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Chapter 337: The Troubled Thor

Chapter 337 Thor gets into trouble

As a weapon refined by the contract of St. Fangansa, the chant is born with the power of the saint of Vanaheim. There are many saint souls in it, which can provide help in various aspects.

The special power of Vanaheim is a perfect match for the soul of Professor X, Charles. After all, the consciousness of the world that wants to be born will always know the thoughts of its children and food.

With a brand new aria in hand, Ash, who was dozing off in the command room, opened his eyes.

Now with Professor X's ability, Ashe can clearly feel everyone's thoughts.

For example, now Norman Osborn is thinking about studying those creatures to see if he can make a new body for himself. Tony is thinking about whether he should take another biology degree.

After checking around, Ash withdrew this power and placed his main target on Liberty Island. This power will never be known to others. The ability to detect the mind is too terrifying to let others stand naked against you.

There is no privacy at all.

'What Rudos said is indeed true, consciousness controls the body...'

Ash used his psychic power to explore Liberty Island. Every enemy appeared in his perception, and the consciousness of that organism was also exposed to Ash.

Blank consciousness, only actions that follow instructions and complete them at any cost.

This is the thought that Ash felt from it. As biological weapons, they do not have their own thoughts, but the controller still gave them basic instructions in their subconscious in order to facilitate themselves.

'That's the mastermind?'

As Ash explored, a huge consciousness appeared in his perception, and countless instructions were issued every second, commanding everything on Liberty Island.

Comparing the map of Liberty Island, Ash determined the target. The strange black tree was the command tower of these biological weapons.

Just like a computer program, it has no thoughts and will only act according to established instructions. However, the instructions issued by relying on the power of the mind were intercepted and cracked by Ash.

‘So that’s it, they don’t have souls because they use their souls as nourishment and use their souls to promote the evolution of living things. This is not a living thing at all. It can only be said to be a logical instruction wrapped in the skin of a living being...'

For these things, they don't need souls. They are like robots, they only need power and are commanded by a master brain.

The tourists who ran away in a hurry and did not come to Liberty Island became its first batch of nutrients and turned into a carpet of bacteria covering Liberty Island.

‘Why does this thing look so much like the furnace of hell? It absorbs souls to provide energy for it, completing cycles after cycles. As long as there are enough souls, the furnace will never go out...'

Mephisto? Or another hell lord?

While Ash was thinking, he was woken up by a tap on the shoulder by someone standing nearby. Ash looked up and found that Logan had arrived, and Caliban was standing next to him, nervously waiting for Ash's instructions.

Stark was very excited to see Logan. The two had always had an inexplicable friendship before.

Stark hugged Logan for the first time, but quickly left to avoid contact with others.

Stark said excitedly: "I thought you wouldn't come back!"

"I've finished smoking my cigars and wanted to restock some..."

Logan signaled Stark to replenish his ammunition. Of the few boxes of cigars, he only kept the last one and was reluctant to smoke it.

Ash did not disturb the reunion between the two, and said to Caliban next to him: "Relax, I'm not a devil."

Caliban's back was soaked with sweat, thinking, 'It's not a demon, but the power is so terrifying, only that fool Logan can't see it...'

"Logan is not a fool. He already knew it, but he just didn't say it..."

Ash's words made Caliban raise his head in horror, not expecting that Ash also had the power of the mind.

Caliban has been with Professor

Ash did not provoke Caliban anymore. He pointed to the map in the room and said: "Find all the creatures on Liberty Island and mark them on it, and then you will have nothing to do..."

Hill looked at the helpers that Ash had found and located the enemy's location on the map. He even drew some routes for patrolling the enemy.

Hill did not doubt the authenticity of the intelligence. After all, under the observation of satellites and drones in the sky, enemies in the open air could easily be determined, and they were exactly the same as the map data.

Hill just thought that Ash and Constantine always had so many talented people around them. Only Geralt had nothing next to him, and a French undead team still needed to guard the cemetery.

Caliban identified the enemies on Liberty Island, and George led the police to screen the temporary camps gradually.

It is very simple to identify these things. You only need to cut the skin and bleed out blood. However, the number of tourists is too large, so it has been delayed until now.

The end of tourist screening means that this matter is coming to an end. Whether it is covering incendiary bombs or growing mushrooms, it has nothing to do with his small New York Police Department.

George wiped the sweat from his face and worked all night. His tired eyes only felt a little hot in the morning sun.

Looking at the elite Control Bureau who had taken over the defense, all George could think about was whether Ash should retire some of his equipment. The police department just happened to take over. After being busy for so long, the police department should also benefit.

Fantasy about getting two more ATS armors for his men, George gradually relaxed and was about to go to the command room to claim credit.

At a sudden glance, a figure made George scream.

There must be lurking enemies in the screening crowd. After they are discovered, they are usually beaten into pieces, then isolated in a designated area, and finally burned to ashes by fire. All this must avoid physical contact.

But now, George saw an indifferent man, curiously kicking the black body on the ground.

The man was wearing Control Bureau clothes, but he had no team coordination, and even his long hair did not meet the Control Bureau's combat standards.

"Fake! What are you doing!"

George directly took out his pistol and fired a warning shot at the man. The bullet slid through the target's body, leaving him without any chance to move.

George's warning also attracted the attention of the Control Bureau, who pointed their weapons at George's target.

George pointed at the target and yelled: "Do you know what you are doing! Who is your superior? Didn't he teach you to pay attention to the rules?"

Thor looked at the nervous George and understood that he had done something bad, but the prince of Asgard would not admit his mistakes.

"My superior is Odin, King of the Gods. You should kneel before me, mortal!"

"Shet! Where did you fool, how did you sneak into the control bureau! Damn it, did you come into contact with that thing!"

Facing George's repeated confirmation, Thor slightly retreated the foot that had just touched the corpse behind him.

Naturally, this small movement did not escape George's eyes. He took two steps back and called Ash in the control room.

"Ash! I found an idiot wearing Bureau clothes, and he just touched that thing!"

(End of chapter)

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