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Chapter 164 The end of the exam


Su Shi and the others were still having a heated debate about the topics for the next day's exam, but Lu Yao didn't seem interested in the quarrel among them at all. He knew clearly in his heart that whether it was suspicion of guilt or guilt,

To be honest, no matter how these people quarrel, there is no final conclusion.

The reason is also very simple. This is the Song Dynasty. Although the Northern Song Dynasty was actually a relatively free dynasty compared to other dynasties, in the final analysis, it was still a feudal society. In the end, the one who was convicted was not other people, but the emperor alone.

.So in Lu Yao's view, the arguments of these people are actually meaningless. If you have this time, it is better to think about how you can do what you want to do based on reality instead of talking high-spirited here.

Time passed little by little. After all, there was still a day of exams tomorrow. The two parties finally stopped arguing and washed up and prepared to go to sleep.

Lu Yao's silent and uninterested expression was naturally noticed by Su Shi. As soon as he lay down, he said to Lu Yao: "Brother Lu seems to have no idea about the topic just now."

Lu Yao shrugged and said: "That's not the case. I really don't know which side is correct. You both have your own reasons."

Su Shi wanted to say something more, but Lu Yao simply closed his eyes and prepared to sleep. It seemed that Lu Yao really had no interest in this topic, so Su Shi could only give up in frustration.

Of course, Lu Yao must be pretending to sleep. Because of the scene these people were debating just now, Lu Yao couldn't help but start to make some plans for his future officialdom. Thinking about it, he has been doing nothing more than traveling through time until now.

It's about making money, and there are some recreational activities, but I haven't really participated in politics yet. When I really get involved in the political situation of the ruling and opposition parties, how can I stay on my own?

Lu Yao simply began to think deeply. After thinking about it carefully, Lu Yao actually understood that the time he was in now was indeed a bit chaotic. He felt that nothing that should have happened had happened, and that things that had not happened in the first place were...

There are also some arriving in advance. I wonder if it has something to do with my own time travel. Take the matter of Xixia's independence. It seems that the government and the public are still completely unaware of this matter. Lu Yao mentioned the word Xixia to Lu Xu before.

At the time, Lu Xu looked at Lu Yao with surprise. Regardless of the reason, Lu Yao thought that he could only take one step at a time and analyze and judge based on his own memory of major events in history. According to the current situation

Regarding the situation, the first Song-Xia war during the Renzong period has not yet broken out. If we follow the normal chronological order, by that time, Fan Zhongyan, an outstanding politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, will appear on the scene, and then there will be a war, and then there will be

Qingli New Deal, if we work with this person, we might be able to find a new reform method.

By the way, Lu Yao suddenly remembered that when it comes to reforms, the one with the most profound influence in the Northern Song Dynasty was naturally Wang Anshi's reform. And what about Wang Anshi at this time? Judging from his age, he should be in his thirties and working as a local official.

, if the time comes, if you can combine Fan Zhongyan and Wang Anshi, plus your own strength, you should be able to control the situation in the court.

While all the students were worrying about this exam, Lu Yao had already thought of his future plans.

When the sun rises again, it means that this provincial examination has entered the last day of examination. No matter how well you performed in the first two days and what kind of results you will get, once today is over, you will basically

The coffin is sealed.

While Lu Yao was having breakfast, he actually saw some frustrated looks on the faces of some students. Needless to say, these people must be the ones who did not perform well in the exams two days ago. At this time, they were

They feel sorry for their poor performance in the past two days. Some people have even said that they will give up today's exam because their performance in the past two days was extremely poor. Even if they perform exceptionally today, they will not pass the exam. These people have not waited yet.

When the exam begins on this day, I have actually given up my opportunity to take the imperial examination.

At this time, Lu Yao saw Su Shi taking the initiative to come to these people and began to comfort them, telling them that no matter how well they performed in the first two days, they must be worthy of the exam that they have carefully prepared for, and they must not relax on the last day.

Su Zhe, who was standing next to Lu Yao, couldn't help but start to complain.

"I didn't perform well yesterday and asked us to comfort me. Today I turned around and comforted others."

Lu Yao smiled. It seemed that Su Shi himself had understood. Although some of the examples in the article he wrote yesterday were made up, as long as the overall article had outstanding literary talent and clear arguments, he could still stand out from the crowd and show his talent.


The entire process on the third day is similar to the second day, so I won’t go into details here.

However, the main test content on the third day was quite different from the previous two days.

The exam on the first day focused on examining the meaning of the Book of Songs. In modern terms, it focused on some understanding of verses, poems, and allusions. In fact, in Lu Yao’s view, this part was just like the college entrance examination that examined classical Chinese translation and ancient poems.

