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Chapter 204 The source of the matter

Chapter 204 The Origin of the Matter

With two cigarette butts, Constantine caused a riot in the entire prison.

The prisoners' dining hall now requires the deployment of riot control troops to calm down, and the same riot occurred in the prisoner team leading to the dining hall at this moment.

Before that, Alexei had already left these two places and came to his prison residence.

In order to maintain the only privacy, there will be no cameras inside the residence. Alexey whispered to his shoulder here: "Natasha, is it okay here? You can get bigger. I really didn't expect you."

You can actually grow or shrink freely like that ant!"

However, the scene Alexei imagined did not happen. Instead, his shoulder was touched from behind.


"Get ready, Alexei."

"What are you preparing for? How do you get out of here?"

Suddenly, a portal appeared from under Alexei's feet, and Alexei fell directly into it. Natasha and Konstantin, who were invisible, also jumped in.

From where Natasha was originally observing the prison, Alexey fell from the air and fell to his knees.

Rubbing his buttocks, Alexey noticed two snowflakes splashing in front of him.

"I thought you shrunk, but I didn't expect you to be invisible!"

Dispersing their invisible bodies, Natasha and Constantine appeared in front of Alexei.

Looking at Natasha, Alexey was pleased and moved, ready to hug her, but Natasha pinched her nose and pushed her away.

Alexey, who was rejected, pulled his collar and smelled the smell on his body, but he didn't feel anything.

Only then did Alexey notice Konstantin behind Natasha.

"Oh, you brought your boyfriend here? Are you married? Do you want me to take you across the garland carpet?"

Wrong cognition and speculation made Alexey fall into self-movement again. He burst into tears and made the snow on the top of the mountain begin to tremble.

Natasha secretly glanced at Konstantin behind her and found that he didn't care about Alexei's words.

"Stop joking, I came to you for something. You must tell me where the red house is now?"

The business-like tone made the moved Alexey a little unhappy.

Alexei asked Konstantin: "Is there something wrong with her lately? Is she in such an aggressive mood? Is she in a bad mood on those days every month?"

Seeing this, Natasha snapped her fingers in front of Alexei to attract his attention.

"I don't have periods, idiot. I don't even have a uterus or ovaries. The red house dug out all my reproductive organs."

Without looking at Alexei, Natasha stared at the mountain top in the distance and said these words expressionlessly.

Alexei took a few steps back and then stepped forward. He tried to hug Natasha, but in the end he just grabbed her arms and said: "I just want to say that your coming back means a lot to me..."

"Okay, tell me where the red house is now, and we'll settle the matter!"

"Liangqing? We are a family!"

"Yeah, three years of false family, and then Yelena and I were sent to the red house!"

Hearing this, Alexey stopped arguing and whispered: "I thought Melina would take care of you..."

"Wait, Melina? Isn't she dead?"

Speaking of Melina, Alexey suddenly became energetic and said: "I am a warrior and she is a fox. It is not that easy to kill her. She has worked for Dreykov longer than me..."

"Uh, didn't I tell you? She is working in the suburbs of St. Petersburg now. You should go see her and take me there. By the way, where is your plane? Is it also invisible?"

Natasha ignored Alexey, who was looking for a stealth plane in the snow, and turned around and came to Konstantin's side.

"Outskirts of St. Petersburg, okay?"

Without replying, Constantine stretched out his hand and a portal was established in front of Natasha.

"Oh! My God, you are actually a mage! Just the one mentioned on TV! I should have reacted long ago..."

Seeing the portal, Alexey excitedly looked around on both sides of the portal, constantly trying to cross and then jump back to feel the temperature difference on both sides.

Just when Alexey tried to reach out to touch the sparks of the portal, a ball of snowball was thrown over and hit the portal in advance.

Another snowball hit Alexei on the head. Natasha pointed to the snowball that was cut in half and said: "If you want to be broken into two halves, just touch it!"

Putting his hands behind his back, Alexei said carefully: "Just try, try."

On the road leading to the outskirts of St. Petersburg, Natasha walked angrily at the front alone, followed by Konstantin and Alexei, who were smoking.

Alexei secretly asked Konstantin in a "low voice": "How long have you been together? How is your life? Natasha has been since she was a child..."

Before he could finish speaking, a bullet was shot between the heads of Alexei and Konstantin.

Alexey raised his hands and said helplessly to Natasha: "I'm just asking?"

However, what Alexey saw was Natasha who had already been hiding under the roadbed, carefully observing the direction of the bullet.

