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Chapter 475: Accident

Chapter 475 Accident

Outside the warehouse, it has been occupied by other people. These people wore unmarked clothing and held various weapons, aiming at the warehouse where Hill was located.

They slowly approached until the lights in the warehouse went out. They stopped in an instant, raised their guns and crouched down to wait for subsequent orders.

Following the command of the people behind them, all power sources in the warehouse area were cut off. The operators silently turned on their night vision goggles and approached again.

However, in the darkness, there was a rustling sound, as if someone was tapping the concrete floor, and then a human cry came out.

"There are monsters in the dark, be careful!"

The operators instantly adjusted their positions, with adjacent personnel standing back to back, guarding against the creatures in the dark.

"Holy water bombs are ready to be thrown! Flash bombs are thrown! Turn on thermal imaging!"

In order to prevent attacks from those dark creatures, along with a series of conventional operational defense strategies, operators began to attack indiscriminately around them.

However, these methods of dealing with attacks from dark creatures have no effect at all in front of this monster.

In the thermal imaging, the monster was not seen. Only after a combatant was pierced by a sharp claw did everyone get a glimpse of the monster from the contaminated blood.

This unexpected and terrifying thing directly caused the battle against Hill to go wrong.

The combatants outside were entangled, and Hill had already quietly left the warehouse.

As an intelligence officer, he will definitely leave himself one or two escape routes, and Hill's escape routes are even more wild.

When she knew that outsiders were arriving, she started the warehouse's self-destruction countdown, then released an invisible body for herself, and left in a swaggering manner.

After walking a certain distance and feeling the explosion behind him, Hill stopped slightly and waited for his guards.

An alien figure two people tall stepped out of the shadows, and the invisibility spell on its body was still not completely faded.

Hill looked at the monster weapon modified by Geralt, and he really couldn't imagine how to turn the killing monster into an obedient hound.

But now, the alien has undoubtedly become her support. Hill avoided the blood-stained claws and said to the alien: "Bring the news to Geralt. I need a team of combatants who can really

Combatants against modern forces. Remember not to bring Clint, he's too casual."

The alien tilted its head. Its brain capacity was a bit small and it couldn't remember so much content. It could only express its opinions in a hissing voice.

Hill understood that these contents were a bit forced on the alien. She tore off a piece of paper from the mosaic survey wall she brought out, started writing requirements on it, and then handed it to the alien.

The alien opened its mouth wide, and slowly extended its smaller mouthparts from its sharp teeth. It carefully picked up the paper and stored it in its body.

Touching the smooth skull of the alien, Hill said: "Go and take the news out."

The alien escaped into the darkness. Hill looked at the burning warehouse area behind him, turned around, pushed a motorcycle out of the sewer, and rode away into the distance.

When Hill left SHIELD, news of her disappearance came. After the guards repeatedly confirmed that they could not contact Hill, they reluctantly reported it to the World Security Council.

The disappearance of the director is completely unacceptable for an intelligence organization of SHIELD's size.

Soon, various gossips about Hill spread within S.H.I.E.L.D.

Some people say that Hill was assassinated, some say that she was abducted by aliens, and some say that Hill eloped with Geralt...

There are different opinions, but without Hill, who is in charge of the overall situation, it will be difficult for SHIELD to carry out related work.

As a result, the World Security Council made emergency arrangements, and Alexander Pierce, the previous director, temporarily took over the position of director to maintain the normal operation of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After three words and nine push-backs, Pierce accepted this mess very "reluctantly".

As the previous director, Pierce himself had a fixed office in S.H.I.E.L.D., and now in the office, Pierce activated the holographic image to arrange Hydra-related work.

"Baron Strucker and Mrs. Viper, your actions are going to speed up. We need enough combat personnel to activate all the equipment!"

Baron Stekra retorted: "There are not that many combatants in Eastern Europe at all. I have arranged for the entire country to start military training!"

"Then go plunder! Anyway, with such a large population, as long as you use the scepter to brainwash them, they will all join the big family of Hydra!"

After saying that, Pierce looked at the other smugglers. One of them, standing by the fireplace in the background, was tapping at Pierce's image.

Pierce looked at this man and asked with some confusion: "Mitchell Carson, what's your problem?"

Mitchell Carson is a member of Hydra and exists as a political faction. They often provide cover or policy inclination for Hydra's actions.

"Your subordinate Steve is a little restless. He intercepted the Pym particles from me!"

Mitchell Carson accused Steve of his behavior. When Darren Cross found him and asked him to give him the Wasp suit, Mitchell informed the Hydra family of information.

Now Steve has directly taken Dr. Pym away, which has wiped out all of Mitchell's previous investment.

Pierce knew that this action indeed relied on Mitchell. After thinking about it, he said: "I will ask Steve to copy part of the relevant information to you, and transfer the production of SHIELD's related military products to your voting area.

That’s okay!”

Seeing that the others had no objections, Pierce was about to say a few more words when his office door was knocked, and Sitwell and Steve stood at the door.

"Let us welcome, Captain Hydra!"

After giving up his position and letting Steve get acquainted with the other smugglers, Pierce quickly came to Sitwell and asked: "What's wrong?"

"The operation failed and we only found the bodies of the operators."

"Where's Hill?"


Sitwell's words made Pierce take a deep breath. Originally, killing Hill and taking over S.H.I.E.L.D. were carried out simultaneously.

In order to ensure that Hill was killed, he even sent all the enhanced people except Steve, and now he was told that Hill had disappeared?

However, Pierce quickly adjusted his mentality. Now that all his men are dead, it proves that no one will follow those enhanced people to find him. As long as they are careful in the future, Hydra can still complete its great cause!

Seeing Pierce's breathing gradually calming down, Sitwell said again: "There is still a problem in London."

London S.H.I.E.L.D., since Hill expelled Agent 13, Sharon Carter, has basically been outside S.H.I.E.L.D. as a whole.

If it weren't for the support from above, they would have been separated long ago.

But now, as soon as Hill disappeared, London Shield came out to cause trouble?

"What do they want to do?"

"They want the infinite equation, supposedly to continue the life of Peggy Carter."

Peggy Carter, once one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., has been recuperating in London.

She was also Captain America's rumored girlfriend. This person from the last century suddenly made this request and seemed to be trying to survive.

But there are no other life-extending means, London Aegis, or there are good things in the hands of Asgardian refugees. Is it necessary to have something like this that requires unlimited injections?

Pierce shook his head and said decisively: "Reject them!"


"No? Why?"

Sitwell glanced at his watch and said, "They've picked up Peggy Carter and they'll land in eight hours!"

(End of chapter)

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