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Chapter 222: Of course Geralt's horse is called the Carrot Lord

Chapter 222 Geralt’s horse is of course called Carrot (lead update 410)

Jamie was a little excited when he heard the news of his father's death. After all, he had only seen his father yesterday, and he was fine at that time.

Seeing Jamie's reaction, the blonde beauty explained: "Actually, your father has been suffering from cancer for many years. It's a miracle that he can survive to this day. He just held on and saw you for the last time..."

Hearing this, Jamie covered his face and cried. At this time, the handcuffs on his hands were also exposed in the eyes of the beauty.

The beauty saw the handcuffs at this moment, and then saw the police badge on the detective's waist, and said with some discomfort: "Uh... I thought you were Jamie's friends... Has he committed any crime? Oh! I am

Jamie’s stepmother, my name is Ella…”

Comparing the age difference between Ella and Jamie in front of them, even though they understood that this was a fantasy event, all the men at the scene still expressed their admiration for Jamie's dead father.

At this time, the police detective also opened Jamie's handcuffs at Hill's signal.

"Let's go see your father."

Regardless of whether Jamie wanted to or not, everyone went to his father's residence.

When they walked through the entire town and came to a manor at the foot of the mountain, everyone had a new understanding of the wealth of this rich man.

Along the river at the foot of the mountain, the manor encompasses both sides of the river. On the small side, a huge classical building was built as a residence for the master and servants, while on the other side of the river, there is a pasture.

There are no herds of cattle and horses on the grassland, but scattered animals. These few herbivores share the entire grassland.

At this moment, Jamie's father was being placed in a coffin by the servants and placed in the center of the house.

When Jamie saw his father's remains, he couldn't help his feelings and walked forward to express his thoughts.

Clint followed Jamie to the coffin and vaguely touched the body a few times.

Returning to Geralt, Clint reported the situation in a low voice. "It is indeed a corpse. There is nothing strange about it on the surface, and I don't have that special feeling..."

Geralt knocked on Clint and said angrily: "If he had something special, he would have turned into a corpse long ago! Do you still need to see him? You might as well find where the morgue Jamie mentioned is...

Don’t rely too much on feelings. Feelings are both the most reliable and the most unreliable things.”

Geralt guided Clint, but he still had something to say. After all, in the movie "Dead Silence", Jamie's father should have been eviscerated and supported inside with wood.

Now, the corpse was indeed complete, and it was also filled with internal organs, but Clint couldn't see the difference with the internal organs.

In Geralt's perception, the internal organs were carved out of wood, and were given vitality through some means. They only energized the parts, and then put them together into a whole to make the whole body move.

And this subtle method is not an overall grant operation, and does not have a strong force response. With Clint's current ability, he can't see anything wrong with the body of Jamie's father at all.

Clint was sent to find the morgue, while Hill went with the detectives to investigate strange events in the town. Only Geralt was left alone.

Walking around the manor, Geralt saw some vessels contaminated with dark power, but they were not critical items.

Geralt didn't find anything useful until he left the building.

When he came to the river, Geralt discovered that Ella was playing with animals on the grassland opposite.

The animals on the pasture did not have any resistance to Ella. Instead, they were very willing to get close to Ella under the temptation of food. When Geralt approached, the animals scattered.

However, there was still a huge black horse lying on the ground, acting like a fool and refusing to leave. Ella was grooming it and feeding it carrots.

"Does it have a name?"

Hearing the sound from behind, Ella didn't react with any excitement. She just stroked the horse calmly and watched it eat the carrots.

"No, all the animals in this pasture have no names..."

"You have to get one, otherwise how can you tell the difference..."

"It's okay if I know them, but they may not remember me in the future..."

Geralt didn't know how to respond to Ella's pessimistic reaction.

In Geralt's eyes, Ella's entire body was made of wood, and she was a living doll.

But there is no dark power in the doll. She is driven entirely by her own soul.

