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Chapter 439 Act and Universe

Chapter 439 The Bill and the Universe

Back on Earth, the most recent changes to the Earth come from the Inhumans.

The Inhumans' city finally stayed on the sea not far from Brooklyn.

Originally, the city was hovering over Brooks, and the Inhumans repeatedly assured that the city would not have any impact on the earth. However, under a series of threats, the Inhumans still listened to the friendly suggestions of humans and changed the coordinates of the city.

Arrived on the sea.

The arrival of aliens has made the originally unstable life on Earth, or in other words, the life of New Yorkers, once again dangerous.

Fortunately, New Yorkers who have experienced many incidents have already developed a big heart.

If you see no strange creatures or energy waves during a normal robbery, just call the police. If there are mutated creatures and unusual colorful energy waves, call the Control Bureau. If there are strangers, call the Alien Management Office.


Yes, the aliens are not recognized by Earth at the moment, and their management has been delegated to a newly established department, the Alien Management Office, headed by Russell.

From a genetic level, the aliens are indeed not earthlings. They have undergone some biological transformation by the Kree and have long since broken away from the category of earthly creatures.

However, this cannot erase their original identity of being born on Earth. Black Bolt and his brother are now lobbying in all parties, trying to attribute the identity of aliens to the indigenous people of Earth, so that they can enjoy the welfare policies and ordinary treatment of Earth.

Of course, the earth will not give up these special talents, but in negotiations, demanding high prices and paying back the money will not only cause trouble to the other party, but also create opportunities for one's own side.

So the earth deliberately delayed the return of the Inhumans to the earth until this matter was interrupted by Ego's plan.

Ego, who was blown to ashes by Lothrik in the universe, had originally planted seeds of his own creation on various living planets. These seeds can absorb the energy of the planets and become a part of himself under his control.

At that time, Egg was furious and activated all the seeds. The special blue creeping creature grew exponentially and occupied a large area.

Until now, the creeping creature that has taken over an entire county in Colorado has given administrators a headache as to how to deal with it.

But these things have nothing to do with Ash and others. The earth has to experience these things on its own before it can learn how to deal with them.

Stark flew in through the gap in Ash's office, and the moment he landed, his suit lifted itself and turned into a handbag that fell to the ground.

Ash put away the blue light in his hand, looked at Stark and said: "I release the grace of light to Pepper once a week. It's not time yet today, so don't rush me anymore! The big magic protection you require is simply not enough."

, I’m afraid that Pepper won’t be able to give birth after applying that thing!”

The steps that Stark was about to take stopped in the air, and he said nonchalantly: "Today is not because of this matter..."

"Do you have anything else to do? The fireproof girl also goes over to accompany Pepper from time to time, and even Shanalot has been roped in by you to act as a nanny. What else do you want? How about I announce Morgan's birth?

Become the Saint of Lothric and then send her a team of dragoons?"

"Really? Is it okay?"

Stark raised his head in surprise, but was defeated under Ash's helpless eyes.

"Ahem, I really have something serious to do!"

Stark emphasized his purpose and said: "Congress is preparing to pass a special provision called the Superhero Registration Act, a special regulatory mechanism for those with superpowers..."

The Superhero Registration Act, which was originally another big event in Marvel, caused the Avengers to split.

But now, the Avengers has been stillborn, the original Wanda brother and sister and Black Widow have joined the Dragon Academy, and Spider-Man is still working in the Alien Management Office. T'Challa has become the prince of the fallen kingdom and cannot even accept other countries.

Without any help, Wakanda has been destroyed.

Even the conflicting sides of the Superhero Registration Act are Iron Man and Captain America. Iron Man is standing opposite him, but what about Captain America? He is teaming up with his good friend Bucky to form God Hydra Shield.

What about service!

Speaking of the bill that was about to be passed, Stark said with a serious look on his face: "I have already received the news that General Ross is exerting his own pressure and is preparing to let it pass. Even Steve Rogers doesn't know why.

Publicly announcing on various occasions that they will impose supervision on people with super powers. Ash, this is very dangerous!"

