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Chapter 426 Going to the Moon

Chapter 426 Going to the Moon

Things are looking great for Wakanda! Well... for the planet as a whole!

When Wakanda was fully occupied, the earth finally realized that there were so many vibranium reserves that had been speculated in the past!

The amount of vibranium that has been proven to be mineable exceeds 10,000 tons, which is enough to advance the material research of the entire earth by several miles.

Not to mention the metals installed on the Spearhead Rhino by the Wakandans, they are all pure vibranium!

Vibranium is a metal with special physical properties. It does not need to be made of pure metal. As an alloy additive and auxiliary material, it can turn ordinary metals into super alloys.

It is a truth and treasure that is understood by the whole world, and is even used as an agricultural production tool by the Wakandans.

In this matter, there is the arrogance of the Wakandan people, and there is also the Yongrong Xianya of Latvinia.

Doom was keenly aware of the opportunity at this time and understood what the second opportunity Ash had said was!

As a small country in Eastern Europe, Latovinia is now led by Doom. For the sake of its own economy, Doom has to sell a batch of its obsolete technologies and products in exchange for foreign exchange to support its own economy.

And now, Doom has packaged and sold those unused backward technologies to the World Security Council, which has brought peace to the world in this backward area that has just been transformed from feudalism.

After investigating the matter, Doom, a former high-achieving student and inventor, came into the eyes of senior officials. Doom's generosity was in sharp contrast to Wakanda's small-mindedness.

Latvinia has thus become a benchmark, a man-made model.

Doom is very happy to accept this kind of treatment and results. Having received Western education, he also understands the cost of accepting such benefits.

Of course, Doom also has the ability to prevent Latvinia from being manipulated after going through this difficult time.

Both sides have gotten what they want, and the situation is great. Except for Wakanda, who cares about that chaotic area in Africa?

The technological development of the earth has thus ushered in explosive growth. Every day, laboratories are making progress in materials research, and even nature and science have to open separate supplements to record the latest research results.

As the smartest brain on earth, Stark's spaceship also ushered in its first trial voyage.

The technology of the spacecraft has not kept up with the iterations of the earth. After all, when Stark began to learn the technology of spacecraft manufacturing, there was no such thing as Wakanda.

In the past, the directional ball operation technology, which Stark said took five years to learn, was also applied to this spacecraft. The hedgehog Carl and Stark served as pilots, carrying Ash Fireproof Girl, Pepper and others to start this journey.

An overseas trip.

Ash didn't have much interest in Stark's spaceship. Lothric's name had already echoed in the galaxy, and the Emperor-class battleship carrying the church had become a terrifying deterrent.

So this spaceship, which is only a few dozen meters long, seems a bit small to Ash.

Ash kept adjusting his body uncomfortably in his seat, causing Stark to look sideways frequently.

Stark said: "You can set the seat on fire if you twist it faster, don't infect others with your anxiety. This is a space adventure, relax!"

Ash glanced at Stark and said: "This spaceship is not as big as a dragon. I have never sat in such a small seat! Besides, there are people who are more nervous than me!"

Ash looked back at Logan. As a vehicle killer, Logan had also boarded the spacecraft. Now he was taking deep breaths under Snow's comfort.

"Can a flying dragon enter space? You don't even think about it..."

Looking at Ash's teasing eyes, Stark's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally said from his mouth: "I knew you clergy must have something good in your hands! @#¥%...&"

Stark whispered something bad, then silently sat in the driver's seat and started operating.

Suddenly I felt that this trip was boring...

It only took tens of seconds to ignite and break through the Karman line. For those inside the spacecraft, the speed could be faster. And the only special person was the pregnant Pepper.

Pepper has been emotionally unstable during pregnancy. She and Stark have experienced decades together. Stark's bad record makes Pepper want to stay by Stark's side at all times.

In view of taking care of Pepper's emotions and Ash's repeated assurances, he took Pepper with him on this trip.

But seeing Pepper looking more relaxed than himself, Stark couldn't help but tense his neck, gritting his teeth to endure the bad feeling caused by the acceleration.

