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Chapter 49 Constantine

Chapter 49 Constantine

Regarding the strangeness of the target, Natasha pointed to the video footage on the surveillance camera and expressed her opinion.

"You see, he first bought the first one. The purchase of this one was so short that the clerk only had two steps. Then he took the first one and recited something, and the clerk typed the third one based on what he said.


"Sir, that's machine selection and self-selection." The member of the special team standing nearby added to Natasha, a person who didn't know the operation process.

Coulson also added to the description of the members of the special team: "Random buying and conscious buying are pretty much the same thing, Natasha."

"That is to say, he knew that he could win the prize casually, so he chose to reduce the prize amount in order not to attract attention!"

After determining the special features of the target, everyone started the contact plan according to Coulson's arrangement without stopping.

‘Dong dong dong’ Natasha knocked on the door of the exorcism office, but no one inside responded. She tried to pull the door handle and opened it easily.

Opening the door, there was a desk directly. A man wearing a black half-length robe put his feet on the desk, half-reclined, and fell asleep on the chair.

He even wore earmuffs for sleep quality, making Natasha's knocking on the door useless.

"Sir, sir." Natasha knocked on the table, trying to wake up the man, but there was no response.

He walked to the side and reached out to take off the man's earmuffs, only to find a pair of in-ear headphones underneath the earmuffs.

Throwing down the earmuffs, Natasha pushed the sleeping man helplessly.

The man finally woke up under Natasha's push. Before he even opened his eyes, the sales started in his mouth.

"It costs 5,000 for fortune telling, 5,000 for marriage prediction, the fee for finding lost items is based on the price, and the fee for removing demons is based on the degree of danger. If it is too dangerous, I don't dare to do it. I suggest you find someone else."

"Sir, could you open your eyes and speak first?"

After listening to Natasha's words, the man opened his eyes, and his pupils were shining with azure light, which was strange and proportional to his blond hair.

Only then did Natasha notice that the whole person and the office were full of strange beauty.

For example, the clothes on this person are a modern black short robe style, but they have ancient hairpin cuffs and silk collar. They do not have the usual zipper design and are closed with silver locks. The entire dress is from the collar to the hem.

It has dark golden edges.

There was only a table, the chair he sat on, and various cigarette cases in the room. It was hard to imagine how this man could survive in this house.

"Miss, I won't take your job, you can leave."

The man glanced at Natasha, said this, and then closed his eyes again.

"Sir, I really need help."

Natasha pretended to be so happy that she even burst into tears.

"I really have no choice. The demon threatened to take away my life and soul. I have been looking for an exorcist. Please help me."

Natasha collapsed on the ground, sobbing constantly. She threw her handbag aside, and the hidden camera inside filmed the environment in the house.

"You made a voluntary transaction. There is nothing you can do until the transaction is completed. I suggest you complete the transaction first and then talk about other issues."

The man with his eyes closed found a pack of crushed cigarettes from under his body, took out one, threw it in his mouth and smoked it. No one noticed how the cigarette was lit.

Upon hearing the man's words, Natasha immediately stopped crying, stood up, and then a group of heavily armed people walked in from the door behind her.

"Special Agent Forborough, I need you to cooperate with our actions immediately."

Hearing Natasha's words, she remained unmoved even if she was pointed at by several guns. She finished smoking the cigarette in her hand and said, "Stop pretending. There are no such beautiful field agents as you in Verbol. You said

CIA is more persuasive than Fabler."

As soon as the man finished speaking, Coulson walked in from the door.

"Are you guys getting together to make a deal with the devil?"

Seeing Colson, the man said something that shocked Natasha and Colson. Colson immediately reacted, walked up to the man and said: "Sir, we just need your help now to eliminate this threat."


The man did not continue to explain. He was still smoking, but according to the way he smoked, one breath was one-third of a cigarette.

"I don't know what you call me yet, but we really need the help of professionals like you."

Coulson tried to strike up a conversation with the man and get more useful information.

"You can call me Constantine."

"Constantine, is there any more?" Coulson wanted to know his full name so that he could investigate in SHIELD's system.

"Telling someone your full name is a stupid move, especially when there are two idiots who made a deal with the devil."

Constantine mocked Natasha and Colson unceremoniously, and even flicked the end of his cigarette onto Colson.

"Mr. Constantine, we really come here with sincerity and need to know some information that we don't know." Coulson used his expertise to try to get closer to Constantine.

"Sincerity, haha."

After looking around the room and counting the muzzles of guns, Constantine put his legs on the desk with disdain, took out a silver wine flask from his chest pocket, and took a sip.

Coulson also understood the situation at the scene, and it was inappropriate to point a gun at others to discuss cooperation, so he waved the others out, leaving only him and Natasha.

"Mr. Constantine, I met a huge monster with a treasure box on its head. He called himself Greedy. We had no choice but to make a deal with him..."

Colson introduced his experience, but concealed the content of the subsequent transaction.

"We really don't know what to do. What should we do if we get entangled with him again after completing the transaction?" Coulson expressed his worries and asked the man in front of him.

"Complete the deal honestly and don't deal with it again." Constantine was just advising Colson to complete the deal without saying anything else.

"But we don't know the consequences after completion, whether it is to hand over the soul or life span?"

Facing Colson's continuous questions, Constantine became a little impatient.

"According to what is written in the book that I know, the guy you met is still able to abide by the contract. As long as he fulfills his requirements, don't just agree to other people's strange requests."

Coulson quickly grasped the key point of Constantine's words and asked: "There are still people who don't act according to the contract. Doesn't it mean that the devils all act in accordance with the contract?"

After finishing a pack of cigarettes, Constantine threw a banknote at Natasha who was standing next to him and said, "Go buy me a pack of cigarettes. I want Silka cigarettes."

Ignoring Natasha who went out to buy cigarettes with money, Constantine continued: "What I mean is that the guys you are contacting will not use any means outside of the contract. If you meet other devils, you will not use outside tactics.


For example, if you meet Mephisto, the old guy promises to save you from being injured and die in a car accident, but turns around and lets you die of cancer.

Another example is when you meet a guy called Earth Pot, who talks about exchanging money for money, but the result is that you will lose your time, lifespan and soul."

(End of chapter)

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