hit the buildings with the strongest anti-aircraft firepower.

The tandem energy-containing armor-piercing warhead, 6.8 kilograms of high-energy mixed explosives, and trigger fuses lifted these vampires up the moment they touched the ground on the roof of the building.

The broken cement blocks followed the vampire in free fall and fell onto the asphalt road.

Before these injured vampires could get up, the hospitable soldiers gave them silver jewelry. Amid the vampires' grateful thanks, they all went to heaven happily.

After the initial clearance, Ash let the air combat units that had not followed before prepare to take off.

At this time, Devlin called.

The background sound of the mobile phone was mixed with the screams and wails of the torturers, as well as the snapping sound of the collision of flesh.

"Ash, things are in trouble!"

Hearing this, Ash raised his eyebrows and took the phone away, fearing that Devlin would get out of the phone.

The explosion on Ash's side also reached Devlin's ears.

"Are you going to start a war directly in the city? This is louder than anything I heard in AFH."

"What? Do you want to fight for the human rights of these vampires? Don't worry, they will be free after the war."

Ash's taunt, accompanied by the sound of explosions, the sound of machine guns, and the roar caused by grenades, did not seem harsh.

"No, I mean, well done, you have no idea what these vampires have done!"

"Ah, yes, yes, I can't imagine that I am about to face a blood god here. I can't imagine what they are going to do..."

Devlin was unsure about this kind of nonsense. He had never seen Ash like this before.

"Are you okay? You didn't feel any stimulation, did you?"

"Of course I'm fine. I was in my territory well, but you guys pushed me into this position, and I have to deal with this kind of bullshit. Why didn't vampires be killed during the Civil War? Why did they insist on keeping them? Until now!

I should have been at my sacrificial site, quietly holding the fire-proof girl in my arms, and living one day at a time..."

Ash's words let Devlin know how reluctant he was. It was not Ash's responsibility in the first place, but now it was up to him to handle it.

Devlin could only continue to comfort Ash, after all, he was the only one on the front line of the battle.

After both parties calmed down, Devlin continued: "The virus those vampires are preparing to release can transform people into inferior vampires, making them thirsty for blood and controlled by their superiors.

Now that the virus has been taken away by a group of water striders, the insects will immediately look for water sources to lay eggs, and I have to find other people to help deal with it."

Inferior vampires? Will they be controlled by superiors? Is this a vampire working as a worker?

Compared with the sacrifice to summon the blood god, this kind of crisis that threatens the entire NY human race is definitely more important than a target, so it is understandable that Devlin should deal with it.

But when the two things are connected, it's not like that.

According to the information provided by Whistler, the Blood God has the abilities of all clan vampires, is immortal, and cannot be killed by any weapons aimed at vampires.

And as the god of vampires, the Blood God can also transform these subordinates so that they can avoid the damage of the sun.

Compared to the entire human race, the current number of vampires is really not that large. Moreover, these vampires are hunted down by the armed law enforcement forces of the tax bureau and vampire hunters, so their numbers have been decreasing.

But what about making both vampire plans come true simultaneously?

A powerful leader, and his fearless and obedient subordinates, a figure with a mustache inexplicably appeared in Ash's heart.

Shaking his head to disperse this figure from his mind, Ash gave the contact notice to Devlin.

"You mean the vampire is going to summon a god? And then give this god enough followers? How could such a thing happen?"

A group that regards humans as food and threatens humanity as a whole is about to emerge as humanity's greatest enemy.

"Ash, these guys must be killed."

"I know, what do you think I'm doing now? I'm being dragged into a street fight by a vampire! Do you have any support you can give? Sheffield and Ross have handed over their only combat troops to me. Now

At this stage, the help they gave me was really limited."

The sound of gunfire never stopped, but the advancing distance was pitifully short.

"I can't help you now, I have to deal with the virus in the water source, but I can give you the phone number of the tax bureau and they will help you."

"What are you doing for me? Are you going to tax these vampires? After you collect the tax, tell them that you can legally start a war?"

"No, what I mean is that the Taxation Bureau has a large number of armed forces. Their combat capability exceeds that of the National Guard. They can form a combat force at any time, and there is always a portrait of Lincoln hanging in the Taxation Bureau. You understand me.