Carl the hedgehog seemed to have something on his mind. He spoke intermittently, word by word popping out of his mouth and said: "The nearest fixed jump point is at 0.2 parsecs. Do you want to take a look?"

After speaking, Carl stared at Stark, making Stark, who was already nervous, even more nervous.

"Ahem! This is just a trip, let's just walk around the earth!"

After Stark finished speaking, he wanted to give himself a slap in the face. What is there in the universe? There is nothing. What can you see if you just wander around?

"Stark! Go to the moon! Hurry! I want land!"

Logan's voice came from behind, and the urgent voice made everyone in the cabin look sideways.

At this moment, Logan was so nervous that he was sweating all over. Snow was holding his hand and constantly comforting him. On the other side, little Laura, Logan's adopted daughter, was touching something in her arms and staring at Logan nervously.

Logan's poor state made the cabin instantly reach unity. Go to the moon first!

The distance between the earth and the moon is 360,000 to 400,000 kilometers. For a spacecraft that has broken through the limitations of materials and energy, it only took a short time.

The spacecraft slowly landed at a special location on the moon, which is the boundary between twilight and dusk on the moon.

As the only satellite of the earth, the moon also has its own unique properties. The moon's rotation and revolution periods are equal, so the same side of the moon always faces the earth.

On the earth, only one side of the moon can be seen, but now where everyone sets foot, they only need to walk a few steps to have a panoramic view of the moon.

When Karl stopped the spacecraft, everyone took out a small device and attached it to the surface of the body.

What Carl brought was not only a reminder of the coming danger, he also brought technology that is already common in the universe.

This kind of energy protective suit that can expand freely in the universe is one of them.

Energy spreads across the surface of everyone's bodies, and the oxygen-generating device is turned on at the same time. This small thing can allow humans to survive in the universe for several hours, which is enough for everyone today.

Stark stood at the cabin door, turned around and looked at everyone. Logan had the same mentality as him. The two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and walked out of the cabin first.

The seemingly chaotic crowd followed closely behind the two of them. Not far away, Ash created a golden ball that emitted light and floated above everyone's heads, illuminating the transition between morning and dusk.

Ash and Fireproof Girl stood in the middle of the crowd, Stark held Pepper's hand who was still confused about the situation, and Snow generously led Logan to the middle.

Logan looked at the giggling little Laura beside him with some depression, and said, "Did you tell her?"

Laura shook her head, and Snow turned his head. Unable to suppress his inner joy, he pretended to be calm and said: "If a man wants to hide things at home, it's just in the closet and under the bed, or in the toilet, sink, and ceiling. Don't do that in the future.

To hide private money in it, you must know that the home is a woman’s territory..."

Logan didn't expect that Snow had grasped the key to this trip at the beginning, and now he no longer pretended. He took the ring from little Laura's hand and knelt on one knee in front of Snow.

"So...will you marry me?"

Logan simply let go and proposed directly without waiting for Ash to take charge.

His actions were watched by everyone around him, and the most excited person was Pepper, who was being held by Stark.

Pepper, who was feeling emotional, stopped and stared at Logan and Snow. Stark couldn't pull her away at all.

"It's really great! I hope I can have this one day..."

Pepper didn't notice the embarrassed look in Stark's eyes at all. Stark held the ring box and sighed silently.

As if hearing this sigh, Pepper turned around and said: "Tony! I'm not forcing you...you! I am willing!"

Seeing the ring box in Stark's hand, Pepper jumped directly on Stark's body in excitement. Holding him tightly, Stark felt his ribs whine.

Although they did not wait for the final process, both pairs of people immediately ushered in the results.

After weeks of planning, Stark worked overtime and Carl prepared the new spaceship, just waiting for this moment.

This moon proposal also came to an end with everyone’s blessings.

As Logan's concern in this world, Stark's promise to Pepper. Everything seems to be on the right track.

It would have been better if there hadn't been that inexplicable energy cannon that destroyed everyone's spaceship...

(End of chapter)

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