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Chapter 315 New Mexico State

Chapter 315 New Mexico

The so-called outer god is Thor, the hammer god who was punished by Odin and sent to Earth for further training.

Thor started a new war because of his arrogance and recklessness, which disappointed the old Odin, so he was banished to the earth as punishment. And Thor's younger brother, Loki, the god of trickery, played the role of the god king Odin.

While sleeping, he took charge of the entire Asgard.

Ashes doesn't know how to face Asgard yet, so he can only take one step at a time.

In New Mexico, Thor's hammer Mjolnir also came to Earth along with Thor. The people who found the hammer here started a competition to see who could take out this never-moving hammer.

Hill was the first to arrive here among those who knew the truth. She used the stray devil's throw as a trick and asked the stray devil to send her to a base closest to New Mexico.

After reporting to the World Security Council, I got the authority and rushed here non-stop.

Ash had to return to New York to reorganize his personnel and equipment before he could rush to New Mexico, so he was one step behind Hill.

But Hill was extremely looking forward to Ash's arrival at this moment. After all, she was facing a god. She didn't know the specific situation, but she still hoped to have combat power to maintain basic stability.

After looking at various news about New Mexico's magical hammer on the web, Hill also understood that the hammer that couldn't be pulled out was an artifact.

SHIELD will take control of the area first and then wait to hand it over to the Control Bureau. As long as it does not trigger a divine war, everything is easy to negotiate.

Sighing, Hill closed the tablet and pinched the corners of his eyes to relieve the soreness in his eyes. Geralt did not come to help. According to him, in order to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to invade the Catacombs of Casas, this scene could only be avoided.

Leave it to Ash, who is dedicated to maintaining internal stability.

At this moment, Hill really understood the responsibilities of these three people. The mages maintained the earth line defense network to prevent external invasion. Ash cleaned up the internal problems to prevent people from smuggling. Geralt cleaned up all the darkness to prevent his own suppression.

The Catacombs of Casas erupted.

Everyone has something to do, but Hill is beginning to feel confused about his responsibilities. Is the existence of SHIELD necessary? What kind of security is SHIELD maintaining?

After experiencing various fantastic events under Geralt's leadership, this doubt inevitably arose in Hill's mind.

The former director ran away with his sister-in-law, leaving her with only ruins. Now the battle with increasingly higher power levels makes it difficult for SHIELD, which is all mortal, to intervene.

The division of labor and cooperation between the three Ashes have been able to comprehensively cover all crisis events, and there are also different opinions within SHIELD. There is a tendency for the staff to fall apart.

People were distraught and it was difficult to lead the team. Hill closed his eyes and rested. He heard the sound of the engine turning during landing, and the destination was reached.

"Disperse the crowd, fence this place to prevent intrusion, and at the same time investigate any unknown situations around you, report them at all times, and then... then wait for the special person to deal with it."

After giving the order, Hill also disembarked from the Quinjet. But the scene in front of her was different from what she had imagined.

What was originally a hot topic on the web news was completely silent at the scene, with almost no one around. There was only a man in a suit, squatting next to the original hammer and watching.

The SHIELD staff she sent ignored this man's existence, and he seemed to be invisible.

Hill held the Gothild sword at his waist and walked slowly towards the figure.

When the gods came, Hill had to treat them with suspicion and caution.

After approaching, Hill said tentatively: "Sir, this is an area controlled by SHIELD. If you are the owner of the hammer in front of you, I will arrange..."

Hill was speaking, but when the person turned to look at her, Hill unconsciously took a deep breath, and her entire back was instantly soaked.

Seeing this unfamiliar face, a demonic figure suddenly popped into Hill's mind. It was a greedy man who had lost control.

At this moment, the creditor came to the door.

Hill drew out his sword and looked at the greedy man in front of him carefully.

Greedy looked at Hill up and down as if he had seen some novel toy and said: "We haven't seen each other for a few days, and you have already taken this step. Oh... look what this is, is it your new toy?


The Greedy Man approached Hill and stretched out his fingers to touch the blade of the sword, but he retracted his fingers in an instant, and there was still a bit of burnt smell in the air.

Greedy stared at the sword in Hill's hand and said, "Interesting, is it a special weapon?"

Hill cheered up and asked: "What are you doing here! What does the coming god have to do with you?"

"Tsk, don't get me wrong, I'm just wandering here. Also, is this your attitude when talking to creditors?"

The cold light in the greedy man's eyes shows his dissatisfaction.

Hill and the Five of the World Security Council still owe Greedy three months of ownership of the Cube.

"We haven't found Nick Fury yet, it will take a while..."

Greedy stared into Hill's eyes and nodded as if he agreed with this statement, but he would not let the debt be shelved indefinitely.

The greedy man stretched his hand towards Hill's neck and said: "Let me collect some interest first, and ask the five people behind you to move faster!"

Hill tried to struggle, but his body fell into silence and could not move. But in his mind was the image of the agreement they agreed to with the Greedy Man. This was the Greedy Man's insurance, so that those who did not reach the deal could not resist.

Just when Greed's hand was about to touch Hill, a roar came from the sky.

"Great is Lothric!"

Ash descended from the sky carrying a huge amount of power, and the sword in his hand changed into another shape. The milky white light formed a sword body tens of meters long, and it slashed down towards the greedy person.

Two saints instantly appeared next to Hill, and they took Hill out of Ash's attack range.

The light collided with the Greedy One, but it seemed to hit cotton without making a sound, leaving only a sword mark hundreds of meters long on the spot.

Greedy appeared beside the sword mark, stared at Ash in the sky and said, "You have become stronger too, Priest. Now do you call you God's Favorite or God's Agent?"

Ash didn't waste any time, he directly raised the chant and began to use the last move of his battle with Constantine. The door to the Saint was about to open...

Seeing this scene, Greedy Man decisively concealed his figure and disappeared from everyone's eyes, leaving only one sentence on the spot.

"Just remember for the moment, I don't have much patience with the payment of the transaction price..."

The departure of Greedy Man allowed Hill's body to regain its freedom, and Ash also put away his weapons and returned to the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Hill shook his head to show that he was okay, pointed his finger at the location of the greedy man, and asked Ash to check whether the hammer was safe.

Ash just walked around the hammer without touching or taking any samples. After observing, he came to the command room.

"What's that hammer?"

"The weapon of the Hammer God, the treasure of Asgard, Mjolnir..."

(End of chapter)

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