It's the same as describing the artistic conception, but more importantly, it tests the candidates' recitation and understanding abilities.

The exam on the second day was a test paper. To put it bluntly, it was a propositional essay. Take this exam as an example. Although Su Shi's "On Punishment and Rewards, Honesty and Honesty" eventually spread to later generations and became a good story. But in fact, yesterday's essay

All the candidates’ questions were filled with these words. It’s just that the last article written by Su Shi has been passed down to later generations. This examination subject mainly tests the candidates’ writing ability. In this aspect, a great talent like Su Shi

There will be more room for performance than ordinary candidates.

Today, the third day of the exam, the main test content is the test strategy. The test strategy is similar to the "application argument" in today's civil service examination. Generally, the examiner asks specific questions about current affairs and allows the candidates to express their opinions, so it is also called "the essay".

"Policy Question", the examinee's answer is called "Countermeasures". Countermeasures are usually written in a thousand words, but there are also countermeasures written with tens of thousands of words. Since strategies and arguments are both argumentative styles, people in the Song Dynasty also called them "Countermeasures".

Policy Theory”.

Today's test questions were set by the examiner Ouyang Xiu himself.

"The land of the Emperor of Zhou spans thousands of miles, and is called ten thousand chariots. There are horses for ten thousand chariots, and there are twelve idle horses. And the three hundred and sixty officials of the six ministers must have their own chariots and horses. Isn't there too many chariots and horses?"

How many fields can there be in a land of thousands of miles, and how many fields can be used for grazing, and how many horses can be accommodated? How many fields can there be in a land of thousands of miles? What about the method of horses? Today's world is vast, and there is often a problem without horses.

Is it possible that people who were good at raising horses in ancient times are not so good now? There should be some explanation to correct this."

This question involves concerns about the lack of good horses in the Song Dynasty. To answer this policy question, you not only need to have practical insights into horse politics, but also have certain knowledge of mathematics and geometry.

This kind of topic was naturally difficult for Lu Yao, so he immediately wrote an essay to solve the problem from different angles.

The exam on the third day ended calmly. And when the last exam really ended, it was actually a time of relief for all the students.

Although Lu Yao had learned a lot about the ancient imperial examinations, this time he could be said to have been there personally and participated in an imperial examination in the Song Dynasty. It has to be said that just from the experience of this imperial examination, Lu Yao felt that the imperial examination system, at least at this time, had more advantages than disadvantages.

The Song Dynasty was the first dynasty in which the country fully implemented the imperial examination (although the Tang Dynasty had an imperial examination, it only admitted 10 or 20 people each year. The number of Jinshi selections in the Song Dynasty expanded more than ten times). The imperial examination system provided a steady stream of talents to the Song Dynasty. Among the outstanding talents who govern the country, especially in the provincial examination in the second year of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty, there were many outstanding talents: Su Shi, Su Che, Zeng Gong, Zhang Zai, Lu Dajun, Cheng Hao, Wang Shao, Lu Huiqing... Later Prime Minister Zhang Dun also took the exam, but because he was ashamed to be ranked lower than his nephew Zhang Heng, he gave up his honor. Jiayou took the exam again in the fourth year and was ranked Jinshi Jia Ke. This list included almost all the best at that time. Political talents, literary talents and philosophical talents. In fact, during the forty years of Song Renzong's reign, countless talents were discovered by the imperial examination system and entered the country's talent pool, almost achieving "no talent left in the wild".

After Lu Yao thought about the questions of this imperial examination, he believed that it could indeed select qualified talents for national governance. Although in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the so-called eight-part essay selection may have begun to become a bit pedantic in the eyes of modern people. But at least to put things into perspective, in the dynasty that Lu Yao lived in, the imperial examination could indeed promote the development of society. However, some friends today imagine that the imperial examination is so unbearable, which is obviously due to a lack of understanding of the history of the imperial examination system and preconceived ideas. Due to bias.

However, because Lu Yao had personally experienced this imperial examination, he was even more certain that at this time, Fan Zhongyan had not yet stepped onto the stage. After all, one of Fan Zhongyan's reforms was a very important one, that is, changing the imperial examination. system.

The imperial examination system reached the period of Song Renzong. As the ruling class advocated the revival of Confucianism, after Song Renzong succeeded to the throne, the previous tradition of rulers giving poems to Jinshi scholars was changed, and instead they were given Confucian classics.

This move was an important factor in the reform of the imperial examination during the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty. It is precisely because of the revival of Confucianism that the status of poetry in the imperial examination will inevitably decline, and then other aspects of the test will rise, and this is how the policy questions rose. Now comes the most important part of the investigation.

