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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 427 Planning

In fact, before Lu Yao met Jintai and Fangzhuang, he himself had doubts about the existence of such powerful people in ancient kung fu and the extent to which kung fu had developed in ancient times.

The ancients practiced martial arts on the one hand to strengthen their bodies, and on the other hand to resist foreign enemies. Especially in the era of cold weapons, most of them were close combat. Therefore, the high level of martial arts directly determined the outcome. People even specially developed many four-two moves to move a thousand pounds.

With his unique skills, he can easily defeat even the strongest opponents.

There are also people who specialize in studying the weaknesses of the human body, and perhaps acupuncture skills come from this. This is due to the development of ancient Chinese medicine. Chinese doctors have a good understanding of the structure of the human body and the rules of blood circulation, and then discovered many weaknesses of the human body. In close combat,

Once you master these techniques, you can often defeat the enemy with one move, or even kill the enemy with one move. Parts such as the temples, the vital gate on the top of the head, and the perineum can easily make people lose their ability to resist after being hit.

Some people specialize in technical martial arts, while others prefer to practice hard martial arts, mainly practicing strength and resistance to blows. In fact, those martial arts families all have unique skills in practicing hard martial arts, and many martial arts schools have them.

A big stone specially designed for strength training.

Ordinary people may need three or five people to lift it up, but those who have been specially trained can easily lift it up with one hand. Violent Qi Kung Fu does not rely entirely on brute strength, but also contains a lot of ingenious strength.

Use force to fight.

Accidents are easy to occur during training. Human endurance is limited. Once the limit is exceeded, the body may be damaged or even die suddenly.

In ancient times, martial arts emphasized the importance of inheritance. Some martial arts families would never easily pass on their unique skills to outsiders. They even stipulated that they should be passed on to sons but not daughters. Once the exclusive skills of the sect were known to outsiders, it would bring unpredictable dangers.

, unique skills may be cracked by others, and will inevitably be at a disadvantage in actual combat.

Future generations are also responsible for carrying forward the Kung Fu sect, because martial arts skills are not static, and if the sect does not pay attention to innovation, it will inevitably fall behind. Each sect regularly organizes competitions and competitions in order to promote the innovative development of martial arts.

In ancient times, a very important part of martial arts was the study of how to defeat the enemy, especially on a life-and-death battlefield. Martial arts was a life-saving skill. In modern society, the law does not allow people to fight. If someone relies on martial arts

If you hurt others, you will definitely be severely punished by the law. Another important reason is that it often takes ten years to sharpen a sword to practice martial arts. Naturally, many people cannot stand such boring training. Especially for hard martial arts, it needs to be done since childhood.

Just start practicing, and over time, you can truly become a master.

Of course, in modern society, there are also many martial arts schools. Students in such schools learn some kung fu and often focus on technical matters. To put it bluntly, most of them are just fancy fists and embroidered legs, which are not very effective in actual combat.

Taken together, ancient Kung Fu still had some truly lethal qualities, such as the speed of movement, the height of jumping, etc. Through long-term and arduous training, the maximum potential of the human body can be brought into play. There are also some that have the effect of defeating the enemy with one move, which

It is a need for survival. For example, if an escort in the escort industry does not master some skills, it will be difficult to deal with bandits and robbery.

However, with the development of the times, those killing techniques gradually faded out of the stage of history, and people began to practice martial arts, Qigong, etc., just to strengthen their bodies, which still contained the shadow of traditional martial arts.

In the five thousand years of Chinese history, many excellent cultures have emerged, and martial arts is one of them. Although modern civilized society does not require close combat with real swords and guns, it is still important for us to carry forward the spirit of martial arts and inherit Chinese Kung Fu. historical responsibility.

The Song and Yuan Dynasties can be said to be a relatively obvious period of formation of modern martial arts (folk martial arts), such as the formation of routines, the emergence of various special weapons and the emergence of a large number of folk martial arts organizations (which can be said to be the formation of sects). This has nothing to do with the economic system. It was related to social unrest. At the beginning, folk martial arts groups fought against the Jin Dynasty, such as Bow and Arrow Society, Zhongyi Society, etc., and there were also peasant uprising or outlaw organizations such as Stick Society, Outlaw Society, Bawang Society, Tianzigang Society, etc.

The long soldiers of the Song Dynasty were mainly spears, followed by long poles and broad swords. There were many types of spears, such as double hook spears, ring spears, hammer spears, etc. The swords had dropped swords, Yanyue swords, etc.

There are many short weapons for miscellaneous soldiers such as knives, halberds, phoenix-bill knives, etc. It is recorded in the "Wu Jing Zong Yao": caltrops, large axes, iron whips, iron picks and other weapons, the so-called "eighteen kinds of weapons" are available Already.

