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Bianliang Shiyue Chapter 98 It's all burly men

Let's talk about Lu Yao's arrival at the Han Mansion. After coming to the main hall, he explained that Han Yonghe really didn't mean to blame Lu Yao. Looking at the sour plum soup in front of him, Lu Yao knew that this was probably due to the sour plum soup.

Regarding this sour plum soup, the Han family has long known how powerful it is. Last time Lu Yao sent Tangxi to bring a pot, and each of the family members shared a bowl. They all clearly felt that they were still unsatisfied, so this time they heard that Lu Yao wanted to

After coming, I specifically asked him to make more. However, among the Han family, Han Yunyu and Han Yonghe’s wives, these two women have a soft spot for this sour plum soup compared to men. Especially Han Yunyu, who sent it last time

From that pot, each person only drank one bowl. In the end, Han Yunyu also took away the extra bowl. This may have something to do with Han Yunyu's liking for sour food since she was a child.

Today, the Han family has a distinguished guest, Mr. Zhang, whom Han Yonghe mentioned before.

After listening to Lu Yao explain the reason for his late arrival, Han Yonghe originally wanted to introduce Mr. Zhang to Lu Yao, and also wanted to chat with Lu Yao about the team, but it didn't work out. When Lu Yao saw Han

Yonghe was no longer angry, but moved closer to Han Wenyuan who was drinking sour plum soup.

Then, as usual, he took out the manuscript he had prepared in advance and handed it to Han Wenyuan.

"How is she lately? I've been a little busy these days, and the manuscript I'm writing is a little slow. Is she not angry?" Lu Yao asked in a low voice.

Han Wenyuan was stunned and thought to himself, did you come to our house to talk about the Cuju competition, or did you come to ask about your fiancée?

However, Han Wenyuan still said patiently: "Don't worry, my little sister is very sensible. Although she has not seen "The Story of the Stone" for a few days and occasionally looks sad, the daughters of the Han family are also very smart. She

I know you've been busy with business, so I don't mean to blame you."

"That's good," Lu Yao felt relieved, then turned his head, looked at the young man sitting next to Han Yonghe, and said, "I haven't asked for advice yet, this is..."

Han Yonghe quickly thought about introducing him, but to his surprise, Mr. Zhang actually stood up and said, "I am Zhang Maocai, a businessman in Bianliang City."

Lu Yao looked at Han Yonghe and said to himself, if you don't find people from the court to form a team, why would you find someone from the market to form a team? The Pan family found a large vegetable merchant, plus this family, these eight teams

Among them, there are already three teams composed of large merchants, which is a bit too much.

However, Han Yonghe also gave Lu Yao a very helpless look. That look clearly told Lu Yao that he had not found a suitable official in the court to form a team. It seemed that this person was an official in the court, or he was

Like Bao Zheng, he did not have enough money to form a Cuju team, or he did not sign up because he heard that the Royal Cuju team would participate in this competition.

While Lu Yao was thinking this, he thought of the name Zhang Maocai. Why did it sound so familiar to him? He just couldn't remember where he heard it.

So, Lu Yao asked: "I don't know what kind of business you are doing in Bianliang City, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Maocai said with a smile: "I run an inn. In Bianliang City, there are five inns opened by a certain person."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Yao reacted instantly, took over the words and said, "I don't know, is the Fulai Inn also opened by Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Maocai was stunned for a moment, then said: "Yes, I didn't expect Mr. Lu to have been to a certain Fulai Inn? To be honest, the shopkeeper of the Fulai Inn is my wife."

So that's it! That day I went to Fulai Inn to find Zhe Kexing, and the woman who received me turned out to be Zhang Maocai's wife. However, the woman seemed quite smooth, and she was actually a very shrewd woman.

In Bianliang City, it is a very great thing to be able to open an inn. This is just like, in modern times, if you are in Beijing, it is the same reason to open a hotel or a high-end guesthouse. If you want to engage in this field of work, then

It's not as simple as just buying a piece of land, hiring people to build a house, and then applying for a license to start a business.

If you want to run a hotel, in addition to the necessary procedures and decoration work that must be carried out, there are many things you have to do. For example, the choice of location, the recruitment of personnel, and how to handle the relationship with the public security and fire departments. If

If you just open a hotel casually like a fool and don't handle your interpersonal relationships well, even if your hotel doesn't lose money, it will be criticized by various relevant departments every once in a while.


