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Chapter 5 Good job!

Seeing Liu Ruyan's expression, Qin Xiaofei smiled bitterly, maybe he was a sheep in a tiger's mouth!

He nodded, "Mr. Liu, don't worry."

After leaving the hotel, he felt extremely happy.

Although four hundred yuan is not a lot, for Qin Xiaofei, it is his first step in doing business.

Moreover, Liu Ruyan also said that there are as many wild mushrooms as he wants. Yesterday, in the mountains, besides those under the rocks, he also found a lot of them in other places.

Doesn’t that mean he can make money from these wild mushrooms in the future?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel motivated!

Qin Xiaofei first bought a cigarette pot for Lao Qin in the county town. The old guy's current cigarette pot has been used for more than ten years and is no longer good.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when we rode the 28 beam and returned to the village.

When Lao Qin picked up the smoking pot, he was surprised at first, and then complained.

"You said you haven't even married a wife yet, and there are plenty of places to spend money on finding a partner later on. Why did you buy me this thing? I have a smoking pot." Lao Qin held the smoking pot. Although he complained, his face was filled with anger.

It's full of smiles.

Qin Xiaofei shook his head and helped pack the tobacco, "Your old smoking pot always chokes your throat. This one works well. Try it quickly."

Lao Qin took the new one and put it in his mouth. Qin Xiaofei lit it and took a sip. "It does work, but it's too expensive."

"It doesn't cost much, as long as you are happy."

Qin Xiaofei waved his hand. His current wish is to take good care of the old man and let him live a good life. He will wait for his brother to be released from prison, and then he will avenge him!

Although the eldest brother is not a relative, the relationship between the two brothers is better than that of real brothers. The elder brother has been very protective of him since he was a child.

Hearing this, Lao Qin's eyes turned slightly red.

He let out a long sigh and said, "You brat, you don't have to be so nice to a person like me who is half dead. When will you marry me your wife, my old man will die without any regrets."

"Here we go again." Qin Xiaofei rolled his eyes, "Okay, my wife will be there in the future."

Immediately he stood up and walked into the room. Looking at Lao Qin smoking a new pot in the yard with a grin, he felt very satisfied.

That's how people are.

Even if you feel a little wronged, seeing your loved ones happy and satisfied is worth it.

The old man is now his relative.

After dinner, Qin Xiaofei went out and was going to Ding Yan's house.

He promised to give them half a penny.

As soon as they arrived at the village, Ding Yan and several villagers were sitting at the door enjoying the cool weather. As soon as she saw Qin Xiaofei, Ding Yan came over and asked, "Xiaofei, how are the wild mushrooms selling?"

Qin Xiaofei told the other party.

Hearing this, Ding Yan's face lit up, "Is this wild mushroom really so easy to sell?"

"Yes." Qin Xiaofei nodded and smiled. He took out two hundred yuan and said, "Ding Yan, I sold four hundred yuan today. I agreed to split it half and half and give you two hundred yuan."

"I do not want."

Ding Yan shook her head, "Xiao Fei, I told you that you found these wild mushrooms, and the money for selling them is yours."

The other party didn't want it, so the two shied away. Qin Xiaofei put the money into the other party's hand, "Okay, take it quickly, otherwise I'll be embarrassed to ask you to help."

Hearing this, Ding Yan pursed her lips and took the money, "What's the matter, Xiaofei?"

Qin Xiaofei said with a smile: "Please inform the villagers that I am harvesting wild mushrooms for thirty yuan per pound."

On the way back, he had already thought about it. If he picked it himself, he wouldn't be able to get much in a day. If he let the villagers pick it, he could get twenty or thirty pounds in a day. In addition, it would also allow the villagers to make money.


Thirty pounds?

Ding Yan said in surprise: "Xiao Fei, is what you said true? Then, can I go with you even if you don't?"

"Okay." Qin Xiaofei nodded.

Instead of following those old ladies in the village, it would be better to pick wild mushrooms with Ding Yan.

Early the next morning, the villagers heard the news about Qin Xiaofei's wild fungi. They first asked Qin Xiaofei to confirm whether the news was true or false.

"Uncles and aunts, what I said is true, it's thirty yuan per pound, but I have a request."

He looked solemn, "Those are wild mushrooms that must be edible. Some of these wild mushrooms are poisonous and can kill people, so I think everyone knows that if anyone picks poisonous ones and wants to pass them by, I will find out.

Then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Also, I don’t have much money in hand right now, so I can’t pay the bill right now. If you trust me, Qin Xiaofei, I will pay directly after I sell it in three days.”

He had to tell the truth, these dozens of kilograms of wild mushrooms required a lot of capital, and he didn't have enough money on hand right now.

Everyone shook their heads.

They are all farmers, and their horizons are only limited. For them, only when they actually grab the money can they truly get it. Moreover, they all live in mountain villages, and they usually go up the mountain to get some wild mushrooms to eat.

Who would have thought that it could be sold for money, so when Qin Xiaofei said this, they didn't believe it.

"Xiao Fei, we know you have always been honest, but can these wild mushrooms really be sold for money, and can they be sold for so much?" someone wondered.

Qin Xiaofei nodded and smiled, "I'm not deceiving you. As long as you pick them, I will definitely be able to sell them and I won't owe you any money."

Everyone hesitated for a moment, some turned around and left, but a large number of people agreed to go and pick.

Qin Xiaofei can understand it, and he doesn't force others.

Then a group of people went up the mountain one after another. Ding Yan specially wore loose clothes and went up the mountain carrying a bamboo basket.

During the picking process, Qin Xiaofei looked at Ding Yan from time to time, mainly because the clothes she wore were too loose and she could see the scenery inside accidentally.

"Ding Yan, why don't you stop picking them? I still need some help. Please help me check the wild mushrooms I will collect later to see if there are any poisonous mushrooms. If I sell them then, I will give you a share of the money."

He looked a little embarrassed.

Ding Yan nodded and said yes.

Three days later, fifty kilograms of wild mushrooms were harvested, which surprised Qin Xiaofei.

He originally thought he would collect twenty or thirty kilograms, but he didn't expect he received so much.

"Xiao Fei, I have checked these wild mushrooms, please check again." Ding Yan said with a smile.

Qin Xiaofei shook his head, "No need, just check it out."

Ding Yan pursed her lips and smiled, "You still trust me so much." Then she handed the list to the other party, "Look, this is the number of pounds that everyone has picked."

Qin Xiaofei glanced at it and said, "Ask everyone, just say I will sell it tomorrow and I will settle the money."

At night, Qin Xiaofei took out several fresh-keeping charms that he had drawn in advance in the past two days.

During the past two days, he basically collected wild mushrooms in the mountains during the day, and painted freshness-preserving charms at night.

Practice makes perfect, and now I’m much better at drawing the preservation charm. Although it consumes too much energy, I can barely persevere.

He put the preservation charm inside the wild mushroom, and then went to Ding Yan's house to borrow a tricycle.

With so many things nowadays, riding a bicycle is definitely unrealistic.

"Uncle, are you at home?"

Qin Xiaofei pushed open the door of village chief Ding Daqiu's house and stood in the yard shouting.

But no one agreed. The lights in the room were on and there was TV sound.

Qin Xiaofei was puzzled for a while, and when he walked to the door, he was about to shout, but through the crack in the door, Qin Xiaofei was dumbfounded.

This chapter has been completed!
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