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Chapter 291 Dragoons

Chapter 291 Dragoon

This time the battle was not like before. The knights carefully avoided the vital points of the skeleton giant lizard and only used weapons to cause some non-fatal wounds on it.

One knight even got angry and chopped off one of the skeleton's toes, which made the knight commander couldn't help scolding him.

Facing these unbeatable enemies in front of him and feeling more and more damage to his body, the Skeleton Giant Lizard squatted down suddenly, then jumped up with all his strength and fled towards the continent above his head.

"The first team pursues and leaves marks while the others build temporary positions and cages on the opposite side..."

The knight commander gave the order, and a team of three quickly adjusted their bodies and rushed towards a knight carrying a big sword.

The knight jumped up and stepped on the knight's sword, and then was violently thrown out. In this way, his own personnel were artificially dropped to another continent.

The others were not in such a hurry. They only saw them forming teams in twos and twos. One person bent slightly and held the shield on his shoulder. While the other person stepped on the shield, he suddenly raised his arm and sent the knight to the opposite side.

The remaining one quickly found another person to form a team, and just like that, only the Knight Commander and Rose were left.

Ross was eager to give it a try, but he saw disdain in the knight commander's faceplate.

Before he could resist, the knight captain grabbed Rose's belt, and then threw Rose to the opposite side like throwing a hammer.

Then, like Saitama jumping onto the moon, the Knight Commander squatted down and then jumped up, instantly surpassing Ross who was still flying in the sky.

Ross felt the change in gravity. For a pilot, it was common for the direction of gravity to change. He quickly adjusted his body shape in the air and fell towards the ground.

Seeing that Rose did not fall, the knight commander quickly turned his head away from looking at him.

Ross did not notice the little movement of the knight commander. Instead, he looked at the top of his head curiously. The change in gravity showed that the mass was mainly concentrated in the two continents. Only then did he believe that he was in the center of the earth at this moment.

As for the skeletal giant lizard, Ross also thought of the special creatures encountered in secret operations reported by pilots in some previous secret reports.

Ross looked around now. The knights quickly laid out a camp. Looking at the structure and division of the camp, it was a long-term fixed camp.

After finding the Knight Commander, Ross said: "We can track the footsteps of the Skeleton Monitor to the surface, which should be helpful for us to obtain supplies and related information..."

Rose's words did not receive a reply from the knight commander. It was not until he arranged the entire camp that he said to Rose who was following him: "You know the situation above, but we don't know? What we have under our feet is called Skull Island.

The location, not far from Skull Island, is Yamatai. At this moment, there are demons building a nest on Yamatai.

Once we return to the ground, it will undoubtedly be a provocation to the devil. This unnecessary price must be paid with the lives of brothers. I know you are also a commander, but my own brothers, everyone is very


The knight commander's words made Ross feel the impact. For Ross, human life has become a number, and the death brought by the war has paralyzed him.

Ross did not speak rashly, but followed the knight commander, like his adjutant, to record everything in the camp.

At this moment in the camp, the knights built a huge cage, which was more than six meters in total and more than fifteen meters in length. Rose could not imagine what kind of creature would be imprisoned in it.

These cages were made of steel, and the knights bent them with their hands like steel bars as thick as their arms, and then stacked them staggered on top of each other.

Ross counted the cages and asked, "What are we going to catch?"

The Knight Commander said: "Destruction Rex, the largest regional predator ever recorded on Earth, a theropod dinosaur."

Hearing this, Ross couldn't help but take a deep breath. Based on these cages and the secret reports he had seen in the past, Ross determined the target to capture.

The adult Destruction Rex is 4.5 to 5 meters tall and 12 to 15 meters long. It can generally reach a speed of 48km/h. Its hard head, which takes up a quarter of the body, can provide amazing bite force, making it the overlord.


Moreover, these Lothric knights have enhanced means, giving the Destruction King Dragon room to go further.

If you ride a five-meter-tall carnivorous dinosaur and charge at the enemy, who can stop it? Except for those who can fly.

For the Lothric knights who are seriously short of flying dragons, destroying the king dragon is indeed the best choice.

Ross was excluded from the next action. According to the knight commander, he couldn't even help build a cage, let alone capture the mount.

So Ross could only take care of these violent mounts in the camp, watching them impact the cage again and again, causing the steel of the cage to bend. Ross helplessly placed his knight's sword on the cage.

A flash of lightning flashed, and the guy in the cage regained his composure.

Before the Knight Commander left, Rose's Knight Sword was enchanted with lightning so that he could calm down these irritable guys.

The bored Rose was looking after the entire camp. The area around the camp had already been cleared by the Lothric knights. No creature dared to step into this dead land. So much so that Rose had to walk for a long time to catch food.

Just when Ross once again used the knight's sword to stop the mount's riot, he didn't expect that the Destruction King Dragon in the main film camp became restless.

This unique performance made Ross quickly alert. Animals' perception is more precise than that of humans, and they must have sensed some danger.

Ross climbed up the tower and saw a group of fleeing Aeolus pterosaurs.

At first, Ross was planning to catch two of these pterosaurs as his own mounts, but he gave up the idea after seeing that they could only fly by gliding.

Behind the Fengshen Pterosaur, a snake that looked like it had wings was chasing them.

The huge wings that took up half of the body were like bat wings, and the hurricane they fanned caused the Aeolian Pterosaur in front to panic.

And this giant beast seemed to be playing, knocking the Fengshen Pterosaur to pieces, and then gathered them together with its tail.