People in the Song Dynasty were very fond of wrestling, also known as sumo, fighting and wrestling. At the same time, there were also organizations such as wrestling and sumo clubs, and there were many famous female members. Of course, sparring skills and gambling were also very popular, relatively Since then, some folk groups have emerged that make a living by performing routines and weapons performances.

At this time, martial arts already had sects, which has not been seen in previous records. In Shandong and Hebei, there were many stick societies in folk organizations. It can be inferred that there should be many different schools of stick skills. "The Biography of Wang Huan" records: Hitting a stone with a stick, The stone is broken but the staff is intact, which shows that the skill of using sticks at that time was quite high. Yang Miaozhen, a red-coated soldier in the Southern Song Dynasty, said that her husband Li Quan had been with the pear flower gun for twenty years and was unrivaled in the world. In the poem "Meichuan Journey" in the Southern Song Dynasty, he described Yan Mengbiao's uprising. The situation of the army is said: "Zhao Xian has a three-foot-edged blade like frost, and he holds a huge shield to open a Zhu gun." The self-note says: "Zhao Xian (village) people can make knives, and the thieves use them, and they also learn the spear skills of Zhang and Zhu. , indicating that at that time, there were already different schools of folk gun use techniques.

The arena that Lu Yao was going to participate in today was a bare-knuckle competition, and since he was a student of Jintai, plus he was trained by Fang Zhuang, a master of foot poking, Lu Yao felt that he was more than enough to handle it.

Let's talk about just now, Xiaopang followed the lines Lu Yao gave himself before to fight for the qualifications of all the audience present to participate in this arena competition. The main reason is that Xiaopang grasped a very big drawback of this competition, that is, this competition actually It was a game whose outcome was decided by Cao Guojiu. Moreover, Cao You had already told Lu Yao that the players who came to participate in the game today had basically met Cao Han before. That means that The next time Cao Ping deceived Cao Han out of the house, saying he was going for fun, but in fact he took Cao Han to a blind date and married him in disguise.

The number of young master buddies that Cao Han saw that day was not just forty, but almost a hundred. However, Cao Han had no impression of most of these people, and in the end he only chose the ones he thought he could talk to. It was the forty who were pleasing to the eye who stayed, and that's why there were these forty contestants participating in the competition today. Of course, according to the standards of Cao Ping and Cao Guojiu, even the hundred candidates who entered the primary election were all It is not an easy thing. The first thing is your identity. Either your family is engaged in business, and you cannot be said to be rich, or you are the descendant of a wealthy businessman. Or, your family can help or depend on you in the court. The Cao family will be helpful to the future development of the Cao family in the court. One of these two points must be met before you can become the first batch of candidates. Of course, in addition to identity, there is also kung fu. Cao Uncle Guo knows that Cao Han is an alternative among women, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a female martial arts fanatic. Therefore, when choosing a husband for Cao Han, he must choose someone who is decent in kung fu. If he is a gentle and elegant scholar, he is very unsuitable for his daughter. . Therefore, these forty people all have great skills. Although there are differences in levels, ordinary people should not be their opponents.

However, Lu Yao, who already knew Uncle Cao Guo's little calculations, instructed Xiaopang to directly expose Cao Guojiu's so-called views on treating everyone equally. In this way, for the sake of his own face and the fact that today's situation would not get out of control, Cao Guojiu had no choice but to

We do not agree to allow some common people to participate in this competition. Although there are many people who are shouting and hooting, when it comes time to actually sign up for the competition, the people who actually come on stage to compete with Lu Yao and the other five people with forty other people,

There are only five people there.

Are these five people really the only ones who know kung fu among the audience present? Or, are these five people the most powerful in kung fu among the audience? Lu Yao doesn’t think so. Except for those who simply come to watch the fun.

Besides, Lu Yao didn't believe that the title of uncle Guo's son-in-law was not attractive at all to those who had not played in the game. So why did only those five people sign up in the end? Maybe there are two reasons. One is because of fear.

, People always feel that officials do one thing in front of them and another behind their backs. They have seen too many stories of settling accounts after the fall, so even if they play, or win today's game by luck, in the end Uncle Guo will

Will it really fulfill its promise? They don't know, and out of fear and distrust, they don't sign up.

The second reason is lack of confidence. Such opportunities are reserved for

Those who have strong courage and determination, even if their kung fu is good, but have no confidence in themselves and feel that they cannot win the duel, then they have already lost from the beginning, so there is no need to sign up for the competition.

, they themselves don’t think they can win this game.

