Turn off the lights
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Chapter 528 Meet at night!

Qin Xiaofei looked for the reputation and found that it was Zhao Ling'er. He happened to be planning to discuss the plans of the medical conference with her, so he quickly came to her:

"Ling'er, I just have something to ask you. Let's go to a quieter place and have a chat."

Zhao Ling nodded when he heard this and followed him to the village office.

After arriving at the office, before Qin Xiaofei could sit down, Zhao Ling hurriedly said:

"Xiao Fei, the success of the Medical Skills Conference is directly related to the upper limit of the future development of Daoxiang Village. The plan and process this time are basically OK, but there are still some detailed plans. I really don't dare to make the decision without authorization.

Well, you are back, I have some plans here, please give me an idea."

Upon hearing this, Qin Xiaofei waved his hand to signal her to sit down.

After pouring tea, a cup was put into her hands, and he motioned for her to sit down and talk.

Zhao Ling blushed slightly. She knew she was too anxious, but Qin Xiaofei's kindness to her was so great that she wanted to repay him.

She took the tea, sat on the chair, straightened her expression, took a deep breath, and then said:

"Actually, I already have a specific plan, but considering the emergencies that will occur after the medical conference is held, I think it needs to be more thoughtful. I still need your advice on these details."

"I will tell you what I have in mind, and then you will see which plan is suitable, and I will quickly arrange for someone to do it. Time is still very tight."

After Zhao Ling finished speaking, she began to explain several of her plans to Qin Xiaofei in detail.

After saying that it was a few hours, Qin Xiaofei looked up at the time and interrupted her unbearably,

"Mr. Zhao, the plans you mentioned are all very good. In fact, after listening to your plans for the past few hours, I have a general idea in my mind. It's a bit late now, and I need to go to other places to take a look."

At that time, I called the B&B and asked him to go over and check on the situation. Nowadays, many villagers are developing and renovating B&Bs. In order to give tourists a better experience, he finalizes many things to ensure that the B&Bs are


After saying that, Qin Xiaofei put his chin in thought for a while, and then said again:

"Well, it will take a lot of time to discuss the final plan. How about you come to my home tonight? You may have to stay up a little late tonight."

"Going to your house?"

Zhao Ling also knew that what he said was true.

The final plan really couldn't be careless, but when she heard that he was going to his house tonight, her heartbeat couldn't help but quicken.

Could it be that this kid has some bad intentions?

If you go to his house at night, will this kid do something bad?

Thinking of this, her face turned red again, and soon she was biting her teeth in shame!

Blame yourself!


Zhao Ling, what are you thinking about?

If you are still thinking wildly at this time, you are really bad.

Get rid of these bad thoughts quickly. He just wants to discuss the final plan with you and has no other intentions.

Although Zhao Ling thought so in her heart, her increasingly faster heartbeat betrayed her.

However, she still pretended to be calm, and then said calmly:

"In that case, you should go and do your work first. The final plan cannot be careless. I will go to your house to find you tonight."

Zhao Ling always felt a little awkward when he said this, and the most important thing was that it was mixed with a bit of expectation.

Her face turned slightly red again, fearing that he would see her expression, so she hurriedly turned around and left.

He turned around and walked a few steps, but stopped, and then said softly:

"I will definitely go tonight, don't break your promise."

After saying this, Zhao Ling quickly left the office with small steps.

Qin Xiaofei thought her words were a bit baffling. He didn't know the meaning and didn't think much about it. He did have a lot of things to be busy with.

Qin Xiaofei shook his head, left the office, and walked towards the tourist area.

But after walking for a while, Qin Xiaofei frowned.

He noticed something unusual. There were several suspicious people sneaking around behind him.

Although the tourism industry in Daoxiang Village has developed recently, it is normal for strangers to often come and go.

But those people obviously didn't look like normal tourists. Qin Xiaofei turned around sharply, and the other party quickly turned around and pretended to be calm, admiring flowers and talking about birds.

Qin Xiaofei did not expose the other party. People from Hongmen sneaked in a few days ago, and he immediately dealt with them. He must not be from Hongmen for a while!

There is not much time left before the Medical Skills Conference.

At such an important time, you must be cautious in everything you do, and no mistakes can be made.

Once a problem occurs, it will cause great damage to the reputation of Daoxiang Village. This is the last thing Qin Xiaofei wants to see.

He secretly paid attention to it, and after quietly making a phone call, he continued walking towards the tourist area as if nothing happened.

After Qin Xiaofei left, one of the leaders behind him took out a mobile phone from his pocket and made a call, as if giving an order.

After hanging up the phone, several people showed sinister expressions, and then snorted in a low voice:

"Let's see how you die this time."

After saying that, he quickly followed in the direction of the tourist area.

Qin Xiaofei has arrived at the entrance of the tourist area. At the entrance is a simple archway with green bricks and green tiles.

Two ancient trees stand on both sides of the archway. Orioles are chirping in the trees, leisurely and free. The green trees on both sides of the ancient trees form a natural barrier.

In front of the barrier is a huge marble square. Now a lot of people have gathered in the square. Everyone is discussing the beautiful scenery inside and what they have seen and heard, and they are all full of praise.

Most of these people had come out to rest after admiring the scenery, and it was obvious that everyone was very satisfied.

The people in the village specially provided a rest area here. There is free tea in the rest area, and the villagers only charge a small fee for the venue.

As soon as Qin Xiaofei arrived here and was about to go inside to see the situation, he was stopped by a shout.

"Brother Xiaofei, why do you have time to come here to take a look today? I haven't seen you for a long time."

A young man ran happily towards Qin Xiaofei, his face full of excitement.

The boy's name is Xiaocao, the son of Uncle Zhang in the village. He has been very smart and lively since he was a child. In Qin Xiaofei's heart, he is a good and sensible boy.

In Xiaocao's eyes, Qin Xiaofei is simply his idol, but he is usually busy with village affairs, and even the people in the village may not see him for a few days.

Xiaocao didn't expect to meet him here, so she was naturally very excited.

Qin Xiaofei saw that it was Xiaocao and said hello to him.

"Xiaocao, where is Uncle Zhang? Why are you here alone?"

On the surface he was talking to Xiaocao, but secretly he noticed that those people were following him.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, it seemed that they were planning to cause trouble today.

This chapter has been completed!
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