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Chapter 151 The pattern of the palace

Let's talk about Pan Wen and Chen Chen walking in the palace. Although they are no longer as nervous about meeting the saint, they will still get lost if there is no one to guide them. After all, they have entered the palace before training. During field training, I always take the same route, directly to the back garden.

The author feels that I should introduce here the layout of the imperial palace during the Northern Song Dynasty to facilitate your understanding. After all, there is still a big gap between Bianliang City and Beijing.

The main palaces of the Song Dynasty were Tokyo in the Northern Song Dynasty and Lin'an in the Southern Song Dynasty. Bianliang, as the seat of the imperial palace, started from the Liang Dynasty in the Five Dynasties, followed by the Tang and Jin Dynasties. The imperial palace in the Northern Song Dynasty was modeled after the Ziweicheng palace in Luoyang. It was built on the basis of the palace in Lin'an, now Hangzhou.

The palace city of Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty spans five miles. The main hall of the palace is called Daqing Hall, which is where grand ceremonies are held. To the south of Daqing Hall is the central government office, separated by a gate tower. To the north of Daqing Hall is Zichen Hall. It is the front hall where the emperor looks at his court. The monthly court meeting, the congratulations at the completion of the suburban temple ceremony and the reception of Khitan envoys are all held in the Zichen Hall. The Chui Gong Hall on the west side of the Daqing Hall is the place where the emperor listens to politics on weekdays. Zichen, The Wende Hall between the vertical arches is where the emperor stopped and rested before going to court and after retreating from the court. The banquet halls in the palace were Jiying Hall and Shengping Tower. There were not many palaces in the Northern Song Dynasty palace. The regulations are not very big either.

The harem has several sleeping quarters for the emperor, among which Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin lived in Funing Palace. In addition to the palaces of the concubines, there are also pools, pavilions, pavilions, platforms and other entertainment places in the harem.

In the early Song Dynasty, in order to show that he was diligent and thrifty, loved the people and attached great importance to farming, the emperor set up the Guanjia Palace and the Silkworm Palace in the palace. In the Guanjia Palace in the back garden, the emperor planted rice in front of the palace every year and harvested it after autumn. The queen, as the mother of a country, , a silkworm raising ceremony is held every spring in the Silkworm Palace and the entire silkworm raising process is completed.

Yanfu Palace is a relatively independent palace area outside the palace city. Yanfu Palace was a place of entertainment for the emperor and empress, and it was not large in scale at first.

Yanfu Palace has many terraces, pavilions and pavilions, and its name is very elegant and poetic. Of course it was given by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty who was rich in artistic accomplishment. The east gate of the palace is called Chenhui, and the west gate is called Lize. The main hall has Yanfu, Core beads.

The halls on the east side include Yiqing, Huining, Chengping, Ruimo, Ninghe, Kunyu, and Qunyu. The pavilions include Huifu, Baoqiong, Flat Peach, Chunjin, Dieqiong, Fenfang, Liyu, Hanxiang, and Fu. Yun, Yangai, Cuibao, Qianying, Yunjin, Lanxun, and Zhaiyu. The pavilions on the west side include Fanying, Xuexiang, Pifang, Qianhua, Qionghua, Wenqi, Jiangcalyx, Qionghua, and Luqi. , Yaobi, clear shade, autumn fragrance, Congyu, Fuyu, Jiangyun. To the north of Huining Hall, there is a hill made of stacked stones. There is a hall and two pavilions built on the mountain, named Cuiwei Hall and Yungui Pavilion. , layer pavilion.

Near the Ninghe Hall, there are two small pavilions, named Yuying and Yujian. Against the city wall, there is a small earth slope with apricot trees planted on it, called Xinggang. It has a wild atmosphere. On the right side of the palace is the Yanchun Pavilion. Next to it is a small round pond with a stone pavilion named Feihua. There is also a lake that was expanded by digging out a spring. A dike was built in the lake to connect the pavilion, and a pavilion was built on the dike. A beam of light enters the lake, and there are Maoting Gate, Hezhuang Gate, Luyan Gate and Kongcui Gate on the beam. From here to the Lize Gate area, famous flowers and trees are clustered together, and the beauty is as if it was created by heaven and earth.

