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Chapter 125 Make a lot of money!

"No." Qin Xiaofei chuckled, "This effect is the advertising recommendation position we mentioned before."

Ding Yan was dumbfounded and her voice changed, "What, what did you say? You got two hundred yuan a day for seven hundred days of advertising space?" She shook her head, "No, that's impossible!"

She has looked at the prices of almost all the media companies in the county in the past few days. Not to mention the ones with high traffic like Tieba, the kind of advertisements in the elevators in the county's residential areas cost a lot of money, let alone this kind of Internet advertising.

, there is no way I can get the two hundred yuan!

Qin Xiaofei laughed, why didn't this girl believe it? He immediately shook his head and smiled, "I really didn't lie to you, I happened to meet an acquaintance, so I got two hundred yuan in one day."

He glanced at the time and said, "Let's do it. I should be able to start it later. You'll know when the time comes."

Just then, the phone rang.

He took a look and saw that it was Jia Ming. He immediately answered the phone, "Mr. Jia, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, Jia Ming's voice was extremely respectful, and he said with a smile: "Brother Qin, the advertisement has been posted. Take a look. If you are not satisfied with it, tell me and I will have someone change it right away."

Listening to this guy's extremely respectful voice, Qin Xiaofei felt funny. He didn't expect that a few hours ago, he and Jia Ming had become enemies, and Jia Ming would always say that he would kill him.

And now, this guy is like Brother Qin!

He nodded immediately, "Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Jia."

"No, no, no, no, it's not hard. We don't have to work hard at all. This is what we should do." Jia Ming said with an apologetic smile.

"Okay, let me take a look first and call you if there are any questions." After Qin Xiaofei finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He smiled at Ding Yan and said, "You can take a look now, the advertisement is on."

While Ding Yan was opening the web page, he put the mirror cake into a bowl and went into the kitchen to get chopsticks. Suddenly, Ding Yan screamed.

Qin Xiaofei thought something had happened to this girl, so he hurriedly ran out and saw Ding Yan sitting in front of the computer, stunned, her face became extremely shocked, as if she had seen something incredible.

"Yan'er, what's wrong?" Qin Xiaofei said speechlessly.

Ding Yan came back to her senses, with a look of disbelief on her face. She pointed at the screen and said in a trembling voice: "Xiao Fei, look..."

Qin Xiaofei was speechless, "How can you be so surprised when you see our village's advertisement?" Immediately he walked over, and when he saw the screen, he was also stunned.

Good guy, I saw that the most conspicuous and best position on the post bar was their Daoxiang Village advertisement!

"What, what's going on?" Qin Xiaofei asked in surprise.

This position is the best position in the local post bar. It costs thousands of dollars a day, and the one he chose is obviously a few hundred dollars a day.

These two recommended positions are very different, and the same effect must be quite different.

Ding Yan's voice also trembled, "Xiao Fei, I, I want to ask you what's going on. Didn't you say that we are the one who earns two hundred yuan a day, but this position is obviously the one that earns several thousand yuan a day."

Qin Xiaofei thought for a moment and smiled bitterly.

I finally understand!

Sun Gui told him in front of him that he should choose the recommendation position worth a few hundred yuan. This guy must have greeted Jia Ming later and put him in the best recommendation position.

He was a little grateful and a little embarrassed.

This is a recommendation position worth several thousand dollars a day, but now he can get it for two hundred dollars a day.

He felt that he had taken advantage of others.

"Xiao Fei, I, am I not dreaming? This best position really belongs to us?" Ding Yan said in surprise.

Qin Xiaofei glanced at the other party and smiled, "You didn't dream. This position belongs to us. Now take a look at the local community area."

Ding Yan hurriedly opened it, but was dumbfounded again.

In the local community of Bibo, which is also the most conspicuous location, there is a promotional advertisement for their village.

Qin Xiaofei was also speechless. He asked Ding Yan to look at several other websites. These websites were run by Sun Gui's media company. They were all in the most conspicuous positions.

Although the traffic of these websites is not as large as Tieba, he has already taken advantage of such a good location!

After reading it, Ding Yan was completely confused, "Xiao Fei, what on earth is going on and why is this happening?"

Qin Xiaofei smiled helplessly. He knew that he couldn't hide it any more. He immediately smiled and said: "I'll tell you the truth. I know a leader of an advertising company and have a good relationship with him, so he gave us a lot of advantages."

"Then, you really pay two hundred yuan a day?" Ding Yan said in surprise.

Qin Xiaofei nodded, "Yes, it's two hundred yuan a day."

Hearing this, Ding Yan got excited, hugged Qin Xiaofei's neck, and kissed Qin Xiaofei on the face, "Xiaofei, you are really amazing. I really admire you. You are really my idol."


She is very excited now.

She knew very well how expensive this advertising space was. She even called Qin Xiaofei today and told him not to go to other advertising companies, because she knew that Qin Xiaofei couldn't negotiate.

And now, not only did this guy settle the deal, but he also got the best recommendation for the least amount of money.

How could she not be convinced!

This girl was so excited, and Ding Yan suddenly kissed him on the face, which made him a little surprised.

It was also a bit dumbfounding.

Looking at this girl's delicate face, there is a smile on her face, the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and there are two pear dimples, which looks very distressing.

It also made Qin Xiaofei feel moved.

He immediately smiled and said, "Yan'er, I'm so powerful now, can you just kiss me on the face?"

Ding Yan was stunned, her face suddenly turned red, and she hurriedly let go of Qin Xiaofei's neck. She pushed the hair from her forehead behind her ears, and then looked at Qin Xiaofei angrily. She snorted, "Why, kiss your face."

You’re not satisfied yet, what else do you want me to do.”

Seeing that this girl's face was extremely red, as if she had put on rouge, he immediately glanced at her subconsciously and said with a smile: "Isn't it okay to kiss on the face? At least you have to kiss on the mouth, right?"


Ding Yan's face turned even redder, "You brat, what are you thinking about?" She turned away and glanced out the door. She chuckled, "Do you really want to kiss me on the mouth?"

"That's for sure." Qin Xiaofei smiled. In fact, he was just joking.

However, Ding Yan thought for a moment, lowered her head and said, "That's okay, a kiss is okay, but you just have to close your eyes."

Qin Xiaofei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this girl to agree so easily. He was a little surprised, but he nodded, "Okay, you can close your eyes."

Ding Yan hummed, and then slowly approached the other party. Ding Yan blushed and said, "Close your eyes now."

Qin Xiaofei nodded and closed his eyes. He was waiting for Ding Yan to kiss him!

[The author has something to say]

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