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Chapter 341 The Destroyer Arrives

Chapter 341 The Destroyer Arrives

Stark's family party plan involves many different armors working together. Although some of the armors are industrial robots made by Stark to facilitate his establishment of the Stark Tower, this does not prevent them from playing an important role at this moment.


Stark has informed Ash of his plan through the headset, and Ash continues to project thunder guns to limit the range of action of the clone Thor.

A piece of thick blue armor took the lead and directly blocked the copy of Thor in the sky. Thor's hands were also restrained in the arms of the armor.

Mark 38 Igor, a non-combat armor, is a load-bearing armor used by Stark for engineering transportation and handling. Its arms have been enhanced with hydraulic support rods and the body support has been strengthened to allow it to carry more heavy objects.

Mark 38 confined the cloned Thor in the arms of the machine, giving Ash some time.

"That's it, Stark has restricted him. I need a ritual to enhance my strength..."

After saying that, Ash found a place and sat down cross-legged, as if he was meditating.

Stark in the rear, carrying the portable emergency armor Mark 5, controlled the armor planned for the family party, and said in a hurry: "Then you have to tell me the time, these armors won't last long!"

"When the bell rings..."

After saying that, Ash stopped responding to any inquiries.

"The bell! There's no bell here..."

Stark complained, then controlled the armor to surround the Thor clone.

Thor just said that his weakness is Mjolnir, so Stark also set his sights on replicating the hammer in Thor's hand.

Now connected to Mjolnir by the black substance, the hammer showed no resistance at all, and interrupting the connection was Stark's only goal.

The Mark 38 restricted the movement of clones, and the Mark 35 Red Snapper arrived. As a rescue mecha, its hands were telescopic mechanical pliers, which fixed the hammer. Its pliers had special energy transmitters that could destroy obstacles.


Energy weapons do have an effect on black matter, and copying Thor also understands the effect Mjolnir has on him, and is forced to secrete more matter from his body to make up for the damage.

The damage could not keep up with the healing speed, and even the material connecting the hammer became thicker and thicker.

Seeing this situation, Stark had to dispatch another mecha, the Mark 25 Heavy Striker. Its hands were industrial impact drills that could adjust the frequency to enhance the crushing effect.

Now the copy of Thor is fixed by Mark 37 Igor, 35 Red Snapper limits the hammer while releasing the hammer with 25 heavy hitters, as if everything is moving in the right direction.

The restricted Thor clone burst out lightning from itself for some reason, and even Mjolnir began to respond to him.

The black substance connecting the two fell off instantly, and Mjolnir fell into the hands of the clone Thor. Lightning began to burst out wantonly, and Stark received prompts to recharge one after another.

With the hammer in hand, Copy Thor didn't wait any longer. He directly grabbed the hand strap on the handle of the hammer, swung the hammer, and hit the Mark 38 that was restraining him, directly smashing the armor into pieces.

Dragging the clone Thor away from the restraints, he swung the hammer from bottom to top and smashed the 35 next to him. The flying hammer flew into the sky with lightning and the clone Thor.

With thunder and lightning shining brighter than before, Thor cloned without any hesitation, directly smashed Mjolnir downwards to the ground.

The lightning carried the impact, blowing the surrounding armor to pieces, and rushed towards Ashe in the distance without losing momentum.

The lightning strikes carried mud and blocked distant sight.

When everything calmed down, in front of Ash, his greatest hope, a battle armor with an energy shield in his hand stood in front of him.

The Mark 24 tank uses special equipment to integrate an energy shield, which is deployed by its arms to resist impact and explosion damage.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Ash was fine. Now Ash is the only hope.

Except for the smashed armors, the energy of lightning filled the surrounding armors with energy.

"Jarvis, in addition to the protection around Ash, after the other armors have used up all their ammunition, launch the fireworks. Be sure to block the impostor before Ash wakes up!"

"Understood sir."

Jarvis took over the control of the other suits, while Stark concentrated on controlling the defenses around Ash.

Stark's current armors, except for special models, are basically equipped with small anti-armor missiles and laser launchers.

The disposable launcher designed based on the afterfire became the main force on the battlefield. The discontinuous red beams spread all over the replica Thor's body, but they were all blocked by the hammer he swung.

When the rest of the armor was replacing disposable launchers, the Mark 17 with energy stored in the rear pushed up.

The Mark 17 Heartbreaker is a high-energy artillery armor. Its chest has been specially transformed into a launcher. The energy provided is not the reactor, but the only Ember that Stark took from Ash.

The armor powered by residual fire has a power output far exceeding that of other armors. The huge beam on the Mark 17's chest alone suppressed the Thor clone and moved closer to him step by step.

Faced with such an attack, the clone Thor was unable to resist, and at this moment Mjolnir began to disobey. The trembling hammer resisted his control. The clone Thor could only use the hammer to face the attack of the beam, and was suppressed.

on the ground.

The situation is changing for the better, and everyone seems to see the hope of victory.

At this moment, a colorful beam of light fell from the sky and illuminated Mark 17 and the clone Thor on the ground.

Looking at this familiar beam of light, Thor shouted: "This is the Rainbow Bridge! Father must have seen me. No, no, Loki is in power now, Loki must be here to help!"

Sure enough, a behemoth landed from the Rainbow Bridge. Its body looked like it was spliced ​​together by steel bars. It was covered with steel spikes from its shoulders to the outside of its arms. It matched its flat head and bright yellow eyes.

His eyes are filled with the power of a helping hand.

Of course, it would be better if it didn't crush the Mark 17 Heartbreaker as soon as it came.

The descending Destroyer crushed the Heartbreaker that suppressed the clone Thor, allowing the clone Thor to escape from the oppression of the beam.

Thor, who was shouting just now, calmed down his excitement now, and the eyes around him seemed to want to eat him up.

Staring at the toes of his shoes, Thor didn't dare to look around. He knew what it meant without looking. Who would kill his teammates the moment they met?

Thor raised his head and fixed his gaze firmly on the Destroyer, and said: "That is my father's armor. It is Asgard's super weapon. It can deal with any enemy. Don't worry, with the Destroyer, you can

no problem……"

The Destroyer who came to the earth did not immediately chase the escaped Thor clone. Instead, he looked around as if he was looking for something.

Loki was holding the Eternal Spear at the moment, controlling the Destroyer to find Thor. He didn't care at all about what he had just crushed.

The Destroyer's eyes quickly found Thor who was pointing here and explaining something in the distance, and a smile appeared on Loki's lips.

'Okay, just kill that impostor. We have to let Asgard know how great their god-king is, and he can save an exiled sinner...'

The smiling Loki controlled the Destroyer and just turned around, when he was met by Mjolnir's hammer.

Copying Thor took the last chance to control Mjolnir and sent the Destroyer flying away, and then the black matter spread and transformed it into the shape of a long-handled hammer.

Thor couldn't get excited after seeing this scene, and the eyes behind him were filled with suspicion.

"Listen to my explanation..."

(End of chapter)

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