The palace city of the Northern Song Dynasty also roughly followed the principle of "front hall and back bedroom" in terms of functional division, and was composed of the outer dynasty, the inner court, the back garden and other parts. The most important building in the outer dynasty part is the Daqing Hall, which is said to be held in the play.

The Daqing Hall, registration of titles, and sacrificial ceremonies were all held here. According to records, the Daqing Hall was nine rooms wide, with a vast courtyard that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. The Wende Hall on the west side was the emperor’s main government activity venue and served as an “external event.”

If the courtiers who have no business to attend the dynasty go there every day, it is called a regular dynasty. The Zichen Hall on the north side is a place where large-scale activities are held during festivals. As the front hall of the dynasty, it is said that "every birthday is called a cup of wine and the emperor visits this hall", that is,

It is mainly used to congratulate the emperor on his birthday and the first and fifteenth day of each month when the emperor visits the court. In addition, Zichen Hall usually receives Khitan congratulations and gives banquets to ministers, ministers and officials. To the west of Zichen Hall is Chui Gong Hall, which is "

It is the place where foreign ministers are received and banquets are held. In the play, the door that Fan Zhongyan and others smashed crazily to dissuade Renzong from deposing Queen Guo was the Chui Gong Gate outside the Chui Gong Hall.

Yingdian is a place where Jinshi are appointed, watch plays, and hold banquets. "Every Spring and Autumn Festival, banquets are given in this hall. After Xining, Jinshi are personally appointed in this hall." To the north of Jiying Hall, there is Yundun Hall, and to the east there is

To the north of Shengping Tower is the Longtu Pavilion, and behind the pavilion are the Tianzhang Pavilion and Baowen Pavilion. These three pavilions respectively collect the imperial writings of Emperor Taizong, Zhenzong and Renzong of the Song Dynasty.

To the north of the outer dynasty is the inner court, which is the living area of ​​the emperor and his concubines. For example, the Funing Hall is the most commonly mentioned in the play. The Funing Hall is the emperor's bedroom, where he eats, sleeps, and writes notes. Generally, the emperor will leave before dawn.

He got up from Funing Hall in two hours, dressed up, and prepared to handle state affairs. He would also occasionally receive emergency ministers here. Song Renzong eventually died of illness in Funing Hall.

Surrounding the Funing Hall, to the west is the Baoci Hall, the residence of Empress Dowager Liu, and to the north is the Kunning Hall, the residence of Empress Cao. There are also pavilions for various ladies near the Kunning Hall. From the overall layout, the Song Palace City is

The palace was expanded on the site of the palace left over from the Five Dynasties. Due to the restrictions of the area and surrounding residential areas, the layout of the palace was a bit more messy than the palaces of the Tang Dynasty, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Among the palace complexes of the Northern Song Dynasty, only the Daqing Palace where the great dynasty meeting was held was

The central axis of a group of buildings in the palace passes through the palace gate. The Wende and Chui Gong palaces in the outer dynasty had to be arranged on the west side of the Daqing Hall. The central government offices were also placed in front of the Wende Hall. Two lines appeared in front of the Wende Hall.

The axes are juxtaposed. The palace city in Tokyo in the Northern Song Dynasty has always left people with a feeling of being small. Because "Song History·Geography" states: "The palace city has a circumference of five miles." That is to say, the circumference is only 5 miles, which is smaller than the Daming Palace.

The difference of 15 miles is far away. However, many historical materials record that there are many palaces and pavilions in the Imperial City of Tokyo. The main hall where the emperor held court ceremonies includes Daqing, Wende, Zichen, and Chui Gong. In addition, there are also

There are large buildings such as Chongwenyuan Building Complex, Six Pavilions, Jingfu Hall, Mingtang, etc. In front of Wende Hall, there are also the highest administrative agencies of the central government, collectively known as the "East and West Offices", Zhongshu Menxia Province and Privy Council, National History Academy, Capital Hall, etc.

