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Chapter 892 The thief on the boat!

Qin Xiaofei came inside and found that there were all the facilities inside. In addition to some singing places, there was also a mahjong parlor and a gambling area.

There are many people inside.

There are some women who are dressed in extremely revealing clothes, and there are also some bosses who look like they are rich and spend money like water!

Qin Xiaofei was not in a hurry to gamble.

Instead, he walked around in a circle and finally sat down at a table.

"Young man, want to play?" A man looked at Qin Xiaofei, "Do you have any money?"

Qin Xiaofei smiled and stared at this man. This guy was wearing a gemstone ring on his hand. He found that this man seemed to be quite respected here, so he probably had some information that could be useful to him!

Suddenly he smiled and said: "Don't worry, money is not a problem, but...it depends on whether you have the ability to win!"

"Young man, you are quite loud." The man sneered, "How about a couple of bets?"


Qin Xiaofei sat down. He usually doesn't gamble, it's not interesting.

But not playing does not mean that he has poor skills. On the contrary, he is still talented when it comes to gambling. In addition, with his cultivation, his hearing and vision are difficult for ordinary people to achieve!

So gambling is easy.

Soon, the two began to bet, and Qin Xiaofei proposed a competition!

Because this is the simplest and most crude!

No need to bother!

In the first round, Qin Xiaofei wins!

In the second round, he still won!

He originally wanted to meet this man here, but while gambling, he discovered another man.

This guy is sneaky, and he caught this guy stealing money!

Very nimble hands and feet!

After checking two wallets, Qin Xiaofei felt that this guy should be a habitual offender here and a frequent visitor on this ship. More importantly, this guy is from China!

In the third round, Qin Xiaofei released the water!

Let the opponent win directly.

"Sorry, I still have something to do." Qin Xiaofei grinned and started to collect the money.

Even though he lost the third round, he made a lot of money from the first two rounds. At the same time, Qin Xiaofei stuffed the money into his bag and left in front of everyone.

He knew that the thief would definitely come!

As expected, the thief followed him to the deck.

Qin Xiaofei sneered, put the bag aside, and then turned his back to look at the sea.

At this time, the thief slowly approached. Seeing Qin Xiaofei's back turned to him, he sneered, thinking that this guy was really a fool. It was so easy to steal this money!

Suddenly he reached out and picked up the bag and was about to walk away.

Just then.


His hand was directly pressed down!

The man's expression changed, and the person holding his hand was Qin Xiaofei.

What frightened him even more was that Qin Xiaofei didn't look at him and still had his back turned to him.

"What you stole inside just now is almost enough. What's wrong, you're still not satisfied?" Qin Xiaofei spoke, then turned to look at him.

The thief's expression changed. He was originally guilty, but now he is being caught!

But looking at Qin Xiaofei alone, the thief suddenly turned grim and said, "Boy, let me go, or I'll be rude to you!"

Qin Xiaofei said oh and smiled lightly, "I would like to see why you are so rude to me!"

"Oh shit!"

The thief's face darkened, and with his other hand he pulled out a dagger from his waist and said viciously: "Boy, are you going to let go of me?"

Qin Xiaofei took a look, but still had a smile on his face, "What's the matter, you've been caught, and you still want to stab me?" He shook his head slightly, "Then I want to see if you have the ability to stab me!"

The thief was startled, and he was completely convinced!

Damn it, he originally wanted to scare the other party away with a dagger, but the other party was not afraid at all, and he was dumbfounded!

Suddenly the thief said angrily: "Boy, since you don't know how to live or die, then I will kill you now!"

Immediately, he struck directly with his dagger.

However, at this moment, Qin Xiaofei suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist!

He squeezed it gently!

The thief screams!

He kept begging for mercy, "Brother, have mercy on me, brother, have mercy on me!"

Qin Xiaofei sneered, "Do you still dare to stab someone?"

"I don't dare! I don't dare anymore!" The thief grinned in pain!

Qin Xiaofei nodded and let go of the other person. The latter shook his arm a few times in pain, and then when Qin Xiaofei wasn't paying attention, he immediately picked up the dagger again.

"Boy, I'll kill you!"

As he said that, he stabbed Qin Xiaofei directly in the stomach with his dagger!

He is extremely fast!

Qin Xiaofei was about to be hurt right before his eyes.

As a result, at this moment, Qin Xiaofei stretched out his hand and caught the stabbing dagger directly between his two fingers!

The man's expression changed drastically.

He never expected that this kid would be so fast!

And it can hold a dagger between two fingers!

What made him even more horrified was that he found that the dagger was clamped by Qin Xiaofei's fingers, like a huge stone pressing against his head, and he couldn't move at all!

For a moment, he looked at Qin Xiaofei and felt overwhelming with fear!

Is he a human being?

It takes a lot of inner strength to do this.

And next, what frightened him even more was that Qin Xiaofei pinched it with two fingers, and with a click, the dagger actually broke into two parts!

At this time, the thief completely collapsed!

Just now he was still doubting whether Qin Xiaofei was a human!

But now, he discovered that he was not a human being!

This is really terrifying!

Before he could react, Qin Xiaofei slapped him.


Just throw the thief away!

With a bang, the thief fell to the ground, looking in pain.

Qin Xiaofei slowly stepped forward, holding half a knife in his hand, and approached the thief.

"Brother, have mercy on me, brother, have mercy on me, I was wrong!" The man was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he kept apologizing.

Qin Xiaofei walked up to him and sneered, "You just wanted to kill me, why should I spare you!"

As he spoke, he waved the knife in front of the other party, "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Hearing this, the thief completely collapsed.

He kept kowtowing, "Brother, I was wrong. I was really wrong. Please spare me. I will never dare to do it again. If I steal anything again, you will kill me!"

Qin Xiaofei grabbed the other party's collar and said, "Okay, I won't kill you, but I will ask you a few questions."

The other party nodded repeatedly upon hearing this, "If you have anything you want to ask, as long as I can know it, I will tell you without reservation."

Qin Xiaofei thought for a moment, "I would like to ask how many staff members are on this ship and how many days it will take to go to Sakura Country..."

And he was right.

This guy is indeed a habitual offender here, and he knows a lot about the ship. Basically, as long as he asked about the things he asked, this guy probably knew.

"Brother, I have already told you everything you want to ask." The thief smiled apologetically, "Do you have anything else to ask?"

Qin Xiaofei took a look and said, "I'll ask again later if I think of it."

Just then, Yuan Shi came over and said, "Xiao Fei, what's going on?" He glanced at the thief.

"It's okay, I caught you stealing something just now." Qin Xiaofei responded, and then asked: "How did things go?"

Hearing this, Yuan Shi lowered his voice, "You asked me to check everything clearly..."

This chapter has been completed!
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