After folding its wings, it completely transformed into a giant snake. It coiled its body and piled food into the circle formed by its body, one bite at a time.

Ross recognized this creature. It was something called a war bat. During a food-catching operation, Ross saw with his own eyes that it poisoned a four-legged lizard to death within tens of seconds with its venom.

But now, this war bat is parked around the camp, and Ross can only pray that it eats up and leaves here.

But things often go against expectations. The Destruction King dragons in the camp hit the cage, and the steel bars of the simple cage were broken by them, and the two Destruction King dragons escaped.

The things in the camp allowed War Bat to locate the Destruction King Dragon instantly.

The war bat is like a snake, swimming on the ground, slowly approaching the camp.

Although it seemed slow, compared with its huge size, it reached the outskirts of the camp in an instant.

Seeing the Destruction King Dragon in the camp, War Bat stuck out its tongue and sensed the surrounding environment.

Ross squatted tightly against the parapet of the tower. The violent beating of his heart in his chest showed his nervousness. However, Ross did not dare to take a deep breath to adjust his heartbeat. He could only hold his breath to prevent his biological signals from being obtained by the war bats.

The war bat's eyes were on the edge of the tower. After observing for a few seconds, it gave up and crawled towards the Destruction King Dragon.

Feeling the war bat leaving, Rose's nervous heartbeat gradually calmed down.

But at the same time, Ross was caught in a dilemma. He was the only one in the camp at the moment, and the responsibility of guarding the camp fell on him.

After this period of time, although the Knight Commander had opinions about Ash, he still continued to train him according to his duties. Ross was convinced that even if he lost these Destruction King Dragons, he would not be punished. He would not even lose the chance to stay.

Here's the plan.

But thinking about his responsibilities, Ross stood up. During this time, he also felt how the Knights viewed him. Although he had tried his best, his background made it difficult for him to integrate into the Knights.


How to become a member of the army is to show that you have the same character as the army.

Ross understood the arrogance of the Lothrik Knights. They were once a powerful knighthood, and even after experiencing a major loss, they did not lose their belief in invincibility.

Ross climbed up the tower, looked at the War Bat that was not far away, took a deep breath, crouched down, and jumped out suddenly.

The training of the Lothric Knights has made Ross a powerful warrior at this moment. His physical strength alone allowed him to cross nearly a hundred meters and land on the War Bat.

The war bat's skin is covered with ring-shaped bones. The bones are divided into three interlaced pieces, which not only can wrap around the enemy like a snake, but also allow the skin to provide some sensory capabilities.

War Bat felt Rose's arrival instantly. Its wandering body stopped, and the front half of its body was slightly raised, ready to look behind.

This change also made Rose realize that something was wrong, so Rose jumped up again and headed towards the War Bat's head.

War Bat just turned its head and saw a small figure falling on its eyes.

Before the nictitating membrane on his eyes had time to close, the knight's sword held by Rose penetrated.

The knight's sword, which was enchanted by the knight captain's lightning, erupted directly at this moment, exploding the war bat's eyes, and thunder and lightning roamed on its body.

His eyes were blown open, and the aqueous fluid washed away Rose's eyeballs, causing him to fall to the ground in a panic.

Before Ross could stand up, War Bat broke free from the lightning's paralysis, lowered his head and rubbed randomly on the ground, trying to relieve the pain in his eyes.

Just as the war bat was scratching the ground randomly, its other eye saw Rose falling on the ground.

Realizing that it was the little guy in front of him who had caused him harm, the war bat opened its mouth directly towards Ross, bound to bite him to death.

Ross looked at the two upturned fangs on the War Bat's lower jaw, crushing him like a bulldozer. He did not give up. He held the Lothric Knight Sword in both hands and assumed a lunging stance.

Ross understood that this might be his death. At his level, even with a quick step, it would be difficult to escape the attack range of the war bat, so he might as well launch a final attack towards it.


Ross roared towards the war bat and took an arrow step.

However, before Ross could die heroically, the war bat in front of him was captured by a flying giant creature.

"That's... a dragon!"

Ross saw a flying dragon with rock-like skin, two feet and two wings.

At this moment, the knight commander is standing on top of the flying dragon, and behind it is a three-man Lothric knight.

The war bat was carried into the sky by the flying dragon, and then let go, allowing it to fall freely.

The war bat can fly itself, adjusting its body shape in an instant, spreading its wings and preparing to attack the flying dragon.

However, the sword knight behind the knight captain stretched out his hand to enchant his sword, and then thrust it out into the sky.

Thunder and lightning shot into the sky along the sword, then fell instantly and hit the war bat, paralyzing it and falling to the ground.

The knight with the spear and shield raised his spear at this moment, and thunder and lightning gathered on the spear at the same time. The knight's spear at this moment was like a giant thunder and lightning siege spear, and it nailed the war bat to the ground as it was thrown.

War Bat was still trying to struggle, but the flying dragon flames that followed covered its body, turning it directly into charcoal.

Ross looked at the battle that ended instantly in front of him in shock. He only regained consciousness when the flying dragon landed in front of him.

Looking at the destroyed camp, with only a part of the Destruction King Dragon remaining, Ross waited for the knight captain's fate.

Ross originally expected to receive cynicism from the Knight Commander, saying that he was overestimating his abilities and seeking death, but Ross had already thought about it for the Knight Commander.

Unexpectedly, the knight commander threw a set of Lothric knight armor at Rose's feet.

"This is?"

"Wearing this, only Lothric knights can ride dragons!"

(End of chapter)

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