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Chapter 89 Solicitation

Chapter 89 Recruitment

AGM-86B is the code name of the cruise missile, but it is worth mentioning that it carries a mushroom warhead with a yield of more than 200,000.

The vortex was connected to the space where Sithorn was located, and the missile that passed through the vortex came to Sithorn.

The missiles were set up, and a sun created by humans bloomed in front of Sithorn.

The equivalent of 200,000 tons is not a powerful force for a dimensional demon like Sithorn. Compared to humans, it is like blowing up a firecracker.

Although no serious harm will be caused, the insult is very real.

Sithorn, who was hit by mushrooms now, is like the second boss of the Ax Gang who was hit by firecrackers.

The second leader of the Ax Gang would not endure such an insult, let alone an ancient demon.

With Ash's few words that set off the fire, Sithorn placed the blame on Mephisto.

Regardless of whether it was Mephisto's plan and instructions or not, the debt was settled now. What's more, Mephisto still had outstanding debts before. Sithorne rushed towards the hell dimension without saying a word.

As for what will happen to Mephisto, with the power of the hell dimension, Mephisto will definitely not lose. As for how much damage he will suffer, this is beyond Ash's control.

The wax-headed sages who completed their performance returned to the portal and left the battlefield.

Only the orcs who were stubbornly resisting and fleeing were left on the battlefield.

Without unified command, the orcs at this moment pose no threat to the tank group. Some Bradleys even started chasing the orcs with their machine guns while fighting.

After releasing the missile, Ghost got off the helicopter and returned Ash's sighting equipment to Ash.

Ghost, who was about to leave to direct the ending, was stopped by Ash.

"Simon, come with me to pick up the two of them. Leave the battlefield to the command of General Hammer for the time being. After all, we have arrived to finish the work."

After the ghost responded to express his understanding, he went to find the vehicle.

General Hammer's kidnapping threat was the source of this incident. Although it was later interrupted by the invasion of orcs, the Pentagon Building could not treat it as nothing happened.

At this moment, the aftermath work is left to Hammer, so that with this small contribution, Hammer's name will not even appear in the subsequent report.

Perhaps with this little credit, Hammer can leave a happy ending.

As for why the ghost is needed to find the vehicle, everyone at the Phoenix Firebase understands that an unknown cleric cannot drive.

Those who dare to laugh at this matter usually encounter various accidents and then stay for three months under a certain cleric who is part-time on medical missions.

Soon, Ghost drove over in a Humvee carrying an M2H 12.7mm heavy machine gun.

After battlefield testing, 12.7mm bullets can cause serious damage to those orcs. As for those orcs that can withstand 338 points, although they can withstand a few rounds of 12.7mm caliber bullets, continuous shooting is enough to beat them into flesh.


So Ash started his own hunt, shooting at the fleeing orcs in the distance while directing the ghost's driving direction.

Smiling and pulling the bolt, Ash screamed wildly.

Some crazy actions, in the eyes of the ghost, were just a way to vent after the war. But only Ash understood that Gu Yi did not stop such a big scene, and even provided help with performances.

This shows that Gu Yi will not have any obstacles to his future plans, and he can concentrate on planning the future stage. He does not have to worry about his visa being confiscated, and he can only lead an army to attack the earth.

After driving recklessly on the ice for dozens of minutes, Ash found Stark standing under a white tree.

At this moment, the side of the white tree was full of giant arrows. There was not a complete orc corpse. The entire white tree was dyed red by the blood of the orcs.

Stark maintained his original posture, remaining motionless even after seeing Ash's arrival. He was afraid that Cassel, who had no white tree branches behind him, would attract the giant's arrows.

Waving to Stark, Ash shouted: "Okay Stark, the crisis is over, we can go back."

Finally, Stark relaxed his tense body and collapsed on the ice, gasping for air.

Cassel and the little boy Jack helped Stark up and walked towards the Hummer.

At this moment, Ash was a little excited and said teasingly to the three people in front of the car: "Welcome to the Happy Jeep. Our next stop is New York. Are you ready, passengers?"

Without any reaction to Ash's words, he helped Stark get into the car. Cassel, like Stark, slumped in the back seat.

The little boy Jack was still energetic at this time and was touching everywhere on the passenger seat excitedly.

Ash did not choose to take back the white tree, but left it on the rock. He patted the roof of the car and signaled the ghost to start back.

The way back was faster than the way we came, because there were no orcs blocking the road. Gradually, soldiers came in cars from the opposite direction, and they wanted to continue chasing those nasty guys.

Staying in front of the position, the little boy Jack quickly spotted the gunslinger Roland standing on a scrapped tank.

Shouting at the gunslinger, Jack jumped out of the car and rushed towards the gunslinger.

The two hugged each other excitedly, like a father and son reunited.

Jack kept telling the gunslinger the scene after scene, pouring out his inner panic and excitement.

Roland the gunslinger stroked Jack's head, just like his father once comforted him, accepting everything Jack had to say.

Waiting for Jack to calm down, the gunslinger led him towards Ash.

It was a bit difficult for the gunslinger who was not good at words to say thank you. Fortunately, Jack was by his side, as the Chinese language translator, polishing and restating the words of the gunslinger.

"Where are you going next?"

Ash asked the most critical question. As a gunslinger in Middle-earth, his departure or stay would stir some people's nerves.

Silent Roland gave the answer: "I will go back to Middle-earth."

Hearing Roland's words, Jack's face quickly darkened. This gunslinger was the hero in the boy's heart, and at this moment his hero was about to leave.

"Then what should he do? He has no parents now and needs someone to take care of him."

Gesturing towards Jack, Ash asked Jack's question to Roland.

Stroking the boy's head, Roland gave his inner answer.

"I will raise him, and he will take over my responsibilities and become the next generation of gunslingers."

Roland's words brought Jack's mood back to its peak. Becoming the hero of his dreams was something Jack could not even imagine.

"Then what are you going to do with your life? You are still wandering. You have problems with food, clothing, housing and transportation. Not to mention that with a child, I am afraid that eating is also a problem. What about the other child's education? It is impossible for him to just learn some shooting skills with you."

Realistic problems were placed in front of Roland. Although he came to Earth from Middle-earth only a few days ago, the different customs and customs between Earth and Middle-earth made the gunslinger Roland understand that this was a different world.

Looking at the silent gunslinger, Ash finally revealed his goal.

"Why don't you just come and fuck me."

(End of chapter)

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