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Chapter 415 This Is Not Thor, It's Toria

Chapter 415 This is not Thor, this is Tolia

Being interrupted by SHIELD, Thor also forgot to hand over the items in his arms to Loki.

After Loki was released from his cell, Thor opened his arms to hug his brother.

At this moment, his hands were bound by Asgard's prison equipment, and Loki could not release his magic. He could only tilt his head back and stare at the clouds in the sky with a look of disgust.

After passing the Rainbow Bridge, looking at the ablated patterns on the ground, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief as Thor and Loki disappeared.

This trouble is finally gone, and SHIELD will have only one trouble left.

Thinking about Greedy, I realized that since they isolated Greedy outside, they haven't seen Greedy for half an hour.

Suddenly there was a harsh whistling sound, which was the sound of breaking wind only when a heavy bomb fell to the ground. When it was heard, it also meant that the bomb fell to the ground.

Sure enough, not far away, a violent smoke and dust explosion erupted from the broken car yard that had not yet had time to clean up.

Before the smoke cleared, the greedy man walked out of the smoke, flicking the watch on his wrist as he walked.

"This thing is really useless. Isn't it just stratospheric skydiving? It's useless now? You have to let me do it again, who is that! Come and fly the aerospace plane to send me up!"

Faced with the greedy person's impatience, someone next to him reminded him: "Who is still flying a space plane? He may not be able to land as fast as you..."


In Asgard, when Thor and Loki returned to Asgard, they were greeted by Frigga, whose worries had gone, and Odin, who was expressionless.

Loki's face was full of displeasure when he saw Odin, and it was only when he faced Frigga that he acted like a child.


Frigga held Loki in her arms and combed her son's hair that had been twisted together for a long time.

"It's good to be back. It seems like you've been suffering outside. The staff I made for you can still be used."

Hearing this, Loki's heart became heavier and he said: "That is the most suitable gift for me..."

Thor looked at Frigga and Loki and said somewhat smugly: "Don't worry, he is well taken care of by me on Earth, and his friends visit him every day."

As Thor spoke, he reached out to the prison device in Loki's hand, preparing to release Loki from his restraints.

However, Odin slammed the Spear of Eternity onto the ground, and the violent impact made Thor stop what he was doing and half-knelt in front of Odin.

Thor said: "Father, Loki has come back. He has gone home. There is no need for such things at home."

"But he hasn't repented yet! A king should not bring war and disaster. Don't you understand this truth?"

Thor placed Mjolnir next to him, changed his half-kneeling posture to a full kneeling posture and said: "Loki is also your child. He needs to grow up instead of being imprisoned. Please think twice..."

Seeing Thor's low profile, Loki felt inexplicably angry.

Loki broke away from Frigga's arms, looked at Odin on the throne and said unhappily: "Yes, yes, the king should not bring war and disaster, he only needs to bring those who bring war to him in the end.

Just eliminate it, isn’t that what you do!”


Frigga's exclamation overlapped with Odin's angry sound as he struck the ground with the Eternal Spear.

Only now did Loki see Frigga's face covered in tears, which was the pain deep in her heart that she didn't want to mention.

Only then did Loki realize that Hela, the goddess of death imprisoned by Odin, was also his mother's daughter.

Loki fell silent, and no matter how much Thor interceded, it was useless. Asgard's prison would be Loki's future life.

Returning to his palace, Thor held Mjolnir in front of him. When Loki resisted and Odin became angry, Mjolnir felt a little different.

But after looking at it for a long time, a hammer is still a hammer.

Putting down the hammer, Thor accidentally touched the small package in his arms.

After many interruptions, Thor did not hand it over to Loki. The quarrel just now sent Loki into the cell again.

Looking at the package in his hand, Thor became more and more curious. The greedy man was originally talking about the gift prepared by Loki.

"Loki's gift..."

The pleasure of peeping into other people's privacy made Thor look around guiltily and then quietly opened the package.

Thor was in a hurry and found that after untying the ribbon, he could no longer tie it back. The items inside made him tremble inwardly.

It was a ring, a golden ring with plant patterns. The magic fluctuations on it showed that this was no ordinary item.

"Loki prepared a ring? Did he meet on Earth... Oh my God! I have to tell my mother about this, I believe she will be happy!"

