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Chapter 471 Tears before but no fear

Chapter 471 There are tears before, but no fear

The fireproof girl blocked all Asgard's attacks for Ashes, leaving the space for Ashes to deal with Solar.

But looking at Solar, Ashes couldn't let go.

If Ashes has any faith in this world, apart from his yearning for fire, his response to kindness, and his desire to prevent tragedy, the only thing left is his yearning for the sun.

Solar is the sun of ashes.

Once upon a time, Ashes felt care like the sun from Solar in this ruined world.

While Solar was providing help, Ashes and Solar passed through the Undead Town together, conquered the Flying Dragon Valley, and overthrew the Sick Village. Even the magic dragon was no match for Solar's few thunder guns.

It seems that with Solar, all difficulties are not difficult.

'I also want to be a sun warrior like him!'

Ashes followed Solar's example and left his summoning talisman before every difficulty, urging him to get closer to Solar with the mission of helping others.

But now, his idol, his sun, the person he desperately wanted to be close to, was waving the sword in his hand at him.

"Give me back my sun!"

Ashes just passively responded to Solar's attack. He didn't wave the spiral sword to ward off the attack until it landed on him.

Solar is the sun of ashes, how can you attack the sun!

Not only Ashes, but all the surrounding sun brothers are unable to take action against the sun in front of them.

Solar's eyes have been fixed on Ashes, and behind him is the sword master holding the Ring Knight's straight sword. As long as he swings the sword in the storm, Solar will definitely be seriously injured.

However, all the Sun Brothers did not take action, they just surrounded Solar and mourned quietly.

No one wanted to take action against the man in front of them.

"Sun! Finally, finally got it! I got it..."

The murmuring Solar hugged Ashes desperately, trying frantically to catch Ashes.

However, now, Solar obviously does not want to give this former little brother a warm hug. People parasitized by sunworms will only pursue all light in madness.

Now, Solar just wants to crush Ashes to death in his arms so that he can have his own sun!

Looking at Solar who was about to touch him, Hui Jin lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry! Solar..."

Suddenly, flames burst out from Ashes, burning the ashes of the first fire, and waved the spiral sword in his hand at Solar.

The spiral sword was blocked by Solar with his sun pattern shield. The shield did not move at all, and Solar even had the strength to bounce away the ashes at this moment.

Solal, whose power was rivaled by the Black King Gwen in the past, used the Reality Stone as the main body and built himself with faith, and his power was born from human imagination.

And so many warriors who believe in the sun are enough to push Solar up into the clouds.

Solar parried the spiral sword, and the straight sun sword in his right hand struck directly at Ashes without any mercy.

Dang-dang...dang-dang...the sound of hammering can be heard endlessly.

The air flow generated by the interlacing of weapons on both sides cleaned up the originally collapsed Immortal Palace.

In melee combat, Solar had a shield to use, which was both offensive and defensive. Ashes changed the weapon in his hand and turned the sword into a spear.

Ashes put the spear on his waist, lowered his body to secure the spear, and then stabbed Solar.

The spear was filled with flames, and the sharp thrust broke through the space, suddenly appearing in front of Solar.

However, Solal still used his old method of blocking with a sun pattern shield.

Like the clicking sound of steel being shattered, or the sound of fingernails scratching on a blackboard, the spear and shield collided.

In front of everyone, it was as if the space was solidified. There was only the slightest contact between the spear tip and the shield. It was as if the spear was carefully stopped by the ashes the moment it touched the shield, for fear of scratching the shield.

The previous collision sounds seemed like they didn't exist.

The surrounding Sun Brothers also froze, and they didn't know whether they should cheer with joy or lament with disappointment.

The ability to resist wages, Solar, who is so powerful, is the invincible sun in their hearts.

But, he is fake! He is a fake!

Solar blocked Ashes' attack, and the straight sword in his right hand swept forward flatly, blocking the spear.

Then raise the shield, shield attack and slash.

The most common tricks had the greatest effect in front of King Xin. Ashes was forced to retreat, just like Gwen before.

Solar distanced himself from Ashes, and a thunder gun appeared in his hand.

No, that should no longer be called a thunder gun. It is purer, warmer, and more destructive.