Nowadays, the social atmosphere is relatively better. In the information age, as long as there is any problem in the hotel, as long as it is posted on Weibo or exposed, it will be severely punished. But this was more than ten years ago.

, why those hotels involved in crime and pornography can cover the sky with one hand, and even in some small cities, only one brand of hotel chain can stay in the whole city. This is a big deal.

In this kind of business, emotional intelligence is often more important than IQ.

In modern times, these people are so sophisticated and have to take into account more or less relationships. What's more, in ancient times when there were almost no officials or corrupt officials, relationships were involved in everything.

The most important thing is, where is this place? This is Bianliang. At the foot of the emperor, the palace is in the inner city. If Zhang Maocai chooses to open an inn here, then he must not be an ordinary person. It is already very special to be able to run an inn well.

It’s not easy anymore, let alone what he just said. Including Fulai Inn, there are five inns he opened in Bianliang City. Now, aren’t they just branded hotel chains?

The most important thing is that in the Song Dynasty, it was very normal for men to have three wives and four concubines. Even brothels were formal places, not to mention the private connections between hotels, restaurants, and brothels. This is why Lu Yao traveled through time

After coming here, I gave up the idea of ​​opening an inn here for the first time.

He was really too lazy to reach a share-sharing agreement with those in brothels and restaurants, which was similar to underground transactions. It was very troublesome, and he didn't want to spend energy dealing with complicated interpersonal relationships.

However, Zhang Maocai actually owns five inns in the capital. It can be imagined that his range of interpersonal relationships is so wide that his social circle should be two or three times larger than that of Lu Yao. After listening to Zhang Maocai introduce himself

, Lu Yao once again looked at Han Yonghe.

As expected of Lord Shangshu, the reason why Zhang Maocai agreed to Han Yonghe to form a Cuju team was for two reasons in Lu Yao's opinion. First, after all, Han Yonghe was in a high position now, and being friendly with him was regarded as betraying Han.

Yonghe saves face. After all, Zhou himself has to deal with Han Yonghe. Secondly, after all, this Cuju competition is also personally sponsored by the emperor. Through this competition, it is also very useful to make his own inn famous.

It is necessary. For a person like Zhang Maocai who is proficient in businessmanship, he will not fail to understand such a simple truth. Moreover, for a person like Zhang Maocai, the cost of forming a Cuju team, including training and subsequent competitions, is only

It's just a drop in the bucket.

This third point is worth pondering for Lu Yao. Since Han Yonghe has found Zhang Maocai, he will definitely tell him about Lu Yao and the football lottery. In fact, just now since Lu Yao arrived at Han Mansion and entered the main hall

, I always felt that someone was looking at me. Now that I think about it, it was this Zhang Maocai. Whenever Lu Yao saw Zhang Maocai out of the corner of his eye, he always felt that he was looking at him with a very strange look, and there was also a smile on the corner of his mouth.

A hint of smile. Thinking of this, Lu Yao couldn't help but give Han Yonghe a thumbs up in his heart. Regardless of Zhang Maocai's purpose in joining this Cuju competition, Han Yonghe's ability to invite him shows that he is his father-in-law.

He really has some skills.

Lu Yao smiled, looked at Zhang Maocai, and said, "So that's it. A few days ago, a friend of mine went to stay at Fulai Inn, and thanks to my wife, I took care of him."

Zhang Maocai said: "Where is it? My wife didn't tell me that I have such a connection with Mr. Lu. Why, Mr. Lu also has friends from outside the city coming to the capital?"

Han Yonghe and Han Wenyuan also looked at Lu Yao. In their impression, Lu Yao's social circle basically stayed in Bianliang City. Where did his friends from outside come to stay in this city?

Lu Yao smiled and said: "What a coincidence, this friend of mine is a member of the military. I specially invited him out of the military camp this time."

"Oh? Unexpectedly, Master Lu actually has friends in the army. Who are they?" Zhang Maocai continued to ask.

Lu Yao said: "What you are saying is that I am just an ordinary person. How can I hire a big shot in the army? I am just a young general named Zhe Kexing."

"Oh? Since a young general can be appreciated by Mr. Lu, he must be no ordinary person. When can I introduce him to someone?" Zhang Maocai continued.

Lu Yao said: "This is not difficult. In fact, in two days, all of us here will be able to see him."

"How do you say this?" Han Yonghe asked.

Lu Yao said: "The reason why I asked him to leave the army and come to the city is to train the players for our Cuju competition. I plan to use the army's training methods and the new Cuju I designed to combine them.

