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Chapter 226 Doll Girl

Chapter 226 Doll Girl

When Geralt asked who had a degree in law or accounting, more than two-thirds of his colleagues raised their hands.

Geralt asked Hill in surprise: "Are all your S.H.I.E.L.D. combatants so highly educated?"

Who would have thought that Hill would answer in a matter-of-fact manner: "As a law enforcement officer, good legal literacy is the foundation..."

Versailles' answer was revealed vividly and inadvertently.

Geralt did not reply, but looked at Clint, and said very disappointedly: "Clint, why don't you have a relevant degree! It seems that in the future, hunter recruitment will be in line with Dragon Academy..."

Clint, who was inexplicably lying on the gun, curled his lips and wanted to say something mockingly to himself, but seeing Geralt's evil smile waiting for him, he swallowed his words again and pretended not to care.

Didn't seem to hear it.

After reaching a temporary deal with the Black Heart Demon, Geralt placed the memory card on the table where everyone was drafting the contract.

At first, the Black Heart Demon wanted to secretly take away the memory card, and then find ways to kill these people, but after seeing the decoy skull placed next to the memory card, he gave up this idea.

The great Dark Lord would not be fooled by this extremely obvious trap!

The drafting of the contract did not take long. It was extremely easy for a group of law and accounting scholars to come up with several unilaterally exploitative contract terms with different requirements.

When Geralt showed the contract to the Black Heart Demon, the various requirements in the contract directly caused the Black Heart Demon to tear the contract into pieces.

"I will not agree to such a request! You are blackmailing me!"

Seeing the Black Heart Demon like this, Geralt was not angry. Instead, he took out another contract with more gentle terms and placed it in front of the Black Heart Demon.

"Calm down and take a look at this one. If this one doesn't work, there will be another one. In the end, there will be one that suits you..."

Seeing Geralt holding different contracts in his hand, the Black Heart Demon held back his head that was about to explode and checked the terms one by one.

This situation did not last long and came directly to the last contract.

Whenever the Black-Hearted Demon sees terms he cannot accept, he will directly tear up the contract without giving Geralt any chance to speak.

And Geralt didn't have any objections to this approach. The previous contracts were all preset for the last one.

In fact, both Geralt and the Black Heart Demon understand that the most important clause of this contract is how to get Geralt and the others out of here safely, so that the Black Heart Demon can get his own black history.

The previous preparations are all for the final preparation, and the Black Heart Demon is also cooperating with this method. The bottom line confrontation between the two sides is determined from the beginning. The confrontation is just to make the bottom line closer to which side.

But at the beginning, the Black Heart Demon had no negotiating advantage and could only seek some help for himself by tearing up the contract.

So both parties will agree to the final contract.

Under Geralt's threatening eyes, the Black Heart Demon unwillingly swore to abide by this contract in the name of hell.

After the Black Heart Devil agreed, the contract, which was hastily written on A4 paper, became a special item with hellish text annotations.

The Black Heart Demon reluctantly took back the memory card and looked at everyone in front of him, trying to remember these people in his mind.

But under Geralt's rogue methods, in the eyes of the combat team members, such behavior is just like the struggle of a defeated dog, and the devil of hell is no big deal.

Finally, the Black Heart Demon transformed into black mist and left here again. This small inner world that originally belonged to him was also on the verge of collapse.

Mary Xiao knew that she would be abandoned ever since she saw her master, the Black Heart Demon, negotiating with Geralt.

She had no idea that her master could be so cowardly. Mary Xiao, who gave up on herself, did not resist at all, so Clint chopped off her head and was then burned to ashes.

After Mary Shaw was killed, her puppets also fell out of control, with puppets of various sizes running and hiding in the theater, trying to escape SHIELD's capture.

However, the current S.H.I.E.L.D., under the command of Hill, has no intention of collecting such things. At any possible hiding position, there is a shot bomb, which makes the puppets lose their ability to move. Anyway, in this other world

It is about to collapse, and everything hiding inside cannot escape.

Everyone ignored the unique puppet lying on the stage - Ella. During the conversation between Geralt and others, everyone understood that this woman was indirectly saving their immediate boss.

Although her help was not needed, the boss didn't say anything. Who would dare to do such a thing?

After roughly cleaning the theater, Ella was still lying on the stage as before, motionless.

After taking a look at the time on the timer, Hill said to Geralt: "It's time to go, five minutes countdown..."

Geralt nodded, walked towards Ella, and said to Hill at the same time: "I'm going to do something, you guys wait for me outside..."

Seeing Geralt draw his sword, Hill sighed and directed everyone to leave the theater.

Geralt held the long sword and pointed the tip of the sword at Ella on the floor.

"Have you figured out how to leave?"

However, Ella still looked like that, motionless, really like a doll.

Geralt inserted the sword next to Ella's neck, and the sword's edge was only a few centimeters away from her neck.

"Carrot died last night!"

After hearing the news of Carrot's death, Ella reacted a little, turned her neck sharply, and moved herself towards the long sword.

Geralt quickly took the sword away, preventing Ella from committing suicide.

