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Chapter 75 Air Support Exits

Chapter 75 Air support withdraws

The second batch of air fire support is not like the first batch of gunships and Super Hornets. The second batch of support focuses more on heavy ground fire suppression.

The A10 attack aircraft flying at the front, known as the Warthog, was the first to start its roar.

It was named the Warthog because of its 30mm GAU-8 7-barreled Gatling cannon. When the cannon is opened, it resembles a roaring wild boar.

First, a short burst of fire was directed at the orc group to correct the course deviation. The three A10 attack aircraft divided into three directions and rushed towards the enemy.

Then I saw a group of three attack planes starting to dive. The twin turbofan engines provided unparalleled power to the thin fuselage.

The moment they were about to touch the ground, the three attack planes suddenly pulled up and flew over the heads of the orcs.

While flying over the herd, they released bombs from 11 external pylons on each of their aircraft.

The plane flew over the orcs, leaving behind several isolation zones composed of flames and explosions.

A10's attack drew a clear mark among the beasts, and three isolation belts restricted the beasts to a triangular area.

Just like the big cross drawn by Li Mei's DJ Barbie Q, A10 also marked the subsequent troops.

The following two AC130 armed gunboats began their debut performance.

The two gunboats, one behind the other, began to fly in a circular motion around the battlefield.

The constant output of firepower restricted the orcs to the circle drawn by the A10 attack aircraft.

For a time, the war developed in our own favor, so much so that Stark, who was originally helping the logistics officer replenish ammunition in the rear, ran to Ash's side.

Stark, who couldn't stand still, began to give instructions again, only to hear him say: "This is a completely asymmetric battle. Those monsters don't even have any anti-aircraft firepower."

Stark's words gave him a debuff buff. As soon as he finished speaking, he shot a bone spear from the center of the orc crowd.

The fast-moving A10 attack aircraft avoided the attack with a side-swept wing, but the bulky AC130 behind it was not so lucky.

Human wars are always conducted based on the development of weapons between the enemy and ourselves. At this moment, the simple attack of the orcs made the early warning system on the aircraft useless.

The bone spears fired one after another from the center of the orc finally hit the AC130 attack aircraft hovering in the sky.

Several rounds of bone spears accurately hit the belly of the aircraft, paralyzing the weapon system and part of the power system inside the aircraft.

Fortunately, those bone spears would not explode and did not detonate the ammunition in the aircraft.

The other AC130 behind realized that something was wrong, quickly raised its nose and flew high into the sky to avoid the incoming attack.

The power of the AC130 under attack was greatly damaged, and the turboprop on one side had completely lost its function.

On the channel, the pilot loudly reported the damage and requested an emergency landing.

However, the sea had already frozen at this moment, so landing hastily was not a good option. Under Ash's guidance, the pilot had to carefully glide away towards Long Island.

"Stark, you are not allowed to speak anymore!"

Stark's venomous tongue caused the team to lose an attack aircraft rashly, temporarily weakening the attack firepower. If Stark continued speaking, all air power would be damaged later.

Stark couldn't accept it, and still defended: "This is just an accident. Anyone who has the idea of ​​​​protest will react. The enemy does not have more weapons, this is a trivial matter."

Without following Stark's words, Ash continued to observe the battlefield situation.

After losing an AC130, the previous A10 attack aircraft rejoined the battle. Although they had dropped the bombs in the belly, they still had the GAU-8 cannon in the nose.

Three A10 attack aircraft began to drop depleted uranium bombs in different directions at suspicious locations among the orcs.

The suppression effect of the attack was quite effective. Only a few scattered bone spears were shot into the sky by the orcs. Even threatening attacks were dodged by the dexterous A10 attack aircraft.

However, the good times did not last long. There were only 1,400 rounds of ammunition for the machine gun, and even if it fired at full power, it could only last for more than ten seconds.

Even if the pilots save ammunition and only use burst attacks, they can only extend the attack time to a few minutes.

The A10s who had emptied their ammunition reported the situation to Ash and then returned to the base to reload their ammunition.

At this moment, there is only one AC130 in the sky, which raised its flight altitude at the very beginning to avoid the attack.

Without the cooperation of the other AC130 and the remaining A10s, it would be difficult to cause damage to these orcs with the firepower of a flying gunship alone.

Gradually, more and more bone spears were projected from the orcs, and some of them were even comparable to the range of shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.

Fortunately, those bone spears did not have a guidance system. Under the evasive flight of the AC130, none of them could destroy the last aircraft.

Ash said to the stunned Stark next to him: "Stark, if you are adding buffs to the enemy, I will seal your mouth and then make you strip naked and dance Hawaiian hula."

The orcs on the ice also began to look different. The number of orcs that could be easily killed by firearms in the past gradually decreased.

There are more and more guys who look like pangolins and crocodiles and can withstand firearms. They also see some weirder guys gradually appearing.

Those guys were like reptiles that had shed their skin. They turned their ribs outwards and clamped them tightly with muscles.

At the same time, their ribs have long been transformed into short spears. Although they are not as huge as the bone spears that destroyed the AC130, they are smaller and more powerful.

These guys tremblingly climbed to the front line of the orcs, turned up their bellies, and fired the first wave of bone spears at Ash and the others.

The moment those weird orcs showed something wrong, Ash pushed Stark into the bunker next to him.

As for the others, who had a temporary defense stacked up by Ash cutting down trees, no one was harmed.

Listening to the crackling sounds outside, Stark felt a little uncomfortable being held down by Ash.

Stark shook his shoulders, trying to free himself from Ash's hand. Suddenly, a huge bone spear penetrated the temporary bunker, flew over his head, and hit someone behind the position.

A small shop stirred up smoke and dust all over the floor.

Stark, who didn't struggle anymore, silently lowered his head even lower, and even took a helmet from the ground and put it on his head.

The ghost crawled over from behind the tank and said to Ash: "Those monsters' huge bone spears penetrated the front armor of the tank and disabled the tank's engine. Now that thing is a fixed turret."

Looking at his watch, Ash estimated the time and said to the ghost: "Find a way to delay it for a while. Sheffield's support will arrive soon. If it doesn't work, we will withdraw with these civilians and let Ross blow up the place."


Ash said and pointed at Stark. It was obvious that Stark was the civilian who was holding him back at this moment.

Ghost gestured to show that he understood. Next, they carefully disassembled the remaining shells from the tank, transformed them into simple IEDs, and buried them everywhere on the beach.

At this moment, the gunslinger Roland also found Ash.

(End of chapter)

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