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Chapter 228 Textile Factory 6/10

Chapter 228 Textile Factory (Update 610)

George Stacey looked at the name Ash reserved for the number on his mobile phone and couldn't figure out what Ash meant.

"According to a report from an anonymous phone call, there is a killer company disguised as a textile factory by a river somewhere in the city. And this killer company is suspected of possessing some supernatural means..."

Hearing this, George basically understood what it meant. He was being asked to share the credit, and the credit seemed to go largely to him.

"Ahem... I am sworn in with crime! After receiving the report call, I sent someone to collect evidence secretly. After confirming the location, I immediately found the Control Bureau to help arrest these super killers... Isn't that right...


"Yes, but the anonymous call did not indicate the specific location, and the police station needs to screen the textile factory."

"It's simple. I asked the patrol officers to take a trip along the Hudson River and they will know everything..."

Ash and George determined the responsibilities and contributions of both parties in a few words, and George did not refuse the credit given to him.

Now that the dark world is exposed to the public, New York residents are deeply skeptical about whether the police can keep their communities safe.

And this kind of attack on a supernatural killer organization will naturally reflect the capabilities of the police department. With this achievement, it may even be able to get more funding for the police department.

Ash did not shy away from the Smiths. After all, Jane was now a knight of the Sword of the Dark Moon and could reveal part of her sphere of influence to them.

It was also the first time for Mr. and Mrs. Smith to see this kind of black-and-white approach. Although they knew that Ash had great control over the situation, they still maintained a separation from the authorities at the sacrificial site. Unlike now, it can be decided with just a few words.

A place where killers gather.

Putting down the phone, Ash looked at Mr. and Mrs. Smith and said, "Now there is another question..."

"As long as we can accomplish it, just say it!"

"Based on what you said before and the information I know, Jane's sister is in the textile factory..."

Upon hearing this, Jane Smith immediately prepared to leave to find her sister.

Fortunately, John Smith held on to his wife. Since Ash could speak out, he must have made a decision and had a solution to the matter.

After John finished comforting his wife, Ash slowly revealed his plan.

"Since you are sisters, Jane will take a photo. I will send Jane's photo at the beginning of the operation and notify everyone as a latent agent of the Control Bureau. This will avoid accidental injuries to your sister...


Jane wanted to say something more, but due to the obstruction of John Smith, these words remained unsaid. Ash could also imagine that it was nothing more than finding it by himself without taking action.

But who would have thought that this was what Siris said. The Dark Moon Knight matter has not been handled well. Once the news reaches Youershika, the Nameless King will definitely know about it, and he will definitely take the opportunity to communicate with Ashes.

It's not that Ashes can't defeat the Nameless King, it's just that it's too troublesome to defeat the Nameless King. He has to ensure that he repels the Nameless King without causing too much damage to the Nameless King, otherwise You'ershika will start crying.

Compared with these troubles, it is more cost-effective to kill a textile factory.

George acted very quickly. After Ash made the anonymous call, the Control Bureau received a request for investigation assistance in the afternoon.

In order to prevent the turning bullets from the textile factory, Ash did not bring any light weapons this time, but directly put on a company of ATS exoskeleton armor.

Of course, this company-level unit is equipped with ATS exoskeleton armor. The benchmark is based on the organization of combat vehicles, with only fourteen ATS exoskeletons.

But these fourteen ATS exoskeletons are enough to penetrate most conventional armed defenses. The small pistols they use in the textile factory cannot penetrate the armored defenses at all.

At the location reported by George, Ash led these big guys to the temporary station.

In the command room, George was arranging tasks for the swats. When he saw Ash coming, he just nodded.

No one expected that Ash directly took out a stack of photos and handed them to the police officers present and said: "This is a latent agent of the Control Bureau. Try not to shoot when you see it. Moreover, this mission is very special. The main attack task is given to

The Control Bureau conducts..."

Ash's behavior, in the eyes of George's men who didn't know the truth, was a sign of grabbing power and taking credit.

But George knew that the credit was given by Ash, and hurriedly said before his men: "The Control Bureau is the most professional in dealing with supernatural events..."

George winked at Ash, hoping that Ash could say something supernatural to dispel his subordinates' doubts. Ash was also very cooperative in explaining the special characteristics of the textile factory.

"There are a group of special killers here who can bend the bullets. They can make the bullets bypass the shields and the assaulters in the front to kill the back row. Let the control bureau deal with it. You can support it outside for the time being..."

