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Chapter 1361 Attack its weakness!


Qin Xiaofei punched him, and his fist flashed with rippling energy, filled with overwhelming anger.


Qin Xiaofei roared angrily.

The Double White King Kong was not a piece of cake either. Seeing this, he reached over with his paw and directly collided with Qin Xiaofei's fist with a bang!

There was a loud bang, and the whole ground shook slightly. Qin Xiaofei felt like he was shaken out by a huge and powerful force.


He backed up a few meters and was able to regain his balance.

"Ah this..." Qin Xiaofei was shocked, this was so terrifying.

Before, he thought that as long as Fairy Xuanji could recover her physical skills, she could go directly to heaven, but now it seems that his thinking was too simple.

The eyes of the double white diamonds were cracked. When they met, the two people did not take him seriously. He became furious and kept beating his chest with his thick arms, declaring his sovereignty to the two people.

The banging sound spread continuously on the road, irritating the eardrums of Qin Xiaofei and Fairy Xuanji.

Qin Xiaofei felt that his internal organs were constantly trembling with the tapping of King Kong, and the pain was excruciating.

Regardless of his physical condition, he hurriedly circled the flanks of the Double White King Kong and prepared to attack.

The light flowing on the surface of his arms is constantly rotating, and his breath flows long and fast, as fast as lightning!

In just a moment, he reached the right side of Double White King Kong and punched King Kong in the ribs.


The fists in the air kept making a sound of breaking through the air, but it couldn't suppress the sound of the diamond hammer hitting the chest.

Seeing this, Fairy Xuanji on the side tapped her toes on the ground and flew out.

His figure was like a butterfly dancing in the air, but his expression was extremely solemn at this time.

She was flying in the air, constantly moving the swords with her hands. After finishing the last spell, she made a sword with two fingers and pointed at the double white diamonds.

In an instant, the aura in her body began to surge!

An unknown wind blew up on the road, his clothes rustled, and the stream of light continued to shoot out from all sides of his body, heading straight towards the Double White Vajra Face Door.

After launching the attack, her expression did not relax at all!

Since he can recognize the Double White Vajra at a glance, it is enough to show that his strength is not ordinary, and his reputation is extremely prominent even in the sky.

Besides, she didn't think she could take down the Double White King Kong with just one blow.

"Qin Xiaofei, be careful!"

Fairy Xuanji looked solemn, "Its tail has a thousand tons of strength and is also its strongest attack method!"

She suddenly remembered that the tails of the Double White King Kong were the most deadly existence, but seeing Qin Xiaofei getting close and unable to stop him, she could only remind her loudly.


Qin Xiaofei was a little confused at this time, but it was already too late!

He jumped up high and punched Double White King Kong's ribs, but he felt as if his fist had hit a copper wall and had no effect at all.

However, a black shadow quickly struck from behind the Double White King Kong and headed straight for Qin Xiaofei's face.

"Is this a tail?"

Qin Xiaofei was shocked when he saw that the attacking tail was as thick as a diamond arm. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and used his true energy to block it.

"Peng!" When the tail swept, there was a violent explosion.

Then Qin Xiaofei was seen flying backwards quickly like a hit baseball.

Fortunately, the fluctuations on both sides of the road were not substantial, allowing him to pass directly through and crash into the jungle.


The Double White King Kong roared again and took steps to chase Qin Xiaofei.

In its eyes, Qin Xiaofei is just an insignificant ant. He dares to provoke it and must be killed.

At this time, Fairy Xuanji sent out a stream of light and hit Double White King Kong on the head.

After a series of wild bombings, King Kong also stopped and began to look at Fairy Xuanji angrily.

Although it was not seriously injured, the pain it caused was unavoidable. No matter how strong the defense was, it could not withstand such a violent bombardment.

"not good!"

Fairy Xuanji unfolded her body skills and began to retreat. The opponent was King Kong, who was famous for his strength. If she were to force a head-on confrontation, she would definitely not be able to gain any advantage.

However, the Double White King Kong was already enraged and took steps forward to tear the man in front of him in half. His huge figure instantly began to rush forward crazily.

It was extremely fast, and its huge body did not affect its speed at all. When it ran, traces of its body appeared in the air.

Fairy Xuanji's face was extremely serious, and she kept moving her magic weapons with both hands, trying to stop the advancing King Kong, but everything she did was in vain.

The furious King Kong didn't care about the pain at all, he just wanted to tear Fairy Xuanji into pieces!

Facing the stream of light that kept flying towards him, he just waved his arms to block it, but his speed did not drop at all.

Qin Xiaofei stood up in a deep pit in the jungle, feeling like he had just been repeatedly run over by a high-speed truck.

Huffing and puffing.

He was a little broken.

Oh shit!

It’s so difficult!

Fortunately, I used my true energy to the maximum at the critical moment, otherwise I would have been destroyed just now.

"What should I do?" Qin Xiaofei frowned, covering his chest that was in pain just now, and regained his luck slightly. At the same time, he looked around to see if there was any way to subdue this guy!

At this time, the Double White King Kong was chasing Fairy Xuanji crazily, and he was worried!

Fairy Xuanji spent a lot of cultivation in order to open the Heavenly Gate before, but now she is not very good at it.

If we delay any longer, this girl will probably...

"Damn it!" Qin Xiaofei was extremely anxious, and suddenly his eyes suddenly lit up!

So he hurriedly ran towards the road, preparing to attack again when King Kong wasn't paying attention.

Although Fairy Xuanji is very fast on the road, she can't hold up against King Kong like a tank equipped with a sports car engine.

The double-white King Kong body flew out, and when it was about to come into contact with Fairy Xuanji, a figure rushed to King Kong's head.


This time he did not attack the place where the golden light was strongest. Instead, he made a feint and punched the opponent's body first. King Kong immediately turned sideways and struck back!

At this moment, Qin Xiaofei suddenly withdrew his fist, turned sideways, stepped on the tree trunk with both feet, and looked directly into the opponent's eyes.

King Kong was a little confused and didn't know what Qin Xiaofei was going to do. However, when it reacted, he instantly showed fear on his face.

This... dog thing is coming towards its eyes.

Suddenly King Kong retreated subconsciously, and at the same time he slapped Qin Xiaofei with his palm. With a bang, Qin Xiaofei was hit immediately. When he flew backwards, at this moment, the knife in his hand was thrown out with a whoosh.

The knife struck accurately.



A scream.

King Kong's eyes were pierced in an instant, and pain suddenly spread out. It covered its eyes with both hands, fell to the ground and screamed in agony.

"Kill it while it's injured!"

Qin Xiaofei spit out a mouthful of blood, struggled to get up from the ground, wiped the blood from his mouth, and walked slowly to King Kong.

This knife was given to him by Yuan Shi when he was leaving, but he still didn't think it was of much use, but now it seems that it is indeed useful!

At this time, King Kong screamed again and again, and the stinging eyes made him collapse.

Qin Xiaofei was ready to attack the eyes of the other head.

This chapter has been completed!
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