Thor wanted to put the ring back into the package, but he couldn't restore it. Looking at the ring on his palm, he felt an inexplicable impulse and put it on his finger.


A sharp and crisp cry that had never been heard before brought the guards of the Asgard to Thor's door.

"Your Highness Thor, what's going on?"

The guard outside the door waited for a long time before hearing Thor's strange voice, which seemed to be high-pitched and pretending to be deep.

"It's okay, cough, I seem to be affected by the atrium, I need to rest for a while..."

The guards were dispersed by Thor, and after a long time, a slender figure wearing a cloak came out of Thor's palace.

Thor stumbled all the way to Frigga's bedroom. Now Frigga was standing in front of the dressing table, looking at the cloaked figure in the mirror, and asked strangely: "Thor?"

"Mother, I am cursed!"

Thor took off his cloak, revealing his graceful figure. Thor's originally somewhat sloppy golden hair complemented hers perfectly.

Thor held the two burdens on his chest and explained to Frigga with a hint of horror what he had tried and the ring on his hand that could no longer be taken off.

[Transmutation Ring: A mysterious ring obtained by the Dark Moon God Gwendelin when he was a child. Men will turn into women, and women will turn into men, and can behave like the opposite sex. Because of the power of the moon, he was raised as a daughter.

Big. And his every move is like a gloomy and illusive goddess.】

After listening to Thor's description and checking the ring on Thor's hand, Frigga's original melancholy mood became happy. Looking at Thor in front of her, the past impulse to dress up her son as her daughter reappeared.

Frigga comforted Thor and said, "Don't you happen to want to become the Valkyrie? Now you can..."

Hearing this, Thor was eager to try, but her physical inconvenience still made her look at Frigga pitifully.

After tying up her second daughter's hair, Frigga summoned one of her maids, Sif, whom Thor regarded as her brother.

"Sif, this is the daughter I just recognized. Her name is Tolia... Tolia, please introduce her to how to live a normal life..."

No one needs to be introduced to normal life. Although she didn't understand, Sif still nodded in agreement.

But when she looked at the woman named Tolia in front of her, she always felt that she had seen her somewhere before. She looked a bit like that fool like Thor.

'How is it possible! How could that idiot Thor be so beautiful...'

Sif still followed Frigga's request to take care of her new daughter. The first step was to at least change her ill-fitting clothes.

In her bedroom, Sif looked at the coquettish Tolia and asked, "Why don't you take off your clothes? Oh, this is your first time in Asgard, so I changed my clothes and took you out..."

Seeing Tolia holding on to her cloak and not letting go, Sif took the lead in taking off her armor and put on light clothing.

"Huh? Why are you blushing? Let me help you change your clothes. You are such an adult and you don't even know how to do this. Don't touch it, you have it yourself..."

Thinking about the scene after Sif knew Tolia's identity, Frigga felt refreshed all over. Maybe after this period of time, she would be able to hold her grandson.

Arriving at the prison, Frigga told Loki about the incident.

Listening to Thor turning into Tolia, even Loki couldn't imagine that a greedy person could do this...

Suddenly he thought that Greedy had said before that giving him a big gift would make his life easier when he returned to Asgard. Could this be it?

But the ring given to me was supposed to be used to change gender, so why did that idiot Thor use it?

Loki said anxiously: "Mother, this unknown magic should be lifted immediately!"

With a smile on her face, Frigga said: "Don't worry, I've checked it. All you need to do is remove the ring. In fact, it only needs Thor to work hard to remove it. But I have strengthened the effect of the ring..."

"Mother? You..."

"Your friend is really resourceful. It seems he really wants to help..."

Loki thought of the greedy man who had always stayed out of the matter but handled everything properly, and said a little arrogantly: "It's just a devil! At most he has some small tricks..."

Frigga couldn't help but smile in her heart and said: "That's a devil with many tricks..."


The greedy man sneezed suddenly, interrupting his original eating record of 124,678 donuts.

Seeing that there was only half a donut left in his hand, Greedy couldn't eat anymore.

"I'm ready to challenge others! Prepare me ten tons of Coke! I'm going to try how long I can burp after drinking it! I can definitely surpass that little girl!"

(End of chapter)

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