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1368 Dirty hands

"What on earth do you want to do?" Qin Xiaofei shouted towards the place where Mr. Kun disappeared.

I don’t know what this person is trying to do by helping me, but no one has answered his question.

"I can't see through this guy."

Fairy Xuanji looked around and shook her head, "I can't see through the methods this person is using."

Qin Xiaofei's face became a little ugly, and he didn't feel lucky at all because of Mr. Kun's help.

On the contrary, he thought it was a disaster.

He is not afraid of someone deliberately targeting him, but he is afraid of someone being nice to him for no reason, because such a person must have an agenda.

Even if a pie could rain from the sky, it would not be able to hit me so accurately.

Now, although he doesn't understand Mr. Kun's plan, the other party may have doubled the benefits he paid without him knowing.

"Do you know what trial he's talking about?"

Qin Xiaofei turned to look at Fairy Xuanji, "Could it be related to the secret treasure?"

"I don't know." Fairy Xuanji shook her head, "But there must be some relationship, otherwise there is no need for these people to pray like this."

In the past, most of the news she heard about Wangyou City was just rumors.

The road was sealed before, so you could only go here in critical moments. In fact, she didn't know much about the situation here.

The only thing that is certain is that there is definitely a secret treasure in Wangyou City that can go to the sky.

She didn't know where it was, but now that everyone in the city was interested in this trial, it was probably related to the secret treasure.

"That's right."

Qin Xiaofei nodded, "Now that we are here, we must still participate in the trial. After all, it only starts once every hundred years. If we miss it, we will have to wait for another hundred years."

"And if someone takes it away in advance, it will only be more uncomfortable."

He doesn't have time now to think about whether Mr. Kun is sincere or premeditated in helping him.

Because if you want to go to heaven, the only way now is to find the secret treasure, so you must still participate in the trial.

"Let's go back first." Qin Xiaofei stopped thinking, "Now we can only take one step at a time."

At this time, only Fairy Xuanji and Qin Xiaofei were left on the roof. The group of people just left after praying for blessings.

The two jumped off the roof and returned to the dilapidated house again.

"Is there really a demon in this place?"

Qin Xiaofei thought of the black-robed man's prayer and couldn't help but confirm it with Fairy Xuanji.

"To be honest, I'm not sure either." Fairy Xuanji frowned, and she was not sure whether there was a demon god in such a place.

Qin Xiaofei did not ask any more questions, entered the room and started practicing again, preparing to wait for dawn to go to the street to confirm the situation.

Although the people on the roof last night were all wearing black robes, they must also be from the city, so he wanted to ask something about the trial.

If the people in the city are unwilling to tell you, you can't force it, but making some preparations in advance is definitely better than going in empty-handed.

That night, Qin Xiaofei couldn't concentrate on his cultivation, but kept thinking about Elder Kun's words.

"A trial that starts once every hundred years?"

He recalled the group of people in black robes, and the expression on his face changed somewhat.

"What is the relationship between Mr. Kun and this group of people? Why do others go to pray to the Demon Lord, but he stands beside me and ignores them."

This question made Qin Xiaofei unable to figure it out no matter how hard he thought about it. After all, there was only one alien in the city, Mr. Kun.

The confusion lasted until dawn, when Qin Xiaofei sat up and prepared to walk around the street and ask the vendors what was going on.

After he told Fairy Xuanji his thoughts, the two walked out of the house and walked towards the street.

The place of life is unfamiliar.

If you want to get information, you must ask the locals for advice. Qin Xiaofei is familiar with this aspect, so when he walked to the street, he was ready to ask the vendors.

The two of them came out early in the morning. There were not many vendors outside at this time. When Qin Xiaofei saw a vegetable stall, he walked up and started chatting.

"Boss, how do you sell this vegetable?" He pointed to the few wilted green vegetables left on the stall.

The vegetable seller looked to be in his late seventies, with gray hair on his temples, but he still looked very good.

He sat cross-legged by the stall with his eyes closed, and burst out laughing after hearing Qin Xiaofei's words.

"The person who came yesterday?" The vegetable stall owner didn't even raise his eyebrows, his words were full of impatience, "No selling."

"Forget it if the vegetables are not sold."

Qin Xiaofei didn't care about the other party's attitude, and still spoke in a very calm tone, "I mainly want to ask, what is the trial in three days?"

"Huh?" The vegetable stall owner suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of murderous intent, "Who told you?"

"But now that you have heard the news, don't blame me for being rude."

Before he could finish his words, the vegetable stall owner slapped Qin Xiaofei on the chest with his palm. The speed was extremely fast, and before his palm even reached, the wind from his palm had already swept over him.

Qin Xiaofei was squatting half-crouched, the corners of his clothes rustling in the wind from his palms, and the cold air kept beating on his chest.

"Why is this?"

His expression changed, and he took a step back to avoid a palm that wanted to kill him. He didn't understand why the vegetable stall owner killed him.

"Oh?" The vegetable stall owner was surprised when he saw that his palm was dodged, "He still has some strength, but he still has to die here!"

As he spoke, he pushed his outstretched palm forward again, towards Qin Xiaofei's chest, and the whole movement was done in one smooth motion.

The Clay Bodhisattva still had some anger, let alone Qin Xiaofei, whose face was immediately filled with coldness.

He just asked a question, but he didn't expect that the other party was going to kill him. He immediately didn't care too much and prepared to take this person down.

Facing the vegetable stall owner's palm, he responded with a punch, which was faster and more powerful.


After the two came into contact, a sound broke out.

Then I saw the vegetable stall owner flying out, hitting the ground and coughing up blood.

"What do you mean?" Qin Xiaofei asked coldly.

If he hadn't escaped quickly enough, he might have died in this person's hands, but he didn't understand what the other person meant, and he would kill him if he didn't make peace with him.

"You, an outsider, still want to get involved in the trial. It's simply wishful thinking." The vegetable stall owner was furious.

Unexpectedly, he was bullied by a newcomer, "Kill me if you can, and see if other people in the city will let you go."

"Do you think I don't dare?" Qin Xiaofei's eyes were extremely cold.

How could this man not be angry when he suddenly took action against himself without saying anything and was so confident.

"If you dare to touch me here, you will definitely not survive tomorrow." The vegetable stall owner looked extremely confident, "Because the city lord will not let you go."

Qin Xiaofei clenched his fists and took a step forward, as if he was about to take action at any time.

Fairy Xuanji, however, stood aside and did not stop her. After all, the other party was so provocative and it was unjustifiable to be dissatisfied. Moreover, she did not have the habit of accepting anger.

She was ready to take action when this man made a move, but after Qin Xiaofei dodged the sneak attack, he was no longer interested in taking action again.

The other party is just a scumbag, there is no need to dirty his hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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