In terms of architecture, in addition to the four main halls used by the emperor to sit in court, there are also a large number of palaces, terraces, pools and gardens with different functions and uses in the imperial city. Generally speaking, its structural layout is much more complex than that of the Forbidden City in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Moreover, its architecture

The volume conforms to the highest construction specifications of the Central Dynasty, such as Daqing Hall, which is said in history that "the palace is vast and can accommodate tens of thousands of people. It is full of legal and ceremonial guards (about 20,000 people are in the court, and it cannot be seen all around)"

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, no less than the Hall of Supreme Harmony Square in the Forbidden City today.

Talking back to the present moment, before Cao Yi, Cao You, Han Yonghe, and Han Wenyuan, the four of them got up early in the morning and went to the Funing Palace. At that time, Zhao Zhen had just gotten up to eat. If it weren't for those four people,

If you hold back your anger and rush to get Zhao Zhen's consent, you will never go to Funing Hall.

Today, Chen Chen and Pan Wen were brought to Wende Hall. At this time, Zhao Zhen was still handling government affairs, but when he heard that these two people were coming, Zhao Zhen immediately stopped what he was doing. After all,

For Zhao Zhen to receive these two people who came to him about the new Cuju competition, it should be equivalent to relaxing. After all, government affairs are more important than matters related to the new Cuju competition.

Zhao Zhen has actually been feeling more and more busy with state affairs recently, and every time at this time, Zhao Zhen would hope that the imperial examination would come soon, so that a batch of fresh blood could be injected into the court. After all, basically every official in the court now

They all have their own factions. The simplest example is the fight between the Cao family and the Han family. Now most officials are either Cao Yi or Han Yonghe. Once a factional dispute occurs, then specific

There will be many different answers to the question.

Zhao Zhen now urgently needs some talents to solve problems above the court. Of course, there are also people's livelihood problems that need to be solved.

So who is the most suitable candidate for this candidate? Zhao Zhen could not find the answer before, but now Zhao Zhen has identified several candidates, and among them, Lu Yao is one of the talents Zhao Zhen plans to reuse.

, but all of this must be planned after Lu Yao becomes a Jinshi. Otherwise, if Lu Yao is promoted directly to the court, he will be criticized by others.

Just as Zhao Zhen was thinking this, a eunuch entered the palace and reported that Chen Chen and Pan Wen had arrived outside the palace.

Zhao Zhen stood up from his seat and motioned for the two people to come in.

After a while, Chen Chen and Pan Wen entered the palace.

After the salute was completed, Zhao Zhen deliberately said nothing and did not ask the two people why they were here. Instead, he looked at the two people carefully.

This made Pan Wen and Chen Chen a little nervous. Originally, in their opinion, it was just a normal thing to talk to Zhao Zhen about the coach. They thought that after the last interview, they would not be nervous this time.

. But who knew that the emperor did not follow the routine this time, but paced back and forth beside him, which restored the state of the two people to the tense state when they first met the emperor.

The reason why Zhao Zhen observed these two people was because he wanted to see what kind of personality the man he wanted to reuse, namely Lu Yao, he valued. Taking this opportunity, Zhao Zhen could also analyze Lu Yao's personality.

After all, he is someone who will be reused in the future, so he should feel confident in using him.

"You two don't have to be nervous. If anything happens, you can feel free to say it."

After some observation, Zhao Zhen finally spoke.

Hearing what Zhao Zhen said, Chen Chen and Pan Wen relaxed a little, and they both wiped the sweat on their foreheads with their sleeves.

The two looked at each other, not knowing who would speak first. In the end, it was Chen Chen who took the lead and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to give to Your Majesty on behalf of Mr. Xiao Lu."

"Master Xiao Lu?" Speaking of which, Zhao Zhen had never heard of this title.

Chen Chen quickly explained: "That's Mr. Lu Yao."

"Oh, it's interesting how you differentiate between Lu Yao and Lu Xu." Zhao Zhen smiled and said, "But I remember, isn't Lu Yao in retreat? How could he give me anything?