This new training method, called military training, can maximize the physical fitness of all our participating team members."

"I see, that's why you invited that person here." Zhang Maocai finally understood.

"Well, originally I had to wait until the day after tomorrow to tell everyone about this matter, but since I mentioned him today, I will tell you first. Now he is formulating training methods in the inn." Lu Yao said.


Han Yonghe said: "With so many people in the army, why did they only invite this young general named Zhe Kexing?"

Lu Yao smiled slightly and said: "Well, the story is too long, so I won't tell it today. As long as you know, I believe in him."

"Since Mr. Lu has said so, this young general named Zhe Kexing will definitely not let us down, right." Zhang Maocai tried to smooth things over again.

Lu Yao just felt funny in his heart, thinking that this Zhang Maocai was worthy of being the owner of a hotel chain in the capital. He was really all-rounder when it came to talking, and he could play both sides. After the conversation just now, Lu Yao only felt that this person was not simple and could not

He is a very shrewd guy who easily says some important things in front of him.

Han Wenwen saw the situation a little awkward, so he stood up and said, "Now that everyone knows each other, let's go to the backyard and take a look at our team. How about it?"

Lu Yao nodded, and the group got up and left the main hall, heading towards the backyard.

When he arrived at the backyard, Lu Yao saw that there were thirteen people standing on each side. They should be the team composed of the Han family and Zhang Maocai's team. I don't know if it was because these two teams were in the first round of the competition.

They know how to fight each other, so the players on both sides look at the person opposite with a hint of disdain in their eyes.

"On the left is our Han family's team," Han Wenyuan walked to the left and introduced, "Our Han family has also competed with the royal Cuju team under Mr. Wang Da before, but basically ended in failure every time."

Lu Yao had also heard about the Han family's Cuju team. In any case, these people had some Cuju skills.

"How many of these thirteen people are from the Cuju team back then?" Lu Yao asked.

"There are six more people." Han Wenyuan said, pointing to the six people standing in the first row of the team and saying.

Lu Yao looked at the six people and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although it can be seen that some of them have indeed practiced kung fu in the past, it seems that they have not touched Cuju or done much exercise in the past few years. One of them has obviously gained some weight.

"This..." Lu Yao walked up to the man.

"This is the captain of our previous Cuju team." After Han Yonghe finished speaking, Lu Yao cursed in his heart, "I'll go!"

"It seems that I haven't exercised for a while." Lu Yao said while looking at the seven people standing in the second row of the team.

This style of painting is completely different from the fifteen people I saw at Pan's house yesterday.

Lu Yao originally thought that this style of painting should be the team that Pan Wen found.

Looking at it, these seven people can be said to be seven sturdy men. It seems that Han Wenyuan did not read the manuscript that Lu Yao sent to each family carefully, but simply found seven big men to make up the number.

These people are all similar in body shape and young in age. However, although they all look tall and strong, football games are not just about being strong and strong.

As for the competition, Han Wenyuan still thinks that this competition is a bit too simple.

However, Lu Yao can also understand this situation in the Han family. After all, what Han Yonghe wants is to be appreciated by Zhao Zhen. In this Cuju competition, Han Yonghe must have spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to find other people.

Of the two teams, they have to find one more team than other teams, and this team will still compete with the Royal Cuju team in the future, so the focus of work naturally has to be on this aspect, where else

He cares about the physical quality of his team's players.

Fortunately, the opponents for the first round of the Han family's competition were selected by themselves. If the quality of the personnel on both sides was evenly matched, they would still be able to fight back and forth. Isn't that a good thing to say?

Well, no matter it is a weak team or a strong team, as long as the difference in strength between the two teams is not big, they can still have a fierce game.

"How about it? These seven people I found look very good, and I also asked these people from the previous team to train them. In any case, they have some foundation in Cuju." Han Wen looked at it from a distance.

Shang Shang was quite confident in the seven people he had selected, and said to Lu Yao confidently.

Lu Yao couldn't attack him here, so he could only say: "Indeed, everyone looks very powerful and strong. It will definitely not be a problem to adapt to the intensity of the competition by then."

"That's good, dad, what do you think?" Han Wenyuan looked at Han Yonghe and said.

Unexpectedly, Han Yonghe gave Han Wenyuan a roll of his eyes, and Han Wenyuan immediately became quiet. The reason for this expression was reasonable. After all, as the opponent of the Han family, the members of Zhang Maocai's team were still on the other side.