Ash gave an explanation, and his boss George did not object. Naturally, his subordinates would not disobey the two bosses, and rearranged the order of attack based on Ash's intelligence.

George looked at Ash with an expression that I never expected, patting his head.

"How did you come up with the idea that bullets can bend? If I could have thought of this kind of rhetoric, I would have written a novel long ago!"

As he spoke, George looked at Ash's expression that almost said 'What are you talking about' written on his face, and asked doubtfully: "Is there really someone who can bend a bullet?"

"That's for sure. Otherwise, why would I bring so many ATS exoskeleton armors? I'm a man nicknamed the Honest and Trustworthy Man. When did I ever deceive you?"

George is skeptical about Ash's nickname, but it's almost time to attack.

Only two of the ATS exoskeletons brought by Ash were left outside the gate of the textile factory. They were operating with the New York police, not only to provide support for them, but also to intercept the killers who escaped from the textile factory.

The rest slowly sneaked into the Hudson River, moved all the way from the bottom of the river, and launched an attack from the rear of the textile factory.

I don't know if it was dinner time or for other reasons, but the textile factory's defense was extremely lax in the evening. No one even noticed the ATS exoskeleton walking up from the riverbed below.

The battle began with the roar of the twin cannons of the ATS armor.

For these killers, Ash has no intention of letting them go, and taking away Jane's sister does not require other witnesses.

When the battle started, the killers of the textile factory reacted very quickly. Almost in an instant, the textile factory turned into a fortress.

Bullets of various calibers flew towards these ATS armors, but they had no effect and did not even scratch the armor's paint.

The cannons and small missiles on the armor are the nemesis of these killers. No matter where they hide, as long as they are detected by the equipment carried on the armor, they will be covered by crossfire.

Hiding behind a wall, sorry the wall can't stop the bullets of a machine gun, hiding behind a professional bunker or a sandbag? Sorry the sandbag can't stop the explosion of a small missile.

The battle fell into a one-sided situation at the beginning. The pilot in the ATS armor had to repeatedly confirm whether the target was his own 'infiltration investigator', so the forward speed was artificially limited.

Finally, Jane's sister was discovered in a driver's surprised tone.

The entire team immediately separated two armored vehicles to capture the 'infiltration investigator', while the rest began to advance quickly.

In the command room, Ash looked at the enemies his armor faced, and felt more and more that there was something wrong with the killer of the textile factory.

Now that you have discovered that your firepower is weak, instead of getting bigger guns, you try to fight the machine in close combat?

In the movie, the repairman who trained Wesley tried to fight with the ATS armor when his pistol was useless, but half of his body was broken by the armor.

The Butcher, who was good at knives and stealth, thought that the ATS armor would not detect him and prepared for a sneak attack. As a result, the infrared signal emitted by his huge body was particularly conspicuous in the cold storage. The ATS driver did not even enter the cold storage, only stood outside the door and used

The machine gun smashed the butcher and the pigs in the cold storage into pieces.

The textile factory has been surrounded, and the New York Police Department's helicopters and patrol boats have blocked all possible escape routes. And with Ash turning on his senses outside, no one can escape.

At the top of the textile factory building, Sloan opened his personal safe and nervously stuffed gold nuggets and high-value items into his backpack.

However, in his ears, the heavier sound came closer and closer, causing him to tighten his grip on the shell gun in his hand.

But when the door was kicked open by the ATS armor, Sloan dropped the weapon in his hand and chose to raise his hands in surrender.

With the New York Police Department present, Ash could not directly give orders to kill those who surrendered, so he could only choose to temporarily imprison Sloan and find an opportunity to make him disappear later.

With Sloan's surrender, which represented the destruction of the textile factory, this killer group with special abilities was torn apart as easily as paper in the face of the powerful offensive of twelve ATS armors.

After the killer left the scene, the New York Police Department entered the scene and began to clean up the scene.

George didn't complain at all and looked at the ledger he found from Sloan's room with joy. But when he saw the densely packed names of victims on it, his joy turned into anger towards himself.

This was not incompetent rage, but George was angry about why he didn't know about this place in advance, allowing these killers to do so much dirty work.

While George was looking through the ledger, Ash also received a communication request from the ATS armor.

"Sir, we found something different..."

As the camera shifted, the image was fixed on a wooden textile machine.

This wooden textile machine is not operated by outsiders or driven by any external force. It just moves on its own in the picture, weaving rough linen cloth.

But when Ash looked at this picture, he didn't notice anything wrong in his perception. In his perception, this loom did not exist.

(End of chapter)

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