After these ten people came on stage, an accident happened again. Before the game started, one of the original forty people came running towards Little Fatty. In that way, he looked down on Little Fatty's kungfu and felt that he was like this.

People who are not qualified to stand on the field and compete.

Xiaopang didn't care. Lu Yao had told himself before that this situation was very likely, or would definitely happen.

Lu Yao gently pushed Xiaopang from behind, and the meaning was clear. So Xiaopang took a step forward and said to the person who had just questioned him: "I wonder what your name is? Whose son is he from?


The other party glanced at Xiaopang, which obviously meant that he looked down on him. He said, "You don't deserve to know my identity. My name is Wu Long. You just need to know my name. As for your name, I'm not interested at all."


Xiaopang smiled slightly and said, "Master Wu, you have such a great posture, but I don't know if your kung fu is as good as your eloquence?"

Wu Long did not answer, but walked straight towards Xiaopang. When he was still a few steps away from Xiaopang, Fangzhuang, who was next to Xiaopang, stood up and said: "This young master,

He is with me, how about I go through two moves with you?"

Fangzhuang made a move that was actually within Lu Yao's calculation. He had discussed with Jintai and Fangzhuang before. Although he had been qualified to compete, in the eyes of the forty players on the platform,

After all, Lu Yao and the others are just ordinary people. They have already taken care of them enough in the last game. At this time, someone will definitely step forward to give them a blow. Identity is not important, what is important is momentum. This is Jintai's explanation.

For Lu Yao, once someone comes to trouble these common people after they come to power, Lu Yao and the others will definitely take action. It is the perfect opportunity to prove their strength at this time.

At this time, when I have just appeared on the stage, I want to make people feel that I signed up to participate in the arena competition based on my martial arts strength, rather than because of the so-called pity of the Cao family. I am participating in this arena competition as a common person. There is only one way to prove this, then

It means that one's own kung fu must prove its worth. In other words, no matter who is causing trouble, someone in Lu Yao's team must stand up at this time to defeat the opponent. As the captain, he must also win in the end.

It is naturally inconvenient for Lu Yao to take action at this time. Lu Yao's core purpose is actually to hide himself well in the early stage of the competition. In other words, he must act low-key. He cannot attract anyone participating in this group competition.

The attention of those watching the game in the attic, even if they have worn masks, may still expose their identities. At this time, it is impossible to rely on other people who signed up to quell this problem. After all, opportunities were created in the first place.

It was Xiaopang who was coaxing him to participate, so the opponent would most likely target Xiaopang and the people from Lu Yao's team.

There is no doubt that it is very reasonable for Xiaopang to take action at this time. Firstly, he can show his strength, and secondly, he can clear the names of these people. However, after several discussions, they finally decided that Fangzhuang should take action to quell the people who came to seek help.

The anger of troublesome people. The reason is very simple. Although Xiaopang's kung fu should be the best among the five-person team except Lu Yao and Fang Zhuang. But Lu Yao has no choice about the kung fu of the person who is looking for trouble.

Controlled. And all he knew about Fu Shaolong was that he was the son of Fu Bi's family. Although it was unlikely that he would come to cause trouble, would anyone in his team come forward? Or,

Will another kung fu master among these forty people step forward? At this time, it is still unknown whether Xiaopang’s kung fu can guarantee his momentum after he takes the stage.

Therefore, Lu Yao did not dare to take risks. In the end, he chose to let Fang Zhuang take action. Compared with Xiaopang, Fang Zhuang's kung fu was more powerful. Moreover, Lu Yao asked Fang Zhuang to act in a high-profile manner, so that everyone would feel that this

Fang Zhuang is bound to win this game, and he and Xiaopang are all Fang Zhuang's helpers. In this way, Lu Yao's pressure will be much less, and when the game officially begins

At that time, everyone would basically target Fangzhuang, and it would be Fangzhuang who really made a high-profile appearance in the game and performed brilliantly. This would be more conducive for Lu Yao to hide himself, act in a low-key manner, and then take action at the end.

All these steps are part of Lu Yao's plan. He wants to package Fangzhuang as the core member of his five-man team, the captain, so that he can hide in the shadows.

Therefore, in the face of Wu Long's provocation, Fang Zhuang stood up immediately, and Xiao Pang was also very cooperative. After Fang Zhuang gave Xiao Pang a look, Xiao Pang immediately took a few steps back.

Tell all the spectators watching the game that he is just a younger brother of Fangzhuang.

Sure enough, Cao Ping, Uncle Cao, and Han Yonghe who were in the attic all set their sights on Fangzhuang. They all started chatting about who this guy was. From the registration form, it was known that his name was Fangzhuang.