Standing still, saying that his team is very strong in front of others is not a naked mockery of his opponents. Han Yonghe still understands this point.

Han Wenyuan felt frustrated, so he said: "Okay, Mr. Lu has seen your situation, everyone should leave."

After giving the order, the seven people standing in the back row dispersed and all walked towards the front door. It seemed that they were leaving the Han Mansion, and the six people standing in the first row were all subordinates of the Han family.

People naturally do what they should do.

"Speaking of which, these people are distributed in various places in Bianliang City. If the training starts, will it be easy to find them?" Lu Yao asked, watching the backs of the seven people leaving.

"It's quite convenient. The seven people we are looking for live not far from Han Mansion." Han Wenyuan said from the side.

"Master Lu, let's take a look at the people here." Zhang Maocai suddenly said something. Lu Yao came back to his senses and walked to the right side of the backyard. There were also two rows of people standing there, a total of


I originally thought that the people Zhang Maocai hired would be similar to the Han family's team. After all, Han Wenyuan was the one who was in charge of the team selection with Zhang Maocai.

However, when he saw the thirteen people here, Lu Yao only felt that Zhang Maocai must have read the manuscript he had written before on how to select team members. As a manager who was recruited by Han Yonghe to form the team,

It seems that Zhang Maocai attaches more importance to this competition than the Pan family.

A quick look at the thirteen people he found showed that they were all of varying heights and had different body shapes. Two or three of them were quite thin.

However, from an age perspective, these participating team members are all younger than those from the Han family team.

Han Wenyuan came over and looked at Zhang Maocai's team like a fool. He looked obviously disdainful.

This kind of attitude will lead to big losses when the competition comes.

Lu Yao said: "Mr. Zhang, when you were selecting team members, have you read the manuscript I wrote about the criteria for selecting team members?"

Zhang Maocai nodded and said: "That's natural. I will take the competition held by the royal family seriously. These thirteen people were all selected by me after reading the manuscript."

Lu Yao nodded and said: "Well, it can be seen that everyone is not easy. I also hope that Mr. Zhang's team can achieve good results."

After saying this, Lu Yao gave Han Yonghe a look. I wonder if he could understand it. That meant that the team that the Han family had recruited was stronger than the Cuju team they formed themselves. Judging from the current situation,

, even if they have gone through training together, when it comes to the official competition, the Han family will definitely lose.

This was the only thing Lu Yao could do. After all, Zhang Maocai was by his side. If he told Han Yonghe the situation in front of him, it would cause unnecessary trouble.

Then, these people chatted for a while at Han's house. During this period, Zhang Maocai praised the sour plum soup made by Lu Yao and expressed his hope that these five inns in Beijing could obtain and sell it to the outside world.

"I have already made plans for this sour plum soup. I plan to put it in the Jiuzhongxian. After a while, when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, it will be officially sold. If Mr. Zhang really likes it, it would be better to go to the Jiuzhongxian by then.

I will buy some and send them to the inn." Lu Yao said.

Zhang Maocai smiled and said to himself that we are all businessmen and no one knows anyone. The cost of purchasing from your wine fairy should not be several times higher.

Therefore, Zhang Maocai finally said that he wanted to think about it and said nothing more.

Lu Yao originally thought that he and Han Yonghe would chat for a while after Zhang Maocai took the people away in the Han family. Unexpectedly, Zhang Maocai actually asked his men to go back first, while he stayed in the Han family and refused to leave.

, it seemed that he would not give up until he left together with Lu Yao.

He had no choice but to go back and make dinner at home, so Lu Yao saw that it was almost time and proposed to leave. As expected, Zhang Maocai also proposed to leave with Lu Yao.

In desperation, the two left the Han Mansion together.

Before walking very far, Lu Yao stopped and asked, "Mr. Zhang, you have stayed here until now. Do you have anything to say to me?"

Zhang Maocai stepped forward and said: "As expected of Mr. Lu, indeed, I came to Han Mansion today, firstly to discuss the Cuju competition, and secondly, for some minor matters of my own."

"If you have something to say, you might as well say it directly." Lu Yao knew very well that when dealing with people like Zhang Maocai, it is better to speak out.

"That's right, Mr. Lu, you also know that these eight teams, with nearly a hundred people, although they will definitely be able to gather together in the end, their residences are scattered in various places in Bianliang City. I have thought of a way to solve this difficulty of gathering.


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