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Chapter 1273 Mengna is here

"Oh brother, you..." Qin Yan blushed instantly, "Can you be more serious?"

"Hey, you girl, why am I not serious?" Qin Xiaofei glanced at her and said, "Brother, I'm not joking with you. Think about it more. Don't take this matter seriously. To be honest, you are in the Qin family.

Although you are stronger now than before, you are a girl after all, and you need a man."

He was telling the truth. When he thought that when Fairy Xuanji recovered her physical skills, he would not hesitate to go to heaven to save Ding Yan's soul.

He was a little worried about his relatives and Liu Ruyan and the others who were left in the world.

The only thing is that he has to arrange their lives.

Take Qin Yan for example, he is a little sister. Although they have only known each other for a short time, Qin Yan made him feel the joy of being an older brother just by getting along with each other these few times.

Give him the desire to protect his sister!

So he thought that when he got to heaven, the Qin family would have to have his younger sister carry the burden alone. He was a little worried, so he just found a partner for his younger sister, and Yuan Shi was very suitable.

Whether it's brains, skills, or character, there's nothing to say about it.

"Okay, brother, I understand, you don't have to worry about me." Qin Yan took his arm, "Just think about how we will deal with it if someone from the Duffy Group comes."

"Okay, don't worry about this." Qin Xiaofei smiled, and then he returned to his room.

Wang Qi opened a suite for both of them, with a living room.

Of course, there is nothing to say about the environment.

After returning to the room, Qin Xiaofei took a shower, then called Yuan Shi and asked about Fairy Xuanji's condition. When he heard that Fairy Xuanji was fine, he felt relieved.

Immediately, Qin Xiaofei lay down to rest. He didn't know how long it took, but just as he was sleeping soundly, the phone suddenly rang.

He thought it was a call from Duffy Group, but when he picked up the phone, he saw it was Qin Yan.

"Yan'er, what's wrong?" Qin Xiaofei pressed the answer button.

"Brother, have people from Duffy Group contacted you?" Qin Yan's anxious voice came from the phone.

"Not yet." Qin Xiaofei shook his head, "What's wrong?"

"Ah? Not yet?" Qin Yan curled her lips, "It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon. Do you think the people from the Duffy Group will stop calling?"

"Probably not." Qin Xiaofei pondered slightly, "Wait a little longer, they will definitely fight. After all, it is a powerful company. Now that their partner has been robbed, they must be very angry."

"Well, that makes sense." Qin Yan nodded, "But...but..."

At this moment, a strange call came to Qin Xiaofei's mobile phone.

"Yan'er!" Qin Xiaofei interrupted her, "There's a call coming in. It's probably from the Duffy Group."

"Ah? Oh, then... I'll hang up first." Qin Yan hurriedly pressed the phone, while Qin Xiaofei looked at the phone for a while, then he answered the phone, "Who is this?"

"Is it Qin Xiaofei?" A strange woman's cold voice came from the other side of the phone. The voice was neither warm nor angry, but it carried a soul-stirring coldness.

"It's me, who are you?" Qin Xiaofei was very calm.

"You must be very smart to steal my partner and force Wei Min to sign a contract with you." The other party said in a sinister tone: "You should know who I am."

"Sorry, I don't know." Qin Xiaofei pretended to be confused.

"You..." The other party obviously didn't expect Qin Xiaofei to come here. She snorted, "What, you don't dare to admit what you did? Okay, let me tell you, I am the person in charge of the Damiflu Group.

Call me Meng Na, can we meet?"

"Okay, let's meet up then." Qin Xiaofei said calmly, "I'm at the Wangqi Hotel. When you come, just call me."

"Qin Xiaofei, you are funny, aren't you?" Meng Na sneered: "What qualifications do you have? Let me find you. I will tell you a place, and you come here!"

"That's okay. You took the initiative to call and propose the meeting, so you should be the one to come to me." Qin Xiaofei leaned on the sofa, "I told you the address. If you don't come, forget it.


Immediately he hung up the phone, and then someone knocked on the door.

"Brother, how are you?" After Qin Xiaofei opened the door, Qin Yan poked his head in.

"Well, she agreed to meet." Qin Xiaofei smiled. Although the other party did not agree to come, he knew that such a person must be holding a breath of anger in his heart, and she would definitely come.

"I'll probably be here in half an hour." Qin Xiaofei added.

"Meet here?" Qin Yan blinked her eyes and said in surprise: "How about going somewhere else?"

"It's okay, just stay here." Qin Xiaofei glanced at the time, "Little sister, go to the hotel to get two bottles of red wine. I'll have a drink with the people over there later."

"Oh, okay." Qin Yan nodded, turned around and walked out, but she stretched her neck again, "By the way, brother, then... do you want me to book a private room and we treat people to dinner? Is this an apology?"

"No." Qin Xiaofei waved his hand, "We did nothing wrong, why should we apologize? Besides, we just went to eat, and the other party may not eat it, so there is no need to worry about it."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Yan turned around and quickly led the waiter to get two bottles of red wine.

"Okay, little sister, you go and have a rest." Qin Xiaofei said.

"Ah this..." Qin Yan blinked, "Brother Xiao Fei, I... I'll come with you, maybe I can help you."

"No need." Qin Xiaofei waved his hand, "No need to help. You can't help me much. Just stay in the room. I'll call you if anything happens."

He knew that the little sister couldn't help him here at all. On the contrary, the little sister had such a good temper that the other party might bully others.

"That...that's fine. If you need anything, just call me and I'll be there when you call." Qin Yan nodded.

"Okay, as long as I don't call you, don't come over." Qin Xiaofei warned.

"Well, I'll go back to the house first."

Not long after Qin Yan left, the phone rang.

"Are you here?" Qin Xiaofei stood on the balcony with unrivaled views, looking outside.

"Where are you in the hotel?" The other party's voice was still cold.

"Room 1410." After Qin Xiaofei said the room number, he hung up the phone.

Sitting on the sofa, he began to imagine how angry this Mona would be when she came in later.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Xiaofei stood up and opened the door, and saw a woman wearing a black leather coat standing outside the door. The woman was about thirty years old, very beautiful, with an incredible figure, her breasts were fully stretched out, and her head was

Long hair like a waterfall is draped over her body.

Wearing sunglasses.

That extremely beautiful face was very cold. Although his eyes were covered by sunglasses, Qin Xiaofei could still feel the other person's beautiful angry eyes.

Behind the woman stood six bodyguards.

This chapter has been completed!
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