While Geralt was thinking, Ella patted the black horse on the ground and pulled it up from the ground. When the black horse stood up, Geralt realized that the horse was more than two meters tall at the shoulders.


Geralt also saw this kind of horse for the first time. This is the largest horse breed in the world. The height at the shoulder is generally more than two meters and the weight is generally more than one ton. Because it is too huge and not flexible enough, it makes it different from the battlefield.

No chance, the back is too broad and difficult for the rider to control, so no one dares to ride it.

Shire horses eat a lot. One horse can eat as much as four ordinary horses. The choice to stay away from the battlefield allows it to only use its strength as a draft horse breed. In addition, due to its scarcity, this kind of horse has become popular all over the world.

The number of purebred horses does not exceed 3,000.

Hearing Geralt mention the breed of horse, Ella immediately became interested in talking. She kept introducing everything about this black horse to Geralt.

After talking with Geralt for a long time, Ella asked: "Geralt, if you were asked to name this horse, what would you name it?"

Hearing this question, Geralt replied without thinking: "Carrot!"

"Is it because it likes to eat radishes?"

"No, it's just that I, Geralt, can only name horses Carrot..."

When Geralt mentioned the name of Carrot, Ella felt that this name had special meaning to Geralt.

In Geralt's disbelieving eyes, Ella handed the reins of the black shire horse into Geralt's hands.

"In this case, I will ask you to take care of Carrot from now on, Geralt..."

Before Geralt could reply, Ella left the area.

At this moment, when Carrot saw Ella leaving, he stomped his hooves unhappily and snorted at Geralt.

Geralt has extensive experience in domesticating this kind of animal. I saw that Geralt let go of his momentum and threatened Carrot, 'If you mess around again, I'll cook you!'

In an instant, Carrot returned to a quiet state.

Geralt looked at Ella's figure and murmured to himself: "If you take someone's things, it won't be easy to kill them with a sword... You have to find a way to repay this favor..."

When Geralt looked back again, he found Carrot lying on the ground just like before, refusing to get up.

"If you don't get up, I'll cook you..."

Faced with such a threat, Luobo was stunned for a moment, and then chose himself between threatening himself and being threatened.

Carrot lay on the ground and chirped in reply to Geralt's threat.

'I can't get up without three or five carrots.'

Seeing how rogue the horse looked, it was impossible for Geralt to really kill it and eat its flesh.

"Do you want to eat the moss balls? Where are the moss ball fruits?"

When everyone gathered together again, they explained to each other the results of the previous exploration.

Clint: "The morgue is at the bottom of the house, but the access is in a separate courtyard outside."

Hill: "The story of Mary Shaw, who was a former ventriloquist puppeteer, was basically broken down by a child who disappeared after the performance.

The people in the town identified Mary Shaw as a kidnapper and murderer. The angry town residents caught her, brutally cut out her tongue and killed her."

Geralt: "I got a horse. I called it Carrot. It likes to eat carrots and moss balls..."

Geralt's statement attracted puzzled looks from everyone.

After being watched unbearably, Geralt could only beg for mercy and explain what he understood.

"Who can guarantee that Mary Xiao is innocent? Not far from here is the witch's sacrifice site. Clint, do you still remember the question I asked you?"

Being suppressed by Geralt all day long, and Geralt's lectures from time to time, have occupied most of Clint's brain capacity.

Just when Clint was recalling it, Hill gave the answer and said: "Geralt asked 'Where did the other branches of the trees that were spawned by the witch's sacrifice go?'"

It was Geralt's tone of incorrigibility as he educated Clint again: "Who is Mary Shaw? A ventriloquist? A puppet show performer? Or... a collaborator of witches..."

In Geralt's words, everyone thought of a cooperation system.

The witch relied on sacrifices to gain strength from hell and nourish the tree she hung herself on, while Mary Shaw captured the children and gave them to the witch. The witch used the trees that gave birth to children and gave them to Mary Shaw so that she could make more puppets.

