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Chapter 53 Entering the Tomb

Chapter 53 Entering the Tomb

When Tang Xuan heard these words, he couldn't help but frown.

That’s not right!

In the Qin Dynasty Mingyue anime, the atmosphere of Snow Cloth Castle, the home of each generation of hereditary marquis, is indeed so gloomy, and the design is equally grand and spectacular. There is also a suspension bridge as the only entrance. However, the Blood Clothes Castle in the anime stands on the top of a mountain.

The scale is many times larger than the castle in front of you.

Moreover, the word "Ai Ai" refers to the Blood-clothed Castle in the heavy snow, which means that the location of the Blood-clothed Castle is not inside the mountain at all.

This old scholar is a loser.

Well, if there is a danger, you must not follow such a person.

"This should be the Blood-clothed Castle where the dead live... The Blood-clothed Marquis is quite good at playing."

Tang Xuan muttered, then looked at Hanyong and said, "Brother Hanyong, I have an ominous premonition. This money... I'm afraid it will not only be hot, but may also kill you. Why don't you get out first."

Of course Tang Xuan would not think that the ruthless Xueyi Hou would turn his cemetery into a tomb robber's back garden after his death.

This Dead Man's Blood Clothes Castle will most likely kill people.

Hanyong was so kind to him, Tang Xuan really couldn't bear to see him take risks.

"...You kid, are you cowardly?"

Hanyong put the ordnance shovel on his shoulder and said calmly: "This tomb does look weird, but you, Brother Han, and I are also a soul king after all, and my martial soul is a mountain shovel. How many years can I dig it?"

It’s a grave. This grave is not qualified to keep me. Don’t worry, just follow me all the way. I’ll protect you, no problem.”

On the other side, Chen Zhengjun's expression was very solemn.

Although the martial soul he cultivated was not mainly about strengthening the six senses and predicting danger, at this moment, both mentally and physically, he felt a needle-like danger that kept warning him. This showed that the danger in the castle was not hidden.

But there is no concealment of naked malice!

When you step in, the question is not whether you will encounter danger, but the danger will definitely come to you automatically!

Chen Zhengjun faced the team and shouted a name: "Wang Han!"


A man with a strong build, about thirty years old, stepped forward, summoned the martial spirit - climbing rope, tied one end to himself, and the other end to the pier of the suspension bridge. Then he took a deep breath and stepped up without hesitation.

suspension bridge.

"This is Wang Han, a thirty-fifth level soul master, a herb gatherer in the Himalayas. His family's martial soul is rope climbing. He is a master of climbing."

Under the watchful and solemn gazes of everyone, Wang Han walked further and further, and soon reached the center of the suspension bridge. He paused inexplicably in the middle, and then continued to move forward.

Until Wang Han finished the journey, nothing happened.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, as long as they could cross, they were afraid that the suspension bridge would break and it would take a lot of time to cross.

Wang Han took off the rope from his body and tied it to the stone pier at the other end as an emergency measure, and then used a light to signal everyone to come over.

Chen Wangjun was the first to board the suspension bridge. With his steps as fast as the wind, the light-bodied bird jumped over ten meters with a single click and reached the other side in two or three seconds.

One after another they boarded the suspension bridge and walked to the other side. Soon it was Hanyong and Tang Xuan's turn.

Han Yong passed by first and was safe and sound.

Tang Xuan followed closely behind. When he walked to the middle of the suspension bridge, he suddenly felt panicked. When he looked up again, Wang Han actually took out a torch, lit it with a "dang" sound, and then threw it towards the suspension bridge.

This behavior was so weird that it was beyond everyone's expectation. Even Chen Zhengjun didn't react for a while. When he knocked Wang Han down in the blink of an eye, the torch had already left his hand and fell on the suspension bridge!

The entire suspension bridge seemed to be smeared with some kind of flammable substance, and the flames eroded it as quickly as if it had been exposed to gasoline!


At this moment, there were four people on the suspension bridge, including Tang Xuan, and they all gasped when they saw this.

The three people behind Tang Xuan turned around and ran back when they saw that the situation was not good!

Under the bridge is a bottomless darkness, and in front of it is a blazing fire.

Tang Xuan gritted his teeth and directly activated his first soul skill - vibranium body. Instead of retreating, he advanced towards the flames with an explosive step!!!

"Run quickly, run back!!!"

Hanyong yelled, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Tang Xuan rushing towards this side and disappearing in the light of fire!

He was so courageous that he almost exploded on the spot. He kept swearing, and he felt regret in his heart. He regretted why he brought Tang Xuan with him.

Such a hard-working and sunny young man ended his life here because of himself.


At this moment, the raging fire seemed to be disturbed by a gust of wind. In the light of the fire, a figure rushed out and rolled twice on the ground. It was Tang Xuan!

Although the fire spread quickly, Tang Xuan's cultivation has reached the level of the Soul King. With the blessing of the vibranium body, Tang Xuan can break through the flames with little risk. After all, Tang Xuan would not dare to be on the suspension bridge.

Turn it up, if you accidentally fall directly into the abyss, the game is over.

At the same time, Tang Xuan also secretly made up his mind that his fifth soul skill must be a space soul skill.

"What a bastard!"

Tang Xuan quickly stood up and patted the weak flames on his clothes.

Hanyong was first surprised and then delighted, and ran over to help put out the flames on Tang Xuan's body.

The fire was extinguished, and then Qian Yong became angry.

"What the hell are you doing! You kid is dying, isn't it!? How dare you rush over here!"

Hanyong slapped Tang Xuan on the back of the head with one slap after another, causing Tang Xuan to cover his head and laugh and beg for mercy.

Lao Lin raised his thumb towards Tang Xuan and shouted: "Lao Yong, is this guy your brother? That's okay, awesome!"

"I have been digging graves for many years. I have seen a lot of people and things. I have such an accurate vision that I can never be wrong!"

Seeing that everyone was full of praise for Tang Xuan, Hanyong immediately felt proud, put his arms around Tang Xuan's shoulders, and said with a proud smile: "This is my brother, a soul king level expert, isn't he awesome?"

Tang Xuan: "..."

You are just so horny!

At this moment, the suspension bridge was completely burned, and the fire was extremely fierce.

Broken wooden boards and burned ropes fell into the bottomless abyss, and even the emergency rope connecting the two ends was burned into two pieces in the fire.

On the other side, there were seven or eight people who couldn't make it across smoothly, and they were all completely separated by a huge gap.

Hanyong looked to the other side, his smile gradually disappearing, a bit cold, where Chen Zhengjun was pressing Wang Han's uniform to the ground.

Hanyong walked up and said softly: "Master Chen! Wang Han lit a fire wantonly and almost killed my brother. I want to ask him why he did this! Wang Han, look what your grandson did!?"

Hanyong was about to pull Wang Han up, but Chen Zhengjun stopped him with his other hand.

"Lao Yong, I don't think this happened because of Wang Han's original intention." Chen Zhengjun said with a very calm expression: "Everyone can see from Zheng Han's state that something is obviously wrong."

Hanyong frowned and knelt down to take a closer look. Others also looked around after hearing the words. They saw that Wang Han's eyes were dull and dull, and he looked like he was stupid. Something was indeed wrong.

After observing for a while, the old man Luo Pan, who had some experience in this aspect, came to the conclusion: "Wang Han seems to be hallucinating."

(End of chapter)

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