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Chapter 45 Kindness!

The roads in the village are very bumpy, which makes the driver complain constantly.

Qin Xiaofei smiled bitterly. In fact, he could understand her. After all, this road was too difficult to walk.

He thought that when he made money in the future, he would definitely build the roads in the village.

When we finally got to the village, it was almost dark. At this point, the villagers were sitting in groups at the door to enjoy the cool weather after finishing their meal.

As soon as they saw Qin Xiaofei coming back with a light truck loaded with cargo, they all gathered around him and asked, "Xiao Fei, what's in the car?"

Qin Xiaofei smiled and said: "Auntie, these are the daily necessities I brought back from the county. There are washing powder, soap, toilet paper, etc. If you need them, you can come to my house to buy them."

Everyone was happy when they heard this.

"Hey, this is a good thing. I happen to have no toilet paper at home. I was thinking of going to the town to buy it, but now it's just right. I don't have to buy it. It's really convenient."

"Yes, I also need washing powder and some other things. Xiaofei has helped us solve a lot of things."

Everyone laughed, but some couldn't help but said: "Xiao Fei, how do you calculate the price? Is it more expensive than what is sold in the town?"

They thought that transporting this boy back from the county town would cost a lot of transportation fees.

Others also nodded with concerned expressions on their faces.

Don't underestimate the 50 cents, it's not much money, but in the eyes of the villagers, it's a lot of money.

The people in the village make less money, and they would like to break a dime into two flowers, so if it is a little more expensive, they will not buy it.

How could Qin Xiaofei not know what everyone was thinking, he shook his head and smiled, "Don't worry, everyone, I can assure you that this guy is sold according to the town price, and not only that, it may be a little cheaper."

The boss in the county gave him the wholesale price. In fact, he could have sold it at a higher price, but he didn't.

He has no intention of making money by opening a supermarket, he just wants to make life more convenient for the people in the village.

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded and said yes, and then everyone followed Qin Xiaofei to the door of his house.

After unloading the things, Qin Xiaofei asked the driver to go back to the county town first, and then he would come and sell the goods.

The villagers gathered around and were about to buy.

At this time, there were still other villagers who were skeptical and pulled them aside, "Hey, I said you guys really bought it. Although this guy said the price is cheap, I don't think it is. What do you think?

It's such a long distance from the county seat to our village, and the road is like that, how can it be so cheap? If you really buy it when the time comes, if this guy charges a high price, you will be too embarrassed not to buy it."

What he said was true, and it was indeed true.

But the other villagers were not happy, "I said, what are you thinking? We watched Xiao Fei grow up. You don't know who this kid is. Besides, they invited people from our village to pick wild mushrooms."

, they kept their word and never owed a penny. Besides, even if it is expensive, I think I can understand it."

Others nodded and said yes.

Qin Xiaofei was a kind guy, so they felt safe buying it.

Sure enough, a villager bought a bag of washing powder and spent three yuan.

"Hey, you see, this washing powder costs 3.4 yuan in the town, and it costs 3 yuan for Xiaofei, and you still say that the price is high!" Others were not happy.

Everyone nodded one after another, and the villagers who had been questioning it just now looked extremely embarrassed, as if they had been slapped in the face.

He scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I am a bit of a villain and try to judge a gentleman. I wrongly blamed Xiao Fei."

At this time, Qin Xiaofei was busy selling goods to the villagers. He actually heard what the villagers were talking about just now. He just shook his head and smiled.

Without saying anything, in less than an hour, the items he took were sold out.

This was beyond his expectation. He didn't expect it to be so popular. At the same time, it also showed him that people in the village really needed these things, so there should be no problem in opening a supermarket.

After some calculation, Qin Xiaofei made a profit of more than 400 yuan after selling all these items.

Although it's not much, this thing has a small profit but quick turnover, so it still has a head start.

"The brat is pretty good."

Lao Qin walked over with a cigarette pot in his mouth. Looking at Qin Xiaofei's calculation of the bills, he nodded and smiled happily, "You brat, I didn't expect you to have a bit of business acumen."

Hearing this, Qin Xiaofei shook his head and smiled, "What kind of business acumen is this? I just thought that the villagers might need these things, so I wondered if I could get some. Unexpectedly, the effect was quite good."

Lao Qin hummed and knocked the pot on the edge of the table.

He said slowly: "Xiao Fei, this is certainly good, but I still want to tell you that the village has helped us before. When I picked you up before, you had nothing to eat and you had just given birth to a baby in the village.

Aunt Li fed it to you, and you also grew up eating hundreds of meals, and it’s not easy for people in the village to make money, so make as little as you can."

He knew who this guy was, and he also knew that the things he sold were actually very cheap, but he still wanted to make his attitude clear.

Qin Xiaofei smiled bitterly. In fact, he could understand what the old man said. He nodded immediately, "Don't worry, old man. We will naturally remember his good qualities. I understand."

"Okay, then I'll go cook." Old Qin smiled and patted Qin Xiaofei on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Qin Xiaofei shook his head and smiled and said he should go. After all, Old Qin has been cooking at home these days, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"I'll do it. The food you cooked is too bad, so I'll do it myself." The old man shook his head, turned around and went into the kitchen.

Qin Xiaofei shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling warm in his heart. The old guy said so and disliked his cooking, but how could he not understand in his heart that the old man felt sorry for him because he was too tired.

"Old guy!" Qin Xiaofei murmured, and then entered the room while the old man was cooking.

He took out the half-cut wild ginseng with a look of urgency on his face.

Ever since he got this thing from Zhou Hu this morning, he wanted to take it at the driving school, but there were so many people there and it was inconvenient, so he kept holding back and went home. Now he finally had time to refine it.

Looking at this half of wild ginseng, he felt very complicated.

His grandma's.

It was really not easy to get this thing. Thinking of giving the girl a small piece of wild ginseng in the taxi today, to be honest, his body aches even now, and what makes him even more depressed is.

I gave it to others with good intentions, but they regarded it as junk and ridiculed me in various ways.

It's strange that he doesn't feel blocked.

But after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He was saving people after all, and he just had to do his best anyway. As for whether the other party used the half of the wild ginseng, he didn't know.

This chapter has been completed!
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