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Chapter 256 The Unclear Sam

Chapter 256 Sam who can’t see clearly

Ash made things difficult for Optimus Prime, the Holy Mother robot, in every possible way, but Optimus Prime still had the attitude of "I'm here for peace."

Even at this moment, it didn't draw its weapon, it was just looking for a breakthrough point in Ash's words.

Of course, this does not mean that Optimus Prime is a fool. Obviously, Optimus Prime also understands that the current situation is controlled by Ash, and Ash is not very aggressive, otherwise he would not act in a business-like manner.


So Optimus Prime always only replied with words like "For peace, the fire source is in danger, and the Decepticons will destroy the earth."

In the face of a greater crisis, no matter what race they are, they will give up a small price.

Ash tilted his head and said to Russell on the side: "Go to your place or mine? What did Devlin say?"

If you go to the Control Bureau, Russell will become an assistant. Even if you have any credit, Russell will not get the first credit. But if you go to the Investigation Bureau, it is different. Megatron of NBE 1 is in containment, and the Investigation Bureau has always

He has always been the best person to deal with Cybertron issues.

Devlin will definitely make arrangements for this kind of thing in advance. Although there is extremely close cooperation between the Investigation Bureau and the Control Bureau, it is better to explain this kind of thing clearly in advance.

Sure enough, Russell said: "Director Devlin has arranged a secret base, I will take them there, and a joint investigation report will be sent to you later..."

There is meat to eat together, Russell takes in the Cybertron remnants, and the Bureau plays its own specialties and occupies the main moral and legal position.

The cooperation of both parties can wipe out all these Autobots.

Ash looked around and asked with some suspicion: "Are your subordinates okay?"

With a dark face, Russell looked around at the people around him. Apart from the elites brought by Ash, the only ones left were the gun-toting agents from District 7.

Although the Seventh District has combat troops to deal with these big guys, they are not around now.

Seeing Russell's embarrassment, Ash said: "I'll leave the equipment for you. The armor-piercing weapon can do some damage, so be careful..."

Russell nodded with a sullen face. Although the Autobots could cooperate, it did not mean that other people would cooperate. Even the so-called Decepticons, whose name sounded like they were not decent people.

You may be attacked at any time during the transfer, and whether these Autobots will become enemies is full of unknowns.

Finally, Russell left with the Autobots, escorted by several helicopters, to an unknown location.

The only ones left behind were the abandoned Sam family.

"Hey, George? It's a big case, collusion with aliens, threatening to attack law enforcement units. Are you, the New York Police Department, interested in completing a lawsuit? Don't worry, I have recorded all the evidence..."

With the camera at hand, Ash arranged another opportunity for George Stacey to shine.

I heard that Beckett recently intended to enter politics and run for Congress. Cassel is actively seeking all resources for his wife, and even borrowed a team of network engineers from Ash just to build momentum for Beckett.

It is already certain that Beckett will become a congressman. And in the New York Police Department, whether Beckett or George complete such a lawsuit again, their futures are limitless.

Facing more and more troubles, the New York Police Department has begun to think about independent law enforcement. According to a retired agent who lives in the Control Bureau, George has secretly contacted the Tax Bureau. As long as the police department is independent of the municipal government,

A special fund will be set up for the police department.

Only when the New York police are no longer subject to municipal constraints can they be considered independent. This special lawsuit will be a successful step for George.

Regardless of whether he wins or not, George's career will enter the next stage. Victory means that the police are not afraid of power and dare to go to war with alien forces. Losing will make it even more clear. How can the small New York Police Department be the opponent of aliens?

, and the prosecution by the police is a confrontation with forces outside the world...

As for the consequences of Sam's actions, Ash doesn't care now.

Comparing Sam's behavior in the past few hours, even if he had a little cooperation, Ash would not arrange such an ending for him.

Although Sam is young, this is no excuse. What he should understand most is that he is an earthling first, not an alien friend who only met and communicated for ten minutes.

Along the way, there are many stages where Sam can cooperate with the investigation of District 7. He even only needs to explain the purpose of the alien's visit without exposing his alien friends.

But Sam easily threw away the last chance. With the support of the Autobots, he actually used handcuffs on the agents of District 7.

Being young and powerful, he was a bit too arrogant. But Sam did not seize the opportunity.

But the alien friend walked away without even saying a word of protection for Sam.

Optimus Prime is a complete virgin. In its thinking, Sam poses no threat to the earth. As for what Sam will suffer in the future, this is completely outside the scope of Optimus Prime's thinking.

