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Chapter 251 Thank you Carl

Chapter 251 Thank you Karl

After whispering the relevant matters in Rose's ear, Ash left. Rose was left staring blankly at the Lothrik sword in his hand, and finally accepted it and left with Bruce Banner.

After Jackie Chan and Tohru completed their mission, they came to their father again and were listening to his father talk about the mistakes they had just made.

Xiaoyu, on the other hand, came to Hulk's side thoughtfully, poked the Hulk's body with her finger, and looked at Hulk's muscles with some curiosity.

Ash also popularized Xiaoyu's identity in the control bureau to prevent any unlucky person from running into Xiaoyu, so no one came to stop her.

Yiguo left the battlefield long ago. Ever since Ash fought against the Hulk alone, Yiguo left with hatred in his back with his spine broken into several sections.

After all, the most seriously injured person on the scene was the unlucky Stark. He was slapped by the Hulk and his armor was smashed into one piece. If it weren't for the armor's good shock-absorbing and defensive performance, Stark said at this moment

Maybe he is doing research with his father.

Stark looked a little funny at the moment. He was lying motionless on the mobile bed of an ambulance. Donatello was using hydraulic pliers to follow Stark's instructions and cut the armor piece by piece.

Remove it.

Jarvis's computer was down and the armor was damaged. There was no way to dismantle the armor by normal means, so it could only be dismantled piece by piece.

"Oh my God! Tony! Are you okay!"

Pepper's iconic exclamation, accompanied by the clicking sound of high heels running on the ground, quickly reached Stark's side.

Seeing Stark's appearance, Pepper couldn't help but shed tears, and said with a choked voice: "Jarvis informed me that you were injured. How did you become like this?"

The excited Pepper even ignored the four big turtles next to him and pushed Donatello away.

Looking at Stark's face, Pepper quickly checked the injuries on Stark's body, took out a saint's amulet, and the milky white light gathered in his hand, if it was the same treatment commonly used by priests.

The radiance of the treatment and the physical sensation made Stark cry out in surprise: "Pepper! How could you do this?"

While crying and trying hard to create the light in her hands and press it into Stark's body, Pepper explained: "I learned from the fireproof girl and Irina, and I just used the holy book that Ash gave me. I don't know.

You’ll get it before you know it…”

Looking at the light in Pepper's hand, thinking that he could never learn it no matter how many times he read those fairy tales, Stark looked at the night sky, relaxed his body, and said with confusion and regret: "Why can't I learn it?"

"The so-called miracle is to learn the stories of the gods. Then there is the skill of praying and receiving grace. It is the skill of the priests to restore life and even receive sunlight. This is idealistic in itself, and you can use it as long as you believe. It's just that

Stark, you just don’t believe it..."

Ash came to Stark's side, took out a sharp dagger, inserted it into the gap of the armor, and cut off the internal connection points of the armor with a few strokes, releasing Stark.

Stark breathed a long sigh of relief, hugged Pepper, and comforted her.

After coming back to his senses, Stark said quibly: "It's not that I don't believe it, but what is the principle behind it? Is its release based on a certain command requirement? Or is it based on a certain 'person's' idea..."


Stark will always regard all miracles as unsolved mysteries of science, and other transcendent technologies are just undiscovered scientific principles.

Ash has no intention of correcting this idea. Stark is Stark, and he will only move forward on the path of science. Well, he is limited to the Stark of this universe.

After unleashing a standard recovery on Stark to repair the damage he suffered, Stark jumped out of the hospital bed.

Pepper was still worried and said worriedly: "Tony, you have to go to the hospital for a check-up..."

He picked up Pepper and spun him around a few times. Listening to Pepper's exclamations, Stark pointed at Ash and said, "You are prejudiced against the best doctor in New York and the best priesthood now..."


"Sorry, Ash. That's not what I meant..."

Pepper then remembered that Ash was still standing next to him, explaining what he said about his concerns about Stark. Ash just smiled and shook his head to show that he didn't care.

Stark pointed to the four turtles and said to Pepper: "Okay, do me a favor and entertain these big guys first. They pulled me out of the ruins. I have some personal matters to deal with."

For a moment, remember to give the guy with the purple blindfold an invitation letter for the completion of Stark Tower, he is my fan..."

Pepper nodded dully, looked at these turtles whose arms were thicker than his waist, cheered up and invited them aside.

Stark obviously had other things to deal with. Although the turtles were reckless, they were not indifferent. They hugged Pepper and left, leaving only Stark and Ash.

The others left, and Stark's face instantly darkened, and he asked sadly: "Ash, am I unable to keep up with this era..."