It is recorded in "Xuzhi Tongjian Changbian" that "Jiwei, the Ministry of Rites Gongyuan was ordered to use poems and poems to determine whether scholars should stay or leave. Scholars may be ill with their pronunciation and rhythm and cannot develop their talents. They should examine both policy and theory, and all subjects should not be studied." Deli excerpted scriptures and annotated them to ask questions."

It can be seen from this that in the imperial examinations during the Renzong period of Song Dynasty, as long as a candidate could get good results in Cewen, he could get a relatively good recognition. In other words, whether or not to be a Jinshi basically depends on Cewen's results.

However, the disadvantages of deciding whether to decide whether to stay or leave were soon exposed. Song Renzong had no choice but to restore the old system, but it failed to achieve the goal. This was also the reason why Fan Zhongyan wanted to reform later.

Lu Yao didn't think it mattered about this. After all, he hadn't entered politics yet. It wouldn't be too late to consider these things when he really wanted to change the law.

Talking about the exam itself, the exam on the third day ended earlier than the previous two days. In the afternoon, the entire provincial exam had already ended. However, in order to take care of the candidates who were far away, after all, the vast majority of the candidates

Today I have written a paper of more than 10,000 words, which has indeed consumed a lot of physical strength and energy. Therefore, there are regulations in Gongyuan. Candidates can choose to leave Gongyuan on their own. Of course, they can also choose to stay here for one more night.

, if you leave tomorrow, this Gongyuan will be open until noon tomorrow, that is to say, you can leave here at noon tomorrow at the latest. Of course, dinner tonight and breakfast and lunch tomorrow are both provided.

This is of course a good thing for those candidates who have to travel through mountains and rivers, or whose financial conditions are not good. They can rest here for a day, have a full meal and then return to their hometowns. Of course, I am talking about those who failed the exam.

Candidates, for those who are very confident that they will pass the imperial examination, what they have to do is to find a place to live in Bianliang City, and then wait for the results of the provincial examination to be announced, and then go to

Just take the imperial examination.

Although Emperor Zhao Zhen postponed the palace examination this time, he also promulgated some subsidy measures for those who stayed in Bianliang City, and the examiners have already considered these methods that Zhao Zhen came up with after the examination.

Everything was told to the candidates. That is, from now until the end of the palace examination, all candidates who come to take the exam and pass the provincial examination can use their own floating tickets to live for free in the inns in Bianliang City until the end of the palace examination.


Naturally, this is a huge benefit for the candidates. You can live in an inn in Bianliang with free food and accommodation without spending a penny. Of course, the premise is that you pass the provincial examination.

Zhao Zhen's move is certainly a good one, and the fact that he can take such measures shows that he has decided that the royal family should pay for the food and accommodation expenses of these candidates. Ordinary people think that this amount of money will be huge.

But for Zhao Zhen, who has made so much money from lottery tickets recently, it is nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

From Zhao Zhen's actions, Lu Yao could also see that on the one hand, Zhao Zhen also wanted to expand the popularity of the new Cuju competition, and on the other hand, Lu Yao could also understand from it that Zhao Zhen attached great importance to talents, and

Imperial examination.

There are still many inns in the inner and outer cities of Bianliang. Although the large inns and famous inns are basically run by Zhang Maocai, the inns in the inner city are now used as residences for Cuju team members, and those outside

The Guilu Inn in the city was purchased and expanded by the royal family. I really don't know what Zhang Maocai's expression would be if he failed to make money from these candidates this time. Lu Yao felt funny when he thought of this.

However, although Zhao Zhen's move is very good, there is still a problem, that is, it will take nearly ten days from today to the release of the provincial examination results. No matter how fast it is, we still have to wait until the official competition of the new Cuju competition.

The results of the provincial examination cannot be announced until the beginning, so these candidates who are very confident in their results still have to solve their accommodation problem in Bianliang City for more than a week, and then they can use their floating tickets to find free accommodation in an inn.

Therefore, for those candidates with poor economic conditions, the problem has returned to its original point.

At this time, Lu Yao already had his own plan in mind. For these candidates, perhaps the bank he was about to build and open would be a place that could solve their urgent needs.

"Brother Lu, what are you thinking about?" Su Shi's voice came, interrupting Lu Yao's thinking.

At this time, they were resting in the dormitory. It was afternoon and not yet evening.

Three people in the dormitory have decided to leave Gongyuan. I don’t know if they don’t want to stay anymore because they haven’t performed well, or if they want to take advantage of the time to visit Bianliang City. Among these three people are ten people who

The two people who admired Su Shi.

