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Chapter 286

Chapter 286 Cut off the beard

Ash looked at the live broadcast, and Doom next to him also saw that the transformed person was Susan's brother Johnny.

Seeing that Ash was not moved at all, Doom said tentatively: "That's Susan's brother. He's also alienated?"

Ash turned to look at Doom who was cautious. At this moment, Doom changed his original attitude and tried to communicate with Ash. A few minutes ago, Doom would only answer Ash's questions instead of taking the initiative to ask questions.


Ash said: "Now that you all have alienated bodies, Doom, what are you going to do?"

The choice was left to Doom, and Ash was very happy to help Doom. After all, no one disliked Lord Doom.

Doom said: "I went to Reed and asked him exactly what his plan was and where this research came from. According to his academic ability, he mainly studies space physics. The knowledge of biological modification is not his strong point.


Doom's sudden transformation did not completely turn him into the king of Latvinia. Now he is still thinking about his past friendship and releasing his goodwill towards himself.

Ash did not deny Doom's decision. After all, people only know pain when they have experienced it.

Pointing to the link address at the bottom of the live broadcast screen, Ash said: "Then fill in the information first to prevent anything from happening later."

Doom did not refuse Ash's request and filled in all the information smoothly, while Ash was still there to guide him.

"Okay, okay, just write about the changes in your body due to cosmic radiation. There is no need to write about other things..."

After Doom filled in the information, Ash let him go. After all, his inner doubts needed to be answered. Doom was now in a critical period of transformation, and the choice was left to him.

On the other side, just when Anderson was about to arrange for operatives to investigate the person who set fire on the street, the investigation was stopped by Ash.

Because of Anderson's cool operation, most of the people in the Control Bureau base have been drained of energy and can only lie in bed and slowly recover.

The investigation was handed over to the New York Police Department by Ash.

When George received Ash's call, he said in a tone of "I've known it for a long time": "I knew it was going to be bad. Do you want me to deal with something like this?"

Ash said: "Right now, the Control Bureau really doesn't have the manpower to go on the mission. Something happened. I just need you to go take a look. I will definitely solve it tomorrow at the latest..."

George saw the picture that Ash sent him. Most of the people in the Control Bureau were indeed lying down. George thought that it was not necessary to encourage so many people to act just to avoid going on missions.

Considering the danger of the mission, George decided to take the four turtles to Reed's Baxter Building to detain the key prisoner Johnny Stone.

When George led the police to the top floor of the Baxter Building, they found that Johnny was constantly spraying flames into the air, while Reed and Susan were standing aside and watching.

"Stop your dangerous behavior, Mr. Johnny, you're under arrest!"

Johnny heard George's words, turned around and threw a ball of fire at him. The flames quickly disappeared into the air, but the hot temperature told everyone that this threat was not a joke.

This behavior caused the police officers around George to pull out their guns and point them at Johnny.

The impulsive and arrogant Johnny was a little arrogant when he first gained his abilities, and he did not hide it at all when facing the police.

George said with a dark face: "If you make any move, I will treat you as resisting arrest! This is an arrest warrant!"

George showed the arrest warrant to Johnny, then reached out and called out the four turtles behind him to put restraints on Johnny.

Raphael walked out first, holding the restraint and walking towards Johnny. As he walked, he asked Leonardo next to him: "He looks just like Captain America in the comics..."

As the captain, Leonardo also discovered that Johnny Stone looked very similar to Captain America, but he still urged Rafael to put a restraint on Johnny due to the mission.

Leonardo said: "Don't worry about so much. The important thing now is to complete the task. Xiaoyu will bring Carl later. We have to prepare in advance. It can't just be pizza."

Raphael said nonchalantly: "Xiaoyu won't care about this. Karl also likes pizza. There's nothing wrong with pizza..."

Put a restraint on Johnny. The weight of the restraint forced Johnny to walk hunched over.

Just when George was about to take Johnny away, Doom broke through the barriers of the crowd and came to the scene.

Doom first saw Susan standing next to Reed, showing an expression of disbelief. Although he saw Susan and Reed going to have fun, Doom believed that Susan was a good girl.

But now, Susan held Reed's arm and watched nervously as Johnny was taken away, completely unaware of the heartbroken person next to her.

"Susan, you are here..."

Doom's words woke Susan up. When she saw Doom arriving, she hurriedly let go of Reed's arm and walked towards Doom in a blink of an eye.

Susan said: "Dum, help Johnny, he is going to be taken away..."