Stark has participated in several recent operations, but it has not been effective. He can still harass the giant beast in the battle, but facing the Hulk, it is just a slap in the face.

"You're doubting yourself!"

"What! I didn't! Stop talking nonsense!"

Stark denied it subconsciously. He had a very clear understanding of himself. Death made him see his talents and responsibilities clearly, and now he is just a little confused...

"You are doubting the world, doubting whether you can protect it, denying your talents, denying everything you thought about at the moment of death..."

Silence is now Stark, and he has to admit that what Ash said is right.

Seeing Stark like this, Ash pushed Stark directly into the ambulance car, then cautiously looked outside and closed the door.

Stark looked at his surroundings in panic, shook his head like a kid and said, "What are you going to do!"

"Let you see the truth of the world. I'm pretty good at illusion..."

As Ash's words fell, the entire carriage changed, and Stark found himself standing outside the earth at this moment, between the orbits of the earth and the moon.

At this moment, there is a group of interstellar battleships outside the earth. They are neatly arranged, and their weapons have begun to charge and are aimed at the earth.

And a woman wearing a red and blue battle suit with white light all over her body collided directly with these battleships. The impact triggered a huge explosion, and the interstellar fleet was completely destroyed in an instant.

Looking at the wreckage in the universe and the blue-skinned aliens, when Stark was about to ask something, the distance was infinitely widened and he came to another location in the galaxy.

This planet is the home planet of the blue-skinned people just now. They are organizing their fleet, and under the leadership of a blue-skinned man wearing a black hood, they are going to other planets to carry out extermination.

This Kree fleet was intercepted on other planets. Several four-pointed star-like spaceships intercepted this fleet in the universe.

After watching Star Wars, Stark followed Ash's illusions and saw countless fantastic things, such as a planet where the entire country was golden from buildings to people, a cosmic arena, and a head comparable to a planet.

When Ash took back these illusions, Stark sat in the carriage and couldn't help but breathe heavily.

"Is this... is this a war on other... other planets in the universe? Who is that woman? Such a war has actually happened on Earth!"

Stark recalled what he had just seen, fear and worry coexisted, and couldn't help but confirm with Ash.

Hearing Stark's words, Ash raised his eyebrows and asked in disbelief: "You haven't seen the Control Bureau's high-level intelligence documents? I gave you the same level of authority as me, but you didn't even use it.


"Really? I thought I was just a consultant..."

Stark was a little surprised, but still took out his phone and searched for information that could only be viewed with the highest level of authority.

After reading all the information about the square-faced lady, Stark asked the same question as everyone else: "Can Carol still be trusted?"

Ash's explanation also remained unchanged: "A person with blue blood who plays savior games on other planets has not returned to Earth since the 1980s. I have no objection to you treating her as an Earthling."

, this kind of wishful thinking is what the savior lady likes best. Anyway, she has not clearly stated her football background. Just say a few words and there will be a pair of people surrounding her..."

Ash's words were full of contempt and ridicule, which at least confirmed something in Stark's ears.

"Ash, we have to do something..."

After hearing Stark's words, Ash sent it back intact and asked: "What do you want to do?"

"By putting a layer of steel armor on the Earth, I can build a synchronous orbital defense measure, and then I can build a weapons delivery platform on the moon, and we can even modify comets..."

Stark spoke his thoughts excitedly and began to make endless associations. He was afraid that if he continued, the Death Star battleship would appear.

However, when Stark turned around, he saw Ash's calm eyes, as if he was watching some boring show. This was like a bucket of cold water pouring down on him, making Stark calm down.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s third aerospace aircraft carrier has begun to be outfitted, and the five gangsters are also simultaneously increasing military spending, and they have even adopted supportive policies towards heavy industry.

Stark, you take things for granted. You have always lived in your own world. You always put everything on yourself, trying to make yourself resist the responsibilities that belong to all mankind.

How long has it been since you had a good night's sleep? Didn't you notice that your hands were shaking unconsciously when you got excited?"

Hearing Ash's words, Stark had to say that Ash analyzed him very clearly. Looking at his trembling hands, Stark covered his face.

"What should I do?"

"Now wipe your face, go out and tell Pepper standing at the door that you are okay, and then go home and do whatever you want, preferably to make a child. Then have a good sleep, and then go and make something you can

Armor, I will take you to meet the real big shots in a while. I think after meeting them, you will have less worries. By the way, help me fight..."

Stark didn't ask who these big shots were. He took off his coat and wiped his face carelessly, readjusted his breathing, and waited until he calmed down completely before opening the car door.