Stark's concerns are not unfounded. This kind of supervision is undoubtedly a limiter imposed on so-called superpowers.

The bill requires all humans with superpowers to reveal their true identity and personal information to SHIELD/Congress, and must accept compulsory recruitment in times of danger.

This is the earth's response to the crisis, but it is not so friendly to those with special skills.

Stark's current worries come from his family. Pepper is pregnant, and Morgan, with Ash's blessing, is destined to embark on a different path.

Stark must find a way out for his children, and opposing this superhero registration bill has become what he must do.

But who would have thought that in the original Captain America: Civil War, Stark was a firm supporter of the registration, while Steve Rogers was the opponent, and now their identities are completely reversed.

Ash pressed Stark on the sofa and poured him a glass of wine. The slightest chill from his hands made the wine turn cold.

Ash said: "I know about this matter. Even General Ross opposed me from the beginning. I will support Ross's resolution when necessary."

"But! Ash, this is right..."

Ash stretched out his hand, interrupted the excited Stark, and said: "Let me finish first. First of all, the name of this bill is not called the Superhero Registration Act. It should be called 'Registration of Superpowers and Mutants'"

Bill'. In addition, this bill has exemption clauses..."

Ash's statement made Stark calm down completely.

Thinking about it now, there are no ordinary people left in Ash's Control Bureau. If this bill is passed, Ash will be the biggest restriction.

Ash Mechanical said: "Initially, this bill was intended to be used to register and manage the Inhumans, but Black Bolt felt that it would unilaterally target the Inhumans, so he protested.

So General Ross simply did nothing and expanded the scope of the bill infinitely, eventually targeting the entire superpower group. You must know that Ross has a natural desire for people with superpowers.

Later, for some unknown reason, Steve Rogers made a public speech, calling on everyone to dedicate themselves to maintaining the security of the earth. This finally put the bill on the table of the World Security Council."

"So you're not worried?"

"Don't worry, let me finish. Although the World Security Council is enthusiastic about this bill, they still put their heads together and asked various extraordinary forces in advance what they think of the bill.

They didn’t dare to ask me, but they sent a circular letter to the Dragon Academy and the Holy See, and even sent a call for submissions to Sullivan.”

Stark suddenly became interested. He sat up and leaned forward, ready to hear how these people dealt with it.

"The Dragon Academy's reply was 'If you are prepared to take over the defense line against the demon gods of all dimensions, the Dragon Academy will be disbanded on the spot', and then Midiel sprayed a breath that penetrated the Pacific Ocean.

There used to be three archbishops in the Holy See. Archbishop Macdonald followed Sullivan. The remaining archbishop Klimt told the World Security Council more implicitly how many believers they now have. Archbishop Louis, who was more radical, began to directly call on believers.

The expedition began. The World Security Council reassured them after repeated assurances.

And Sullivan directly threw out the World Security Council's messenger, and then the Arctic ice cap began to grow directly, and even the Bering Sea was frozen. If the World Security Council hadn't apologized, Siberia would no longer be able to grow potatoes."

Stark was a little confused and asked, "Why don't I know this?"

Ash rolled his eyes and said: "Every time you come here, you come to me to bless Pepper. Your thoughts are all on Pepper and the unborn Morgan. How long have you not read the Bureau's intelligence?


Stark smiled stupidly and said, "Then I don't have to worry about this?"

"In the exemption clause, each force will have a special token that can prove their identity. There is no need to register and disclose their identity information externally. There is no need to accept supervision."

It was only then that Stark felt at ease. Regarding this registration bill, Stark was more worried about the safety of his family.

With Ash's guarantee, Stark also gave up his opposition to the bill. Anyway, superpower crimes are emerging in an endless stream, and maybe it will be better with supervision.

Stark, relieved, then stood next to Ash and said: "Ash, as you just said, you can have the Saint of Lothric. In addition, in order to prevent Morgan from being bullied, you can also have some kind of dragoon."


"Get out (ノ`Д)ノ!"