Chen Chen said: "Actually, I went to the Lu Mansion with Mr. Pan yesterday. After talking with Mr. Xiao Lu, he handed this thing over to us and asked us to pass it on to His Majesty for a look. If His Majesty agrees, these eight branches

Every team can set up this position, which can also improve the excitement of the game."

On the way to meet the emperor, Pan Wen and Chen Chen had already communicated about what to say when they saw the emperor soon. Pan Wen meant to tell the truth, but there was one thing that the emperor could not know.

That is, the purpose of the two of them looking for Lu Yao can only be said to be to make the game more enjoyable and to better improve the team's strength, but it cannot be said that the two of them want to know how to play the game.

This is news that satisfies Zhao Zhen, otherwise he might be beheaded.

After hearing what Chen Chen said, Zhao Zhen thought about it and said, "I really didn't expect that among the eight teams, among the leaders who should be more concerned about this matter, it should be Cao Yi and Han Yonghe.

Yes, I didn’t expect that the people who really worked hard on this new Cuju competition in the end were the two of you.”

Chen Chen didn't know how to answer. Pan Wen on the side immediately said in order to prevent these words from reaching other people's ears: "Actually, it's just the two of us who have nothing to do. I'm not taking care of the restaurant now. In addition to busy work all day long,

There is nothing else that these two teams can do, so they have to do this better. The same is true for Chen Chen. He became the captain of the grassroots team and was appreciated by Lu Yao, so he dare not not be careful.


Chen Chen understood and said: "Pan Wen is right. There is no comparison between me, Lord Shangshu and Cao Guojiu. The two of them are busy with government affairs every day. This new Cuju competition is definitely not comparable to state affairs.

Comparable, so they put more thoughts on national affairs, and only we can consider such small things."

When Zhao Zhen heard the explanations of these two people, he also smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you two are quite good at talking. Anyway, this Lu Yao has something he wants me to see, so bring it over."

Chen Chen and Pan Wen then presented the more than 20 pages of manuscripts about coaches to Zhao Zhen for viewing.

Even the emperor was a little surprised when he saw so many manuscripts. After all, the number of pages of manuscripts for the position of coach almost caught up with all the manuscripts he had read before about matters related to the Cuju competition.

"I really didn't expect that even when Lu Yao was in seclusion, he had been worrying about the new Cuju competition, and he could write so many manuscripts. It's really rare."

What Zhao Zhen said did come from the bottom of his heart. He is

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Unexpectedly, Lu Yao, who was in seclusion, was still thinking about the Cuju competition. He must not let down Lu Yao's hard work, so he began to read in detail the manuscript written by Lu Yao about coaches.


At this time, there was only one thing Chen Chen and Pan Wen could do, and that was to wait.

Chen Chen touched his sleeve. In the sleeve, there was actually a letter. It was the letter Lu Yao had written on the spur of the moment this morning. There were two letters in total, one of which had been on the training ground just now.

Pan Wen gave it to Cao Yue, and Lu Yao had originally promised that this letter would be given to Emperor Zhao Zhen. And when giving the letter to Chen Chen, Lu Yao repeatedly warned that this letter must be given to him.

He handed it over after talking to Zhao Zhen about the business, that is, about the coach. So until now, Chen Chen still puts the letter in his sleeve.

Because he read very carefully, it took Zhao Zhen almost half an hour to read these manuscripts. However, Zhao Zhen was also a very careful person. He asked the eunuch to bring two chairs and let Pan Wen and Chen Chen sit on the chairs.

Wait for yourself to finish reading.

After Zhao Zhen finished reading, Chen Chen and Pan Wen couldn't see the expressions on Zhao Zhen's face clearly, but they still stood up at the same time.

Zhao Zhen looked at the two of them and said: "If this coach can really play the role in this manuscript, then it is really necessary to set up such a position. In my opinion, this coach is like a general who leads troops in war.

Similarly, the relationship between the coach and the players should be that of the coach and his generals. Once the right generals are used and the right tactics are found, the team will definitely be invincible."

The emperor is still the emperor after all, and his thoughts are deep and delicate. Although it was the first time to read the entire article, Zhao Zhen found the essence of the article at once, which is the role of the coach on the team, and the description was very appropriate.

