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Chapter 86: Stage Ready

Chapter 86 The stage is ready

The sages standing in the air pressed the flame array downwards, and the same array composed of earth veins in the air also moved downwards.

The flame array was the first to approach the bloody vortex. Red lightning and blood waves impacted the array, making explosions and various uncomfortable sounds.

And sounds also appeared in the whirlpool. I could only hear something whispering.

Fortunately, the heads of the sages are protected by wax heads, and the flame array they condense has a sound-insulating effect, so that the sounds that can drive ordinary people into madness and then mutate are isolated.

The thin whispers found no one to respond, and the sound turned into an unknown language that people could understand.

"Where are my servants?"

Although it was in a language they didn't understand, the people present still understood the meaning.

Fortunately, no stupid person responded to this.

Finding no one responded, I only heard the voice begin to change and say: "My servant, answer me, Sithorn will give you endless power and eternal life."

Sithorne, one of the earliest life forms on earth in the Marvel universe, is a typical demon. In order to avoid being devoured by the God-Eater during the ancient war, he was forced to exile to other dimensions.

Although he is a dimensional demon, Sithorn's power is stronger than others, even stronger than Dormammu and Mephisto, who both borrowed their power from him.

As for how much he paid back after borrowing it, that is the secret of Dormammu and Mephisto.

Emperor Weishan can also be regarded as the opposite of Sithorn. The powerful ability of the Trinity can restrain Sithorn's power.

So much so that the defense built based on the power of Emperor Weishan can prevent the invasion of Sithorne's body, so that he can only rely on the believers he left behind and the Dark God's Book to develop new believers for himself to help him return to Earth.

However, after many attempts and many failures, Sithorn also understood that he could not return to Earth as long as Emperor Weishan existed.

But this cannot stop Sithorne from wanting to cause trouble. For tens of thousands of years, Sithorne has relied on the Book of Darkness to create countless dark beings on the earth, and vampires are among the best.

There was no response at this time, so Sithorn also became interested, and continued to penetrate the earth with his tentacles, exploring the situation at the scene.

However, before the tentacles were stretched out, under Ash's command, the cruise missiles that had no time to support blasted into the bloody vortex.

The cruise missile warhead at this time was no longer a cluster bomb, but the Tomahawk missile at this moment was equipped with a high-energy warhead. Five missiles in a row were fired into the vortex.

Connecting the channel in his own dimension, trying to explore Sithorn on the opposite side, he was detonated in his palace by five cruise missiles at this moment.

The damage caused by the cruise missile is negligible to this ancient demon god, but the insult of blowing up his own palace is terrifying.

"Who, who dares to disrespect me, Sithorn, the God of the Underworld!"

Sithorn roared and kept pushing his power into the earth, but he was always blocked by the earth line defense built with the power of Emperor Weishan.

Listening to the roar from the other side, Ash became playful, disguised his voice, and said to the whirlpool: "This is a warning to you, Hades."

"According to the instructions of my master Mephisto, your lackeys have been dealt with. Now the earth is Mephisto's territory. You'd better consider leaving."

Ash's gloomy voice was very much like the sounds the demons from hell could make.

The 'warning' to Sithorn made Sithorn even more angry.

Mephisto, who had borrowed power from him, was once a younger brother to him. But after becoming one of the overlords of the hell dimension, he didn't expect that Mephisto would turn his back and deny his credit.

Naturally, Sithorn would not tell anyone else about this humiliating thing, but he still recorded it in his little notebook in his heart.

And the 'warning' at this moment is very much like what the devil who refuses to admit his guilt can do.

"Mephisto, I will never forgive you!"

Sithorn, who became angry, continued to penetrate his power, and the bloody vortex on the earth had spread to hundreds of square kilometers.

Although the whirlpool appeared on the sea and was still dozens of kilometers away from Long Island, Devlin, who still led the agents to hold on to Long Island, was shocked and speechless after seeing the bloody wave several kilometers high in the distance.

It can be said that some of the other Forborough agents next to him were already kneeling on the ground and starting to pray.

The sages suppressed the magic circle downwards, always preventing the power of the whirlpool from expanding, and maintaining it at a level that could scare people without causing harm.

This state of mutual maintenance among the sages is seen by outsiders as a confrontation with the demonic gods outside the territory.

The sages' silence only blocked Sithorne's whispers, but did not block communications. People kept asking Ash about the situation at the scene.

Ash was so annoyed that he had to connect everyone to a channel to answer their questions.

"As I said, he is the boss of the men in black and a dimensional demon. I can't tell you his name because everyone who pronounces his name will be sensed by him and then develop into his believers."

As soon as Ash opened his mouth, everyone in the channel was shocked. No one would try to attract the attention of an ancient god with this kind of mysterious power.

"And now, it seems that the mages who have been protecting the safety of the earth are suppressing the demon god's ability and preventing his tentacles from reaching the earth."

To explain the situation at this moment, in Ash's words, he defined this drama performed by the sages of the Great Library as the efforts of the mages who protect the earth.

Take this opportunity to further flesh out Constantine’s background and character.

The most obvious ones in this battle are Ash and Constantine. Ash's abilities have been under the military's supervision since they were exposed two years ago, and there are military bosses as guarantees. It can be said that

Ash belongs to his own category.

But Constantine, a magician who suddenly appeared, not only had a huge power background behind him, but also performed a series of systematic and strange spells, which made everyone who saw it greedy.

But this also shows that Constantine has his own position and cannot be his own person like Ash.

For Constantine, the bosses in the channel have endless questions, such as ability training, source of power, learning difficulty, etc. Now they can only ask Ash who is on the scene.

In response to the continuous inquiries from the big guys in the channel, Ash could only pretend to say: "I am just the officiant, maybe a knight. The power system we use is completely different."

Ash kept deceiving others in the channel, stating that his power came from his belief in the Sun King Gwen, while Constantine's power came from the study and pursuit of magic.

Silently pushing the blame to the King of Crows who had already been hacked to death, Ash kept severing the relationship between the magician and him, creating the illusion that the two were completely unrelated.

After listening to Ash's words, the representative of the Security Council asked the question that everyone on the channel was most concerned about: "So do you have any way to fight these magicians?"


Yesterday, my brother was telling me a story-telling question. He hit the nail on the head and accurately pointed out the mistakes in my writing. I would like to express my gratitude to my brother, thank you.

I am a newbie, the kind who is really new and cannot be newer. Although my outline is very comprehensive, writing it is ultimately my own pleasure.

Without anyone to point out my mistakes, I will always be immersed in my own world, unable to extricate myself, and will never understand my own problems.

Therefore, if you have any opinions about the article I wrote, you can ask me directly. If it really needs correction, I will humbly accept it and correct it immediately.

Thank you to the readers who have been supporting Hungry Rice until now, thank you for your votes. There is no app recommendation this week, and the number of words is almost on the shelves.

Thanks for the suggestion of "stealing food while busy".

Thank you.

Thank you for your hunger.

(End of chapter)

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