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Chapter 69 Constantine Arrives

Chapter 69 Constantine arrives

Ash originally planned to use the Wrath of the Gods to kill this guy directly, but after receiving the news about the Avatar's clone, Ash changed his mind.

It can be said that the satellites of all countries with space detection capabilities have been gathered in the sky above the battlefield at this moment, and it is enough to show some unique skills.

Every country will inevitably have some capable people, but their strength will not be too strong. If they continue to show more abilities, in the eyes of some countries, the threat will not be the men in black, but Ashe.

Fortunately, the Lothrik Knight Sword in his hand is the lowest-end unenhanced weapon, and there is no need to replace a weapon of this level.

Jumping away from the man in black, Ash put his left hand holding the holy bell behind his back and spoke code words to the position behind him.

After the ghost saw Ash's movements through the telescope, he immediately dropped the telescope in his hand and jumped onto the tank next to him.

Pushing the gunner aside, the ghost took the gunner's position.

Aiming the muzzle at Ash's left shoulder, Ghost waited for Ash's signal.

Suddenly, Ash inserted the knight's sword in his hand directly into the foot of the man in black. Although the man in black was able to defend himself against some damage at this moment, his foot was still pinned to the ground by the knight's sword.

Following Ash's movement, the ghost in the tank also pressed the launch button.

A tail-stabilized armor-piercing projectile streaked across the battlefield, passed over Ash's left shoulder, and directly exploded the head of the man in black.

Everyone watched as the man in black's head was blown open, and his body swayed and fell on the shoulders of the siege assault beast.

Everyone present, including everyone observing with satellites, cheered at this moment.

However, as soon as the cheers were shouted out, the body of the man in black was seen struggling to get up again.

He struggled to pull his foot out of Ash's knight sword, and the entire foot was divided into two Y-shaped pieces of flesh by the sword.

The headless body slowly stood firm, straightened its body, and faced the tank behind Ash.

"Walter Fuck." The ghost in the tank's sight looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but cursed.

The flesh and blood of the exploded head slowly gathered in front of the body of the man in black, eventually forming a boiling mass of flesh and blood.

The mass of flesh and blood gradually collapsed and regenerated, eventually forming a crimson cone-shaped spear head.

The bloody spear produced a sonic boom cloud on the spot and headed straight towards the tank in the center of the position.

"Abandon the car!"

The ghost had already shouted the order to abandon the vehicle when the spear pointed towards him, but before the vehicle members could react, the bloody spear had already arrived in front of the tank.

A huge bombardment was heard in the center of the position, and the vibrations made all the soldiers on the position feel that the ground was shaking. The smoke generated by the impact enveloped the entire tank.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and a man and a woman riding two huge wargs appeared in front of the tank. Two more wargs were guarding them, lowering their bodies and roaring at the men in black on the battlefield.

Constantine held up a round shield engraved with blue patterns and stood in front of the tank. The blood-colored spear hit the round shield but was ejected.

In addition to causing huge noise and shock waves, only the spears were rebounded.

The bloody spear bombarded the front battlefield of the tank, creating an area that was corroded into black by the bloody explosion.

At this moment, the attention on the battlefield was turned to Constantine, who was holding a shield.

[Holy Flower Shield: An ancient white sect treasure also known as the "Magician Killer". The blooming flowers depicted on the shield can be regarded as a symbol of the holy fire. It has a high magic attribute damage reduction rate. Combat skills: spell blocking, counting

With accurate timing, you can deliver a fatal blow after deflecting the attack. It is a combat skill that can be used with either left or right-handed equipment. It can also reflect spells.]

Fortunately, no fool would stand in front of the tank, and Constantine's defense did not cause any harm to his own side.

After spitting out the cigarette in his mouth and putting the buckler back into his pocket, Constantine threw the small box containing the wolf's ashes to Natasha and said: "Girl, you won't be able to participate in the next battle. Find a place for yourself."

Wait, don't mess around."

"One more thing, call your idiot superior and ask how he can help."

After finishing speaking, Constantine walked towards the center of the battlefield.

Natasha did not hesitate, leaving four wargs at the scene to provide support. She ran to the rear of the battlefield to find a high-power radio station to provide as much support firepower as possible for the current battle.

Everyone on the battlefield could tell by looking at their positions that the two people at this moment were here to help. Without any hesitation, they opened the way to the rear for Natasha.

Just after the bloody spear was blasted, the man in black's lost head regrown on its own and returned to its original shape within a few seconds.

Returning to his elegant appearance, the man in black said slowly: "You are very good, or you are very good. Give you a chance, serve me, sacrifice this world to my Lord, and he will give you

You are more powerful."

The man in black tried to persuade a salary king through words, but before Ash could reply, a fireball hit the man in black's face, which had just recovered.

[Fireball: The magician's unique skill of fire. It can throw fireballs. The burning fireball explodes upon contact and can cause fire damage to the surrounding area. Only after the magician understands the fireball can he begin to understand: Spell

It is the worship of fire.]

The fireball bomb exploded and ignited the entire space where the man in black was. Ash had to evacuate far away with his sword to avoid the high temperature caused by the burning.

Constantine continuously produced new fireball bombs in his hands and threw them into the position of the man in black.

The dazzling light produced by the flames forced everyone watching the battle to close their eyes.

The fireball bombs continued to explode, even melting the metal shell of the siege assault beast at the feet of the man in black.

"You are provoking Padric. I will sacrifice you all to my master."

Such words came from the flames, and then he saw a burned skeleton with only a black skeleton left. He held his hand in front of his face and walked out step by step while resisting Constantine's fireball bomb.

The man in black, or Padrick, with his eyes shining red, walked out of the area covered by flames.

As soon as he stepped out of the flames, tender pink flesh sprouts began to grow on his body, spread, and finally covered his whole body.

It didn't take long for a brand new body to reappear. Those flesh buds even thoughtfully constructed new clothes for Padric so that he would not fight naked.

Padrick knelt down and reached out to touch the fallen Siege Beast at his feet. A black energy followed his arm and merged into the body of the Siege Beast at his feet.

Not long after, the Siege Assault Beast's body began to twitch, its skin began to shrink, and then white bone armor began to form on his skin.

When the bone armor was formed, the Siege Assault Beast stood up again.

The resurrected Siege Assault Beast let out a roar that echoed throughout the world on the battlefield. After roaring, he waved his hands in the air, feeling a little unsatisfied.

He grabbed his left shoulder with his right hand and tore off the entire left arm.

(End of chapter)

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