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Chapter 346: An Enemy Who Can Fight

Chapter 346 An enemy that can be fought

"Damn! The water here is boiling! Is there such a big difference between the inside and outside of the fog gate?"

After completing the construction of the Fog Gate, Stark stepped into the Fog Gate immediately. Stark would not miss the opportunity to see the power of the gods.

But stepping into the fog gate, the environment here is incredible.

Regarding the vision of Youmu's coming, everyone's first feeling was heat.

The hot air combined with the storm will only take away every bit of moisture in the surroundings. The trees in the park will quickly wither and shrink, and then spontaneously combust.

Stark transformed the armor into a fully enclosed mode, with internal circulation refrigeration, and even turned on the backup oxygen, just to provide himself with a small amount of coolness.

Stark looked around for the target, and finally asked on the channel: "Ash, where is the salary king you mentioned?"

Ash said unceremoniously: "Stark, keep a low profile and respect him. He is the salary king, the god who inherits the flame and continues the world!"

Stark maintained his usual indifferent attitude towards this kind of thing. He replied to Ash: "But I saw it last time, the god riding the Storm Bird..."

"That's the Storm Dragon! What you see is the unknown king! He is the eldest son of Sun King Gwen! The last time he was in Lothric's team, Lothric has a basic increase that can make people look directly at the gods!"

"Isn't he just a god? I've read the report and Thor is considered a god? But he's so weak that he can't even hold a Taser..."

Stark's indifferent attitude made Ash not know what to say. After all, the ignorant are fearless. Before he saw the strong man who truly maintained the world, his vision limited his thoughts.

Ash wasn't going to give Stark any more advice. It was better to suffer some setbacks than to be injured later.

"Then watch out! Right behind the Onion Knight, his friend, the lonely king of the Capital of Crime, has arrived!"

It became dark behind the Onion Knight. In a hall covered with treasures, a tall man in armor was sitting on the throne at the other end of the hall, elbowing his head and looking at everything in front of him.

When Onion Knight saw Youm, he waved to Youm excitedly.

"My friend! I have found an opponent I can fight with!"

Upon hearing the Onion Knight's call, King Xin on the throne put down the hand on his head and grabbed the huge weapon next to the throne.

It was a hatchet that went straight to Youmu's chest. It had a slightly curved square blade and a handle on the front that could be held by both hands.

Stark recorded the scene and said conspicuously: "It's nothing. Is this salary king a giant? If the calculation is correct, he is eight meters four tall?"

"Youm is not a giant. Giants are slaves and slaves. Youm is just a little taller... And, Stark! The salary king has not completely come, you still have a chance to regret it..."

"I'm Stark..."

Facing Ash's warning, Stark refused to admit defeat, but still let Jarvis take over the visual screen. Since gods cannot look directly, I can just watch the broadcast screen...

For those who had the same plan as Stark, and those who used satellites to monitor the battlefield, the fog gates just formed an octagonal fence, giving an unobstructed view from above.

Ever since the Onion Knight left Dark Souls, Yom's life has become boring. The Lonely King only has one friend, the Onion Knight Jack Baldo.

So Youm returned to the Capital of Sin, sat on his throne, and waited as before...

But this time, Jack Baldo sent a summons. Even without Ashes' permission, Youmu would never let his friends face danger...

With the barrier of time and space, Youm doesn't know the strength of the enemy in front of him, but since the Onion Knight has mentioned an enemy that can be fought, Youm will definitely try his best!

Holding the hatchet, Youmu stood up from the throne and took a step forward.


Everyone who saw Youmu's arrival covered their eyes and cursed all the curse words they knew.

Stark was the same, he was frantically calling Jarvis to take over control.

"Jarvis, cool my eyes and inject painkillers! Take me to Ash. My eyes feel like they have been burned with a soldering iron!"

Stark's call was answered after a few seconds.

"Sorry sir, I lost the picture just now, I can't observe your target... Warning! The server is overheated!"

"Shield the main screen, keep only the environment, and mosaic all other screens."

Jarvis crashed, and Stark, who fell from the sky, stumbled towards Ash's direction.

Youmu has no good feelings towards those targets of prying eyes. When he took on the responsibility of guarding the city of crime and suppressing the never-extinguishing fire of crime underground, it was to prevent those people who did not know the heights of the sky from being attracted by the fire of crime and triggering the world.

of turmoil and destruction.

But now these prying eyes, in Youmu's opinion, are peeks at King Xin, which is absolutely not allowed. So Youmu doesn't mind giving these glances a lesson.

Youmu, who traveled through time and space, looked at the enemy in front of him. Apart from being a bit taller, he was really an enemy worth fighting.

The overall quality of the soul is comparable to that of a hero, but the overly tall body disperses the power, and the false body and mixed soul power make it have no foundation at all.

"My friend, this is the new world! I have prepared many good things, just waiting for you!"

The Onion Knight's height is less than Youmu's knees, but when the Onion Knight speaks, Youmu will squat down and listen carefully.

Youmu didn't believe that Onion Knight would not know the strength of his opponent. With Storm Controller in hand, he could knock down any enemy.

But Onion Knight still learned from Ashes, compressed his strength, and summoned his old friend.

Onion Knight In this new world, there are too many things that I want to share with Youm, and only a small part can be transmitted through the campfire.

Although it was Ashes' permission that Youmu could come to Earth, Onion Knight didn't mind taking this opportunity to introduce the new things he knew to his friends.

The straightforward and straightforward Catalina Knight, who comes from a country that sings of fine wine, does not mean that the Onion Knight is a stubborn person who doesn't know how to adapt.

After meeting the enemy, Youmu also understood the meaning of Onion Knight and Ashes. This was a business trip and a vacation.

This is also the platform for Ashe and the Onion Knight, a salary king, the real god is their backer.

Youmu nodded to the Onion Knight. It was a show of strength. As Ashes said before, he understood that it was enough to deal with the enemy at once.

Youmu slammed the hatchet on the ground unceremoniously, and the flames struck all around like a ring-like wave.

Traces of flames began to appear on Youmu's body, and King Xin's power ignited the world at this moment. Burning has become the theme of this space. If someone peels away the soil now, they will find that the soil is also burning.

Youmu's hatchet also turned into the hot color of forging, and he raised the hatchet.

(End of chapter)

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