"It is said that Mary Shaw originally made 101 ventriloquist puppets for performances, and after that incident, everyone who participated in her trial died one after another, and the cause of death was exactly the same.

From then on, nursery rhymes about Mary Shaw spread in the town, and anyone who saw Mary Shaw and screamed would be mercilessly killed by her."

Thinking of the punishment of pulling out the tongue, Geralt couldn't help but think of the silent goddess Rosalia, whose believers also sacrificed their tongues to her.

Geralt imagined in a bad way how unfortunate Marishaw would be when she held her tongue and met Rosalia's finger.

This way, Geralt couldn't help laughing as he thought about it.

Seeing this, Clint poked Geralt and reminded him: "Wake up, Geralt, you're laughing out loud, what's so funny?"

"I got a Shire horse, a purebred one. Aren't I still smiling?"

After re-stabilizing his emotions, Geralt asked Clint to find Jamie, the man who escaped with his life in front of Mary Shaw.

In Jamie's sad mood, Geralt expressed his request.

"Jamie, I'm going to burn your father's remains immediately."

Jamie, who left home at a young age, passed away the day after he met his father, and now someone told him to burn his father immediately.

But Jamie is not a fool. Someone who refuses professional advice would not survive ten minutes in a horror movie.

Even though he was reluctant and endured the grief in his heart, Jamie agreed to Geralt's request.

Soon, wood was placed in the open space outside, and Jamie's father's coffin was placed on it.

Jamie endured his grief and lit the fire. Under the heat of the flames, Jamie's father's entire body burned.

"Geralt, something is wrong! How could the body burn so quickly?"

Clint compared the coffin which had only burned a little, but the body inside the coffin had already completely burned, and the raging fire inside the coffin even overshadowed the flames outside.

"Of course that's not right. Only the outer skin is left, and everything inside is filled with wood. Of course it will burn faster than treated hardwood like a coffin..."

Facing Geralt's explanation, Clint recalled his own examination. The touch and hardness under the skin were indeed exactly the same as those of ordinary corpses.

Just when Geralt was about to speak, Clint rushed to answer: "I remember! I remember! Don't blindly believe in feelings. Feelings are the most reliable and the most unreliable!"

"Since you know, take your sword and chop that thing down..."

Geralt stretched out his hand and pointed at a figure half-revealed in the shadow of a building in the distance.

Seeing this figure, Jamie was initially excited, then fearful. It was clearly his dead wife.

The police detective took the lead in launching the attack. From the moment he learned that a strange creature had appeared, he never left his hand with the shotgun.

Two shotgun rounds hit Jamie's wife before Clint. One of them hit her head, a large cloud of blood mist exploded from the back of her head, and the entire skull was blown off.

However, Jamie's wife just threw her head back and fell. Halfway down, she stood back up abruptly.

It could be seen from the wound that her skull was filled with all kinds of squirming flesh. She even opened her mouth and stretched out her long tongue to pick up the flying skull and put it in its place.

Jamie hid behind the detective, watching everything in front of him in horror.

Clint was already at her side when the weirdo was placing the skull.

The long sword enchanted by flames has a unique advantage when facing the monster's long tongue. The combination of flames and sharp weapons makes Jamie's wife's tongue useless.

And Clint also gradually learned some unique methods. He hid the flame pot in his left hand. When he was close to the maximum explosion range of the flame pot, he slammed the flame pot at the enemy's feet.

The burning and impact of the flames caused Jamie's wife to let out a wild beast's wail. At the same time, with the help of the flames' vision shielding, Clint quickly came to the enemy's side.

Pierce him, pick up the corpse, turn around and chop off the enemy's head. Clint uses the fastest method to burn the corpse in front of him to ashes.

After completing all this, Clint tirelessly tried to search for any signs of resurrection in the pile of ashes.

After confirming again and again, Clint had officially finished dealing with a monster according to Geralt's instructions.

Just when he turned around smugly and turned towards Geralt to claim credit.

"Geralt! Watch your back!"

(End of chapter)

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