The Virgin Mary's choice is that she can never make a choice that is in line with her own interests, and the Virgin Mary will benchmark herself against her own moral requirements and forcibly bring others up to her own level.

Optimus Prime is the kind of person who will immediately choose to hesitate when it comes to the tram problem, and then let the tram drive onto the original track.

In various incidents in subsequent movies, Optimus Prime's quickest sacrifices were his own men, and these Autobots would not care about the impact of a war in the city.

Until he got into the police car, Sam had not thought about where he had made a mistake.

After solving one thing, Ash thought about whether to call Stark. After all, Stark was the best person to deal with the machine now.

But Ash still put down the phone. He told Stark just the day before yesterday that he should have a good rest and then take you to the big scene after the rest.

And Stark was very cooperative. He even returned to his Stark Industries Building and stayed behind closed doors, accompanying Pepper while completing his new armor.

And these Cybertronian machines are not a big problem at all to today's humans, they are just a matter of a few rounds of bombing.

Even if it is a battle in Transformation III, the existing troops and weapons can completely handle it.

After thinking about it, Ash ordered his factory to start working and temporarily manufactured a batch of rechargeable rifles.

When Stark handed over the prototype to Ash, he had already given the design drawings to Ash. The most critical thing about the rechargeable rifle is the energy source - the afterburner, and what is manufactured in the factory is only the outer casing.

When Ash returned to the control station, the shells of the first batch of rechargeable rifles had already begun to be assembled.

When Anderson, the base's chief steward, heard that Ash had sent out another batch of equipment, he reluctantly put a large amount of supplies into the exercise damage.

As for why dozens of people and their equipment were lost in an exercise, Anderson’s explanation is not up to them. The Pentagon Building has a large number of accountants who are dedicated to explaining this matter. They are best at delaying things until others forget about them.

For example, the whereabouts of those goats have not been made clear until now.

After thinking about it again and again, Ash was still going to find a foreign aid for the Control Bureau. After all, to fight against these Cybertron robots, someone had to be at the forefront.

In Abomination's detention area, although the broken spine had not completely healed, Ash saw that Abomination could already sit up from the hospital bed.

At this moment, Hatred was looking at the bright detectors and the barely concealed explosives, curled his lips, and lay back down.

After the last battle, Abomination also saw that he could only fight against a small number of weapons. The pile of explosives in front of him was enough to make him leave the surface of the earth.

Ash came to Abomination's side, flipped through the Abomination's test report, and asked, "Aren't you going to say something?"


Hatred turned his head to the side, unwilling to pay attention to Ash.

"You have almost healed. According to your physical condition, you will be able to move around freely after tonight. Do you have any plans?"

Hearing the time it took for his body to heal, Hatred's eyes lit up, and then disappeared instantly. In his understanding, the military had its own way of dealing with disobedient soldiers like him.

Although he is an enhanced soldier, he is not a threat at all to a place like the Control Bureau. And the person who comes to see him now is not General Ross, which means that Ross has given up on him.

At this moment, thinking about the order he had violated, Bronski had already thought about where he would be buried.

After waiting for a long time for no response from Blonsky, Ash angrily threw the medical record folder on Blonsky's bed and said: "Answer me, soldier!"

Although Abomination has a Hulk-like appearance, his core is still the soldier named Emil Blonsky, and the rules of discipline have been engraved in his soul.

Hearing this stern question, Bronski straightened his body subconsciously, and his spine made a clicking sound, causing Bronski to shrink back in pain.

Ash also saw Blonsky's reaction clearly. Since he was a soldier, he didn't need to use ordinary people's response methods. He only heard Ash forcefully give Bronsky an order: "Emile Brown."

Ski, I am informing you now that you have been forcibly recruited by the Control Bureau. You will be assigned to a special team responsible for cooperating with the secret mission of the Control Bureau. When you are healed, report to Anderson. Do you understand?


From losing everything to being needed again, Blonsky experienced the transformation from hell to heaven in a matter of minutes.

Lying on the hospital bed, Bronsky reached out and crushed the instruments next to him into pieces, then scattered them in front of Ash, and asked: "Even so, are you going to recruit me?"

Looking at the equipment in front of him, Ash sighed with some distress and said: "Any damage to the equipment will be deducted from your salary. Also, this is the Control Bureau. Control your temper. Don't forget who put you in the hospital."


Seeing the threat on Ash's face, Bronski nodded dullly, and finally agreed.

He originally thought that Ash would leave, but Ash circled around Blonsky and threw a ball of light on Blonsky, curing his injuries instantly.

"Follow me, I have to find a way to make you a suit of equipment. If you go out naked, you will definitely be beaten..."

(End of chapter)

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