Susan didn't realize at all that Doom was already looking at her in a new light, and her words didn't even reach Doom's heart.

Just before Susan reached out to Doom, Doom bypassed her and came to Reed's side.

Doom said: "Reed, who gave you your research?"

Reed stared at the ceiling and said: "I studied that myself. I have been preparing for a long time. Who would have thought that something like this would happen..."

Doom said: "Then you can miscalculate the time of the solar storm? Will such a basic mistake happen to you?"

Reed said: "A mistake has been made, and I can only say I'm sorry..."

Hearing this, Doom was really furious. If an apology was useful, why would the police do anything? The police are here? Then it's okay.

Doom said: "I'm sorry? Your mistake cost me billions, several military detection satellites, and caused physical changes in you and me! Is this how you apologize?"

Doom's voice was a little loud, which made everyone around him stop in their hearts.

George thought for a moment and understood what Ash meant. In this scene, it was obvious that it was not convenient for Ash to take action, so he asked him to do it for him.

Walking out of the melon-eating crowd, George coughed twice to attract everyone's attention.

"Ahem... Sir, are you saying that there are still people with physical mutations?"

Doom pointed at Reed and said: "It's all because of his research. My body has begun to metalize now. As for Johnny, I believe it is the same problem..."

Doom stretched out his hand and showed George the changes in his fingertips.

George looked at Doom, then at Reed behind him, and waved his hand to ask the police officers to put restraints on everyone present.

Nowadays, resistance is considered as fighting against public power. There is not a fool present, and they all obey the arrangements obediently.

When Reed put on the restraints, as soon as the police officer let go, the restraints fell to the ground with a duang sound, and Reed's body was straightened like rubber, dragging along with the restraints on the ground.

Looking at such a scene, George felt so headache that he could only ask the police to follow Reed all the time.

Just as the turtle tied Reed's arms together like they were playing, there was a loud noise in the next room.

The frightened George took out his weapon, slowly came to the room where the noise came from, and tried to pull the door handle, but the door did not move at all.

Taking a step back and letting the turtles come forward, Raphael put the steel fork into the crack of the door and pried the door open effortlessly.

There was only a big hole left in the room, waiting for George's arrival. Looking from the hole, a strong figure was running in the woods in the distance.

George looked at the onlookers and said with a calm expression: "Issuing a city-wide wanted manhunt, finding him, and then I'll call the Control Bureau. This is originally their business..."

Ash will take care of this matter, but not now. Letting the New York Police Department take action is to remove himself from this matter.

Although he admires Doom and Ash can provide Doom with some superior conditions, Doom still has to return to his Latvinia, and having too much contact with Ash is not a good thing.

Now, Doom was standing at the door of the New York Police Department. Before he could recover, George contacted the Bureau's database and found out that there was information about Doom. He told him to wait for the Bureau's investigation results and released him.


Siblings Reed and Susan are not so lucky. They are now responsible for the escaped stone man, and Johnny has to pay for the vehicle he burned on the roadside.

George also learned a key skill - following procedures. Before Ash came to take over these troubles, all procedures were completed according to the maximum time limit.

But the next day, before Ash woke up, George called impatiently.

Only George's urgent voice was heard coming from the phone, giving Ash a shocking news.

George said: "Ash, the three Reeds were taken away this morning..."

Ash asked with some confusion: "By whom? SHIELD? Didn't you check your ID?"

"They were bailed out by a private lawyer and paid a large amount of bail, which is an astronomical amount. I can even arrange two exoskeletons like yours for the police station!"

George's words made Ash interested. Reed was begging Doom to follow him into space, but how could he have money to redeem himself now?

When George saw that he had done something wrong, he could only send the video of the time to Ash.

In the video, the lawyer took the lead in signing an agreement to pay the bail, and took Reed and the other three people out of the police station. In the car in front of the police station, Reed seemed to see an acquaintance, and his surprise did not seem like he was faking it.

Ever since Reed took the others into the car, the car disappeared in the dawn. Ash wouldn't have been able to find out the specific information about the car without thinking. Otherwise, George just said it directly and wouldn't give in to the video.

Ash sees it for himself.

Reed, who was originally not good at biological modification, went to study biological evolution. As a result, the military's satellite launch failed. The four Reeds performed a biological modification, and now they were taken away by a mysterious man.

It can only be said that things are getting more and more interesting. If placed in a detective novel, this would be a showdown of wits.

But Ashe is not Kindaichi or Sherlock Holmes. What he is best at is level A. Pushing all the way through is Ashes' method.

"Cortana, search this video and find them..."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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