Or should we call it a sunshine gun!

This is a miracle that can only be learned by the one who defeats the King of Fire and completes it. And it is a miracle that can only be learned by the incarnation of the sun.

But watching Solar use the sunshine gun at this moment, Hui Jin only had the thunder gun in his hand.

The Thunder Spear is the first miracle learned by the Sun Warriors. It is the most basic and important miracle. Its power is only related to the belief of the Sun Brothers. Even the depth of your love for the Sun does not need to be taught, and it can be achieved without a teacher.

Zitong is just like Solar before.

Use the thunder gun to fight the sun gun? Everyone knows the result, but Ashes still did it, but Ashes believed that the Sun brothers around him would make the right choice.

Sounds of thunder passed among the Sun Brothers, and the first miracle they learned, the Thunder Spear, appeared in the hands of all Sun Brothers.

After watching for so long, the suffering brothers of the Sun could no longer stand it. Seeing Solar in his current state was an insult to him.

The thunder was passed, and everyone threw the thunder gun in their hands in the face of Solar's sunshine gun.

A new sun was born in the ruins of Asgard.

There was no explosion, no impact, not even piercing thunder.

The Sun Warriors are warm, just like the mission they have always upheld. They are all the incarnations of the sun.

The light gradually faded, and in the original most dazzling position, Ashes was using a weapon that was exactly the same as the straight sword in Solar's hand to pierce the sunworm on his head.

This is an attempt by Ashes. Since Solar was created by the Reality Stone, it can be concluded that he is real. In this case, the sunworm on his head is also real.

The impaled sunworm fell to the ground weakly, twitched a few times and turned into the scarlet fluid of the Reality Gem, which merged into Solar's body.

"Wow! It's such a suffocating feeling!"

Solar shook his head, twisted his neck, stuck his sword on the ground and looked at everything around him.

The people around him looked at him with admiration, which made Solar not sure what was going on, so he looked at the ashes closest to him.

Holding his hands in his arms, Solar said: "Although I don't know what your purpose is...but I feel like we are like old friends at first sight."

"Yes, Brother Suo, long time no see..."

Ashes took off his helmet, revealing his previous face.

Seeing the ashes, Solar suddenly realized that this was the companion he met on the road to spreading fire. They were also immortals and they had many wonderful adventures together. But this guy was a bit timid and kept hiding behind him.


"It's you! My intuition is indeed very accurate!"

Solar happily stepped forward to hug Ashes, like a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Ashes had all kinds of words to say to Solar at this moment. He not only completed the mission of spreading fire, but also lifted the curse of the world.

Somehow, Ashes began to choke, and he held Solar's hand, not knowing how to speak.

Solar looked at Hui Jin's current appearance. He patted Hui Jin on the shoulder happily and said, "It seems that you have completed your mission! We became immortals at the same time and were also sent to the same undead hospital. At that end,

It is a place of living corpses, and I meet you like this now. I really hope that one day I can be as big and full of heat as the sun."

"No! Brother Suo, you are the sun!"

Ashes' words made Solar laugh. He had already seen that the brother in front of him had already reached the position of continuing the world.

Solar looked at the ashes in front of him and suddenly said: "It is the mission of the immortal to spread fire!"

This is Solar's advice. In his impression, the world needs fire to maintain it. The undead should not give up their mission. They have the ashes of the first fire and should stay where they should be.

Ashes explained: "No need, Brother Suo, I have changed the fate of Chuanhuo..."

Everything that will happen to Ashes, how to contact other worlds, how to obtain infinite gems, and how to change the fate of the Fire Passer, were all explained to Solar in the most detailed manner.

"Oh, sorry, sorry. I was joking, just kidding. What an incredible achievement!"

Solar happily slapped Ember's arm, which vigorously showed his inner excitement. The ending of "The Passing of Fire" has changed! The world has been maintained, which is an achievement beyond the sun.

"Brother Suo, let's go back first. I have many things to tell you..."

Ashes excitedly pulled Solar, wanting to tell this friend everything that happened before and after he became king.

However, the ashes failed to pull Solar, and he just stood there.

"What's wrong? Brother Suo?"