"You're kidding! It's a joke! Don't take it seriously. That horse eats well and sleeps well. It even took me for a walk with it this morning!"

Geralt explained, then lay down next to Ella, looking at the black dome of the theater like her.

However, as soon as he lay down, Geralt couldn't stand the hard wooden board on the ground, so he sat up again and said to Ella: "Aren't you tired of maintaining your posture like this?"

However, Ella still didn't say a word and just lay there.

Geralt said thoughtfully: "Maybe you won't be tired, after all, you are a puppet!"

Hearing the word puppet, Ella finally reacted.

"It's time for you to go, we don't have much time!"

Like Deadpool, Geralt covered his face with his hands and said in disbelief: "Oh my god! You are alive! I thought you were a puppet!"

It's puppets again. Mary Shaw created these, but each puppet is very disgusted with his own identity under Mary Shaw's high-pressure control.

Geralt's constant explicit statements finally made Ella's whole body move.

She sat up and looked at Geralt without any expression on her face.

This look made Geralt feel unnatural all over. Resisting the fluffy itching sensation on his back, Geralt reached out and covered Ella's eyes.

After covering Ella's sight, Geralt breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Oh my God, your eyes are so scary..."

As he spoke, Geralt turned his wrist to reveal Ella's eyes, and then quickly covered them.

"You don't have to do this to me. I'm just a puppet created by Mary Xiao, and I will disappear with this theater..."

Hearing Ella's words, Geralt no longer had the rogue and carefree feeling he had before.

Geralt took back his unscrupulous expressions and exaggerated movements, and replaced them with the same cold expression as Ella. Even in Ella's perception, the death intention contained in Geralt's body exceeded hers by millions of times.


Geralt lay next to Ella this time, resting his arm on his pillow, looking at the black dome above his head and talking to himself.

"I used to feel like I wanted to destroy myself, much more than you do now. I even tried to commit suicide again and again. On a lonely and deserted mountain cliff, I jumped off it 23,678 times.

Those deaths were all because I was fed up with what I needed to accomplish, fed up with deceiving myself with my mission when there was no hope for the future, fed up with myself, fed up with the world..."

After hearing what Geralt said, although it was absurd, Ella had a feeling that what Geralt said was true.

"However, in that hopeless world, I also met different people, heard their stories, and saw their glory. Some of them, like me, understood the deception of the world, but they just

Full of hope, and this hope also ignited the past me."

At this time, the theater had begun to collapse, and various building materials began to fall, hitting Geralt's surroundings. The disappearance of the inner world began...

Geralt did not maintain his look of seeing through the world at this time. He sat up, held Ella's shoulders and said: "But you have to remember that there is hope when you are alive. As long as you are alive, there will be hope no matter what...


Ella was still thinking about Geralt's previous words, and was caught off guard by this sudden action.

Before Ella could react, Geralt lifted Ella's whole body up, tucked it under his arm, and rushed out of the theater.

"So you have to see the outside world. You can't be like me before..."

Outside the theater, watching the countdown approaching and the theater collapsing, Hill and others were anxiously waiting for Geralt to appear.

Just when everyone thought something bad happened to Geralt, a figure instantly passed through the crowd and ran towards the lake in the distance.

As Geralt ran, he shouted to the stunned people behind him: "Run, what are you waiting for!"

Seeing that Geralt had already run to the water's edge and was heading towards the real world, others who didn't realize it started to curse Geralt for being such a bad guy and ran towards the water's edge howling.

The way back was no different from when we came here. It was just because of a bastard that everyone was holding their breath and couldn't curse him underwater.

Just as the last person stepped out of the water, there was a violent explosion in the lake, and even the theater in reality was turned into powder by invisible force.

Geralt stood by the water, looking at everyone with a smile.


Everyone gritted their teeth, and the name popped out from between their teeth that made people want to greet the whole family. However, they only saw Geralt take out a memory card from the camera brought out by the agents.

Clint asked the question on everyone's mind: "Wasn't the memory card already traded to the Dark One?"

"I said I handed him the memory card in my hand, but I didn't say that the video in the temporary storage space of the camera cannot be ripped..."

Playing with the memory card in his hand, Geralt said to Hill: "I can't give this to you. If I mention my name, I might be found. The other information you left is enough to report to the superiors."

Putting away the memory card, Geralt said to Clint, who had an I got it, stop talking expression: "As usual, you go report to SHIELD..."

"It's me every time! What reason did you use this time? Are you lost at the crossroads of life or is there a black cat blocking your progress?"

"No! This time I want to go shopping and see the world..."

"You also have such artistic moments?"

Just when Clint was wondering, Geralt whistled and Carrot's tall figure ran out from the woods, with Ella sitting on Carrot's body.

Geralt got on his horse, took out a cowboy hat given by someone else, took the reins, and rode off into the distance.

"Dog man!"

Clint watched Geralt leave and suddenly heard a curse word beside him. When he turned around, he saw only SHIELD employees and Hill who had lowered their heads to finish their work.

"What are you looking at? You haven't written a report yet! Don't think you don't have to write a report yourself after you leave SHIELD!"

(End of chapter)

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