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Chapter 310: The Fourth Scene Ends

Chapter 310 End of Game 4

Ivan didn't answer Stark's question. The whip in his hand hit Stark's side with lightning, making Stark jump to the side in fright.

Stark couldn't help but started talking nonsense again: "I don't have any weapons now, you are abusing prisoners of war!"


Ivan laughed, waved the whip in his other hand, and made Stark jump in the opposite direction again.

Stark also realized that Ivan was just teasing and teasing him, so he simply came to Ivan and got closer to observe the reactor on his chest.

While looking at it, Stark muttered: "This design looks like a first-generation reactor. The speed inside is only suitable for palladium elements with lower purity. What Stan gave you is a prototype design?"

Stark's rash actions and familiar tone made Ivan speechless for a moment.

Looking at Ivan's confused look, Stark said: "Stan refers to Obadiah Stan, the former CEO of Stark Industries. Your reactor is a bit old..."

Ivan couldn't listen anymore, so he grabbed Stark and squeezed it in his hand. Now with just a slight force, Stark would be crushed directly.

Looking at Stark struggling in his hands, Ivan said: "It is indeed a family of thieves. They don't even know its inventor, and they are making up nonsense about Stan..."

Stark's face turned red from being suppressed, and he hit Ivan's armored arm with his hand, trying to get him to put him down.

Ivan didn't waver at all. He saw Stark almost rolling his eyes before letting go of his hand and letting him fall to the ground.

Stark escaped with his life, gasping for air, and the violent circulation of air made his dizzy mind clear up a little.

While gasping for breath, Stark said: "Okay, I know you are not from Stan anymore. Can you tell me about your hatred against the Stark family? Why do you call us a family of thieves..."

Ivan glanced at Stark. Now his goal has been achieved. With the live broadcast of the observation team Cassel, Stark is no longer the only holder of the MTR uniform.

This attack on the Stark Group has been initially completed. Stark has experienced failure and his suit is no longer unique. This is a major blow to the share price of the Stark Group.

Originally, Ivan wanted to defeat Stark and avenge his family, but now after seeing what the two brothers and sisters did, Ivan had a new plan.

Now Ivan no longer cares about the low-level way of defeating Stark to prove himself. He wants to defeat the Stark family in all aspects.

So I was originally planning to introduce the grievances and grievances between the two families, but Ivan rejected it.

Ivan spat and said with a disdainful snort: "They are indeed a family of thieves. Even its inventor doesn't know. Defeating a guy like you will only make me feel embarrassed. Wait a minute, Stark.

I will defeat you in every aspect!"

After saying that, Ivan turned around and left, leaving Stark alone, looking at Ivan's back with a melancholy expression.

Stark stood up from the ground tremblingly. The wound on his back made him a little worse. The blood stained the sand on the ground, making him look dusty, as if he had just returned from the desert of Afghanistan.

Stark and Ivan left the battlefield, and everyone could see who the winner was.

Back on Ash's side, Stark's injuries were easily cured by Ash.

Putting on the new clothes prepared by Pepper, Stark stood next to Ash and looked at the three people fighting passionately on the field.

Inexplicably, Stark said: "Thank you, Ash."

As soon as these words came out, Ash was a little surprised. The gratitude from the arrogant little princess Stark was not simple.

Lifting up his visor, Ash smiled and said, "Thank me for what?"

"Thank you for making me understand the bad things that Stark Industries did and the things that the Stark family did..."

Stark's face combined with his deep voice made Pepper next to him unable to hold back tears when he saw it.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm acting to deceive you?"

"What can you lie to me about? One Lothrik alone is worth several countries. Besides, why would you lie to me about your identity? Is it fun?"

Ash turned to look at the battlefield at this moment. The visor on the side covered his face, and no expression could be seen.

Ash didn't dwell on the topic anymore and said in his calm voice: "Are you still wearing the steel suit?"

Thinking that Ash needed something, Stark took out a suitcase and patted it. It was the original Mark 5, which was portable and armored, but had weak defense and attack power.

Seeing that Stark had a backup, Ash said: "Put it on, and when this battle is over, evacuate in the direction of Geralt. Don't leave his protection..."

Just when Stark was thinking of a few words of advice, Ash said again: "Lothric and the Dragon Academy will probably be together. Please be patient and don't cause any trouble..."

Ash's words made Stark understand that the next battle will determine the outcome of the incident.

And the attack by the so-called nameless king just now did not make Ash retreat a step, which shows that Ash may not be able to take care of them mortals in the next battle, and can only arrange them behind Geralt.

Stark nodded solemnly and agreed.

Shanalot, who was beside Ash, was pushing her big head against Ash, as if saying, 'I want to help too'.

As a titan, Shanalot is very adaptable and is already familiar with the aura of flying dragons. The arrival of the storm dragon just now has given her a competitive mentality.

As Ash's helper, Shanalot also wanted to do her part. As a titan, she was the master of the planet, and her pride as a master prevented her from just waiting to see what happened, and she was eager to help.

At this moment, Shanalot was already taller than Ash. Ash could only look up at her anxious eyes and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, it's okay..."

Ash put his hands on Shanalot, transmitting strength to her and comforting her restless heart.

Lothric's dragoons have already begun to move with Task Force 141. As long as the battle on the field is over, the real battle will begin.

At this moment, the three people on the battlefield became the focus of everyone's attention.

It was originally a fight between two fat green men, but Alexey joined in when Wanda was shooting an arrow formation.

As the Red Guard, Alexei is also an enhanced person with super endurance and super rival to Captain America. Alexei was even given a shield for competition.

As the equipment of the Red Guard, this shield is only slightly different from the shield in the hands of Captain America, except that the shock absorption effect of Alexei's shield is not that good.

But it is more than enough to defend against these fat green fists.

Alexey threw out his shield and hit Hulk on the back, then dodged the abominable fist, reached out and took back the shield to block the abominable punch.

When Hulk turned around to look for Alexei, Abomination turned around and kicked Hulk away, but in his distraction, Alexei's shield hit his foot.

Hulk returned to the battle, and instead of looking for the hatred that kicked him away just now, he dealt out the hatred that was rubbing his feet.

The three of them were fighting together like this. There were no friendly troops, they were all enemies. The sound of passionate fists and shields clashing resounded throughout the battlefield.

This kind of fighting did not stop until Shanalot slowly climbed into the defensive circle behind Geralt.

The battle between the enhanced people was inconclusive, and the three finally lay down at the same time.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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