Outside the car door, it was a worried Pepper. Before she could ask about Stark's condition, she saw Stark hugging Pepper and giving her a long kiss.

Ash clicked his tongue and shook his head. He took out his cell phone and sent an order, asking the people around him to spread out further to give the pair some space.

After comforting Stark, Ash had to go see the other protagonist. It had been a long time since he heard Xiaoyu's voice, and Ash was a little scared inside, maybe something would really happen.

Sure enough, what Ash expected was right. In a location where no one noticed, Xiaoyu and four turtles were surrounding a huge hedgehog and whispering something.

It seems that Xiaoyu has made new friends, and the sewer heroes have expanded into the wild.

Ash sighed, came to Xiaoyu, and like Jackie Chan, picked her up by her collar.

Xiaoyu, who was lifted up, waved her fist in the air and threatened Ash and said: "Let me go, this is a critical mission to save the world, and Team Dragon is the first to receive the mission!"

"Yes, yes, can you calm down a little? If you don't keep quiet, I will call Jackie Chan and Dad!"

Ash dealt with Xiaoyu, but when he saw the big hedgehog, he couldn't turn around.

The hedgehog is only slightly larger than Xiaoyu and looks no different from other hedgehogs, but the equipment it carries is not from Earth.

The hedgehog had an armed belt on his waist and shoulders, with a sci-fi weapon slung across his body. The hedgehog didn't feel that kind of fear when he saw Ash. He held the weapon openly, with the muzzle pointed toward the ground, without any opposition.


Ash became serious, put down Xiaoyu, squatted in front of the hedgehog and asked: "I am Ash Solar, the director of the Control Bureau in this area of ​​the earth, responsible for any supernatural events. Is there anything you need me to know?"


After hearing this, the hedgehog put the weapon in his hand back to his waist and chirped something that Ash couldn't understand.

Along with the chirping words, a signal came out from the hedgehog's neck and spread into Ash's mind.

Communication between different races in the universe requires the use of a special device, which is the implant detected after Star-Lord was captured. It can convert his own language into brainwave signals and transmit them to other people's brains.

, into a language that can be understood.

However, the strength of Ash's soul is completely immune to this kind of signal. The soul is too strong for this kind of signal to penetrate into Ash's mind.

Just listening to the hedgehog chirping, Ash looked at the surprise of Xiaoyu and the turtles around him with a bewildered expression.

In the end, it was Ash who summoned his soul power and penetrated into the hedgehog's mind to figure out what was going on.

Hedgehog comes from halfworld, the birthplace of Rocket Raccoon. Like Rocket Raccoon, it has undergone many biological transformations.

In the alien asylum called Halfworld, a group of animals were tortured. So, the animals began to resist, and they successfully escaped from the planet and blew it up.

When wandering in the universe, Hedgehog and Rocket Raccoon worked together, but Rocket Raccoon always despised his hesitation and kindness.

After robbing a space station, Hedgehog discovered that this unmanned space station had been launching biological weapons towards another remote planet, and that this planet was recorded as having intelligent life.

The hedgehog and the raccoon got into an argument over whether to issue a warning to this remote planet or carry out another pleasant heist, and eventually broke up.

The hedgehog went through a long interstellar voyage to reach this remote planet, and because it used interstellar jump points, it even arrived at this planet before the biological weapons arrived.

Shortly after it landed, it discovered that fighting was taking place elsewhere at the landing site. Thanks to the people taking refuge, it came here quietly and was successfully discovered by Xiaoyu.

Ash compared the time that the hedgehog said, and he was almost able to face the Skrull named Valentine. At that time, Valentine was also transmitting some signal, and it was successful.

Regardless of the interstellar universe, there really is no good greenskin. The Skrulls are like this, and the same goes for Gorge and Mao, who are always causing trouble for people.

'I just finished persuading Stark, now I'm going to join the interstellar war?'

With a depressed look on his face, Ash waited quietly for the hedgehog to finish chirping. Xiaoyu became more and more excited as he listened, and asked Ash to wink to Leonardo da Vinci, the boss of the turtles, and ask him to help keep an eye on Xiaoyu.

After receiving Da Vinci's cryptic reply, Ash breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of thing cannot be made known to everyone.

When the hedgehog finally finished speaking, the hedgehog looked at Ash expectantly, as if he was waiting for something.

After feeling the desire in the hedgehog's heart, Ash cooperated and said: "Thank you very much for the information you brought, which gave us the opportunity to prevent this danger in advance. Thank you, Carl."

(End of chapter)

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