Just as Lu Yao was about to reply, the two men came forward and looked at Su Shi with very sincere eyes, wanting him to leave an autographed poem for them both as a souvenir. Su Shi was a kind-hearted man, so he naturally did not refuse.

In response to their request, I took paper and pen and wrote two poems eloquently.

After accepting it, the two men bowed to Su Shi, and then left happily.

The four people left in the dormitory seemed to want to stay in the Gongyuan for one more night.

Lu Yao looked at his luggage. The big bag of ingredients he brought before was basically used up, with only a few small green peppers left, so Lu Yao simply put them all in a bag.

Su Che looked at Lu Yao packing his luggage, with a disappointed look on his face, and said, "Are you planning to go back today? I was thinking that you would show us your cooking skills again today."

Lu Yao smiled and said, "It's not that I don't want to show off. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. All the ingredients have been used up. Besides, I'm really not used to living here."

Su Shi nodded and said, "You're right. Brother Lu, your home is in the inner city of Bianliang. Naturally, it's more comfortable to live at home."

Lu Yao looked at these two people. They had no intention of packing their luggage now. It seemed that they wanted to stay here for one more night. Indeed, no matter what, the conditions of this Gongyuan were still better than the two of them before.

The temple I stayed in was much better.

"In that case, I will leave first. Tomorrow night, I will send someone to deliver the coach-related documents to your residence. Let's meet again at the warm-up match next time. See you later." Lu Yaolin.

Before leaving, he explained things about coaches to Su Shi and Su Zhe. After all, these two are commentators, and they will definitely talk about coaches during warm-up matches and official matches, so Lu Yao plans to

He would give them the materials tomorrow so they could study them in advance. In addition, he was thinking that he should briefly explain the matter to Bao Zheng and the others about the coaches.

Alas, as expected, after passing the imperial examination, I couldn't take any time off.

"Is there a car at home to pick you up?"

Although Lu Yao repeatedly declined, Su Shi and Su Zhe still sent him to the exit of Gongyuan. He thought that Lu Yao would negotiate with Tangxi and let Tangxi pick him up in a carriage. However, when he arrived at the exit, Su Shi discovered

, Lu Yao is planning to walk back to the mansion by himself.

Facing Su Shi's question, Lu Yao smiled and said, "Brother Su, you don't understand, this is actually my rare alone time."

After saying this, Lu Yao waved his hand and disappeared from the sight of Su Shi and Su Che.

In this way, the three-day provincial examination ended. Lu Yao was now walking home alone and began to summarize his performance in the past three days.

First of all, on the first day, Lu Yao felt that he did a pretty good job in understanding poetry. After all, understanding Tang poetry, Song poetry, and ancient classical Chinese has always been Lu Yao’s strength. In fact, it is not just Lu Yao, but also modern high schools.

For students, there should be no Chinese teacher who wouldn't say that filling in the blanks in ancient poetry and classical Chinese test questions are for free points. So Lu Yao remembered this aspect very clearly.

Secondly, on the second day, the topic composition was exactly what Lu Yao wanted. Although the article he wrote was definitely not as famous as Su Shi, Lu Yao also felt that it should be at the same level as him.

So it’s not bad.

And today, the last day of the exam, the questions given by Ouyang Xiu himself were not a problem for Lu Yao, who was proficient in mathematics and geography.

Therefore, Lu Yao is actually not too worried about his performance ranking. As for the palace examination, because Zhao Zhen has always had a good impression of Lu Yao, he probably won't be embarrassed.

Therefore, Lu Yao should have passed this level of the imperial examination.

Then there should be only two things that I have to worry about next.

One is the new Cuju competition. Counting these three days, there are actually only three days left before the first warm-up match starts. Thinking of this, Lu Yao is really interested. I don’t know what Pan Wen and Pan Wen are doing.

How will Chen Chen train their Fanlou team and grassroots team? The second warm-up match is even more interesting. The grudges between the Cao family and the Han family also made Lu Yao feel a little bit about the second warm-up match.


In addition to the warm-up matches, there are official matches. Lu Yao also wants to visit the Bird's Nest Stadium.

Compared with the first major event, the New Cuju Competition, this second major event is something that Lu Yao has never wanted to mention.

That is, the marriage to Han Yunyu. Lu Yao felt that although the outcome of this matter may have been determined, he still wanted to find an opportunity to go to Han Mansion, not to visit Han Yonghe and Han Wenyuan, but to meet Han Yunyu in person.

, ask her what she thinks.

And what about Cao Han? Lu Yao had no clue when he thought of her.

This chapter has been completed!
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