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Chapter 483

Many teams now focus on defensive counterattacks. For today's football, defense is becoming more and more important.

No matter how far football has developed, defense has always been very important.

However, Real Madrid's offense today was too strong, and their opponent was not a weak team.

It's Roma, a powerful team that almost eliminated Liverpool last season.

Ever since Xue Yang coached Real Madrid, everyone has been deeply impressed by Real Madrid's offense.

In this day and age, there are not many teams that attack with all their strength.

Although some people are not very optimistic about this kind of Real Madrid, they think that Real Madrid will lose sooner or later.

But for fans, this Real Madrid is their favorite.

However, they did not see that Real Madrid's defense was not bad.

Real Madrid has conceded the fewest goals among La Liga teams so far in the league, which shows that Real Madrid's defense is actually pretty good.

It's just that the offense was so strong that everyone ignored Real Madrid's defense.

Although Real Madrid's current results are very good, they have maintained a complete victory in both the league and the Champions League.

But after all, he is coaching the top club Real Madrid, so Xue Yang has always had a strong sense of crisis.

He often adjusts his tactics, and in order to deal with various situations, Xue Yang's tactical formations often change.

Xue Yang has already tried 3-5-2 formation, 4-3-3 formation or 4-2-3-1 formation.

Although the new season has not started long ago, the formation has really changed a lot.

It didn't take long, but Xue Yang figured out a tactic that was relatively suitable for Real Madrid.

The first is the forward line. Based on Xue Yang's current observations, two forwards are actually the most suitable for the team.

Benzema and Qin Zhen are unexpectedly suitable, Qin Zhen is the character who attacks the city.

As for Benzema, he can be delayed a little bit. If their partners develop a tacit understanding, they will be a very scary combination.

Both have two forwards, one high and one fast, but Qin Zhen and Benzema are almost the same.

Needless to say about speed, Qin Zhen is definitely the faster one.

In other words, both Gaoqiang and Qinzhen are very good, and the current forward configuration is very good.

In the midfield, Modric, Kroos and Casemiro are too important. Even if we need to train young players, these three midfielders are still the absolute main force.

But for long-term considerations, Xue Yang knew that he needed to train new people.

Valverde is a new star with great potential, and Odegaard is also a good attacking midfielder.

But currently, Real Madrid does not have any high-potential defensive midfielders.

Blanco is a defensive midfielder and has 83 points of potential.

In fact, it is already enough, but even if such a talent grows up, it is still a bit reluctant to become Real Madrid's main defensive midfielder.

Fortunately, among the three main midfielders, Casemiro is the youngest.

I am only 26 years old now and can still use it for a long time.

Therefore, Xue Yang is not so anxious about cultivating the midfielder.

As for the winger position, Real Madrid has too many people available.

But outside of Qin Town, there are no top wingers in the world.

But their potentials are quite high. Both Junior and Rafael Leon have potentials exceeding 90 points.

They are all talents with world-class potential. As for right winger Odegaard, he can also play.

Then as for the full-backs, there is no problem with the right-back.

When Achraf is trained, he will be the world's top right back.

But the left winger is a little less interesting. Marcelo is not young, and the potential of Reguilon and Garcia who succeeded him is not that outstanding.

Of course, as a full-back, it is actually barely acceptable.

The center back is very good, it is a position that Xue Yang does not need to worry about.

Since Xue Yang coached Real Madrid, all the young players at Real Madrid have been very excited.

Xue Yang is famous for favoring young players. When he coached Tianjin Wei before, the team was all young Chinese players.

After coming to The Hague, he was also an important young player.

And the players who have been trained by Xue Yang have indeed become talents.

Several rounds of the league have passed now, but one player is becoming more and more uneasy.

He is Spanish young midfielder Jaume Grau. He currently has 66 ability points and 77 potential points.

It would be fine if it were for other teams, but in a giant like Real Madrid, his potential would be a little less interesting.

He now has no chance to play at all, which makes Jaume Grau very disappointed.

In fact, Xue Yang really had no intention of training Jaume Grau.

Jaume Grau's physical fitness is too ordinary, his speed is average and his jumping ability is average.

But his abilities are quite balanced, and his defense and offense are quite calm.

But there is nothing outstanding, so Xue Yang really has no confidence in letting Jaume Grau play.

Disappointed, Jaume Grau found Xue Yang and wanted to know about his future with the team.

Faced with the unexpected visit from Jaume Grau, Xue Yang was also very surprised.

"Well!~ In that case, I will tell the truth, you are indeed not in my team building plan."

Xue Yang answered directly and straightforwardly. At this time, Xue Yang did not want to lie to Jaume Grau.

Jaume Grau is not very old, but he is not actually a young player either.

Jaume Grau is also 21 years old. At his current age, he needs more playing opportunities.

Keeping Jaume Grau in the team will not help either party.

For Real Madrid, Jaume Grau has no other role than his quota.

Faced with Xue Yang's truthful answer, Jaume Grau was mentally prepared, but he was still a little frustrated.

In this case, Jaume Grau also made up his mind.

Although he is obsessed with Real Madrid, continuing to force himself to stay would not be a good thing for his career.

For him now, leaving the team may be the best choice.

Jaume Grau's contract ends at the end of this season, but the team has not renewed his contract.

However, Jaume Grau does not want to wait for the contract to expire. He hopes to leave the team in the winter window.

Xue Yang did not choose to refuse Jaume Grau's transfer request.

So not long after the summer window ended, Real Madrid's first player to leave the team had been confirmed.

Xue Yang has no regrets about this. Jaume Grau does not have the potential to stay in Real Madrid.

Jaume Grau came on and had little effect against Real Madrid.

You must know Xue Yang's ambition, which is to lead Real Madrid to the top of world football.

Jaume Grau cannot meet Xue Yang's goal. Of course, there are still several players in the team who do not meet Xue Yang's conditions.

But it is impossible for Xue Yang to clear them all, otherwise there may not even be enough to register.

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