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Chapter 451: The Monster Runs Away and Mare Falke

Chapter 451 The monster goes berserk and the Maja Fake Man

Within the sacrificer organization, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment. The surveillance footage that originally recorded the victims at all times turned into gibberish at some point.

The monsters who had been imprisoned in the past also began to be restless for unknown reasons. As a result, the entire sacrificial operation came to a standstill.

Just when everyone was worried, Genmei, who was supposed to be a good employee, showed a long-lost smile.

The garbled video footage formed a coded communication in her eyes. The person who came to pick her up had already arrived.

Genmei hummed a song and ignored the already anxious people. She walked briskly along the passage and prepared to leave.

Most of the lights in the original passages have been turned off at this moment, and only some specific passages are still lit. These are the evacuation routes planned by Cortana for Genmei.

As soon as Genmei opened a door, she heard the crisis warning sound coming from the entire base.

That means the monster is out of the cage!

Genmei instantly became alert and involuntarily quickened her pace. She had been lurking in this base for so long, and she understood how terrifying those monsters were.

What's even more frightening is the number of these monsters. There are hundreds of them with various powers or terrifying creatures, and when gathered together, they can burst out with infinite power.

Genmei started running, then suddenly stopped, a werewolf appeared in front of her.

Although the level and competition of the werewolf among the monster group is not high, for ordinary people, this werewolf is already a monster that is difficult to match.

Genmei slowly squatted down to prevent herself from making louder noises and attracting the werewolf's attention.

However, the werewolf with his back to her kept twitching his nose, as if he was exploring, and then turned around suddenly to see Genmei behind him.

At this moment, Genmei had given up her fear. She pulled out the pistol hidden somewhere and started shooting at the werewolf.

Although the gun hit the enemy, the pistol's damage was pitifully limited in the face of the werewolf's terrifying physical fitness.

However, Genmei didn't hesitate at all. She threw the weapon at the werewolf and rushed forward while the werewolf was hiding.

Genmei, who was ready to fight for her life, rushed to the werewolf, only to find that the werewolf had turned into a soft noodle and collapsed on the ground.

A capable figure wearing a blue-gray linen hood appeared in front of Genmei. He held a crank dagger behind his back, squatted next to the werewolf's body, and slowly pulled out the dagger still stained with the werewolf's blood.

Grerett looked at the curious Genmei at this moment, took out his mobile phone, compared the photos above, and asked: "Samantha Groves?"

This is Genmei's most commonly used pseudonym. Genmei looked at the person in front of her and nodded.

"Let's go, I'll pick you up and complete the mission..."

Grerit didn't say anything more and just opened the way forward. None of the monsters that suddenly appeared were his enemies.

As a thief, the places where Grerit hangs out all the year round are gathering places for madmen like the Undead Settlement, or places like Irushil and Lothric in the Cold Valley.

To him, these monsters were not even as dangerous as his mentor's warm embrace of fire.

Genmei followed Grerit carefully, but Grerit suddenly stopped.

Thinking that there was some dangerous enemy, Genmei hid behind Grerit. Who would have thought that Grerit took a step outside.

Grerit said in a dry tone: "Don't get so close. I'm already married. If I smell the smell of other women, Loretta will be angry..."

Seeing Grerit leaving quickly after finishing speaking, Genmei sighed helplessly and left too.

While putting on his clothes, Constantine looked at the hell monk who appeared in front of him. At this moment, the monk had no intention of attacking. Instead, he placed the spelling sphere in his hand on the ground in front of Constantine to show his surrender.

As messengers of pain, Hell Monks will only target those who do not listen to advice and open the Sphere hastily, and will even selectively let those victims go after investigating whether they do so voluntarily.

Similarly, monks can also assess the situation and see clearly who their enemy is. In front of Constantine, it is obvious that he is no match at all, so the hell monk is ready to express his apology and leave here.

Constantine looked at the cooperative monks, pointed to the wedding dress on the chair next to him, and said: "Get rid of the evil spirits on it, and you will be free..."

The Hell Monk held the spelling sphere in both hands and slowly retreated into the darkness, facing Constantine.

"After you deal with that tooth fairy, go back to Dragon Academy first. I have other things to deal with and I can't take care of you..."

Like a scumbag, Constantine put on his clothes and talked about his work, avoiding any further contact with Natasha.

But often the excuses of scumbags are difficult to verify, but Constantine is the real deal here.

Natasha didn't say anything else. She looked at the Tooth Fairy who was wearing a ballet costume and walking in circles towards her, with only a huge mouthpart like a lamprey on his face. She picked up her magic spell.

Fire ignited the fireball spell.

Geralt looked at Hill, who had chopped down all the masked killers, and then attacked a moving tree. It wasn't until Hill turned the entire tree into firewood that Geralt said slowly: "We

You have to stand farther away. When the evil god gets up, nothing will be left here..."

After saying that, an earthquake began in the area where the cabin in the forest was located, and various electronic products flickered with sparks and were scrapped.

From the hidden passages everywhere, human cries continued to be heard, which were employees of the sacrifice organization who had no time to evacuate.

But no one expressed sympathy for them at this moment, and more monsters appeared on the ground.

The giant eight-legged spider stepped on the zombies under its feet and squeezed out of the passage. Following it was a king cobra that was dozens of meters long.

The boomer in "Survival" was walking with its strong steps, but was exploded by the King Cobra's tail. The green body fluid flew out like a bomb, and all monsters contaminated by the fluid fell into a violent state.

A pair of twin girls holding hands and wearing light blue dresses sang a cold song among the monsters as if no one else was watching. The witcher was kneeling on the ground, and the shrill cries echoed endlessly along with the singing.

The lake in the distance is also not calm. A fish monster trying to climb out of the lake is frozen on the water. The giant octopus creature underwater is constantly tapping the ice with its tentacles, trying to free itself, and the ice

The snow monster on top was roaring and spitting at the ice surface.

All kinds of monsters worked together to escape from their prisons, and worked hard to vent their resentment of being imprisoned.

Some flying monsters, such as banshees and graveyard dragons, have been longing for the outside world for a long time, and then crashed to death on the defense net of the sacrificial site.

The earthquake felt more and more intense, the original hut had collapsed, and the monsters became more and more manic, attacking everything around them crazily.

At this time, after a burst of harsh electric sound, the speaker in the sacrifice area was turned on, and an annoying and familiar voice came from the speaker.

"Damn it! You guys..."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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