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Chapter 478 Captain America vs. Steve Rogers

Chapter 478 Captain America vs. Steve Rogers

The young captain did not choose to argue with the old guy in front of him, he pulled the trigger of the weapon in his hand.

The bullet was shot at old Steve, but was accurately blocked by the shield.

Old Steve pushed towards Hydra Steve with his shield. He picked up the wine bottle that Hydra Steve had just drank from and smashed it on the head.

Hydra Steve reached out to block the bottle, but the broken glass flew around, forcing him to squint his eyes to avoid damage.

This gave old Steve a chance, and he hit Hydra Steve directly in the chest with a straight punch from his left hand.

Remember, old Steve still had a shield on his left hand, and this straight punch directly carved the sharp edges of the shield into Hydra Steve's chest.

Stroking the scar on his chest, Hydra Steve calmed down completely. He said to the old man in front of him: "No matter who you are, I will kill you in the most cruel way!"

This time, Hydra Steve didn't use fancy attacks. He directly lifted the chest of drawers from the porch and smashed it directly into the head of old Steve.

Broken furniture was scattered around the room. Old Steve was old after all. Even with a shield, he could not completely resist.

Taking two steps back slightly, Hydra Steve seized the opportunity. He quickly closed the distance and started to attack the lower three of the old Steve.

Rolling close to avoid Old Steve's shield attack, Hydra Steve rolled around Old Steve's side and punched him in the hip.

The popliteal fossa is an important structure of the knee joint, mainly including the popliteal artery, popliteal vein and tibial nerve. The joint structure makes it difficult for it to withstand the pressure from the rear.

So this blow made the old Steve half kneel down.

Elderly Steve was holding his hands on the ground. Before he could stand up, Hydra Steve stepped on his fingers and hit his face with his knee.

The furniture was smashed again, and among the splintered wood chips, old Steve couldn't stand up for a long time holding his shield.

Seeing the old man who was no longer able to fight, Hydra Steve looked at him condescendingly and said, "Who are you? Tell me and I might make you feel better!"

Propping himself up with the shield, old Steve held on to the shield tightly, not letting it go.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the elderly Steve stood up again, assumed his previous fighting posture, shielded himself, and prepared to charge.

"I'm Steve Rogers!"

Hearing this, Hydra Steve laughed and said: "You are Steve? Then who am I? I have been sealed in ice for seventy years! It cannot be replaced by an experimental fake like you!


What Hydra Steve means is that the old man in front of him is the product of a follow-up project by the military to disguise Captain America with a shield and soldiers to boost military morale.

But those soldiers who have disguised themselves as Captain America are often expendable. If one of them dies, the military will immediately bring up another one.

"I was born in Brooklyn, New York, USA on July 4, 1918. Due to physical reasons, I forged my identity four times to enlist in the army, but was rejected all times. Finally, I joined Dr. Abraham Erskine and General Chester Phillips.

With the help of , I participated in the super soldier program.

After that, I had the most perfect body a human being could have, but was forced to sell bonds. When I learned that my friend Bucky was missing, I disobeyed military orders and went to the war zone!"

Old Steve approached Hydra Steve while telling his past.

And some of the secret things he said, such as how many beautiful women he hugged the day before Bucky was about to leave, only the real Steve could know.

Hydra Steve looked at the old man in front of him, his suspicion gradually rose, and his murderous intention became stronger. People or organizations who knew themselves so well would definitely pose a threat to Hydra's cause.

However, old Steve slowly untied the shield from his left arm. He held the shield in both hands and prepared to slowly place it on the ground.

This action made Hydra Steve start to wait and see. This may be a signal of surrender.

However, just when the shield was about to be placed on the ground, old Steve let go of the shield, grabbed the carpet and pulled hard.

Hydra Steve was standing on the carpet at this time. The sudden movement of his feet caused his body to change and he was about to fall to the ground.

However, he was well-trained and adjusted his body's center of gravity at the moment he was about to fall. He made a gorgeous turn three and a half times in the air and landed firmly on the floor.

Just when Hydra Steve looked up to find his opponent, what appeared in front of him was a flying vibranium shield.

The concussion caused by the impact made Hydra Steve dizzy. His sense of spatial position changed strangely, and he twisted his body and finally fell to the floor.

After this encounter, before Hydra Steve could react, he felt someone picking him up and placing him next to the wall and sitting upright against the wall.

The old man who had been facing him life and death was now checking his physical injuries and placing the shield next to him.

Elderly Steve said to himself: "Are you awake now? It seems that Natasha used this method to 'wake up' Clint. The effect of the Mind Stone only requires a strong concussion to relieve it. Hurry up.

Remember everything before! We still have more things to do!"

Hearing this, the Hydra captain shook his head, as if recalling everything before. His eyes gradually became clearer.

"HYDRA! Pierce!"

Hearing this, the old Steve finally breathed a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand to pick up Steve who was sitting on the ground and said: "Hurry up, we don't have much time now. This world is already the world I know."

It’s different now, now we must seize the time to prevent Hydra in SHIELD from causing greater damage!”

Young Steve reached out and took old Steve's hand, as if about to stand up.

However, the young Steve suddenly exerted force and directly dragged the old Steve to stagger, reached out and picked up the shield on the ground, and slammed it on the old man's head.

This operation caught the elderly Steve off guard, and the shield opened a hole in his head, causing blood to flow out.

However, Hydra Steve was still uneasy and grabbed old Steve's neck and lifted him up directly.

Squeezing old Steve's hand and gently loosening it to give him room to breathe, Hydra Steve said with a cruel smile: "Interesting story, I almost believed it! Tell me, who are you?


"I was wrong...you...not me..."

Elderly Steve held the arm holding his neck with both hands and tried to pull himself up, but Hydra Steve slightly increased his strength and suffocated him.

Looking at the unconscious old man, Steve removed all his joints and let him collapse on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Taking out a bottle of surviving wine, Hydra Steve took a sip and poured the rest onto his limp body on the ground.

(End of chapter)

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