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Chapter 801 The situation is troublesome!

"But Mr. Lin, if they find out that the border is blocked, will they jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Qin Xiaofei asked worriedly, after all, his parents are now in their hands.

They may very well take their parents as hostages and force their way out.

"No, their main target is the things in your parents' hands."

"Now that they just arrested your parents, it means they haven't obtained that thing yet, otherwise they would have just taken the thing and ran away."

"Bringing two injured hostages will become a burden to them."

Mr. Lin bowed his hands and said with certainty.

"That is to say, my parents probably hid that thing somewhere, so their plan is to take my parents back for torture."

Qin Xiaofei thought for a moment and understood the reason.

In this way, even if his parents' lives are not in danger for the time being, no one can guarantee that if these people are really pushed to a dead end.

"And don't worry, I will deliberately leave a hole for them. As long as we ambush them on the road they must pass in advance, we will definitely catch them off guard."

Mr. Lin looked like he was strategizing and had the demeanor of a general.

"But Father, we have a very serious problem now."

Lin Hui suddenly walked out and said with a frown:

"Just when we were betrayed by Wang Chong and ambushed by the Wolf Hunters last time, our team suffered heavy losses, and now we are severely short of manpower."

"Raise manpower from the troops stationed nearby immediately!"

"But it will take at least three days to mobilize manpower from the nearest army. I'm afraid it's too late!"

After hearing this, Mr. Lin suddenly fell into silence. Although his men were all elites, and he had always believed in not having too many soldiers but focusing on the best.

But now if we want to fight an ambush, if the number of people is too small, it will be easy for the opponent to break through.

Although Qin Xiaofei didn't see exactly how many of them there were that day, judging from the battle traces at the scene and the gunshots he heard, the opponent was at least an elite team of about thirty people.

And they must have other support teams, otherwise they would not dare to do such a thing blatantly in China.

In other words, they must have the confidence to repel the troops stationed nearby before they dared to be so bold.

"Leave the manpower matter to me, I'll go recruit the manpower."

Qin Xiaofei has been impatient for a long time. How can he let this kind of thing delay him from rescuing his biological parents?

Moreover, he has already prepared for this, and now is the time to put it to use.

"Well, time is running out, Xiao Fei, you go now. I will immediately ask the intelligence department to use the Sky Eye satellite to locate their location."

Qin Xiaofei nodded without saying anything, and immediately turned around and went out with Yuan Shi and the other three.

Mr. Lin is already making intensive preparations.

After leaving the military camp, Qin Xiaofei took a few people back to the hotel.

"Xiao Fei, where are we going to recruit people?"

Yuan Shi asked doubtfully.

He didn't know who else could help him.

"Xiao Fei, my grandfather has an old friend in Belvedere. It shouldn't be a problem for me to borrow some manpower from him."

Wu Qianqian's grandfather had a wide circle of friends, and there were actually some old friends of his here.

"Well, thank you for your hard work Qianqian."

Although Qin Xiaofei was a little surprised, it is always good to have more manpower.

Wu Qianqian nodded and went out.

"Brother Yuan, please contact Zhao Sheng immediately and ask him how things are going over there."

Yuan Shi had a puzzled look on his face. He hadn't seen Zhao Sheng in the past few days, but he had forgotten about this person.

It seemed that Qin Xiaofei had other instructions for him.

"Mr. Qin, I'm already here."

As soon as Qin Xiaofei finished speaking, Zhao Sheng appeared directly at the door of Qin Xiaofei's room with several people.

"Mr. Qin, I have completed the tasks you assigned me, and the Rangers organization is at your disposal at any time."

Zhao Sheng knelt on one knee in front of Qin Xiaofei very respectfully.

"Okay, very good." Qin Xiaofei nodded with great satisfaction.

It turns out that Qin Xiaofei handed over Heipi, the leader of the Rangers organization, to Zhao Sheng that day in order to replace him with him.

It is up to him to reintegrate the Rangers organization and then firmly control it under his own control.

Originally, the Wolfhunter organization was behind the Rangers organization, but now that the Wolfhound organization no longer exists, Qin Xiaofei asked Zhao Sheng to take over.

Zhao Sheng did encounter some difficulties at first because of his lack of reputation, but with Qin Xiaofei's secret support, all difficulties were naturally solved.

"Xiao Fei, it turns out that you have been prepared for a long time. Now it's better. Although the people in the Rangers organization are not good people, the quality of the members is indeed pretty good."

Yuan Shi exclaimed in surprise.

With the addition of the Rangers, the reinforcements brought in by Wu Qianqian, and the elite team from Mr. Lin, they can basically say that they have a sure chance of victory.

"You immediately ask everyone to pack their equipment and take action with me!"

Qin Xiaofei immediately issued the first order to Zhao Sheng.

"Mr. Qin, we are completely ready, just waiting for your order, and we will go through fire and water for you at any time!"

Zhao Sheng had already guessed that Qin Xiaofei's task of integrating the Rangers organization would be of great use, so he had everyone ready to go.

"Very good, let them assemble near the military camp in the south of the city."


Zhao Sheng responded without hesitation, and then led his people to give the order.

"Brother Qin, should we wait for Sister Qianqian?"

Seeing Qin Xiaofei's furious look, Miao Yueyue felt very anxious.

"No need, this number of people should be enough, we don't have time."

Qin Xiaofei said categorically that although it would be more certain if there were enough people, Qin Xiaofei couldn't wait any longer.

He couldn't wait any longer. His parents might be treated inhumanely at any time. Just thinking about this, Qin Xiaofei couldn't wait any longer.

Originally, he was worried that Zhao Sheng was not ready, so he went back to the hotel and asked him what was going on there. If it didn't work, he would take action himself.

If he had known that Zhao Sheng was ready, there would be no need for him to go back to the hotel.

But Qin Xiaofei still had to say hello to Mr. Lin.

After all, the Rangers were an illegal organization before, and a sudden large-scale gathering near the military camp could easily cause misunderstandings.

If there is a conflict between the two parties accidentally, it will be bloody.

Just when Qin Xiaofei took out his mobile phone and was about to call Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin's call came first.

"Xiao Fei, we have located their location through satellite, but the situation seems to be a little troublesome!"

"What's going on?"

This chapter has been completed!
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