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Chapter 895 Whale!

Qin Xiaofei hummed, looked at the thief, and asked his name. Only then did he know that this person was called Zhao Bin!

He was a little puzzled, "You said you have some ability, why do you do this kind of thing?"

After all, this guy has sound limbs and is still young. Logically speaking, he can do some normal work, but being a thief is not a long-term solution!

Even if you are a good thief, there is no reason why your shoes won’t get wet when you walk along the river.

Hearing this, Zhao Bin smiled bitterly, "Brother, I...actually have no choice but to do this business. I need money urgently!"

"What's going on?" Qin Xiaofei asked.

He also knows that reality is cruel, and many people who do not follow the right path have various reasons.

Some are astray!

Some people are forced to do so.

A trace of sadness appeared on Zhao Bin's face. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, "This, I, I..."

He hesitated.

Qin Xiaofei could tell that the other party was unwilling to tell, and he didn't bother to ask. He immediately looked at the other party, "Okay, if you don't tell me, I won't ask, but I have a request. Since I'm on the boat, you can give it to me."

I'll behave myself, and if I find out that you have other thoughts, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Brother, don't worry about that." Zhao Bin nodded, "I've probably made them wanted now, and I still have to rely on you to get back to China."

Qin Xiaofei took a look and said nothing.

Immediately, he asked Yuan Shi and the others to rest first.

After a while, even if the people from Sakura Country come after them, they probably won't be able to catch up, so let them rest more, as they are busy behind!

Everyone nodded and took a break!

During the day, the ship was safe and sound.

The afternoon went on, and after everyone had eaten, Yuan Shi suddenly pointed to the sea, "Look, what is that!"

Qin Xiaofei followed the other person's eyes and looked shocked. He saw a whale about seven or eight meters long floating on the water.

Whales are quite common at sea.

"It's strange, how come this whale's whole body is floating on the sea?" Yuan Shi wondered.

Qin Xiaofei was also a little puzzled!

It was also his first time seeing a whale!

Generally speaking, whales will expose their fins when they need to breathe, but this is really weird!

"Come closer and take a look!" Qin Xiaofei ordered.

When he got close to the whale, Qin Xiaofei discovered that there were wounds as big as a bowl on the whale's body.

Blood spurts out.

He looked seriously injured.

"This guy is injured!" Qin Xiaofei's face darkened, and he looked at the whale wailing from its mouth. It could be heard that he was in pain.

"Xiao Fei, let's leave quickly." Yuan Shi urged, he was worried that the pursuers would come.

Qin Xiaofei nodded, but the way he looked at the whale was really pitiful. It looked at them with pitiful eyes, as if it knew it was going to die.

I can only accept death.

Isn’t this very similar to their current state!

Although nothing happens for the time being, a hidden crisis may break out at any time!

He was moved with compassion!

"Wait a minute, let's save it!" Qin Xiaofei looked at everyone.

Hearing this, Yuan Shi and others looked at each other, and then Yuan Shi shook his head and said: "Xiao Fei, we know what you mean, this whale is pitiful, but we can't care about it now."

Qin Xiaofei stared at the whale, "Save it, I will be there soon!"

Yuan Shi could only nod, "Okay, then how can we save him?"

Qin Xiaofei asked Lin Hui to stop the boat and find a rope. Qin Xiaofei always carried a medicine bag with some medicine in it.

He followed the rope, got close to the whale, and then stood on the whale.

The whale was a little panicked, struggled twice, and blood suddenly came out again!

"Don't move, don't move!" Qin Xiaofei hurriedly comforted him, "I'm here to save you now."

The whale seemed to understand his words, struggled slightly for a few times, and then stopped moving. Qin Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief and immediately treated the wound. He found that the wound was caused by something!

Bloody and bloody!

And it’s very difficult to treat such wounds in the sea!

Because it’s easy to soak in water!

Qin Xiaofei first checked the wound to see if there were any sharp objects inside the body, but luckily there was nothing.

So he took iodophor and poured it directly on it, causing the whale to neigh out in pain.

It's like a child crying.

"I'll be fine soon!" Qin Xiaofei reassured him again and began to treat the wound.

At this moment, Yuan Shi suddenly shouted, "Xiao Fei, there is a whale, come up quickly!"

He turned around and saw that his face changed slightly, and he saw seven or eight whales rushing over and surrounding him instantly!

Let out bursts of chirping sounds!

The voice is full of anger!

Others would have been scared to death, but although Qin Xiaofei was worried, he still calmed down, picked up the gauze in his hand and shook it, "Listen to me, I am here to save your companions.


At the same time, the injured whale also screamed from its mouth.

Although Qin Xiaofei couldn't understand it, the amazing thing was that after hearing this, the other whales dispersed one after another and formed a circle from a distance, as if to protect them!

Qin Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that these guys probably understood that they were saving their companions!

So he rushed to the rescue!

The bleeding mouth was too big. In order to bleed, he not only poured some medicine to stop the bleeding, but also wrapped it with gauze to prevent the blisters from being infected!

He used his true energy to seal the wound to prevent water from invading!

Although it can only last for six or seven hours, it should be able to stop the bleeding and save the whale's life!

"Okay!" After Qin Xiaofei finished the last step, he patted the whale gently and grinned, "Brother, I tried my best. The rest is up to you, but don't worry, it should be fine!"

Immediately he grabbed the rope, everyone pulled, and Qin Xiaofei climbed up.

"Okay, let's go!" Qin Xiaofei waved his hand, and the ship set off again.

The whales swimming around also stared at Qin Xiaofei and the others, and then protected their companions!

"Xiao Fei, you are so kind!" Yuan Shi smiled bitterly, "I just saw a group of whales coming. I really thought they were going to attack us!"

Qin Xiaofei took a look and smiled, "Don't worry, it won't happen. Although these whales are just animals, they can also distinguish right from wrong, and they are actually quite intelligent, so if they understand, we are saving them, they won't

will attack us."

"Well, that's right, this is much better than humans!" Yuan Shi said with a smile.

Qin Xiaofei nodded, human nature is complex and dark, other animals cannot compare at all!

It was getting dark, and at night, Qin Xiaofei ordered Lin Hui and Zhao Bin to continue driving.

Time is very urgent now.

It was rainy at sea, and we also encountered some big waves, but Lin Hui had experience at sea before, so it was okay!

The night is about to pass.

Qin Xiaofei did not fall asleep, but sat on the deck, looking up at the endless sky, the stars were shining!

It will light up in just over an hour.

If nothing else happens, we will reach the high seas in a few hours.

So no matter how awesome Bangzi Country is, they won’t dare to do anything casually!

This chapter has been completed!
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