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Chapter 344 Storm Controller

Chapter 344 Storm Controller

That storm slash was like a single-minded dragon flash. A white light formed by the storm flashed by and cut off one of the Destroyer's arms.

Loki looked at the damaged Destroyer in shock. The armor that Odin forged using Uru metal, combined with the dwarf's forging technology, and then applied various blessings to himself, was cut off in the air.

The Onion Knight raised his sword, pointed the tip of the sword at the Destroyer in the distance, and cautiously approached it.

This big sword is completely different from the two-handed giant sword used by the Onion Knight before. The wide sword blade is tightened many times until the front end of the handshake has a small crescent-shaped sword jaw, and the rear end is a wide arc-shaped sword head.

[Storm Controller: A great sword with the nickname "Giant Killer". The broken sword still retains the power of the storm. It is said to be able to knock giants to the ground. It is said that the giant Youmu owns two Storm Controllers, one of which

He gave it to people who didn't trust him, and the other one was entrusted to a friend of his before he became King of Salons. Combat skill: Storm King. After entering the ready attack posture, the sword will carry the storm. Until it faces the giant

, to understand its true value.】

The storm accumulated on the sword, and the lingering storm wrapped around the sword. The Onion Knight raised the sword high, and then slashed it towards the Destroyer.

Naturally, Loki would not underestimate this kind of attack. The Destroyer's beam turned on its maximum power and shot towards the Onion Knight.

To compete with the storm slash and the beam of destruction, the storm directly split the beam into two and passed by the Onion Knight.

Although the slash was weakened, it continued to move forward. It struck directly on the Destroyer's body, causing a deep wound on his chest. If you get closer, you can even see the runes running inside the Destroyer's body.

The Destroyer released his target, tried to kill Thor, and then fought the Onion Knight, all in front of everyone's eyes.

"Loki! Are you so impatient?"

Thor looked at the beams released wantonly by the Destroyer, and the storms that the Onion Knight kept cutting out in the beams of the Destroyer, and felt tired.

In the short time he arrived at the atrium, he slowly transformed from a reckless Thor into a mortal who knew how to think.

He had acted rashly in the past and made Asgard's diplomatic situation a mess.

Even when he was exiled on Earth, he still failed to see himself clearly. Although he repented, the core of his heart was still the same Thor who had not changed.

Now Thor suddenly realized that he had never cared about Loki, the younger brother who had always been by his side as a foil.

Similarly, he did not realize that his father was already old. The average life span of Asgardians is long, but that is not eternal life.

In the past, the God-King who dominated the Nine Realms would negotiate peace with the Ice Giant King Lawton because of his rash attack on Jotunheim.

Thor was lying on the ground, looking at the laser beams and storms in the sky. Before closing his eyes, looking at the ticker of life, he could only say: "I was wrong..."

The fake Thor was thrown to Liberty Island by Loki, and now the Destroyer is fighting the Onion Knight.

No one thought that the gourmet who cheerfully called Kingpin "Little Fatty" and had a cute mustache would have such powerful power.

At this moment, Stark's armor also brought Ash to the crowd.

The armor opened and Ash was released. When Ash came out of the armor, his feet softened and he almost fell to the ground.

"Are your injuries that serious?"

Although Ash's chest has returned to its former whiteness, his actions show his weakness.

A healing white light appeared in Ash's hand, he pressed it on his chest and said: "I underestimated the previous attack. The light beam contained the power of the runes. It conflicted with the power in my body. It will take some time to heal."


Hill anxiously pressed her cell phone to send a message to Geralt. She just hoped that Geralt would be there to settle this mess.

Logan held Ash between his arms and placed him against the wall on a stool piled with documents.

At this moment, everyone was waiting for Ash's recovery and did not interrupt rashly, but everyone was very anxious in their hearts.

In order to appease everyone, Ash said: "Don't worry, I basically understand the principle of this thing..."

Ash's words gave everyone a shot in the arm. No one dared to come into contact with the weird copying ability and corrosive power. Now that they understand the principles, they can research countermeasures in a targeted manner.

"I originally thought it had no soul, but without a soul it couldn't move the body. It wasn't until I was shot down from the sky that I discovered that the thing's biggest reliance was not on the strong men it spawned, but on the carpets and ground-breaking ones.

The giant black tree..."

During that break, Ash borrowed Professor

"The absorbed souls are stored in the earth's veins. The power of the earth's veins can nourish the weak souls of human beings, and relying on these souls for energy can give birth to strong men like Thor..."

The idea of ​​ley lines is no stranger to everyone. Since the world suddenly changed and the World Security Council announced a batch of discovered intelligence to the top management, everyone present knew the responsibilities of the three Ashes.

Stark asked: "Do the mages not care about the loss of the earth veins? Their mage network barrier depends on the earth veins to establish it?"

"It's just using the earth's veins to nurture it, not robbing the earth's power. It has special means to generate power in the soul, allowing different souls to adapt to special bodies... This may be the ability of the Skrulls..."

The transformation of the Skrulls can completely imitate another creature, and can even copy part of the other person's memory, and memory is a manifestation of the soul's journey. The Skrulls are so terrifying.

'Those souls that have been reborn have almost reached their limit...'

Ash did not say these words. The soul hidden in the earth's veins was covered by the earth's veins, so he was not discovered by Ash at the first time. Following that consciousness, Ash found the tourists who had no time to escape.

Now the souls of those tourists are like burning torches, and energy is filled into the carpet. The moment when the soul power is plundered, it is the final decisive battle.

The soul that originally had to support a life of several decades and then serve a sentence in hell to be released has completed its final journey in this short period of time.

The power that burst out made Ash even amazed. It could even rival the power of King Xin for a short time.

Silently sensing the disappearance of souls in the earth's veins, Ash counted down in his heart.


Earthquakes begin to occur, and Liberty Island begins to undergo dramatic changes!

(End of chapter)

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