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Chapter 562 You can't be fooled!

The audience in the audience was very excited, and the number of people watching the live broadcast of the medical conference also surged sharply.

Even many of the servers responsible for this live broadcast were overwhelmed and had to temporarily increase the number of servers.

After all, they had only seen the plot of a competition involving poisoning each other in novels, and everyone in the TV series knew it was fake.

Now that I can witness this real-life competition with my own eyes, and even risk my life, how can it not be exciting?

They really wanted to see who among Qin Xiaofei and Yantian could survive.

However, there are also many Chinese people who are worried about Qin Xiaofei. They think this is simply a conspiracy of the Sakura people.

Now that the life and death situation has been completed, the competition is about to begin.

Even the host's palms were all sweaty. This was the first time in his hosting career that he had encountered such a situation.

"No, I don't agree!"

Just when the atmosphere at the medical conference was very tense, a slightly crying voice came from the audience.

Everyone looked around and saw a beautiful girl who burst into tears running onto the stage from the crowd.

After Qin Xiaofei saw the person clearly, he felt sad and felt distressed.

The person coming is none other than Ding Yan!

It turned out that she had been paying attention to Qin Xiaofei from the audience.

"Xiao Fei, you can't promise him. I won't allow you to do this. These Sakura people clearly want to kill you..."

Ding Yan's eyes were red and she advised Qin Xiaofei not to agree to Sakura Man's competition.

When Qin Xiaofei made a life-and-death gesture just now, she thought of Qin Xiaofei's death after drinking Sakura Man's poison.

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he even cried out of fear. In the end, he couldn't help but ran up to dissuade Qin Xiaofei from competing with the Sakura people.

The Chinese delegation participating in the medical conference also came up to dissuade Qin Xiaofei.

"Brother Qin, you have defeated the Sakura Kingdom. They are clearly trying to get rid of you. You can't be fooled."

"That's right, the Sakura people have already lost. It's against the rules for them to mess around like this."


Everyone advised Qin Xiaofei not to participate in the competition proposed by the Sakura people.

The Sakura people thought they had a clever plan, but even a fool could see what they were up to.

Even the villagers of Daoxiang Village rushed into the scene at this time, scrambling to dissuade Qin Xiaofei one by one.

"Xiao Fei, you can't be fooled by these Sakura people, they are famous for being despicable and shameless!"

"Yes, Xiao Fei, we know you are very capable, but this poison is no joke. Even if you drink the poison, even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will be basically disabled."

At this time, the leaders who were in the office just now came over and persuaded:

"Brother Qin is the pillar of our Chinese nation. We must not put our lives in danger for our future hopes."

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be the champion of this medical conference, why not give it to them if you just have a false name!"


Even some Chinese people persuaded Qin Xiaofei to forget it.

"Young man, you won one game and you are already our hero. We all thank you, but you don't have to participate in this one, and we won't blame you. After all, this is a life-threatening matter, and we won't do it."

"Yes, yes, young man, we can't just watch you die. Let's not compete with them."

Everyone tried to persuade him.

For a time, almost everyone who cared about Qin Xiaofei did not want him to agree to compete with the Sakura people.

Qin Xiaofei felt warm in his heart after hearing these words. He never expected that so many people were still concerned about his safety.

We in China are more humane.

However, of course he will not give up the competition with the Sakura people, not just for himself, not just for the championship of the Medical Skills Conference, but for the whole of China!

He must fight and win the competition. He cannot let down so many people's concern.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaofei immediately showed firmness on his face and said solemnly:

"Thank you for everyone's kindness, but I have decided that in the next game, I will compete. We have lost too much before, and we can't lose anymore today. Otherwise, these Sakura people and Bangzi people will be in trouble in the future.

They are sitting on top of us in the medical field."

"Just like riding on our heads decades ago, I will never allow such a thing to happen. I must win this competition!"

"It's not just for us in China to take a breath, but also to prevent them and the world from looking down on our Chinese medical skills!"

"I would also like to take this opportunity to rekindle our Chinese people's confidence in Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine. Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine can no longer decline!"

Qin Xiaofei's impassioned speech shocked everyone's hearts.

All the Chinese people present and the Chinese people on the other side of the camera were moved by this, and they could not help but feel a sense of pride as Chinese people in their hearts.

They all praised Qin Xiaofei's spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice for the sake of national justice.

In this way, the final competition began amidst the admiration of everyone.

There is no time limit for this competition and it all depends on individual performance.

Yantian immediately ordered his subordinates to take out a set of mixing tools, carefully put on gloves, and shook and mixed the bottles of colorful liquids.

Judging from the brightly colored liquids and weird smells, each of these things is extremely poisonous.

Yantian was very careful when preparing these medicines, wearing a mask on his face and protective clothing.

I am also afraid of accidentally getting a little bit of it.

On the other hand, look at Qin Xiaofei!

I saw him taking out a bamboo cage, some very bright-looking herbs and some mushrooms.

"What's in this cage?"

The experts from the Chinese delegation asked curiously.

"It's the five poisons." Qin Xiaofei said with a smile.

"Ah?" Everyone in the delegation surrounding Qin Xiaofei took a step back in fright when they heard this.

Centipedes, poisonous snakes, scorpions, geckos and toads are the five poisons.

I saw Qin Xiaofei first putting the processed corpses of Wudu into a medicine jar and pounding them into powder.

Then put the herbs and mushrooms in a prepared decoction stove and cook them.

Time passed slowly, the poisons on both sides were almost ready, and both sides entered the final stage.

Yantian has finished mixing all the potions and put them into a glass that had been prepared long ago.

The liquid inside exudes a strange smell, is colorful, and has a very psychedelic feeling.

Qin Xiaofei poured the cooked concoction into the glass, then poured the pounded powder in and stirred it for a few times, and then it was done.

Qin Xiaofei's cup of poison was overall a pinkish color, and exuded a faint fragrance. It didn't look like poison at all, but more like some kind of fine wine.

Seeing that the poisons on both sides have been prepared, all that's left is for each other to drink the other's poison.

This chapter has been completed!
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