Do you mean it?"

Hanging a portrait of Lincoln, wouldn't it seem to most people to commemorate the founder of his department, but Ash knew that Lincoln was also a vampire hunter, and the tax bureau was created to collect taxes on armed forces during the Civil War.

This means that the tax bureau has always maintained combat capabilities against vampires.

After getting the phone number given by Devlin, Ash dialed it, but the call was connected and no one spoke.

"Since you don't say anything, I won't be polite. Now in the xx area of ​​NY, vampires have taken over the entire block. They are trying to poison the water source and then summon the blood god..."

After finishing talking about the matter, Ash waited for the answer from the other side.

However, it is an extremely mechanical and formulaic answer.

"Thank you for your letter. As an important department of Ami, the Tax Bureau has always been committed to providing a better environment for the people. We will carefully record your letter and study and discuss it carefully until we make a right choice..."


Ash's current expression is that of an old man on the subway.jpg.

This may or may not be possible, right?

After hanging up the phone, Ash rejoined the fight. Since the tax bureau line couldn't take the blame, bah, couldn't provide help, then he would find someone else. At worst, he would continue to sway people.

In SHIELD, Maria Hill is working hard to deal with the mess left by Nick Fury. Looking at the red deficits on the ledger, she can't imagine how greedy Nick Fury is to leave such a big hole.

Let her fill it out.

At this moment, her phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was labeled: Control Bureau Ash Solar.

As soon as the connection was connected, Ash's voice could not wait to be heard: "Hill, I have been fighting in the xx neighborhood for half an hour, and your SHIELD didn't respond at all?"

"Ash Solar, one thing I want to make clear is that SHIELD is not an illegal organization, and we will never take any action without instructions in a location without law enforcement authority."

Hill was also familiar with Ash's various words in meetings. In order to prevent Ash from digging holes for her, Hill could only respond in a formulaic way, first taking out SHIELD.

"You really don't know what I'm doing?"

"Ash Solar, the Control Bureau is responsible for any supernatural events or suspected supernatural events across the United States. Your dealings with vampires today have been notified to all law enforcement agencies. You are acting legally, so don't mess with it.

On to S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Hill thought Ash was trying to show off the scope of his power. After all, the current SHIELD is a joke after the Nick Fury incident, and any department can laugh at it.

"...I mean, I need help now. I need to contact the five big guys behind you."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Listen to me, the vampire is preparing to summon the blood god... Devlin has gone to deal with the virus... If either of the two things comes true..."

If it involves human security, it should indeed be under the control of SHIELD and the World Security Council, but Hill always feels that Ash is looking for someone to take over.

"How powerful is this blood god you are talking about? Does it have five divisions?"

"Do you remember the unspeakable demon god I talked about during the last dimension invasion incident? The equivalent of 150,000 tons is like a firecracker in front of him."

Speaking of the last dimensional invasion, the Security Council has listed it as an absolute secret. Anyone who attempts to engage in related summoning behavior will be detained by SHIELD. Even if you search on the Internet for how to summon, someone will come to your door to buy coffee.


Hill, who felt something was wrong, picked up another phone, found the channel, and put his hand on the dial button.

Just listen to Ash continue to say: "The Blood God is the subordinate of the unspeakable Demon God. The first vampire was created based on the books left by the Demon God, and the Blood God is immortal, and every vampire will

Obey its orders unconditionally. Counting this way, it has more than five divisions in its hands!"

Like Ash, Hill thought of the mustache.

Faced with such a threat, Hill didn't waste any time and directly contacted the five-member World Security Council. By the way, Ash was also added.

Hill relayed the information provided by Ash, which gave the five-person group a headache. However, facing the racial threat, the five-person group still managed to listen to it.

"So we're going to experience another dimensional invasion?"

"Sponsored mushrooms, Ivan brand big mushrooms..."

"Sponsor the little mushrooms, the quantity is definitely enough..."

After the Security Council had completed its daily sponsorship and refusal of sponsorship, and everyone had calmed down, Hill received the order.

"Belonging to SHIELD, we will do our best to cooperate with Ash to prevent this crisis."

Hill also received another order at the same time.

"Find Constantine, SHIELD needs professionals."

(End of chapter)

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