After driving away the chattering Stark, Ash once again took out the blue ball of light in his hand and studied it.

This ball of light comes from Ego, the last remnant of a god who has been blown to ashes.

Ash has always had doubts about this universe.

On the surface, he looks like the Collector of the Land of Ignorance, the dangerous ruler of the indulgent and chaotic Sakaar Planet - the Grandmaster.

These cosmic elders were supposed to have absolutely powerful power, but what they showed was just cynical play.

As for the fleeting Celestial Group and the Observer, the former Celestial Group is an abstract entity. To put it bluntly, it is a pure conceptual incarnation. Even "Heroes Reborn" mentioned that the entire universe is just a dream of the gods, and the dream of the gods, perhaps

Even the gods themselves are eternal figments of fantasy.

As for the latter, the observers possess inner abilities capable of achieving almost any need, including increased personal attributes, time and space manipulation, molecular manipulation, energy projection and vast psychic powers. Even their technology and personal strength have surpassed the universe itself.

But in the basic universe, neither the Elders of the Universe, nor the Gods, nor the Observers took action, and there were only a handful of powerful people like Aunt Marvel wreaking havoc in the universe.

This made Ashes feel that something was wrong more and more. The fact that the Fire Sacrifice can connect to the mutant universe, and even dangerous places like Jackie Chan's Adventures, shows that this universe is part of the multiverse.

But the strength of the multiverse has not been shown in this universe, and even super-limitless powerhouses like Phoenix and Sentinel have not appeared.

Also like the Time Variation Administration, the existence that represents Kang the Conqueror has never appeared in Ash's perception.

The world has changed to such an extent that this world no longer belongs to any universe Ash understands.

And now, the weird Ego claims to be a god. He has the power to easily destroy the galaxy, but his kindred has never been found.

Ash looked at the blue ball of light in his hand, or Egg's soul, and after thinking about it, he crushed it to absorb it.

Soul? Or energy? Or some kind of rules?

Endless power poured into Ash's body, and was then transmitted to the ash body of the Prime Furnace.

It may be a moment, or it may be eternity. Ashes saw the birth and end of the universe.

This endless power and consciousness, if exposed to a mortal, can turn him into a quark in an instant. But for Ashes, it is a further step.

Because Hui Jing noticed that the limitations of his own power were loosened.

Perhaps because he was born in the game world, or for other reasons, Ashes' strength is limited to level 802. When he reaches the power he can bear at the highest level, no matter how many souls he absorbs, Ashes cannot break through the limitations of the black soul world.

As we all know, every Ash in the Black Soul World is on his or her own path to spreading the Fire, and the Fire Transferring Sacrifice is their anchor point. As long as one Ash completes the Fire Transferring, all the worlds will be unified.

But now, after absorbing Yi Ge's soul, Ashes feels his breakthrough, which is a feeling of breaking the limiter. In the world of black souls, he no longer needs to use the Fire Transfer Sacrifice as an anchor point to follow his own rules.

The will creates more parallel worlds.

The Black Soul World has also ushered in differences. For example, the previously dilapidated End World has become green for the first time.

The vigorous vitality of plants took the lead in announcing to others the changes in the world. The mushroom people cheered and celebrated.

What changed again was the sun in the sky. The dim brilliance of the late sun turned into the rising sun, bright and brilliant.

In the initial furnace, Ashes laughed, and he felt a little happy at this moment. The world has really changed, and there is no need to spread the fire anymore!

After absorbing two gems, time and space, it laid the foundation for the world of black souls. Egg's soul broke the limiter for Ashes, thus feeding back the entire world.

Now, even if the entire Black Soul World is integrated into the outside universe, or the outside universe is swallowed up, it is only within a thought of Ashes.

There are still four gems left. Ashes is like Thanos, waiting for an opportunity. The gems will eventually come to his door, and he just needs to accept them.

Suddenly, Hui Jin seemed to have thought of something, and with the help of his clone, he conveyed his will to the distance.

"Interesting, let me see what is different about this universe..."

(End of chapter)

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