"Enemy attack? Enemy attack!"

After reacting, Alexei directly picked up the huge stone on the roadside and stood in front of Constantine and him.

However, Constantine walked out from behind the stone, came to Natasha, and stretched out his hand to pull her up.

"Don't worry, it's just a test. She has already put away her weapon."

Understanding that she should be referring to Melina, Natasha also walked up from under the cover.

"Hey, wait for me, you shouldn't leave me alone!"

When everyone arrived at their destination, Melina's residence, a small farmhouse enclosed by an iron fence.

Melina is holding a TAC-50 at the moment, waiting for the group to arrive.

Alexei and Melina looked at each other with nostalgia and yearning.

"Honey, I'm back!"

Melina didn't react to Alexey's words and just walked home.

Alexei followed Melina's footsteps and said to Natasha: "Come on, let's go home."

Arriving inside the house, Melina put down her weapon and said: "Welcome to my humble home, there is no need to be restrained."

However, Natasha still looked businesslike and walked to the kitchen to observe the situation outside through the window.

"Is there a trap? Is there anything we need to know?"

"I didn't raise my daughters to fall into traps..."

"You didn't raise us at all."

As Natasha spoke, she stretched her fingers across the kitchen countertop and turned on the faucet to confirm that water was flowing out. This basic method can determine whether this is a permanent residence.

"If you are soft-hearted, you won't be able to see us. Come on, help me prepare."

Melina handed Natasha a pile of plates and motioned for her to set the table.

Now Constantine was alone, flipping through these books casually on the bookshelf between the kitchen and the living room.

Alexey went to the bathroom alone and let out some heavy moans.

The table was quickly set. There were three time zones and a six-hour time difference from Siberia's morning to St. Petersburg. This meal was a late-night snack.

Konstantin also sat at the dining table, waiting for Alexei to come out of the bathroom.

Melina seemed to be prepared for this situation. She picked up the wine bottle on the table and gave everyone a drink.

"Let's have a drink first."

At this time, Alexei opened the bathroom door, wearing his exclusive red guard uniform.

Melina whistled a long whistle and clapped her hands to show her appreciation for the outfit.

"I've never washed myself once. Come and have a drink!"

When Alexei sat down, he and Melina began to miss their previous life, and they both talked about their happiness during those three years.

However, this harmonious atmosphere made Natasha feel unnatural.

"Okay, Melina. You have to tell me where Dreykov is! Where is the red house now?"

This attitude made Alexei dissatisfied. He said seriously like a father educating his daughter: "Natasha, it's time for reunion. Oh Melina, you are as beautiful as the day you got married..."

"You too, just a little fatter. But not bad."

If the affection between the two of them was so intense that they would just have to find a place to lie down and vent their anger.

However, Natasha didn't care about this, but kept asking Melina.

After rubbing her head, Melina covered her hairline and said: "Natasha, you can't defeat someone who can control his mind. You have never seen the peak of our career!"

With that said, Melina took out a tablet and shouted to the door: "Alexei, come in."

A pig with black and white patterns opened the door and staggered in from the outside.

"You gave my name to a pig!"

Melina continued her explanation without paying attention to Alexey's own protests.

"The Northern Research Institute in Ohio that we invaded was actually a SHIELD research institute. They were studying the structure of the human brain. They dissected the brain and drew the only cell blueprint of the neural basal ganglia in humans!"

With that said, Melina gave the order to the pig.

"Alexei, stop breathing!"

While drinking, Melina watched the pig fall to the ground indifferently and said: "We didn't steal any weapons or blueprints for facilities, we stole the will of mankind. Okay, Alexei, you can breathe.

Go out and remember to close the door."

The pig who fell to the ground shook his head and got up, left the restaurant, and closed the door with his nose in front of everyone's eyes.

"Do you know who Dreykov used them on?"

After finishing the glass, Melina said with some abandonment: "I don't know, that's not the department I'm responsible for!"

Alexei retorted: "How could you not know! You are the invisible Drykov. You are his architect!"

"If I were an architect, you would be his partner! You would be his business partner!"

The originally harmonious dinner table suddenly turned into a quarrel battlefield for the couple.

Seeing this scene, Constantine did not sit down anymore, left the dining table and went outside.

Not long after, Natasha followed suit.

"Let's go back, I don't want to get involved in this!"

"Are you sure? Melina came to find this..."

Raising her head in confusion, Natasha looked at Constantine, hoping he could give an explanation.