"That's true. That's what Lu Yao meant when he told us." Pan Wen was very satisfied when he saw Zhao Zhen and said immediately.

However, the next second, Zhao Zhen looked embarrassed and said: "It's just that this manuscript is a bit too complicated. You know, you just said that not all of these eight leaders put their minds into it."

In this new Cuju competition. Others may not know about it, but I know Zhang Maocai relatively well. He doesn’t want to care about the Cuju competition at all now. I’m afraid even if this thing is given to him, it will be no different from waste paper.


Regarding Zhao Zhen's question, Chen Chen and Pan Wen had already guessed it, so Chen Chen said: "That's true, because this is the first new Cuju competition after all, and everything was prepared in a hurry, even Mr. Xiao Lu

, and it was only now that he thought of setting up the position of coach. But Your Majesty, this Cuju competition cannot be held just once and then stop. Mr. Xiao Lu’s intention is to let the opponent compete in this Cuju competition.

People who are interested in Cuju can know and recognize the position of this coach. In this way, if another Cuju competition is held in the future, this position will naturally become a necessary position. As for this Cuju competition, I think it should be provided by each team.

The leader will decide on his own whether to take up this coaching position."

"Yes," Pan Wen said, "At least my Fan Lou team and Chen Chen's grassroots team have already read the draft, and we also plan to create such a position."

Zhao Zhen thought for a while and said: "So, when you come to me today, do you actually want me to issue a decree that all eight teams will be equipped with coaches?"

Chen Chen shook his head and then told Zhao Zhen Lu Yao's idea, which was what the two of them had told Zhe Kexing before. That is, all eight teams could voluntarily choose whether to establish the position of coach. For this position

A manuscript of more than 20 pages of descriptions will also be distributed to the leaders of all teams. Of course, the leader can serve as the coach himself, or someone else can be selected to serve as the coach.

The most important thing is that this coaching position is non-essential, which means that whether to establish it depends entirely on the decision of each leader.

"Well, if that's the case, from my point of view, it's not too many teams that can set up such a leader." After hearing this, Zhao Zhen said.

Chen Chen and Pan Wen both stopped talking, leaving time for Zhao Zhen to think on his own. After all, although it was Lu Yao who came up with the matter about the coach, just like the warm-up match mentioned before, in the end everything still needs to be considered.

Zhao Zhen made the final decision. But when the matter reached this point, Chen Chen and Pan Wen no longer cared about Zhao Zhen's thoughts. After all, they already had the manuscript given by Lu Yao in their own hands. After going back, they studied it carefully.

It can be used to improve the strength of the team. If the emperor does not agree to hire this coach, it has nothing to do with them. Moreover, this can also stop the rumors.

Zhao Zhen thought for a while, and it seemed that he finally made up his mind and said, "Okay, since this is what Lu Yao wants to do, I agree."

After saying this, Zhao Zhen called a eunuch and told him to deliver the order in a while, asking the leaders of all eight participating teams to gather in their dormitories, namely Funing Hall, after the training. Jiu said that he

There is something important to announce.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty." Hearing that Zhao Zhen agreed with Lu Yao's idea, Chen Chen and Pan Wen didn't know whether they should be happy or not, but they still had to show off.

Seeing that Zhao Zhen had agreed to the coaching position, Chen Chen felt relieved, so he took out the letter Lu Yao had written to the emperor in the morning from his sleeve and said: "Your Majesty,

This is what Lu Yao gave to me this morning and asked me to pass it on to you."

Zhao Zhen glanced at Chen Chen, took the letter, and said, "It was Lu Yao who told you. You can't give this letter to me until the coach's matter is over."

When Chen Chen heard what Zhao Zhen said, he had no way to refute it. After all, what he said was the truth. Chen Chen could only smile awkwardly and then nodded.

Zhao Zhen didn't say anything. Chen Chen was just a messenger. He opened the letter and read it.

Pan Wen and Chen Chen, who were standing aside, could be said to be the most nervous at this time. They really didn't know what was written in the letter. If Zhao Zhen asked him something later, they didn't know how to answer.

Everyone fell into silence.

(End of chapter)

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