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Chapter 23 The Portrait of Dorian Gray

Chapter 23 The Picture of Dorian Gray

Greed finally made his request, asking Fury to give him a portrait of Dorian Gray.

Fury on the other side of the phone thought about it for a long time, and finally agreed to Greedy's request.

"Then how should the transaction method be determined?"

Fury asked about the details of the transaction, trying to keep everything under control to avoid unexpected things happening.

However, Greedy's answer surprised Fury.

"I'll go with you until you give me the portrait."

Fury directly agreed to Greedy's request. From a transaction perspective, this was a good method. As long as the transaction was completed and the money and goods were settled, nothing would be owed.

But it is not a good choice for the greedy person. As long as Fury does not hand over the portrait to him, the transaction will continue to be carried out, and the greedy person will always stay at the location arranged by Fury, unless something happens later.


After the two sides concluded their discussion, Greedy shrunk down and transformed into the shape of a treasure chest, and was carried by two soldiers towards a helicopter.

Natasha and Coulson followed Fury's command and boarded another helicopter. Coulson didn't see Fury's stand-in on the helicopter, and he didn't even notice when the stand-in left.


After experiencing all these strange and weird things, Colson and Natasha's nerves were always tense. It was not until they got on the helicopter that they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The helicopter's flight did not last long, and soon landed in an unknown farm yard.

After getting off the helicopter, Coulson saw Fury standing not far away waiting.

Coulson silently pressed the earphone until it connected, and a ringtone came from Fury not far away.

After confirming that this was Fury who had been talking to him, Coulson stepped forward and saluted and said: "Nice to meet you, sir."

Fury didn't pay attention to Coulson's little moves. As an agent, it is a basic quality to remain suspicious.

"Natasha, I want to see your mission statement in an hour. Coulson will give the oral explanation first."

Fury gave the two people the same task respectively. In order to prevent the two from colluding in confession, he also reported the two separately. He partially trusted Coulson, so he wanted to hear Coulson's side first.

After Natasha expressed her understanding, she followed the guidance of a ground worker to go elsewhere. Coulson followed Fury, and the two started walking around the farm.

Coulson reported everything from the time he met Natasha in short words, accurately repeating every word of the Greedy One.

"You mean, the monster took a coin from Natasha?"

"Yes, he said it was a blessing."

Coulson did not include any personal emotions and recited Greedy's explanation to Fury, including that after Natasha agreed, Greedy got a rusty coin by licking his fingers.

In this way, the conversation between the two lasted for a long time, ending with Coulson's question.

"Sir, how are we going to find that painting?"

"Actually, there's no need to look for it, I know where it is."

Fury's words surprised Coulson. The surprise was that he didn't need to bother looking for the portrait anymore, and the surprise was Fury's information.

"Colson, do you know Captain America?"

When Fury talked about Captain America, Coulson subconsciously puffed up his chest.

"Sir, Captain America is a hero, he is my idol."

"The battlefield of World War II gave birth to the superhero Captain America. There were also these superheroes on the battlefield of World War I earlier, and some of them had abilities that were not inferior to those of Captain America."

What Nick Fury said shocked Coulson. Coulson didn't know the secret stories of World War I. For him, Captain America, the superhero with the title of the first Superman, was enough.

"Colson, have you ever heard of The League of Gentlemen?"

100 years ago, when Britain was still under the rule of Queen Victoria, the whole of Europe was in chaos. An evil force attacked various countries like a ghost and the war continued.

Queen Victoria made a decision. She sent the Holmes family as a special envoy and summoned seven human elites with extraordinary talents to form a "Special Gentlemen's Alliance" to fight against evil.

"Among them are great adventurers, navigators, genius boys, strange doctors, vampires and supernatural beings. They were organized to investigate this evil organization."

"So they successfully saved the world? Just like Captain America!" Coulson was excited to hear a superhero story, especially a superhero who appeared before Captain America.

"Yes, but they almost failed. There was a traitor among them. And this traitor was what the monster Greedy wanted."

Coulson was a little confused. What the greedy man wanted was a painting, and what Fury was talking about was a traitor. There was no connection between the two. Coulson, the representative of good employees, knew not to hit the leader casually when he spoke.

So he waited patiently for Fury's explanation.

"Dorian Gray, or Lord Henry Warden as we call him, is also a member of this alliance and has unlimited life and youth, but he is a betrayer."

Dorian Gray had a self-portrait painted for him by the painter Basil Hallward. After seeing the portrait, he was amazed at his own beauty, and made a wish to the portrait to retain his youth and let the portrait bear its aging. He did not expect this wish.

It actually came true. Since then, he has had infinite youth and a body that never ages. Even if he is hurt, it will only be borne by the portrait.

"The League of Gentlemen finally sealed the traitor in his own portrait, which remains to this day. The portrait is still being preserved by S.H.I.E.L.D. in London."

After carefully savoring the superhero stories told by Fury, Coulson did not expect that the item was in the hands of SHIELD.

"So, are we going to coordinate with S.H.I.E.L.D. in London to get that painting?"

"No need. For some reasons, I have kept that painting secretly."

There was something obviously wrong with the London SHIELD stuff appearing in the hands of Fury from the San Francisco SHIELD. But Coulson would never ask why there was such a stupid question, so he had to ask another question for the leader.

Change the topic.

"Then shall we give the portrait to the greedy?"

Be direct and complete the transaction. Coulson himself will no longer need to worry about this matter, and Fury can avoid greedy people coming to collect debts.

If the transaction is not completed, Fury can keep delaying it until the greedy person comes to the door. But during this period, there will be a lot more room for maneuver, and he may be able to get more information.

Coulson was still thinking about the pros and cons of this, but unexpectedly Fury said something else.

"We need to re-investigate Natasha..."

It's the third day of the Lunar New Year. I wish you all that all your wishes will come true. I wish you good luck, good fortune, and prosperity. May everything you ask for come true, everything you do will be smooth, everything you expect will come true, and all your dreams will come true.

(End of chapter)

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