"In the battle at the Red House, will the mission items be left behind after being discovered?"

"No, no, we usually kill all the witnesses. The mission has insurance measures. Once it fails, the insurance will be activated and all the black widows will die."

Natasha, who was kept in the dark by Constantine, explained: "So! I discovered the Red House's actions. Not only did they not commit suicide, they also left key clues for you, a former member, to discover..."

However, Natasha tried to convince herself and Konstantin that none of this was Melina's plan: "But how does this make sense? She works for Dreykov!"

"Maybe she didn't do it voluntarily? You also heard that Dreykov used means to control everyone. And, you also forgot the most important point."


Constantine smacked his lips, as if he was savoring the taste of the meal just now.

"How long did it take to cook just now? How long did it take from when we found the red house to when we found Alexey and then came here? Melina even prepared my dinner in advance according to the number of people, and she took me into consideration

Go in..."

The authorities are confused, but the bystanders know clearly. Natasha also discovered something wrong with Constantine's prompting.

"But why didn't she just say it? She found us?"

Taking advantage of the vague darkness of the night, Constantine pointed to the surrounding environment: "Remember those controlled pigs? Which laboratory do you think would conduct experiments in such a crude environment? Or do you think the experimental subjects are really

Those pigs? Why not Melina herself?”

At this point, Natasha also understood what Constantine meant. Melina was experimenting on herself to escape Dreykov's control.

However, under Dreykov's long-term manipulation, Melina seemed to have little confidence in herself. Perhaps this also explains how easily Melina was persuaded by Natasha in the movie.

After figuring it out, Natasha was about to ask Melina about her plan, but as soon as she opened the door, Natasha stepped back.

When couples quarrel, they will end up going to two extremes. Melina and Alexei, who have not seen each other for a long time, naturally went to the extreme of a separation being better than a newlywed.

Listening to the sounds in the house, Natasha and Constantine were inevitably embarrassed.

After an unknown amount of time, the sounds in the room finally stopped, and Melina opened the door, ready to go out and look for the missing Natasha.

Inside the house, Constantine smelled the smell of benzaldehyde from heather.

With a wave of his hand, the windows of the house were instantly opened, and then a gentle breeze took away the smell in the room.

The embarrassing smell was gone, and the room returned to its previous atmosphere.

Natasha and Melina were washing the dishes in the kitchen and didn't know what they were talking about.

Alexey secretly came to Constantine and asked in a low voice: "Do you have any special way to restore me to my previous figure? Maybe it can be better. Melina dislikes me

Too fat now."

Constantine, who had never considered losing weight, looked at Alexey and said: "I can burn you into a skeleton first, and then reshape your body. You can freely design your own figure..."

Hearing this method, Alexei stepped back a little and distanced himself from Constantine. But he was unwilling to give it a try and asked eagerly: "Can that place also be designed? There are no bones there...


"Where? What bones?"

Melina stood behind Alexey and asked aloud what she had just said.

The nervous Alexei rubbed the sweat from his palms with his hands on his pants and said: "It's nothing, just curious, just curious."

Without further questioning, Melina approached Constantine and asked, "Can your portal cross the continent? If I provide a location, can it be opened accurately?"

Constantine understood that the place Melina was talking about must be the flying fortress of the Red House.

But Constantine shook his head and said: "If it is a place on the earth, I can. But this place and the earth must remain synchronous and stationary. If not, the portal will directly chop up the surrounding area."

Constantine's unnecessary explanation made Melina turn her head and take a serious look at Constantine, but Constantine still looked like he was smoking and not caring about the world.

"Forget it, I have already notified the red house, they will be here soon..."

Alexei looked at Melina in disbelief and tried to step forward to ask. He also reached out to Konstantin beside him, preparing to call him together.

However, Alexei's hand was empty, and Constantine disappeared without knowing when.

"Where are the others?"

When Alexey was confused, the roar of a turbine engine came from outside the window, and searchlights shone in from the window.

The window was broken, and Alexei was shot with several tranquilizer rounds.

Pulling out the tranquilizer bomb from his body, Alexei shouted outside: "You think you can deal with the red guards with this!"

Then, more anesthesia bombs pricked Alexei's chest into a red hornet's nest. Alexei fell down helplessly amidst the screams.

Melina watched everything in front of her, motionless, waiting for the operatives outside to carry Alexei away.

On Natasha's side, she met her former sister, Yelena.

(End of chapter)

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