After all, there were only ten people who signed up for the competition, so Cao Ping could still remember Fangzhuang's name. By the way, Lu Yao's name when he signed up for the competition was Jin Yu. The reason why he took the surname Jin was to thank Jin Tai.

The teachings I taught myself before.

Fang Zhuang, a person with no background, naturally did not attract the attention of Cao Guoshu and Cao Ping. However, one of Lu Yao's goals was achieved. Now everyone believes that Fang Zhuang will be a favorable winner in this game.

Moreover, it seemed that he was well prepared. Not only did he come on stage alone, but if nothing else, the little fat guy was obviously Fangzhuang's follower.

However, Cao You, who had been to Jiuzhongxian many times before and had also watched Lu Yao's training, saw everything. When Cao Han was worried that Fangzhuang would not be able to defeat Wu Long, Cao You

He told Cao Han that there was no need to worry at all. Fang Zhuang's kung fu level should be considered to be at the top level among the forty people, and the one named Wu Long, not surprisingly, should not be Fang Zhuang's opponent.

Cao Han felt a little disappointed. As a girl, she naturally didn't know what Lu Yao had to consider in this plan. In Cao Han's opinion, Lu Yao should stand up and teach Wu Long a lesson at this time, and then handsomely pick him off.

Just take off the mask and then show off your skills in the ring.

Cao You was amused by his sister's innocent remarks.

"If nothing else, Han Yonghe of the Han family is still watching from above. If he is allowed to see Lu Yao, do you think Lu Yao can continue to compete?"

After hearing what Cao You said, Cao Han reacted, but then she also thought of Han Yunyu, then looked at Cao You and said: "Brother, you said that even if Lu Yao wins this game today, Han Yunyu and I will marry him

If so, no matter what order they are in, I should be the concubine. After all, the engagement with the Han family comes first, and there have been quite a few misunderstandings before. The relationship between the Cao family and the Han family is already tense, and

Dad probably doesn’t allow me to be a concubine, right?”

Cao You looked at Cao Han and said solemnly: "These are not problems. The most important thing now is to win this arena for Lu Yao. If you can't survive until the end, then everything you say is nonsense. And for you

Come on, little sister, you have to ask yourself in your heart, if you really get to that point, are you willing to marry Lu Yao as a concubine, and how deep your feelings for him are."

Naturally, Cao You doesn't want Cao Han to be his concubine, but considering the overall situation, including Lu Yao's future development in the court, this seems to be doomed. However, as long as Cao Han has feelings for Lu Yao, Cao You will

I am happy for my sister.

Back on the ring, Wu Long was a little surprised to see Fang Zhuang step forward, but he immediately looked at Xiaopang. After the opponent took a few steps back, Wu Long looked at Fang Zhuang and said: "Oh,

Unexpectedly, there are still people coming together to fight in the ring to marry a wife? Are you not confident in your own strength, so you are asking for a helper?"

When Wu Long said this, Lu Yao on the other side also looked at Fu Shaolong in the distance, and saw Fu Shaolong lowering his head.

Several people in the team next to him also lowered their heads. Lu Yao understood that Wu Long was the kind of person who came to participate in the competition without any background. Naturally, he didn't know that this competition had actually been arranged by the Cao family from the beginning.

Well, the team he was talking about actually existed among these forty people, so in the eyes of others, Wu Long's words might be talking about Fangzhuang, but in the ears of Lu Yao and Fu Shaolong,

Go, I'm talking about Fu Shaolong.

Fang Zhuang smiled slightly. Naturally, he would not be angered by the other party. He looked at Wu Long and said: "Master, don't be anxious. I can guarantee that among your original forty people, there is also a small team."

, there was no rule at the beginning of this game that said teamwork was not allowed. Moreover, the arena competition was originally a melee. As long as it was beneficial to oneself, it was not impossible to join forces with others, but no matter what, the only ones left on the field in the end were

You can be alone, so being able to stay is the most important thing, don’t you think?"

Wu Long was speechless when Fang Zhuang said this. After a moment, he said: "That's quite true. No matter what means you use, but this is a martial arts arena, and in the end, you have to rely on your fists and kicks to determine the outcome.

, I just don’t know how your kung fu is. Since you stopped that guy, let’s have a fight.”

Fangzhuang shrugged and said, "I don't mind that much. I just want to convey a message to the forty of you. That is, the ten of us are also very strong. Don't look down on us just because we are common people.

There will be a price to pay for that.”

After saying that, both sides squared off, and it looked like they were going to fight. Fangzhuang's expression did not change, and he looked very calm.

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