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Chapter 42 Spiral Ascension Lollipop

Chapter 42 Spiral Ascension Lollipop

Suddenly, the two people in front of them made different moves. Ash and Onion Knight suddenly stood up, and Ash suddenly said something dirty.

This woke up everyone who was still thinking about the story, and they all wondered if there was something wrong. For unknown reasons, Pepper even subconsciously picked up his cell phone and prepared to call the police.

However, in the eyes of everyone, only Ash and Onion Knight stretched out their right hands at the same time, and then a thunder gun shining with yellow lightning appeared in their hands respectively. The two of them bent their elbows and knees, and at the same time, they used the thunder gun in their hands.

Throw it out.

The two thunder guns flew to the other end of the sacrificial site with lightning and flint, and disappeared directly into the bushes.

"You...what was that in your hands just now?" Stark asked in surprise.

Of all the people present, only Tony and Pepper had not experienced fantasy events, so everyone was divided into two groups regarding the supernatural abilities displayed by Ash and the Onion Knight.

One party was represented by Cassel and Kingpin. Although they were curious about the new methods shown by Ash and Onion, they still maintained restraint and knew that they should not attract the attention of other people at the party.

On the other side were Stark and Pepper. Stark almost held Ash's hand and read through it. Stark, who had never been exposed to such events, was very curious.

"Your holographic projection is combined with motion capture, right? The special effects are pretty good. I guess the spiraling lollipop is the voice command to activate it?"

Stark tried to use scientific methods to analyze Ash's thunder gun, put forward his own guess, and began to imitate the actions of Ash and the Onion Knight.

"Spiral Ascension Lollipop, Spiral Ascension Lollipop..." Combining the movements with the so-called password, Stark kept trying to summon the thunder gun, but in the end he found nothing.

"Perhaps you have added some special verification, such as voiceprint or face recognition, so that this system can only serve you and designated people."

Unable to summon the thunder gun according to the original actions and commands, Stark was still using scientific methods to analyze the thunder gun in Ash's hand, without thinking about supernatural powers at all.

As Stark tried again and again, other people at the party were attracted by Tony's antics and pointed in this direction. Fortunately, no one took photos to capture Tony's antics at this moment.


"That is the miracle of the Sun Knight. Any warrior who believes in the sun can use it." Ash stopped Stark's useless attempt and explained the origin of the thunder gun to Tony.

[Thunder Spear: A miracle used by the warriors of the Sun Oath. It can throw thunder spears. The gun has thunder attribute attack power, which is very effective against opponents who are good at defending magic and fire attributes. It is especially effective against metal armor or dragons.


"As long as the oath of the Sun Warriors is conscientiously fulfilled, any warrior with firm faith can learn how to use a thunder gun, and after that, they are more likely to learn a series of miracles such as the giant thunder gun."

Ash, who explained the origin of the thunder gun and the process of learning it to Stark, still failed to stop Stark from making a thousand explanations and test plans for the thunder gun in his hand.

Hutch, who was far away on the other side of the party, saw that everyone was the center of attention at the party. He had a premonition that something was going on and walked over to remind everyone.

"Everyone, if you don't want to be on the front page tomorrow, it's better to avoid it. Especially you, the rich man, you will almost become the protagonist of a popular short video."

When outsiders came, Stark finally stopped his attempts that seemed a bit funny to outsiders, but he began to look around for the sensors hidden by Ash.

"Hutch, stop the others, let's go over and do something."

After drinking all the onion wine in the cup, Ash threw down the barrel and gave Hutch instructions with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

Ash walked towards the direction of the thunder gun fire, Onion followed Ash, and Kingpin also put on a gauntlet and followed Onion.

The three of them left angrily. Cassel also drank the wine in one gulp, wiped the liquid from the corner of his mouth with it, jumped up from the stool, and rushed over. He didn't want to miss such an interesting story.

After lifting the tablecloth and digging through the soil and still finding nothing, Stark finally couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and said to Pepper: "Pepper, why don't we go over and have a look too."

"Tony, forget it, it's just you and me now. Happy is not here, so I can't guarantee your safety."

Pepper always starts from Stark's safety and identity, planning everything that Stark should do and avoid crises.

However, for Stark, being unscrupulous and doing whatever he wants is his motto, and he will not accept his already full curiosity with a little advice from Pepper.

"If you don't want it, I'll go over and take a look. You stay here and wait for Happy."

Stark still couldn't hold back his curiosity and followed the direction where everyone left.

Pepper couldn't stop Stark, looking at Stark's excited back, she could only sigh.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Happy, who was unknown where he was, urging Happy, who was Stark's bodyguard, to come quickly to protect Stark. Then he adjusted the mode of his mobile phone and pressed his hand on the shortcut key for quick alarm.

Go up, holding the mobile phone in the bag with one hand, holding the handbag with the other, and Pepper followed.

The sacrificial site is located on the edge of a protruding cliff, with cliffs on both sides. The level of danger is comparable to that of Stark's Marbury Beach House, so during the renovation, workers planted thorn vines near the cliffs.

Man, prevent any little cutie from breaking through and falling off the cliff.

And a guardrail is installed on the inside of the thorn vines as another insurance. If a little cutie insists on climbing over the guardrail and heading towards the cliff through the tall thorn jungle, Jesus cannot save him.

Under the guardrail is a drainage channel made to keep the sacrificial site clean and tidy. It is not accurate to say that it is a drainage channel. The spacious environment inside can fit an adult man.

The entire drainage system is divided into two layers from top to bottom. The larger space on the first layer is distributed with never-ending water pumps and water circulation systems, and the other layer is a reservoir established to collect rainwater and sewage.

The reservoir is connected to the sewage pipes leading to the sewage treatment system at the bottom of the cliff. These complicated pipes are arranged in a lower-lying semi-submersible tank.

Ash walked at the front and led the others to open a wooden door disguised as a dead tree. There was also a no entry sign hanging on the wooden door.

Inside the wooden door is a straight staircase that leads directly to the bottom. Only the incandescent lamp on the top of the staircase provides yellow light.

Along the road, Ash came to the lowest end of the drainage channel.

(End of chapter)

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