"As a warrior, knowing oneself is the most basic knowledge!"

Ashes was a little scared, he didn't want to think about the meaning of Solar's words.

"Brother Suo, let's go back first. You haven't seen the world now. It has really changed. There is no need to spread the fire anymore..."

Ashes begged Solar, but Solar remained motionless.

Solar said solemnly: "Listen carefully, as a sun warrior, you are a glorious helper and will act for others in need. Only by having the strongest faith can the summoner succeed.

Any false illusion is a stumbling block that hinders our hearts, whether it is the ridicule of others, or all the enemies and difficulties in the road ahead. Even... me!"

Solar's words made the originally delighted Sun Brothers around them lower their heads.

"Brother Suo...you..."

"I said that knowing oneself is the most basic knowledge. My body has never been so strong, and my weapons are not indestructible. I don't think the weapons I made by randomly beating iron bars can resist the artifact that contains the power of King Xin.


Solar looked at his hand and squeezed to feel the physical presence, but he quickly gave up this attempt. No matter in any sense, he could clearly feel alive.

However, the power of existence reminded him that this was different from his true self.

"I feel that this body is not the real me. Even I am not real, it is just a false illusion that deceived me."

Solar increased his voice and said to the ashes, "But! This will not deceive you! King Xin!"

"But... Brother Suo... I still have a lot of things I want to say to you..."

"Since you talked about the infinite gems, then I can understand that I am a false creation now. Although I can clearly feel myself and smell the dryness of the dust in the air, these are all fake. I am

Gemstones are the sustainer of the world, what should you do! Don’t you know yet?”

"We can use other methods, such as ancient gods. There are still many gods on earth that have not been discovered. There are more powerful people and artifacts in the universe, and there are more choices..."

Solar directly threw away the shield in his hand, and with the sound of steel impacting, the shield slowly slid in front of Ashes.

Solar said: "Now you are the sun! Under the sun, there should be no such self-deception! Don't forget the mission of the immortal! Don't forget! The mission of the sun warrior!"

Yes, the undead have the mission of spreading fire to maintain the world, and the sun warriors have the mission of enabling others to succeed.

Now, the mission is at hand.

Solar lowered his tone and said: "As a fire bearer who went on adventures together, you should know me very well. I am Solar, the Sun Warrior! I just want to complete my mission!"

"I can think of other ways, Brother Suo, we don't have to do this!"

"Yes, this is your right as King Xin, but you must remember that the king cannot give up his mission because of selfish desires. Nor can he give up the entire world because of one person!

If you really think about the world, if you really think about me, you know what I want!"

Now, both of them. No! Everyone clearly understands what Solar means.

This is his last request.

Ashes raised the spiral sword again, Solar also drew his weapon and picked up his shield.

Solar raised his straight sword of the sun, and the light of the oath of gold and stone shone on everyone present, warm, genial, and full of power.

"I am Solar of Astra. I am a believer in the sun god. When I became an immortal, I went to the place where King Gwen was born to find my own sun!

Now! To the new sun! The king who continues the world! My friend! The companion on the road of spreading fire! I offer the gift that continues the world!"

Ashes also raised his weapon, and the power of the First Fire burst out from his body, and the flames swept through Asgard like waves.

"I am Ash! I am the immortal, the Ash Man. I am the fire bearer, the fire seizer, the fire usurper! I am the Fire King! Here, as a friend! For the real sun in my heart, the Sun Knight - Solar!

Accept this gift that will last the world!”

Ashes fought with Solar in tears, as did all the Sun Brothers present. However, Solar's hearty laughter added a touch of joy to the sound of the clash of weapons.

Ashes knew that Solar's joy was the joy of completing his mission and the joy of the sun.

The sun does not need to be too strong. The reason why they are the sun is because they provide warmth to others in a lonely and dead world.

Ash looked at Solar who was gradually dissipating in front of him, and put away the Reality Stone on his body. At the same time, he straightened his legs together, stood on tiptoes, straightened his arms, put his five fingers into palms, palms facing outward, and fingertips pointing diagonally towards the sky.


Long May The Sunshine!!!!!!!!

(End of chapter)

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